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 (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage   (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 9:03 am

(Setting - Garnett and Synaria on the roof having a private conversation, won't post all that)

Synaria breathed in heavily and nodded "You're all I have in the castle." She said quietly. Dark eyes closing tightly. Damn Raij. He made her life much to complicated. Syn was beginning to feel like she were choking on her lies and halftruthes, the webs strangling her. "It's almost too much to bare." Henna painted fingers rose to wipe at her eyes, careful not to smudge the paints and worse than her tears had done. "Thank you for listening Sister." She said softly "I feel much better having told someone." But she didn't, if anything she felt all the worse. The zealots cries of adultry echoed near contantly in her head. She had proven them right, and it was killing her. "And yes, he did seem very worried." But Syn had to wonder if the worry stemmed for his kin, or from the possibility that Raij may have fled, or somehow disgraced the Valenti name, or worse... judging by his words about Syn joining Raij, where ever he was. She then looked up at Garnett, and tried to change the subject, fearing to linger any longer on it "So when are you supposed to depart?"

Garnett winced softly at the statement, knowing how little of her own troubling thoughts she was even able to tell Syn. Gentle hands kept up their soothing stroke of her back as she nodded quietly. "I know it is." She crooned, offering a handkercheif though it would no doubt marr her makeup. So much weighed on her beloved sister, Garnett certain she only knew the smallest portion of it, close as they were..and she felt guilt and worry at all they could not share, resentment for this place plaguing her since they were made to stay. "I hope he returns to you soon, my sister." She murmured, even as she said it, uncertain if that would please Synaria, but it was the proper thing to say, so she left it. A long sigh deflated her as she let her head rest on Synaria's shoulder, shrugging once more. "When the ghosts go. The King will not chance offending them by letting us leave while they are still here." Her eyes took on a distant cast once more as she shuddered, unsure if she was more frightened by the ghost king himself or by the fact that he unsettled the seemingly unshakable King.

Uhtred Valenti came waltzing into the scene... literally. Oh, the images of the Ghost King still haunted his every thought, but it seemed to be evened out by the events of past couple days. After all, how could one be grim when a lover sees darkness and does not pull away? How could he mourn when a brand new life was massaging its way through his wife's organs, a product of love and adoration and flowers. Those flowers he held in his hand, snow flowers that were constructed to last through the harsh winters as white as the snow that gave them nourishment. He spun gracefully into his seat and set them before his wife, a grand display that was far too overzealous in the way they protruded from the pot that he'd transplanted them in.

Airina ascended up the stairs. The roof! She twirled around in the colder air. She seemed to have followed Uhtred and all of his own waltzing. He carried flowers, and that meant only one thing: a loving, romantic display of mushy gushy affection. Her eternal four year old heart beat for these things-- metaphorically of course. The little girl pranced over to the table at which they were all seated. "Good day!" she smiled brightly, but tried not to be up in everyone. Eyes recognized Synaria and had the sense to recognize that princess was a bit shaken around the ghosts. "How is everyone? I'm glad we could stay a bit longer! I would be so lonely if we left so soon" she sighed.

Synaria almost spoke once again, but the figure of Uhtred waltzing up to the roof was enough to silence her. The handkerchief was dabbed gently at her eyes, pulling away some of the powders she had used to cover the dark bags, before it was palmed, henna painted hands resting in her lap. Syn pulled away from Garnett's embrace, back out from under the warmth of her greatcoat and back into the chilling winds. She felt them not, her skin so fevered hot with all the troubles that plagued her. She couldn't managed to speak to Uhtred, only giving him a gentle nod of her head before looking away, feeling the urge to leave the rooftop and find the solitude of her quarters once more, to think, to write, maybe to call. But, she forced herself to stay, looking everywhere but at the pair, only to land on the ghost girl. She shuddered lightly but found a smile, even if it was a bit forced. "Hello little one." She whispered.

Garnett heard the fall of heavy boots surprisingly light across the stone roof, her head lifting from Synaria's shoulder to poke from beneath the hood of Uhtred's wolf pelt coat, the garment dwarfing her. Numbness fell away at the sight of him dancing, a small laugh rising from her throat as she reached out toward Uhtred. Her hand fell on his arm as he sat down, the princess snuggling up against her husband's side as she stared at the flowers, delighted at such a gesture from him. "Uhtred!" She giggled, pushing herself up to plant a kiss on his cheek eagerly. "They're lovely! Thank you!" Eyes twinkled, the worriesome thoughts long lost in the remembrance of his pride in her, and she bent forward to inhale the fragile scent, unable to quell her happiness even for Synaria's sake. Garnett's green eyes locked adoringly on Uhtred, failing to notice the little ghost until she spoke. The childish voice made her jump, Garnett peering over to catch sight of her. Pushing away dark thoughts of her story, she smiled at the girl. "It's a pleasure to have you here longer too, Rina. Are you having fun?" One could't very well tell the ghosts one wished them gone, and of them all, Garnett found herself liking the child best. Attention could not be long from her beloved though, Garnett canting her head playfully. "I find myself jealous of the air, m'lord, as I've not had a dance with you."

Uhtred Valenti wrinkled his nose when she leaned down to smell them. "No, no! I'd not advise that, dear." For you see, though the flowers' scent was a bit of a strangeness. From afar it was indeed fragile and pleasant, a slight whisp of strange, savory taste in the nostrils; but to close in on the plants was a rather nauseating experience; manure and molasses steeped in pickling brine. He regarded Synaria with a slightly detached nod, and smiled brightly at the girl who decided to wander into their conversation. Of all the ghosts, the child was probably the least distressing. "My God! Well, that is a travesty in itself, is it not?!" he declared, grinning at Garnett and pressing a rather blunt force trauma kiss to the side of her head.

Airina had, though young in appearance, observed people did not mind her so. But she knew the boundaries of being welcome and being tolerated and pranced over to Synaria to avoid a series of awkward situations. "I do hope you are feeling less uneasy about me, your highness! I know I respect you!" she beamed. It was na attempt to include herself and draw Synaria's attention all at the same time. "I love that you live here now! It's been so much fun watching everyone and to see new people. Different people! Different in the best way!" she prattled on excitedly.

Synaria felt utterly sick to her stomach, watching the way Garnett fawned over Uhtred. She had barely tolerated just listening to her prattle about him before. Teeth grabbed the inner portion of her cheek and bit down. She couldn't force the distress out of her face, but at least it covered up the nausea she felt at watching them. Glance then moved to the child and she nodded vaguely. "Yes darling, I am quite accoustomed to you now." She said gently, to keep the violent tremors from her voice. "And I am glad to be here as well, and was able to meet you." She offered the little one a grin, forced as it may have been due to the circumstances and slowly stood up "Sister, Brother, and you precious spirit, I do hope you have a good evening. I... don't think the air out here is doing me as well as I thought. I believe I'll head back to my room and.. ponder on this situation."

Garnett heard the warning too late, the girl getting a noseful of vile scent that made her gag. Sneezing it away, she rubbed at her nose as she shook her head at Uhtred. At least they looked pretty! But prettiness would not settle her stomach, so she signaled for one of the guards, asking him to pass on an order for ginger tea for herself and wine for the others to a servant, her head wobbling under Uhtred's kiss. "It is! We must-" A frown at Synaria's discomfort interrupted her, a small stab of guilt welling in her as she rose, trying to grab hold of her hand. "You spend too much time alone, sister. Do stay with us and enjoy the air!" She encouraged, glancing back at Uhtred in hopes that he would support her. "Please?"

Uhtred Valenti laughed lightly and shrugged. He probably should have warned the poor girl sooner. "We usually douse them in perfume to keep them from smelling up a place. Don't you fret, I'll have them attended to." A wide grin was given until he saw Synaria making her moves to exit. He was still unsettled by the woman. What he'd done to make her so cross, he still couldn't guess, but he felt it, and it made him afraid. Yet he couldn't bring himself to put that extra effort that he usually attempted to bring her back into good grace. When his wife looked to him for support, he averted his gaze, looking toward the horizon and counting stars along them. "It is a pleasant night not to enjoy it with family," he murmured quietly.

Airina looked up to Synaria imploringly. "Oh! Please do stay! I enjoy your company completely!" she stood up. "It is a wonderous evening. If it is me you are upset about, I will leave" she looked to Garnett and Uhtred then back to Syn. The little girl's brows furrowed together and her lower lip trmebled just so. Oh yes she liked spending time with them but not an the expense of the living family. She patted her dress and took a step toward the stairs, clearing her throat bravely. "I shall see you tomorrow then?" her eyes were seeming to water and her voice cracked a bit.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage   (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 9:11 am

Synaria felt a twinge of anger flair up when Garnett looked back to Uhtred, as if she had to ask his permission for Syn to stay. It was infuriating. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "No, no dear Sister, I'd not wish to disturb you and your husband's peace. Afterall, he's been away for a long while." She couldn't help but look toward Uhtred at that point, it was involuntary, but to her favor it only lasted but a second, the ghost girl's pitiful words wrenching her heartstrings. She turned to her, kneeling down. "Oh sweetheart, it is not you. Some very bad things have happened and I do not wish to make everyone else sad." She said gently, resisting the urge to try to pet at the girl's hair. Eyes flickered to the servant, who took that moment to press a glass of wine into her hand. With a half way defeated sigh she took a sip and looked back to Rina "Would you feel better if I stayed and played with you, just for a little while? Then I'll be on my way, eh?" Syn really did not want to, but the girl was so sad! And she didn't want to be accused of offending the spirits.

Garnett scowled at the back of Uhtred's head when he turned away, wondering what the tension was between them. Then again, things had rarely been easy between the two. Her eyes narrowed at the glance, impatient with this seeming prejudice toward Uhtred among the female royalty. Whatever protests or remarks she thought to make were interrupted by the little one's pleading and her move to leave, Garnett silenced by her near tears. The poor thing. Her lips curled into a lopsided smile as she took the tea and wine for herself and Uhtred, slipping over to lean lightly on his back as she set the glass in front of him. With a smile, she brushed her lips over his neck as she murmured. "Enjoy, my love." Cheeks rosied at the less than mannerly display, and she straightened, one hand resting lightly on his shoulder, kneading gently.

Uhtred Valenti raised his brows at the sight of wine, a low hum turning into a higher pitched sound of approval. Ah, perfectly timed! He grasped the glass and leaned in with a soft smile at the touch of her lips to his neck. Oh, he'd be addressing that soon enough. "Don't you know, dear sister?" he asked Synaria with a playful tone, "peace is for everyone now." No slight reference to the Hrvesgott affair, which to him was a reason for the princess to fall to her knees and thank him. Were it not for him, rebels would be beating on the castle doors. He toasted her with his glass and sipped lightly, abruptly grinning and turning his eyes sidelong to Garnett. "When our child is born, I am going to see you drunk." An interesting concept!

Airina looked up at Synaria. Sad expression turned into a curious one and then to the usual beam. "Oh thank you!" a century of resisting nearly crumbled as she had to equally resist hugging the Eastern Princess. "I'm really sorry you are so sad. But I'm sure things will get better. I know they always do, even though it doesn't seem like it. You have a sister who loves you!" she added thoughfully, looking toward Garnett. Which gave her an idea. She bounded happily over to the woman. "Garnett, can I ask you a question?" she giggled a bit.

Synaria nodded gently to the little one, "That I do." She said quietly, then grudgingly found her seat again when the girl bounded off to Garnett. Eyes moved over to Uhtred as he spoke, and she placed a smile on her lips, giving a light bob of her head "Indeed, that is correct, thanks to you and your men, dear brother." She lifted her glass toward him in a toast before taking a long swallow. She tried her best to keep her expression light and somewhat pleasant, but it only lasted a short time, her other worries growing too heavy. Her anger at Uhtred was nothing compaired to the rest of her troubles. Gaze flicked out, over the castle walls and the skyline beyond, and she found her eyes welling with tears once again. God damn her husband. And she prayed to the stars that he had found a woman and wandered away from the castle forever, or better yet... he was laying in a ditch somewhere bleeding out.

Garnett took a slow sip of her tea, savouring the ginger on her tongue as she rested against Uhtred, glad for his solid back to lean on. Eyebrows arched at his idea, a small laugh slipping from her. "Oh, will you? I warn you, it takes little enough wine do do such a thing." Her nose wrinkled as she grinned at him, fingertips gliding along the line of his hair, Rina's assurances sweet in her ears. Though a boy was devoutly desired, the little ghost made her wish for her own daughter. Keeping one hand on Uhtred, she leaned over to squeeze Synaria's shoulder, offering her a warm encouraging smile, words more confident than she felt. "I'm sure she's right, sister. Things must get better." With a small wink, she turned toward the little ghost, peering down at her with a gentle smile. "Of course, darling. What is it?"

Uhtred Valenti was content enough to sip at his wine and savour the vintage, taste the grapes and let the floral arrangement of the liquor tantalize his nostrils as he swirled the stuff. No one seemed to appreciate such finer things as he did, in his own observations. There was a certain wonder in the way a bottle held a different sway for him each time... Particularly with the warmth of his wife upon his back, and the rather amusing wharbling of a long dead girl ringing in his ears. Even Synaria had at least curbed herself. It would be a good night, and so he was content to count his stars until he found himself frowning upon one. It seemed to move, though when Uhtred closed an eye, it did not.

Airina peered up at Garnett, eyes wide with awe, brown orbs holding a distinct question. "Can I...can I touch your baby?" With that, the happy couple's happy days and happy nights would shatter; shatter into one thousand pieces. The little girl did the unthinkable; she stuck her arm in to Garnett's belly. Extracting it quickly, her voice rose into a shrill tone. Of course, by now the damage was done. Garnett would experience a pain. A pain so cold it was searing. Her voice rose into hysteria. "There...there is something wrong!" she shreiked. "WRONG!" the ear shattering tones rose higher and higher and broken sobs came from her being. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she threw herself on the ground, kicking, sobbing, and screaming. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY!" she threw herself into another hysterical outburst and disappeared from the roof.

Synaria continued to stare out into the sky, stewing in her hate, pushing her guilt onto her husband, it was all his fault. If he had paid her attention, if he had even been there to save her... things might have turned out different. She paused her thoughts and shook her head, taking a deep drink from her glass. She wouldn't change what occured from it, she had found happiness, even if it caused her so much woe and loathing for everyone else. And with the King assuring her her place in the castle was secure, maybe if her husband did return she could find a way to ki--, her thoughts shattered when she heard the screaming spectre, glass dropping to the ground as her head whipped around to Garnett and the child, eyes wide, mouth hanging slightly open in confusion.

Garnett's eyes widened at the question, her head shaking quickly as her arms shot down to protect her belly, as if they could block the ghostly touch. "No!" She shrieked, her hand slapping instinctively at the girl's arm as she stumbled back against Uhtred. Of course, her hand merely hit air, cold hitting her hand an instant before it ripped through her belly. Blinding pain doubled her over as a scream ripped from her throat, the sound otherworldly and keening, as though her soul was being rent from its shell. Stumbling once, she collapsed on the ground, the screams still echoing through the night as she held her knees to her chest, shaking violently, her body almost ghostly pale and her skin frigid. The scent of blood filled the air, seeping through her small clothes to coat her thighs and stain her clothing beneath Uhtred's coat.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage   (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 9:20 am

Uhtred Valenti was stuck wondering just what the hell the ghost meant before the scream ripped through the air like a terrible death rattle of some harbinging banshee. He went to his feet almost as an afterthought, confusion and panic rippling over his face as he found himself grasping at his wife's shoulders. "Garnett?!" he called, his voice unfamiliar and choked as he desperately pawed at her. "Garnett?!" Hands fumbled the coat away and instantly the smell of blood was in the air. Uhtred's face screwed itself up so tightly that he would have feared it to be broken, but he thought nothing now. "No!" It was a strange, soprano shriek, hands having to draw themselves away lest they latch themselves between her legs to stop the flow of blood. "No!" Tears were in his eyes but he did not know it as he turned to Synaria and screamed. He was trying to get her to find a doctor, but the words were not sensible at all.

Synaria finally found the will to rise when she saw Garnett hit the ground, and she was suddenly over at his side, on her knee's beside Garnett. Syn smelled the blood long before it was exposed, a strange tingle to want to poke and prod erupting in her. Deep blues stared hard, running down the stain on her dress, henna painted fingers itching to see what horror might lay beneath the garments. Uhtred's yelling finally pulled her away from the strange urge, and she got up running, but she couldn't go fast enough and instead grabbed one of the men that followed her around. "Get a doctor. NOW." She hissed, practically shoving the man down the stairwell. His bellows for a doctor for the Crown Princess echoing off the walls. Unsatisfied she pushed two more of the guards down the stairs "Go! Find one, now." She all but screamed in their faces as those hands pushed and shoved them into action. Finally she turned back toward the pair, face nearly as white as the flowers Uhtred had brought Garn.

Garnett felt as though the screams were coming from a throat other than her own, the pain like daggers twisting in her stomach happening to someone else. It radiated down her legs and up into her chest, her head lolling back, cold overwhelming her. Uhtred's cries seemed so far away, the princess feeling herself slipping. Glazed eyes stared from her face, unseeing as the screams turned to shuddering sobs. Muscles quaked violently, tears leaking down her face. Spasms shook her, new waves of blood spilling from the princess. Around her, she saw things shimmer and float, vague outlines of beings, some speaking in soft tones she couldn't understand, the spirits' hands reaching out for her.

Jacob Marsden had been on his way to the library when the bloodcurdling, feminine screams had reached his ears. Dropping the book in his hand, the doctor had followed the sounds at a dead run, until he reached the roof. To his horror, the Princess Garnett was curled on the hard 'floor' and writhing in obvious pain. Blood was pooling beneath her, it's source, her thighs. "Gods damn...." he muttered, and was at her side. "What happened?" Even as he awaited an answer, he was stripping his shirt from his chest, sending buttons flying every which way in the process. Barechested, and unmindful of the cold, he balled up the linen, threw up Garnett's skirts, pulled her clenched thighs apart, and pressed that cloth against her groin with all of his strength.

Uhtred Valenti found himself resisting the urge to take up Synaria, a guard, a doctor, anyone into his fists and rip them apart, anything to make Garnett better, to mete justice, to make it okay... His breath was a choking sob and somewhere along the lines his hands had become bloody, and he wiped at them desperately before throwing himself back, away from her. No. It was not possible. His wife had been in such good health just a moment ago. Where was that ghost? If it was possible to kill a girl a second time then by God he'd find a way, rend the flesh right off of her bones. He was still shrieking, though he did not know it. In his mind he was thinking very sensibly, but on the outside he was as terrified and unable to communicate as a man made simple by a club blow.

Synaria hung back, legs shaking slightly. She was a conflicted mess. Every dark fiber in her being wanted to thrust her hands in the blood and laugh, laugh at Uhtred's pain, laugh at the thought that he had lost his hier. But her heart got her moving back toward the woman, putting tears into her eyes for the fact that her sister was in so much pain, for the fact that, from the look of all the blood, she had lost her nephew. She would not get close enough to block the doctor's work, her legs giving out just as she reached a chair, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. Gaze moved away from Garnett's writhing form, to keep that strange hunger at bay and focused on Uhtred, hand almost reaching out to touch his arm, to try to calm him, as that would be the proper thing to do, but it dangled there, in mid-air from her conflicting emotions. She felt displaced and hazy, though an ear was kept open in case she could be of any help.

Garnett's body resisted being moved, muscles locked with the violent shaking that held her, but even then they were no match for the doctor. Her screams rose again as he tried to staunch the flow of blood, and suddenly, all fight fell from her body. Every inch of her quivered violently, but the sounds tapered off as consciousness faded, the princess still breathing shallowly. Her lips moved occasionally though no sound came out, tears leaking from her unblinking eyes. Cold sweat broke over her skin as blood flowed into the shirt, staining it, the muscles in her stomach rippling agonizingly as her body worked to expell the dead thing.

Jacob Marsden already knew it was too late. It had been too late before he even stepped foot on the roof. However, even if the babe was lost, Garnett did not have to be. However, he had to have quiet to assure that, and the screaming Prince was not helping. Spotting Synaria so close, he grabbed her outstretched hand and yanked it toward the balled cloth between Garn's thighs. "Press hard," he ordered. Then, he was on his feet, striding toward Uhtred. Hoping he would not be beheaded later, he grabbed the Prince by the shoulder and spun him around. "Pull yourself together, Highness, lest you lose your wife, too. Now, help me," he grated harshly, gaze hard.

Uhtred Valenti found himself face to face with a man who was talking to him. His brows furrowed for a moment as he very sluggishly placed him, his screams curtailed into a strange sort of questioning whimper. He knew who he was, he swore he did. And though his first impulse was to grab the fellow's skull and squeeze as hard as he could, he found himself listening. He listened most intently to the fact that his child was not included in the list of those to be preserved. That confirmed the fear which ripped his skull apart: his child was dead. He nodded dumbly at the man, choking out something that seemed sufficiently affirmative as his blank stare lowered back down to the blood-soaked princess.

Synaria blinked as she was suddenly tugged down, her hand thrusted against the bloodied cloth between her sister's legs. Syn's eyes widened in fear, no... she should not be this close, she knew she shouldn't, but the doctor had already stalked off toward Uhtred, her gaze trailing after him, knowing that to look down may bring that monsterous part of her out. And yet... the warmth and wetness called out to her, screamed just as loud as Uhtred had been. Syn couldn't deny it any longer and slowly her gaze dropped down at the bloodied shirt she held hard against Garnett. Her eye twitched slightly, the other hand clamping down on her own wrist to keep it held there, when she desperately wanted to rip it away and see what was happening beneath. The very thought of it made her rational mind sick. Had she really slipped so far into the realm of beasts? "Oh Garnett." She whimpered, forcing her eyes to squeeze closed, hoping it would ease her churning mind and bowels, and the tears continued.

Jacob Marsden was satisfied that the Prince had gained, at least, a shred of his sanity back. "Pick up your wife and get her to the infirmary, now." He was already back on his knees, taking the task back away from Synaria, unaware of the turmoil rolling through the young woman. "You," he spoke to Syn. "Get downstairs and get a bed ready." Not too bad at orders, was he? "Tell the assistant I need several sheets, warm water, and two clean basins. I also want the fire stoked so it is warm." Running on pure adrenaline, the doctor barely felt the biting cold on his bared torso.

Uhtred Valenti gave a soft, high-pitched squeak and nodded. Picking up Garnett, as always, was like lifting a feather from the floor, except for some reason his arms felt heavy. It was difficult to see, for tears were streaming down his face at a rather alarming rate, and he found himself glaring at any poor soul who thought to get in his way. It was a dangerous time to be around the Prince. At any moment he felt as though he could find himself strangling the life out of someone and not even realize he was doing it until he felt the bones break in the neck... Even now, he only vaguely understood that he was whisking her down the stairs to the refuge that the infirmary claimed

Synaria felt her arms tremble, fingers grasping the cloth beneath them roughly. Her vision was growing hazy as the inward struggle continued. But thankfully the doctor had come back and took over, giving the girl something to do. Thank god, she thought inwardly and rushed down the stairs, tripping over her own feet and the tightness of her dress. But she had made it and burst into the infirmary, shouting orders like a beast, and looking quite like one too. "YOU, get this bed prepared." She screamed at one of the assistants. "You and you, water, clean towels." She then spun around and grabbed a passing servant by the collar and all but threw him into the fire itself "Stoke the fire I want it roaring!" She then began stalking the poor attendants, bellowing orders and chastising them if they didn't move quick enough.

Jacob Marsden followed Uhted down, glad to see that Syn had hurried to do as he asked. The infirmary was a flurry of movement as everyone set out to follow the demands given. Jacob directed Uhtred to a bed, while he headed to one of the shelves and began to yank down various items.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage   (LOG) Garnett's miscarriage Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 9:30 am

Garnett felt herself slam back into her body, breath hitching for a moment as excruciating pain made itself known. It was Uhtred's touch that roused her, and her head fell against his chest, lips once more moving. This time, however, sound slipped out, his name whimpered as she tried to press into him, her hand fluttering uselessly at his back. Pale dilated eyes tried to focus on his face, clinging to the sight. Seeing his fear, she tried to whisper reassurances, but all that came out was a broken sound. She couldn't close her eyes..if she closed them, they would come for her again..they would try to take her from him.

Uhtred Valenti found himself in his attempt to keep the girl quiet. "Shush, you. There'll be time enough for talk." A weak smile spreading his face, dashed and swollen red by tears in his bloodshot eyes. He gave an unsteady glance to the good doctor as he nestled Garnett safe and sound into the bed, coming away bloody and trembling like a leaf. He wanted her okay... He wanted to kill that little girl... Damn it all, he wanted his mother. He put his hand to his head, ignoring the streak of red that would doubtlessly imprint itself upon his skin, and found himself growing faint, teetering in his stance and threatening to collapse altogether. Like a woman, he snarled silently at himself.

Synaria couldn't bring herself to look when they finally brought Garnett in, the blood on her hands was enough to cause her muscles to spasm with want of more. With the distraction of giving orders gone, she was at a loss. Slowly she moved off to the side and busied herself with staring at one of the bricks in the wall.

Jacob Marsden walked back to Garnett's bed in time to see Uhtred swaying on his feet. As before, the doctor stepped up behind him, and that large hand was closing over the Prince's shoulder again. "Stay strong for her, man," he urged in a whisper. "You can collapse later, after a good bout of whiskey and weeping." Uhtred was going to be the key to Garnett's personal survival. The way her faverish, dazed eyes kept seeking him made that obvious. Jacob grabbed a sheet, unfolded it, then spread it over the Princess. Since she was not too far along, her body was already doing the work of expelling the babe within. He just had to make sure that she did not bleed to death. Another, folded sheet was placed beneath her parted thighs. "It will be over soon, Garnett. Just take deep breaths."

Garnett's lips managed the slightest of smiles to answer his, just nodding at his words. Eyes fluttered closed for an instant when he laid her on the bed, but the moment they closed, she saw them, the ghosts..the spirits...reaching out, clawing for her, their whispers loud in her ears. A sharp shake of her head brought her back, eyes locked on Uhtred. Her quaking hand sought his knee, fingers latching onto him as another agonizing rip of pain shuddered through her, the princess stifling a scream behind gritted teeth. There was no stopping the pained writhing though, blood and clots working their way out of her. She struggled to breathe as the doctor spoke, another spasm shaking her.

Uhtred Valenti felt sick and he felt as though he was quite willing to just let himself fall right there, but he allowed the doctor to sway his decision. His body dropped... but fortunately, it was onto a seat, before Garnett, swollen eyes looking over her form. It was just in time to watch her shake herself from whatever strange half-life she was clinging to, her hold on his knee surprisingly powerful. So much so that his eyes widened and his hand found itself latching onto her wrist to remove the bleedin' claws from his flesh. Fortunately, of course, it was only to grasp her hand in his, clutch it and give her some very tactile basis in the current plane. "Now now, m'love..."

Jacob Marsden placed his hand on Garnett's bared belly and began a gentle massaging motion with his fingers. It would not be much longer now as her body continued to work involuntarily. "In and out slowly, Princess," he crooned. Of course, it was up to her own body, and time, of course. Nod was given to one of the hovering assistants who began to bathe her forehead with a cool cloth. "Breath with her, Prince. Hell, be her breath."

Garnett's thin fingers clutched at Uhtred's hand as though it were the only thing keeping her there, her lips trembling as he spoke. The touch to her stomach drew her glassy eyes, and she breathed obediently..that was until another wave of nearly bone-cracking pain stole through her. A renewed scream of pain sounded from her tight throat, but it tapered into a terrified sob, small whimpers and cries interrupting her breathing though she fought to do so. Every time her eyes threatened to close, she hissed as if warning the spirits back, her eyes snapping back open. Skin was paper-white, her fingers twisting and yanking on Uhtred's as if the grip could some how alleviate the pain. Garnett fought through the agony gripping her body, her face pale and stained with tears as she clung to Uhtred. Breathing was a struggle, the girl trying to work through the pain as her body shed the tiny life she'd carried so proudly. With one wracking spasm, it expelled the remnants of the babe, already broken from her body's struggle, blood coating the sheets beneath her. She braced for another wave of agony, surprised to find it markedly less than the last. The violent shuddering took her body against as she sunk against the pillows, sobs pouring from her even as the flow of blood began to taper off, darkness seeping in at the edges of her vision.

Jacob Marsden had to admire Garnett. Where most women would have passed out by now, she was still going. Luckily, the contractions were beginning to ease, and thankfully, so was the bleeding. The mess caught by the folded sheet was enclosed in the fabric, handed off to a servant with orders to burn it, and a new one pressed into place. "Laudanum<sp?>" he murmured to another servant. "Three drops in a cup of water, and I want her drinking it." The drug would ease any pain and offer Garnett a dreamless sleep for several hours. "You are going to be alright, Princess." Well, as alright as one who had just lost a child could be.

Garnett shook her head stubbornly at whatever they were trying to give her. She knew they would try to make her sleep, and if she slept, the spirits would try to take her again. Pleadingly, she looked at Uhtred, but his weary face was too much..he needed rest. Whimpering softly, she gave over to the servants and drank the water they forced on her, heaviness seeping through her limbs as it took the stark edge off the pain, Garnett finally giving over to the darkness that threatened.
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