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 (LOG) Spring Ball

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 11:49 am

[#] Quiet strains of music murmured through the ballroom, welcoming the guests of the Valentis to the opening of spring. Soft floral scents filled the air, nearly overpowered by the rich meats and foods laid out for the magnificent feast. Every wall and inch of floor gleamed proudly, freshly cleaned and polished, the servants in their best as they served the regal visitors. A sense of waiting hung in the air as the heralds' trumpets suddenly sounded loud over the strains of strings announcing the hosts of the fine event had arrived.

Ilgnuit Valenti shook his head and glanced in the mirror before approaching the illustrious ballroom. Damn. Nothing to do but display the beautiful pop knot above his right eye, graciously administered by his delicate wife. Grabbing a few curls he pulled them out of place to better hide the embarressing splotch. Nodding at his overall appearance, he waved to the herald. "Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce His Highness, Prince Ilgnuit Valenti the Third!" Ilg walked in with a warm smile, bowing to several of the guests as he proceeded towards the front of the room, closer to the thrones. He stopped just short and adopted a position off to one side, noticing the Alexi had made it. Making a mental note to inquire of her evening enjoyment, he sighed. Yet another ball.

Uhtred Valenti raised his head as he was stopped just outside the portal. The nerves were in his throat again, but his smile could not be helped. As had been his spring wish, Garnett was on his arm and by his side, and he would have a dance with her before the night was out. His hair was plaited and barely distinguishable on top of the rich, crimson velvet of his collarless, jerkin-like doublet that tailed down his the back of his knees His cheek was coloured with paint, peculiarly enough; an old tradition, small vines and leaves of green descending from his eye. That eye now flinched as the shout came: "Ladies and Gentleman, I announce to you the ætheling Uhtred Valenti, and his wife and Princess Garnett." The prince found it upsetting that his last name was not put to her's, but he said nothing of it. Instead he simply smile graciously, and took those first, nerve-racking steps into the grand room.

Garnett felt worn already with all the preparations of herself for the ball, but the delicate application of paints and powders had done wonders to remove the gaunt look from her face, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. Oils and the smallest hint of gold to her powders gave her a radiant cast. The painfully slender princess was garbed in a flowing tulle concoction in pale green, flowers seeming to grow from the gown itself, matching blooms wreathing her hair. She'd scarcely taken her eyes off her husband since their approach to the door, finding the paint on his face odd .. but somehow enthralling. Trembling fingers tightened on his arm as their names rang out, the girl offering him a bolstering smile before they swept into the room. Her beaming expression took in the crowd, the princess inclining her head gracefully as she strode proudly beside her Prince.

Mereavus had been waiting for the Royals to complete their introduction and entrance before she considered beginning the evening for herself, emerging from an alcove outside the ballroom and nodding once to the Annoncier. Whatever nerves she had were suppressed, and on went the mask in the form of a radiant smile, set shoulders, a straight spine and modest pose. "Your Majesties, your Highnesses, My Lords and Ladies, her Ladyship Mereavus Varana, Advisor to the Queen." She swept herself across the floor, red satin and white lace ghosting over the smooth surface and stopping before the set of thrones. Her torso dipped, both hands gathering her skirt between the pinch of splayed fingers to spread the fabric, and she offered a confident, graceful curtsey towards the gathered Royals, before straightening smoothly and sauntering off to one side of the room, leaving the floor clear for imminent dancing.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen waited in a holding-chamber, suffering a servant to check over all the pieces of his costume, ensuring every little string and knot and patch of fabric was in its proper place. He wore rich blues and blacks to offset the golden jewels he wore on his fingers and about his neck. His ears twitched, for even in the holding-room he heard the booming voice of Ilgnuit's herald, and took it as his cue to depart, despite the protests of the seamstress who was quite sure there was a loose thread in his long cape. Shirking her with a gruff dismissal, he made it into the main hall just as his firstborn son was announced, his eyes falling upon his lady wife. Sharing a quick smile, he steeled his expression, looming in the doorway. The herald let out the loudest booming yell yet. "Ladies and Gentlemen of Nharati, welcome your sovereign lords, King Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen Valenti, and Queen Danele Valenti!" The man seemed amazed he'd managed, yet again, to ramble out the King's proper name. Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen looked positively dour when he stepped through the door and into the ballroom, his emerald eyes taking in all of his subjects. He looked over his sons, noting the absence of Ilgnuit's bride and the presence of a nasty knock he'd taken to the head, and then the lesser nobility, giving the servants the merest of glances. His gaze shot toward the waiting band and he gestured, causing them to instantly strum up a melodious tune. "Let the Ball begin," he boomed.

Alexi Dunmir was already in the room, sitting at one of the tables off to the side of the dance floor. She had a serving girl at her side bent down whispering. She stopped talking to observe the royal entrances once they began and the serving girl had enough sense to stay quiet too. Once everyone important has arrived she goes back to whispering with the serving girl and gesturing with her hands to illustrate her point. The serving girl was eventually satisfied and moved away and Alexi finally got to pay full attention to the glass of wine at her side. She sipped at the wine with little interest, feeling quite out of place since she hadn't had time to change into a more exquisite dress, not that this one wasn't fancy enough.

Danele Valenti was dressed in rich purple and lavender, appearing every inch the regal she was. Hair was dressed just so, and allowed to hang down her back in a mass of soft curls, her cosmetics were flawlessly applied, and her jewelry was a perfect compliment to her gown. She, too, had been being fussed over by her own maid when Wyld made his appearance to usher them in. Returning his smile, she looped her arm through his. "Devestating," she murmured, for his ears alone, referring to his appearance. Their names were announced, and in they glided, the Queen wearing a brilliant smile in counter to Wyld's dour face. Nod was given to her children, then everyone else, while she glided at his side. "The King and Queen, and the Princes and companions, will begin the dance. Everyone, please, have a night to remember," she spoke in conjunction with the King.

[#] At the King's command and the Queen's invitation, the musicians resumed their task, though the tune this time a more rousing one, the sound meant to fill the room. It seemed the first dance of the night would be the Ländler.

Ilgnuit Valenti watched as his brother and sister in law made their appearance. How happy they llooked. It was enough to make the stomach churn, yet a smiling nod was graced to the couple for formalities sake. Silently he cursed himself for showing up without Synaria. Seems she was stuck in the seamstress's chambers. His head turned to take in Mereavus as she made her grandious appearance, swallowing hard to keep every thought of her tucked away. The thoughts quickly pushed themselves back at the announcement of his father and mother. A small smile was passed to the two before he winced at the Queen's announcement. How could he very well begin to dance with himself? Foolishness. Taking a few strides forward, he bowed before Mereavus, "In the absence of my wife, may I have this dance?" He bent at the waist and offered a hand to her, leading her out onto the floor. Despite the rumors, Mereavus was the best logical choice for his rank. He couldn't start a ball with any woman of any lower ranking. Only adding scandal to his already scandalous life. His cloak swept behind him with each step he took towards the floor, bowing lightly before Mereavus, giving her a silent plea of cooperation. Now to just make it through the ball and find his missing wife.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen upon resumption of the music to more energetic tones from the band, Wyld took up Danele's hands, bowing low in the opening move of the dance. He led her about the room, this way and that. Vaguely he was aware of his youngest son approaching Mereveus, but he swallowed his sudden indignation for the sake of ceremony. He managed to shoot the boy a dirty look during one of the more intricate twirls of the dance, though his eyes were bright when he returned his gaze to his lovely lady wife. His knees rose high and his feet crashed down when the dance required, sending a stomp to overwhelm the music for an instant. By the end of the song, he was just beginning to enjoy himself, his hands having slipped low on Danele's hips, regardless of what the dance prescribed.

Christoph Valvogt stood silent near the royal's platform should he be needed, the steward clad in a plain black leather doublet for the occasion, polished and gleaming. Hair too had been twisted into a low braid. Eyes swept the room while he clasped his hands behind his back, shoulders squared. Servants were aware of his sharp eyes on them, and though he made no move for correction, any slight misstep was fixed quickly..which for the most part meant remaining out of the way for the first dance and alert to any guests in need of refreshment.

Danele Valenti matched Wyld's enthusiastic steps with her own, grinning all the while. She adored dancing, and had never made a secret of that. She, too, had noticed Ilgnuit asking Mereavus to dance, and her husband's subsequent reaction. Purposefully, she brushed her hand along his outer thigh, offer a needed distraction she knew was necessary. Of course, he countered with those hands riding down her hips. "Smile, my Love," she murmured, eyes twinkling.

Mereavus had been regarding the Royalty, in particular the Queen, given her association, when she noted movement coming across the room towards her. Oh, he wasn't. A few seconds would prove that the damnable boy was - and with those words? Really? Any of her own dismay didn't show itself, however, and she simply lowered herself in a gracious, formal dip. In the absence of my wife? Already it began. "As you wish, your Highness," she answered, permitting that lead onto the dancefloor to settle into the appropriate position to begin the dance. She couldn't very well reject him in public, so a scandalous dance it was. Gloveless hands settled in place, posture keeping itself correct even when the dance itself began. Head carriage as proud as ever, and not a trace of her actual thoughts on her face. Quite the small, radiant smile, in fact. Her eyes didn't agree.

Uhtred Valenti gave his brother only the most necessary of greetings, touching his fist against his sternum in a salute that the fool prince certainly did not need. But he found himself in far too good a humour to fret for long. Indeed he grinned, squaring himself with Garnett, looking down upon her with an expression that spoke of anything but. His hands were upon her biceps, but as he pulled away, his touch slid upon her arms until his fingers were grasping her's far apart from each other. "You are beautiful," he told the lass with a smile. He found himself late with the dancing, because his feet refused to move. It was difficult, for she was there and alive and ravishing. But finally he took the first skip that was required of him, grinning like a maniac and hopefully not dragging her along.

Alexi Dunmir hadn't brought a partner to dance with and felt somewhat left out of the proceedings but she hid it behind her glass of wine and kept on watching. She sat straight backed and square-shouldered with her chin held high and proud as she observed those on the dance floor about to display their grace. She was distracted again by another serving girl offering her another drink which she eagerly accepted and set about as soon as her first was finished.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen could not remain focused on his son with the feel of that gentle hand moving down his thigh. At his wife's command he allowed himself a cordial smile, writing off Ilgnuit's lamentable lack of control. As the dance drew down he noticed Garnett, as if for the first time. His eyes widened in slight surprise. She truly did look wonderful, given her all-too recent condition. The mere thought of Garnett's fate sent a shiver of unspoken dread down his spine, but his smile did not falter. The room was alive with movement; the King spun around, his strong hands gripping Danele and lifting her off her feet, holding her close to him. "There has never been a flower more lovely," he whispered into her ear before setting her down on her feet again, and bowing her low in a dip.

Garnett actually shivered as the music rose, a curtsey offered to the monarchs before she nodded politely at Ilg, offering him a small smile though time left for nothing more than her to follow Uhtred, wondering just where Synaria was. Those thoughts spilled from her mind as she caught her husband's eye, grin deepening as her cheeks flushed brightly. Her eyes met his without hesitation, the poor girl forgetting that they were supposed to be dancing as his words wrapped 'round her. "Thank you.." She murmured demurely, lashes dipping for a wink. Her laughter rang out for his movement jerked her but she found her step soon enough, exhilirated by whirling in his arms, every little touch tingling through her flesh, breath quick.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 11:53 am

Ilgnuit Valenti worked through a kick step and rolled his eyes as his back was turned to the King. His hands remained in the appropriate places, just barely touching Mereavus's oppulant gown and gloved hands, if he even dared to call it that. He silently prayed his mother would intercede for him. He did happen to find the amusement with the cold candor Mereavus's frame seemed to exude, a laugh passed his lips as he twirled her around, determined to enjoy the cold dance he shared with her. "Thank you." Simple words with no particular fondness uttered to the woman. His boot flicked through the air deliciously as the music took hold of his soul. How long it had been since he'd danced! He let go of the inner workings in his mind and let the melody sweep him away. He hummed lightly and twirled Mereavus around the floor as if she were a doll, closing his eyes as the body moved fluidly through each motion. He released her with the ending of the song, bowing lightly, somewhat breathless. "Many thanks to you, Lady Mereavus."

Danele Valenti laughed merrily as Wyld spun her about, then lifted her against him. She barely had time to utter a thank you and steal a kiss, before she was back on her feet, and being dipped back. Once he pulled her upright, she grinned all the more. The servants were sure to have plenty of gossip for weeks to come from this single event. Then again, it usually did not take much for them. "You are the picture of handsomeness, yourself."

Colletta Bodelle stood off to one side, watching the royals dance, deep in her heart wishing to waltz about the room in her own elegant dress. Lottie's simple gown of crushed velvet was trimmed with massive embroidery work she'd personally done with the assistance of a fireplace late at night. The long chestnut rivelts cascaded down her back in a neat wave while her foot tapped lightly to the beat. She glanced up towards the throne, sending Christoph a cordial smile before applying her eyes back to the dance. She sighed lightly and leaned against the chair, nearly falling into Alexi. "Oh! Excuse me! The Landler get's me excited." She blushed hard and lowered her gaze, not realizing Alexi was the same servant girl she'd seen running around the castle.

Mereavus responded with the suitable curtsey, the series of feathers strung up within that single ringlet quivering with her movement, the pheasant feather half exposed through the final curl the mahogany tresses wound themselves into. "You're very welcome, your Highness," she answered, straightening afterwards. Painfully aware she'd been ceremoniously plonked in Synaria's place, and the Prince's amusement eluded her completely. For one, she hadn't realised just what he was laughing at, and likely no one else would either, given that as long as one wasn't in close proximity, that smile appeared perfectly genuine. A shame the russets above betrayed her as being less than happy with the given situation. More fuel to the word whore.

Alexi Dunmir knows Lottie quite well, a lot of the girls work closely with both Lottie and Alexi. Alexi glanced up towards Lottie and her gaze lingered for just a moment before she answered her; "Don't fret." One might think she weren't excited in the tone of her voice. Alexi is enjoying observing the proceedings and is content to not take a bigger part other than drinking herself silly over the course of the night. Her attention is soon back on the baffling dance of which she attempted to discern the pattern to each step and move.

Uhtred Valenti was a rare display on this night. In truth, he had long hated the strange ritualistic dancing that was long a part of his royal life. He had learned it, and learned it well, but going through the motions always seemed... forced. Undignified, even. Not to mention the fact that eyes were on him and the hairs would prick on the back of his neck, scouring his brain with grooves of fright that threatened to throw him off balance. Without Garnett there, spinning as nymph upon the slick floor to the lightest suggestion of his hands and momentum, he felt as though he would have buckled. Though he did feel a bit awkward as she danced around him. Clapping and padding the ground with his feet felt better suited to the pounding of a sword upon a shield, and the dull concussion of thunder to stir an enemy to fear. Foolish!

Ilgnuit Valenti opened his eyes to see Garnett's soft nod, which he quickly returned with his own. Seems the royal couples could get along for the sake of an evening. A small sigh of contentment settled on his lips accompanied by a smile. His eyes moved from the beauty before him and over to Alexi. "Pardon me ladies, but I was hoping to steal away this fine maiden?" He bowed at the waist and offered a calloused hand to the young lady. If she accepted he'd lead her out on the dance floor and take off just where he had left off with Mereavus, swirling and dipping the lass all about the floor, smiling and laughing as he moved through the fluid graceful steps. "How is your evening? Are you enjoying yourself?" An impish smile passed to the girl as he twirled her around the room. He would make due where his wife was absent and enjoy his evening..even if it killed him.

Garnett had been, before the dance started, terrified that she would trod on her Uhtred's feet or her gown, or some such terrible tragedy of dance would take her, but the careful guidance of his touch had her spinning and twirling with a grace rarely shown in the often awkward girl. Pure happiness shone from her face, though she knew his fear, knew that this was not her beloved's strength. Fingers tightened on his each time they touched, her body gliding slightly closer to his than the dance required. When finally it came to a close, her fingers twined with his, the girl panting with the exercise. "I've never danced like that before..." She whispered, cheek pressed against Uhtred's arm with a foolish grin on her lips. "You are quite dashing, m'love."

Alexi Dunmir was very very surprised to be asked to dance with the prince. How could she refuse? She couldn't. Hastily she knocked back the rest of her wine and with a glance towards Eave that spoke volumes she joined the prince out on the dance floor. She can't dance well. The first few steps she was dragged through and a quick turn saw her twist her wrists badly, bringing a visible wince to her finely painted face. She knows all the steps but doesn't execute them nearly as fluidly or as gracefully as the other women but she does manage to keep pace quite well with the more experienced prince and soon, despite herself, she was smiling and dashing through the routine without care for who might be watching.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen returned that brief kiss, allowing the servants their gossip. When the music broke and came into the next song, he parted with Danele with a promise to return; his feet brought him over to his eldest son. "Might I cut in?" He rumbled most graciously to the Crown Prince, and presumed to slice the pair apart with an offered hand to the lovely younger Princess,quite oblivious to his own son's private terror.

Mereavus left the floor with some relief, going to find herself a glass of wine and remaining quietly off to one side. Passing Alexi, she offered her a small, reassuring smile and continued on towards the side of the room. She lifted her glass, glanced briefly at the Stewardess, and then turned her head to pretend that she found the garden outside thoroughly fascinating. Everyone coupled together, numerous couples - her own personal Hell, and it already became tempting to claim headache and leave. But then she'd be breaking a promise. She touched the pheasant feather lightly, adjusted a dangling silver-surrounded ruby from her red satin choker, and took a delicate sip of her wine.

Danele Valenti nodded to Wyld when he took his leave to pair up with Garnett. Greatfully, she took a glass of red wine handed to her by a passing servant, then took a healthy swallow. It did her spirit well to see everyone seeming to have a good time. Of course, there was underlying worry concerning Synaria's absence. The rumors had been rampant, as well as the Queen's own personal tidbits. Ilgnuit was maintaing propriety, however, even if he looked intent on dancing with every female present.

Uhtred Valenti gave a soft, happy sigh despite the nerves, his flesh pulsing with the touch of her cheek. "I knew you would be an angel on your heels," he said with a childish grin, absolutely aglow until the approach of his father caused his muscles to tense. Had he done something wrong? Was there trouble? Oh, no! "It would be my pleasure," he said, offering the girl's hand to him as was customary. He took that moment to compose himself, slipping away from the middle of the floor and fluidly cutting through bodies of lesser gentry and womenfolk to take in wine. Varana was there, and it ached him to be talking with the woman. But talk he did. "She seems in high spirits," he commented, gesturing with his goblet to the Queen. "No doubt in part due to your return." That was a good thing to say, he thought.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 12:00 pm

Ilgnuit Valenti smiled warmly finding someone to dance with who enjoyed it despite the lack of ability. He carefully side stepped her mis stepping toes to ensure no toes were stepped on, be it his or hers. He laughed, though quickly spied his mother's freedom. "You will excuse me if I end our dance for a chance to dance with my mother?" He guided their dancing steps to the edge of the dance floor and quickly released the maiden, heading straight for his mother. Upon reaching her side, he bowed deeply. "Mother. A dance with your son?" A sweet smile worked over his lips as he held a hand out to her.

Alexi Dunmir was as quickly discarded as she was picked up and it was a wonderful relief from her embarassment. She'd not been planning on getting thrust into an insanely skilled dance with one of the royals! She made her way back to the table at which she'd previously sat and leaned over Eave's shoulder to whisper something to her before disappearing into the crowd, presumably in need of more wine or just a little relief from the giddiness.

Garnett's cheeks positively flooded with a blush at her husband's praise, the girl squeezing his arm tightly. "Then you have more confidence than I," she whispered, the words trailing off as the King's boom fell on her ears. Pale eyes widened, but she managed a gentle smile as she sunk into a deep curtsey. Her hand quivered as it left Uhtred's for the monarch's, eyes following him for an instant before her attention focused on her new dance partner. "Good evening, Your Majesty." She remarked quietly, righting herself to begin anew though her legs trembled, exhaustion beginning to rise already.

Mereavus glanced away from the garden at the approaching firstborn, one brow quirking some at his opting to talk with her. "You are kind to say so, your Highness," she answered, eyes going back to the redhaired Princess. "Your wife looks positively radiant - an attest to a good husband, no doubt." Returned pleasantry, apparently - she had no intention of entertaining friction with anyone tonight, even his younger brother. Though she was devoutly praying that the Huntsman might miraculously appear early from his pursuits, despite the fact that she was well aware he wouldn't, and she'd likely be playing third-wheel for a good portion of the evening. Her eyes travelled back to Alexi, and then the dark, impassive pair returned to the Prince's visage.

Danele Valenti's eyes brightened with the arrival of her son. "I would be honored, Darling," she replied warmly, handing her goblet off to another. She took Ilgnuit's hand and stepped down, letting him lead her into the next dance. "You seem to be enjoying yourself, my son. Is that true, or a ruse?" She seemed to know him better than anyone else. That was for sure.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen caught his youngest son parting with that middleborn wench, and he breathed a small sigh of relief, turning all of his attention to his small daughter-in-law. He smiled cordially at her, his hands taking hold of her own with a gentle guidance. "Well met, Princess Garnett," he replied to her greeting. His sensitive eye caught the strain in her face, or perhaps he was only overly cautious. "I think they won't evict us for dancing more slowly than everyone else, do you?" His eyes widened teasingly, the grin more childish than he'd felt slip across his features in some time. His feet led her around the room with gentle turns, beautifully out of rythm with the energy of the more normal dance. In the process he noticed Ilgnuit taking up the cadence with Danele, and he breathed just a bit easier; the woman would surely distract him from his wiles, at least for one more dance.

Uhtred Valenti nodded gently at the observation. "It is good to see her well again," he confessed, the relief obvious in his tone. "I've sent a good many men to God, but sickness is not something I am prepared to fight." But he would speak no more of such things. It was obvious enough, what he'd said, but it felt odd to be discussing it with the strangely aloof woman. "Do all women of the church dance as well as you?" he inquired of her, plainly bemused by the fact that they danced at all; never mind knew the steps to something as light-hearted as what he'd witnessed. Then he grimaced. "Eh, forgive that. I must confess I was unprepared for it. But it was well done!" He saluted her with the glass, which had apparently become a sort of stylus for his points.

Ilgnuit Valenti smiled refreshingly and led her carefully out to the floor, wrapping his arms gently around her sides as he began moving around the floor. "I am enjoying myself Mother. You know how dancing makes me forget the entire world." Lifting her hand quickly to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss to the silky fingers before twirling her around the room with a laugh. "I feel as though I could soar from this place." He grinned as his feet glided over the polished floor with uncanny grace befitting a Prince. "I might as well enjoy myself while I can."

Leon Alexander walks in quietly and looks around, hair combed and tied back with a ribbon, dressed in a long red coat that he had worn before. He had heard the music as he entered the castle and hoped it was not too late for him to join. As he finally entered the ballroom he stopped and just looked around at those dancing. He did not know what to do or say, having cleaned up very well just for this he only just remembered who was not going to be here and for a moment it pained him but he swept the thoughts away only to smile softly. He backed away from the dance floor a little, was he to dance or not? Surely he would not want to dance alone, however, he might be a bit embarrassed to dance with another.

Garnett's laughter took on a nervous tinge as she nodded her agreement. "Not if it is you leading the dance, Your Majesty." Her smile twisted her lips, the excitement of the dance with Uhtred still glimmering in her eyes. Determination to enjoy the evening and last through it exuded from the slight girl, and though she stumbled through the first few steps .. feeling awkward in the hands of a man other than her husband's, the King's skillful guidance soon had her flowing across the dance floor, though without perhaps the manic energy of the first dance. "It is kind of you to slow the dance.." She confessed quietly. "..for as much as I should like to keep up, I weary quickly still."

Colletta Bodelle stayed quiet and out of the way, passing an occasional look up to Christoph to ensure he wasn't in any immediate need of her. She smiled seeing Leon enter the ballroom. The necklace he had so kindly given her rested against her chest amid the layers of embroidered velvet. A small smile and bow of her head was sent to the lad from across the room.

Danele Valenti whirled with Ilgnuit, though could not help a glance toward Wyld and Garnett. A softer smile touched her lips as she watched her husband accomodate the tiring girl. He was a bit more relaxed than usual, and that boded well for everyone. "Yes, I do know that about you and dancing," she chuckled, returning attention to her son. "I remember taking over for your dance tutor, because you refused to dance with another male." Another turn, bow, then their hands were joined once more. "Why do you think this is just for a moment?"

Mereavus smiled some at the question, offering a delicate, one shouldered shrug to his question. "My association with the Church has, unfortunately, come to end, your Highness," she answered, though her smile widened some. "Though, I can't say I've seen many nuns dance. Terribly serious business, the Church." She took a sip from her wine, inclining her head towards him at his self-correction. "Entirely nothing to forgive, your Highness. One can't complain at a compliment. You proved remarkably adept yourself - bear-hunting heroics and dancing are a rare combination." She'd heard about that, then. She seemed to hear of everything, through one medium or another.

Leon Alexander looked over to Colletta and bowed back to her slowly and he smiled, right off he noticed the necklace he had given her and his smile only grew. A sudden voice in his head told him to ask her for a dance, though he was hesitant a moment he swallowed softly and looked at her. Walking slowly around the dance floor until he was on the other side and standing beside colletta. "Good evening Colletta, you look lovely tonight." He said and smiled warmly to her. Though he appeared calm, the atmosphere of the ball made him a little nervous.

Ilgnuit Valenti laughed and nodded. "Yes and we all know that Uhtred doesn't make for a very good dancer." He chuckled softly and shook his head, leaning closer to whisper his words to her. "Synaria is less than pleased with me. Or did you fail to notice the new addition to my handsome visage?" A smile pressed onto his lips as he twirled her around and backed away from her ear. Another convenient turn brought her ear close once more. "I dance to forget I have an angered wife and I dance with what women I can find to keep mtself from looking disrespectful of the castle traditions."

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen kept a watchful eye on all proceedings as he easily slipped about the room, from this point to that, almost too proud that the event was thusfar going off without a hitch. Upon Garnett's thanks, he inclined his head, his great mane of hair spilling over his shoulders momentarily. "It is a wonder you are about at all," he confided to her. "The...incident...has been known to linger long," he said. "It cheers me to no end that you're on your way to recovery...but do not be too ambitious, my dear." Was he speaking to her health, or to that of her womb? He did not specify, as the dance ended. Signaling the band, he halted his dance with the Princess as the music drew to a rather sudden close. "And now, my dear, you should probably rest for a bit before taking another twirl." That last was a private whisper before he snatched up a passing wineglass, as if it were carrying itself. "Attention!" He bellowed loudly enough to halt any snatches of conversation in progress. Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen repeated his call to order once more, for the particularly deaf among the crowd. "I would like to make an announcement," he said, raising the miraculously undrunk wineglass in a silent toast. "Some weeks ago, the Royal Physician brought the Queen and I some wondrous news, which we decided to keep back until the entire royal family was of a fit state to absorb it." He paused, ignoring Synaria's absence, too excited to contain himself another day, another hour. "In a fair few months, the Royal Nursery shall once more be occupied by a noble child of the Valenti line. God has granted me another son!" He positively beamed as he drunk the glass down, his heart thudding in his ears.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 12:08 pm

Colletta Bodelle blushed lightly as Leon stated his kind compliment. "Oh thank you Sir Leon. You look rather dashing yourself." Her nose crinkled up sweetly as she giggled. "Balls are so wonderful. All of the ladies in their finest. The men all look so dashing. And it's always entertaining to watch Prince Ilgnuit dance around. He never-" Her words cut off as the King bellowed for attention, quickly raising her eyes up to the man. Her eyes shot wide at mention of another child. She quickly began applauding to send the room into likewise motions.

Uhtred Valenti gave a slow nod, finding him slightly put off by the revelation. Why a man or woman would ever leave the Church's service he knew not. If Uhtred had not been the first born son, he most certainly would have been a priest-prince, free of the concerns of duty and policy. Still, he was pleased to know that his statements would not have to be quite so censored. "Exceedingly," he agreed. The comment of the hunting was surprising, but he should have expected it. Already he was called Berábréatan in some of the old circles of royalty. He would have commented on it, but his father had abruptly stolen his attention. His brows rose, expecting a toast to the patrons who had decided to attend, but... "My God." No attempt to hide his shock could be made. His mouth simply dropped open as though it was unhinged at the jaws.

Danele Valenti opened her mouth to reply to Ilgnuit. Perhaps it was a good thing, for she was going to mention her knowledge of their confrontation. Gaze slid to her husband as his deep voice boomed throughout the ballroom. Upon his announcement, a bright blush stole over her face, followed by a surprisingly shy smile. So proud, his tone was, and so convinced the child in her womb was a son! There was no mistaking the adoration in her gaze, though, as she looked upon him.

Garnett felt an earnestly pleased smile flit over her lips at the King's words, and she gave the smallest nod of agreement. "As Uhtred cautions me daily, M'lord. I shall be careful, I promise." She found herself squeezing the King's hand in reassuring fashion, though the fingers loosened almost immediately, her cheeks reddening. "Yes, Your Majesty." At his bidding, she offered a small grateful curtsey, her head whirling still and her legs trembling, she made her way off the dance floor to take a seat. A pale hand lifted to call for wine, the girl sipping slowly as her eyes focused curiously on the King. Garnett's lips parted as the news struck her ears, a memory from weeks earlier with the ghosts blooming. She had completely forgotten the Queen's pregnancy, and the news of it struck her like a fist in the stomach. Her knuckles whitened around the wine glass, eyes absolutely burning as she begged the floor to swallow her up. Gulping harshly to stay her tears, she smiled with forced brightness, unable to speak.

Leon Alexander smiled at Colletta and blushed a little himself. "Thank you Colleta. It is my first ball and I was wondering if you-" He began but turned around at the king's announcement and smiled, clapping loudly in honor of new unborn prince to the family then after a moment he looked up to Colletta.. "If you would honor me, with a dance." He finished and tried not to look so shy or nervous, though he was doing a good job the blush would not fully leave his cheeks. Though he'd look to the King and then the Queen now and again, being happy for them both.

Ilgnuit Valenti stopped waltzing at the sound of his father's booming voice, keeping the hand of his mother's within his own. Pale death stole over his features at the mention of another Prince. He swallowed hard and jerked his hand instincitvely away from hers. A wave of sickness rolled through his form as he tried to work out the simple words. Turning to face her, he frowned as the soft words were spoken above the din of applause. "Why didn't you tell me?" Quickly turning from the scene, he left his mother admist the throng of congradulations that seemed to be swarming her way to find a nearby servant. "Brandy. No ice." One of the girl's nodded lightly and ran off to obtain the correct glass. Not another.

Mereavus glanced up from her wine glass at the announcement, something of a small smile settling onto her lips at the 'revelation'. She watched the Queen in silence, having lifted her glass once and turned to delicate applauding. She didn't seem surprised - actually, her eyes were very well trained on Garnett. "Would you excuse me, your Highness," she murmured. "Congratulations, naturally." She carefully melded back between people, appearing almost miraculously next to the redhaired Princess' chair and extending a hand to place lightly on her still frail shoulder. Whether it was intended as comfort or a reinforcement of not crying wasn't clear, but it was a particularly gentle touch, and one that ensured she wasn't to be seated and suffering on her own. Her gaze momentarily flicked to Ilgnuit, making a mental note to herself to keep her previous knowledge quiet.

Colletta Bodelle giggled and shook her head softly. "Perhaps once things have calmed I will be able to. Forgive me Leon. I must serve drinks to all present." She quickly took off to help serve the congradulatory wines and champagnes to the various guests, bobbing and weaving with the perilous tray held high above her head, never spilling a drop. The poise and grace she floated around the room with was enough to be admired.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen was nearly as proud of the shock which reverberated around the room as he was of the news itself, his eyes skirting over everyone lightly. At her distance, he did not notice Garnett's distress, though he could not mistage the guffawed look which stole over his son's face. His grin twisted competitively, suggesting that there still wasn't anything Uhtred could do that Wyld couldn't do better. He drank in the applause for another moment, making his way back to his lady wife. The small tantrum thrown by his no-longer-youngest son was quite lost on him, the King snatching two glasses from a passing tray and holding a fresh glass out to Danele. "Well, there you go," he murmered warmly, unable to take his eyes from her face.

Danele Valenti's proud demeanor took quite a beating in the next few minutes. Garnett had lost all color, Uhtred's mouth hung open, Ilgnuit had looked at her as if she were the Whore of Babylon, and all of the noblemen, and women were already snickering and whispering behind gloved hands. To her credit, and due to years of training, her smile remained firmly in place, though it was strained around the edges. Then, her Wyld was there, and pressing a glass of wine into her hand. "Yes. I am surprised you chose tonight." Instinctively, she moved closer to his warmth, seeking a bit of refuge.

Garnett's eyes were open, but she saw anything but the flowery full ballroom in front of her. The lingering chill in her womb threatened to consume her, her glowing cheeks suddenly pale. The heat of a hand on her shoulder drew her attention, her pale eyes brilliant with unshed tears as she stared at Mereavus for a moment as if she didn't know her. Swallowing softly, she touched her fingertips to the back of the woman's hand in mute gratitude as she sat up straight, tossing her hair behind her shoulders. Her gaze wandered to the Queen, the smile she offered her warm and congratulatory though she could not bring herself to her feet or to speak just yet.

Leon Alexander smiled at her warmly still, understanding her very well. "I understand and all is forgiven. To wait for such a dance with a women as lovely as you is worth is." He said to her and watched her pass out drinks, she may have been the only women he could ask to dance. However it may have been different if he himself had been asked. Turning now to the King and Queen he could only smile at them proudly, hoping if he became a knight like his dream, he would still live to see the soon to be young prince grow. Though as his gaze moved to Garnett he frowned a little and walked over to her but soon smiled. "Good evening your highness, like all the other women tonight you look lovely." He said to her with a smile and stood up straight, looking out at those dancing. "Lordknight look dashing as well." He said softly.

Uhtred Valenti was pleased, horrified, angry, overjoyed. On one hand, the prospect of a new brother was appealing, as perhaps it would be more congenial company than his other. But on the other hand, it meant that he was in danger. Ilgnuit was useless as a king, of course, but this new child could prove fitting in the long run. It also hurt him, feeling as though they did not trust his ability to live and rule. But he was too pleased not to walk to the platform. The glass was handed off to one of the halberd-bearing guards with the order to consume the contents. He looked to the Queen first. For a long time, it seemed as though he would just look at her blankly. But then his hands reached for both of them, and in a rare display he set one on each of the parents' shoulders, looking then to his father. "What will you call him?" he said, feeling the wince in his heart.

Garnett stared at Leon as though he'd told her that the sky was green, the girl blinking blankly for a moment. Her jaw squared with the realization of two things: the lack of support for the Queen and that her husband had approached the royal couple. Pride would not allow her to stay seated, and she rose to her feet slowly. With all the grace she could summon, she took up her gilded staff provided for the ball and strode over to her husband's parents. Her hand rested possessively on Uhtred's lower back as she leaned in to touch a kiss to the Queen's cheek. "Congratulations, Mother." She uttered, just managing to sound as though she was not choking on her words.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 12:14 pm

Ilgnuit Valenti watched as his older brother strode up to the royal pair, laughing lightly as he sipped at the brandy. Yes Uhtred was in danger far worse than he'd been in before. And with the King providing another son...perhaps the dynamic was not as unfortunate as the middle Prince thought it might have been. Settling his glass back on the tray, he stepped forward to join his royal immediate family, standing off to one side as his brother and spouse, looking on with calm viridian hues, silently wishing Synaria were here so she too could join in his miserable uncertainty.

Mereavus left off Garnett's shoulder when she moved, watching her return to her mother-in-law and remaining where she was. Her hand had very lightly moved to press some support to the Princess' back on rising, if nothing else to make sure she didn't fall. She leaned towards her as she rose, murmuring, "If you need to leave, just say so. I'll escort you back, and inform Uhtred." She meandered over to the Royals behind her, reasoning she should extend some congratulations in order to conceal prior knowledge. She leaned in to kiss Danele's cheek lightly, and then straightened. "Congratulations," she beamed, with all the excellently feigned, dazzling smiling of one genuinely pleased for a close friend. Which she was, there just needed to be an element of 'I was surprised, I swear'.

Danele Valenti provided the proper smiles, nods, and offering of cheek to the congratulatory kisses. Outside, she was the picture of perfect poise and elegance. Inside, she was crumbling, bit by bit. So overjoyed she had been to give her husband his desire. So happy when she had seen his eyes light with untrestrained approval. And now... now this. When the congratulations were ended, she stepped back, and handed her glass to a passing maid. "If you all will excuse me, I do believe I need to freshen myself up a bit." Wonderful excuse to escape for a few moments. Before any could protest, she was backing from the room, nodding at the curtseys and bows given. A swish of silk and taffeta had her through the door, and out of sight.

Leon Alexander smiled still and stood where he was, he felt a swell of pride and also happiness for the royal family that seemed to be growing now. maybe he'd live long enough to see the young prince grow but he he;d his tongue from saying such thoughts. Looking around to a few servants that passed by and those in the center of the dance floor he let out a content sigh and smiled quietly. Watching the Queen leave he bowed to her before she left then fell into silence.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen saw the cracks at the edges of Danele's mask, his own smile faltering a touch. He hadn't known what to expect, but the mixed reaction was certainly less than acceptable, especially from Ilgnuit. He would have to add onto his list of things to discuss with that boy privately. And then his firstborn was there, embracing the both of them. Wyld's heart swelled with pride, even through the look of quiet devastation he sensed in Garnett's expression. "We have not yet been granted inspiration for a name," he confided in his son, though whether he was referencing Danele or the Royal We, he did not elaborate. Even still, the subtle turn of events was souring his boisterous mood. When Danele dtepped away, he followed without so much as an excuse. One final smile to the gathered ball-goers, and he was gone through the same door Danele had escaped through, his face growing less bright by the footstep.

Uhtred Valenti found himself happier than not. But when he turned, he murmured something to Ilgnuit: "We will need to speak." That was all, but it was clear. For if Uhtred was in danger, then his brother was nearly doomed at the prospect of a son. For he was useless, and the aetheling had no doubt that he would be killed in days. So there was a survival to ruminate on. He did not break his stride. There was a facade to keep up. "Earsling!" he bellowed, scowling with good nature at Leon's presence at the ball. He stomped towards the fellow and grabbed him by the chin, tilting his head to and fro as though he was inspecting livestock. "What?! No blood? I haven't kicked your teeth out of you yet?" The scowl could not last, and he cuffed the lad on the side of his head in good nature. "I am glad you came."

Garnett visibly winced when the Queen excused herself, the crushing sense of loss she felt penetrated by guilt. That her own sorrow for the loss of her babe should overshadow such news nearly broke her heart. It was all she could to to stop herself from bawling like a child in the middle of the dance floor. A deep breath shook her almost violently, another following on its heels. More than anything, she wanted to leave that moment, feeling as though her gown was squeezing the life from her, but with the royal pair gone, did it not fall to Uhtred and herself to host the ball? Her thin fingers clutched almost painfully tight at Mereavus' elbow. "I think I should like to sit." She remarked, obviously wishing the woman's help across the floor. "And a fresh glass of wine." Uhtred's words to his squire fell on deaf ears, her head throbbing painfully.

Leon Alexander looked up to Uhtred and he chuckled softly and smiled. "No blood yet Lordknight, we may see what happens in the future." He said smiling and laughed softly as he was cuffed in the side of the head. "Thank you Lordknight, as am I. You and the Princess Garnett look stunning tonight." He said though out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Garnett and looked to her then to Uhtred. "I am very glad I could be here, an Alexander is always proud to show for events such as this and show pride and honor to the family he serves." He was a bit worried for the princess however, though he knew Uhtred would be by her side.

Ilgnuit Valenti shrugged as the royal pair exited the room. His eyes glanced over Garnett's figure. The poor woman. He hadn't thought of how devistating the news would be to her. His eyes met with Uhtred's as he gave a light nod as silent confirmation of his brother's words. He turned and followed Garnett as she was assisted by Mereavus. Once she appeared comfortable, the younger Prince strode forward and dipped a gentle bow to her. "I had rather hoped to dance your dainty little toes off, but it appears I will have to wait until the next gala." He tried his best to help the poor Princess rid her delicate mind of anything but babies. What news at what a time as this? He frowned inwardly thinking of his father's poorly timed words but kept the calm veneer for the world to see.

Mereavus turned her attention to Garnett when she made her wishes known, nodding once and placing her arm alongside hers. It appeared a perfectly light escort, but in actual fact, it was capable of taking the majority of her weight, and permitting her to simply go through the motions of walking. She helped her sit, glancing up at Coletta. "Would you be a dear and fetch her Highness a glass of wine?" she asked - well, the words asked. Her tone commanded. She turned her attention back to Garnett, ignoring Uhtred and Leon's interaction in its entirety. Not her focus, presently. She glanced at Ilgnuit, for once offering him something of a grateful glance, and straightened.

Colletta Bodelle pulled herself away from a stately couple already gossiping about the royal infidelities. Her eyes fell to Mereavus with a nod. "Certainly Lady Mereavus. It would be my pleasure." A quick bow and she took off with her customary speed, zipping through the throngs of people to locate a dark mullied wine for Garnett. The Queen had found much comfort in such wine, so naturally perhaps the Princess would as well. She took a quick glance around noticing that Princess Synaria still had not come down for the ball. Perhaps a check would be in order? For now, she wound her way back to Garnett, bending to offer the Princess the wineglass. "Your Highness Princess Garnett, I hope you find the wine as tasteful as her Majesty the Queen does." A warm gentle smile was passed to the red-headed royal graciously. She would always hold a tender spot for the future Queen.

Garnett knew she would not have made it across the floor without the advisor at her side, and her gratitude for the woman's solid composure grew. It was calming, perhaps enlightening as to why this particular woman had found herself so close to the Queen. Her eyes closed for a moment, lips twisting into a sardonic dark smile at Ilgnuit's words. Oh, she knew they were kindly meant, but bitterness stole over her soul. "Thank you, Ilgnuit, but such news is happy news. Why a ball should be held in honour of it alone! Toast to your new prince and dance!" Her voice was sharp with command, and she lifted a hand to the musicians. "Play!" her voice was unnaturally loud, and it quieted with her thanks to Colletta, smiling faintly at the woman before downing a gulp of the wine. The musicians responded, sound flowing through the room once more.

Uhtred Valenti took the squire's zeal patiently. The Alexander name was always first on an Alexander's lips, he'd been told, so this sort of behaviour was to be expected. "Aye, sheepherders love a good masquerade, don't they!" It was all in jest, of course, and he set his hand upon the man's shoulder in quiet approval. He even embraced him... and then the words came. "In the morning," he whispered, "You will meet me in the stables. You are to be given charge over the hands there, and I will arrange it. You are to send them away, all but the bald one called Ys. Have horses prepared for the both of us." And then he pulled away, giving Leon an impossibly bright smile. "Find a young strumpet to dance! Ride, if you're fortunate? Have you ever ridden a woman?"

Mereavus gave the Princess something of a pleased smile and affirming nod - well saved. She turned at her announcement, clapping lightly several times. "You heard her Highness! I'm sure the Royals will return soon, and what use will we be with morose faces and dramatic sighs? Dance!" She turned to Ilgnuit, and very neatly placed her reputation off to one side in order to reinforce Garnett's saving of the ball. "Your Highness, dance with me, do," she stated, a remarkably bright smile appearing on her lips. "We should really lead the poor crowd." And she seemed entirely genuine, too. Her poise and grace had been put into exuberant gestures and believable enthusiasm - life had to go back into the party.

Leon Alexander smiles and laughs merrily at Uhtred's words then for a moment he was shocked to be suddenly embraced by him and soon heard the words being whispered into his ears. He nodded quietly to the prince then smiled back brightly. "I've never ridden nor danced with a women before lordknight. I was hoping to find a lovely maiden to dance with tonight and I shall not give up." He said. "If I am not victorious tonight there are always other nights." He was clearly very cheerful tonight and he had not even been into the wine yet!

Ilgnuit Valenti smiled at the heroics played by the red-headed wonder. Uhtred's match in every way. "As Your Highness commands." He turned in surprise as none other than Mereavus came and asked him to dance in what appeared to be a genuine request. A nodding laugh issued from him. "As you wish My Lady." He led her quickly to the middle of the dance floor, gingerly taking his hand in hers. The music was airy and fun. His feet moved in perfect time with the music as he twirled her around the floor. "All for the sake of saving the evening? Or dancing with me?" The soft whispers passed his lips as he smirked lightly, feet keeping perfect tempo as he twirled her passionately. "Careful there lad. You twirl ladies, like this." The young man blushed his embarressment as Ilg twirled Mereavus like a top around the dance floor, never letting go of her silky perfect fingers.

Garnett's eyes focused on the room with a dark determination, making sure the musicians played, the royals danced even if it possibly gave the feeling that she'd suddenly order their heads off if they didn't. Her attention wandered back to her wine glass when she was obeyed, the slight princess finishing off the glass rather quickly before she handed it back to Colletta. "Another, if you please." She was in no mood for argument, though the pleasant buzz of the wine was beginning to warm her limbs, the music swirling around her as she watched the dancers.

Uhtred Valenti gave Leon one last grin and gave him a rather forceful slap on the back. "Have at you, then! Don't come back until you've found a woman." And then he was sitting beside Garnett with a table between them. His eyes refused to meet her's for the precise moment. How could he comfort her in front of all these people? The duty came first, and so he called for a drink and found himself talking with whom he had no idea, but it was apparent he was a thegn of some kind who plainly thought himself a warrior, and to listen to the aggravating words was not unlike stabbing a dagger into his skull. Finally, he turned his head sidelong and regarded his wife, unsure of whether to ask her to dance or leave her to her woes.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 12:16 pm

Mereavus was certainly a match for the Prince's prowess in dancing, managing to keep balance, poise and grace whilst making picture-perfect steps along with him. "Don't flatter yourself, my Lord," she answered, maintaing her jovial expression - she actually seemed more to be intent on getting along with him, rather than indulging in his question genuinely and turning everything upside down again. There was only one way to press through rumour, and that was make it so that it didn't matter. The ball had to be saved somehow, and if that meant making a horrific mess out of her reputation and rumour, then it'd just have to be done that way. She kept one hand on his shoulder, the other perched against his own digits with a refined bend of the wrist.

Colletta Bodelle stood off to the side watching as everyone twirled and danced about, giggling softly at Ilg and Mere's dance. The sound of Garnett's request was met with a gentle nod. "Of course Your Highness." She clasped the wine glass in her hand and took off with once more with her customary speed, dodging the waltzing figures and laughing couples. "Pardon me, excuse me." Finally she made it to the other side of the room and plucked the entire bottle from the tray and made her way back to the other side of the room. She poured the glass until it was full and handed it over to the Princess. "Your Highness."

Leon Alexander wobbled a bit at the slap to his back and smiled. "Yes Lordknight." He said and even saluted him? Well since Colletta was busy he could not ask her for the time being so that scratched one bit of his plan, however he noticed Synaria enter but knew if he asked a princess to dance it may not look good. But the servant girls seemed busy running around here and there so he turned to synaria and bowed to her. "Good evening your highness." He said to her, noticing one or two servant girls eying him. He could not let his lordknight down, he was going to find a women tonight and it just may end up being one of the serving girls.

Garnett heard Uhtred's voice through the music, but she too kept her eyes off him, the shock too close ..too real. If she looked at him, the carefully composed mask would shatter into a thousand pieces. She took the second glass as she felt Uhtred's eyes on her, her hesitation in drinking it down lasting only a moment. In three or four ragged gulps, the wine went down her throat, and she turned to Uhtred with a fiercely bright smile made worse by the crinkle of her eyes, so close to tears. "Let's dance, husband!" She called to him in a feigned happy voice, glad for the seeping alcohol in her system beginning to soften the fist in her stomach.

Uhtred Valenti gave a soft sigh and pinched his thumb to forefinger. He found himself relaxing a touch. Nothing could be done tonight, so why fret about it? And so his smile came easier, the familiar routine seeping into his actions with his polite laugh, the slapping of his knee, and the sharp, good-humoured commentary. Garnett's sudden request made him flinch, and he wrenched his head around to look at the girl. It seemed that she was composing her own facade. It was interesting to see the pattern rise in her. "But of course!" he said with an easy smile. He couldn't be somewhat amused as he slapped his glass down on the table and stretched out his hand for her, plucking her from her seat only to take her by the hips and give her a wee spin.

Garnett twirled under her husband's hands, the laugh that slipped past her lips very nearly verging on hysterical. She swallowed it down as she found his hands once more, sliding into the dance with him .. less graceful than earlier, feet stumbling with the numbness of emotion and alcohol. The gown got in her way despite her efforts to focus on her husband's face. Her lips quivered, cheeks flushed rosy as the wine seeped through her, embarassment rising though not as keen as usual. Her gaze darted toward the door, feeling as though she must tear from the room, but she forced herself to slink closer to Uhtred, face almost against his chest as they danced.

Leon Alexander watched the princess take her leave then turned to see the Prince Uhtred and Princess Garnett getting up to dance, this brought another smile to his lips and he let out a sigh of content. Scanning the ballroom slowly for any women that may be free to dance, he had not given up yet and he would dance even if he had to grab one of the busy servant girls for a moment or two. Watching Uhtred and Garnett dance for a moment he could only smile, they looked beautiful together like that and he hoped he could share a dance like that with a women he loved. But tonight was to be a wonderful night, he hoped it would stay this way.

Uhtred Valenti could feel the sluggishness in Garnett's bones, and so found himself slowing. Indeed, he even switched into a slow, gentle-paced number and found that the musicians assisted him in this. Their annoyingly optimistic notes turned soothing and melodic, and Uhtred held his wife closer and smiled reassuringly to her. "I know it is difficult," he told her, looking up at the rest of the folk whom spiralled about. "So just follow my lead, eh?" For Uhtred had a masterful plan. They twirled themselves in gentle, serpentining patterns and smiled to everyone who plainly sought one, giving his wife flashes of plain adoration... and danced right out of the room.

Garnett's eyes burned, but she let them close under Uhtred's reassurance. Taking a deep breath, her body fell into the comfortably natural state that simply let him turn and twist with her, her grace regained though it was a heavy sort of dance. Eyes opened, and she offered gentle smiles to those that laid eyes upon the pair though they never lit her eyes. Her head tilted toward him to soak up the Prince's warmth, and she actually heard herself laugh as they slipped from the room. Not a moment too soon, for she sagged in his arms, a single tear slipping through the cracks in the dam, her breathing ragged as she fought for control.

Last edited by Garnett on Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Spring Ball Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Spring Ball   (LOG) Spring Ball Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 12:17 pm

Mereavus could be found dancing with Ilgnuit, obscurely - doing a tremendous job of it, in fact. They might not get along sometimes, but it would seem that they were both very adept dancers - and leading the entire crowd. Hosting, it would seem, as all other Royals had departed. Entirely odd. Mid-lift, her attention was caught by a certain Huntsman, and a very genuine beam hit her lips. She'd coiled her hair into a single tube over one shoulder, around a satin strip with feathers tied, and just visible underneath the single, thick ringlet. At the bottom, that pheasant feather was visible, twirling along with her movements. She finished the dance with Ilgnuit, and curtsied. "Thank you for joining me in saving the ball, my Lord," she said, quite genuinely, and doing a rather good job of controlling her breathing. "My escort has arrived, and I fear I must depart. Do have yourself a splendid evening." She slipped off, headed over to Alexston, and smiled broadly. "Samuel, darling," she beamed. "So glad you made it. You've missed a terribly eventful night, I must update you." She leaned in to kiss his cheek lightly, and then straightened more properly. "I trust your business went to your satisfaction?"

Eilella a slightly loud clamor was heard coming down the hall rapidly as a certain copper heaired, mint eyed woman rushed to put on a beaded slipper. Oh yes, it seemed Ella had just returned home from her much needed visit home, only to hear the ball was that night, and there was still time! A rush was made to look as presentable. And thankfully she had a dress within the pile given by whom she visited that seemed to fit the occasion. The beaded garment fit her like a glove, perhaps a little tighter but only to boast certain features. Hair was nearly untreatable due to travel, but she did something and even she would say it looked rather nice. After all was perfect, she slowed her breathing, quite positive her face was red and made a quiet entrance as opposed to the mess she made not a minute before.

Ilgnuit Valenti twirled Mereavus around as if she weighed nothing more than a light feather. He breathed deeply, enjoying the moment for what it was. His entire world centered around the fluid movement of their bodies rolling in time to the beat. A light frown hit his lips as she made her excuses and quickly departed from his fingertips. Such was to be expected with the various rumors swimming about the castle. He let her go with a heavy heart, turning to a nearby couple as if to steal the woman right out of the thanes' arms. His mouth opened but no words came out, instead he left them to dance. Laughing with a few of the lesser nobles of various misfortunes that had befallen so many others of the same circle. Ilgnuit Valenti eyes swept towards the door as he gave another fleeting glance for his increasingly tardy wife. Instead he was met with Ella's figure. Ah yes, the one with the kittens. Excusing himself from a small gaggle of thanes, he worked his way up to her. "Pardon me Lady, but where is your escort this evening?" He couldn't help but pray that Mereavus' eyes fell his way as he wooed the young pretty thing by taking her hand and pressing a light kiss to the knuckles.

Alexston made his way to the ballroom in the same fashion as Ella: hurriedly. Though his entrance was unfortunately not quite so grateful. He strayed to the outside of the room, catching a glimpse of the red-gowned beauty dancing with Prince Ilgnuit. He said nothing, merely smiled and toyed with the flowers that were planted near the window, trying to pinpoint a species - wasn't that interesting? However, upoin hearing Mereavus' voice, he turned about and beamed a broad smile in her direction. "My Lady," he murmured quietly, extending a hand to her and offering a cordial bow, "once again, I apologize for being late. Seems to be a recurring theme, I know," he admitted with a heavy sigh, though a clear smirk betrayed that sense of being so irritated with himself. "As I missed the opportunity to do so last night, might I offer you a dance?"

Mereavus placed her hand over his when it was offered, responding in kind with one of those gracious curtseys of hers. "You might," she answered, permitting him to take her to the dancefloor - she didn't seem to get time away from it this evening, and she'd planned to spend it so inconspicuously. Still, Garnett had been spared any further strain, the party still went on, and it had been hosted. Perhaps by an entirely inappropriate pair of hosts, but hosted nonetheless. She settled one hand against his shoulder, lifting the other in expectation of his, and settled herself back into the pose of dancing. Pleased enough with her present to wear it, apparently. "I'm just glad you made it here at all," she answered, not bothering to lower her voice. She had nothing to say to him that wasn't open.

Eilella had been looking every which way but striaght ahead, and the prince's gestures startled her for only an instant. "Oh, good evening, your Highness" she curtsied respectfully. "I am afraid I have no escort. I'm rather relieved I was able to make it to the occasion at all, though it seems I have missed the majority of the events" Ella observed wistfully, regret present in her voice. "But goodness, I wish not to take you away from the lady you have escorted this eve. I suppose I shall sit for a short while and then relieve this room of my presence. It seems crowded enough." Head canted to the side a bit.

Ilgnuit Valenti bowed his head to her curtsy and frowned lightly. "My dear Lady, I can assure you that no one has been my escort this evening, very much to my dismay. Perhaps you would be willing to indulge me in a quick dance?" The roguish smile crept over his lips as he pulled her towards the dance floor, regardless of her reply. "Dancing is the soul's key to happiness. Wouldn't you agree Lady Eilella?" He'd remembered her name at the very least. Taking her hand delicately in his, while the other snaked around her waist modestly a quick whisper was pressed to her ear. "Don't worry. You follow my lead. You look breathtaking." A warm smile hit his lips as the beat struck anew, feet whirling into motion.

Alexston led Eave fluidly out to the ballroom floor and took her hand gently within his own. "You are too kind," he replied impishly as she obliged to dance with him. His earlier gift did not go unnoticed, and though his fingers begged to toy with it, he left it well enough alone and led Eave into a lighthearted dance that suited the music. All the while his feet kept a rather elegant rhythm, he spoke with her as though dancing were simply the more trivial part of the evening. "I'm glad I made it as well," he readily admitted. "A ball is a horrible thing to miss, of course. And to be privileged enough to dance on the same floor as the Royalty is quite an honor." He was, of course, referring to Pring Ilgnuit. And, should the Prince offer a glimpse in his direction, Sam would bow his head accordingly. "Since you asked of it earlier, my business today did go quite well, though it wasn't anything terribly pressing - just something that I could no longer put off. I trust your day was a good one?"

Mereavus settled into whatever rhythm he decided was appropriate for the music, more focused on conversing than any flamboyant routines. Quite tired from her flaring around the room with said Prince, really. "Unremarkably eventful," she answered, glancing off towards Ilgnuit when he did, and then going back to the conversation. "Which, I'm sure, surprises you immensely." She paused some, either distracted or tired. "You must forgive me if I wilt soon, and ask to leave," she told him. "It's been a very tiring evening, and in all honesty I fear I'm better suited to the library or a walk this evening." She flashed him a smile, and stated, "It must be my age!" in a tragic voice afterwards. Really, she grew weary of the mask, and didn't like using it in its entirety around him.

Eilella looked down at herself, brows furrowing. "Oh, your Highness, I do mean no disrespect but I fear I must disagree with you, or shall that condemn me to my death?" a wry smile crept on her lightly painted lips in rememberance of her near brush with death as she encountered him in the stables. "A soul's key to happiness?" she mused on the thought. "I'd rather hope not or my understanding of my soul is rather of-" but she stopped and realized she was dancing adequately, more so than adequately; the duo looked rather good. "Well, I must assure you it is all in your leading for I have no talent what so ever. I am graced by having one such as you for dancing." As she said her bit on her talent of dancing and dressing, Ella's head shook to punctuate the observation.

Ilgnuit Valenti laughed a bit as they twirled and dipped through the crowd. "You are too kind M'Lady. I'm just a humble prince cursed with light feet." His eye caught Sam's nod, returning his own nod in reply before turning all his attention back to Ella. "How are your kittens?" A genuine smile of relaxation spread over his face as his legs moved them skillfully through the crowd of people. Nods and smiles were exchanged with those they past, though he listened carefully to any words the young maiden would offer. His eyes flicked towards the door once more. "Pardon my intrusion of your lovely thoughts, but have you perchance happened upon my wife today?" Viridian hues washed over her face critically, searching for any hint of a fallacy upon the girl's face.

Alexston listened intently to Eave's reply. He chuckled heartily, grinning in his reply. "I'm positively stunned, Eave." Wry sarcasm was offered, in its usual fashion from Sam's lips. The fact that she may have been tiring of the ball was not quick to leave his attention, however. He waited for the duration of the song before stopping, offering Eave a gentle dip, and then turning to Prince Ilgnuit and offereing a bow. "Your Highness," he said in acknowledgement, bowing appropriately to him. "Lady Ella," he also offered her a light nod. All the formalities quite clearly suggested that he was about to depart, but not before he first turned to Eave. "Perhaps, then, I could interest you in a stroll about the courtyard. I hear it's absolutely lovely this time of night, Eave," he informed her as though she'd never once visited the garden, and winked. Assuming an affirmative answer was given, he'd offer an arm and quietly depart with her.

Eilella shook her head. "I assure you, I would be quite a disaster with anyone else. I fear the good Doctor Marsden would be sent for many." A small smile crept upon her lips again at the mention of the kittens. "I must say I am impressed you recall them. They all are fine. Growing up healthy and strong, I can almost completely garauntee you shall have unwanted pests with those hard workers" she managed to get out before twirling a bit and emitting a soft laugh, thoug has she pulled in, her eyes were wider than normal with all earnesty. "I'm afraid I have seen not a souls with the exceotion of this crowd and youself, and a few servants who helped me. I just got back from being called to Blacke Manor by my family who needed my help" she felt it was best to give him all the details incase he was untrusting og her words. "I do recall telling the princess Garnett of my departure beforehand."

Ilgnuit Valenti heard the music slowing and frowned lightly. His attention broken away from Ella at the hailing of Sam. "Good evening Alexston. I trust the hunt went well? I do regret I was not able to attend. Bit of a headache I'm afraid." A genuine smile pressed to his lips as the pop knot Synaria left on his head seemed to pulse red. "But you've a fine lady to escort. Don't let me stop you." He quickly twirled Ella away from the couple and out amongst the others, roaring a command for the first entrance song to play again! Once they were far enough away, he turned his eyes back to Ella. "Forgive me Lady. It has been an uproarus evening. The King and Queen have announced the impending birth of what will be my brother, my wife is conviently missing, and my head is throbbing. Yet the dance must go on!"

Eilella shook her head again. "There is no need for apologies. I am just upset I was not here to hear the announcement" brows knitted together at his observation of his wife but she did know a way to help his headache. "I know something that may help the headache. Recite this after me: 'Rain...rips as it falls, it falls'. Do that and then tell me how you feel." Ella bit her lip. "It is a song for healing headaches my...mother used to sing to me. Tell me how you feel now. Before making any accusation against me:.

Ilgnuit Valenti sighed lightly and squuezed her delicate hand with his calloused one. "I am sorry as well. Perhaps you could have saved me some indecency." A soft laugh passed his lips as they continued to waltz around. "Alright. Anything is worth a shot. Rain..rips as it falls, it calls?" A perked brow wiggled over his forehead as the curls began to free themselves and ssettle into their typical unkempt fashion. "Concentration works wonder for headaches." He smiled lightly and sighed softly. "Forgive me if I grow weary Lady Ella. I'm afraid I must rest. Join me?" He kept a hold on her hand, massaging the skin lightly as he scanned for a way around the masses of people who still gathered around the pair.

Eilella laughed. "So it worked? I am sorry to have decieved you. I made that up just now. It is the power of persuasion. If you believe it helped, then it did." Her signature smile passed on her features. "I do not blame your for being weary. I have been here for a very short time and have gotten tired. Where shall we go?" she asked, looking around. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves, perhaps the slight exhaustion she felt was from a days worth of travel. Nevermind that.

Ilgnuit Valenti gasped lightly at being caught at his own game. "So you're coniving then as well Lady Eilella? Perhaps I shall keep you as a friend, rather than make an enemy of you." He passed her a warm smile before settling her arm upon his. "Just a seat to the side of the room will do." He was no fool. Leaving with another woman was the last thing poor Ilg needed. Escorting her to a chair, he saw she was comfortable before taking a seat himself. A soft yawn passed over his lips. "I hope this is comfortable, though I must worn you. I've grown weary and am soon to retire dear lady." Regrettably true, he would keep her company for a little while longer.

Eilella shook her head yet again. "Again, your highness, do not apologize. It seems today has been rather eventful for all. Traveling tends to be rather warying as well as constant dancing. I'm just pleased to have gotten the final dance with one of the Royalty" Ella smiled. "And yes, this is most assuredly comfortable. But I would hate to be the reason to obstruct you from sleep. If rest is needed, then by all means, I shall feel not slighted in the least bit".
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