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 The Anas'ka of Haresh

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Posts : 279
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 40
Location : California

Character sheet
Full Name: Maeryn Valenti
Wed to: Tyltin Valenti
Status: GLEE... as always.

The Anas'ka of Haresh Empty
PostSubject: The Anas'ka of Haresh   The Anas'ka of Haresh Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 6:26 pm

The temple was brightly lit. Great torches lined the gilded halls,. The light reflected and illuminated the painted glass windows. The Great Serpent’s eyes shone brilliantly in every mural etched in the glass. The air was heavy with incense, great wafts of fragrant smoke curling around the shadowed bodies of the gathered mass. Soft chanting filled the air, in the Old Language.

The High Priestess Nepheli stood at the altar, her dark hair only showing a faint glimmer of aged silver. Only a peek before the dark hood was pulled over her head. She smiled, a proud, motherly hand placed gently on the shoulder of the twelve year old girl at her side. The young blue-eyed Princess grinned up at the older woman and lowered her hand to allow the young black mamba to twist up her arm. He gave her strength, and calmed her butterflies. Nepheli knew this, and made no move to stop the girl, as this was a proud moment for the snake as well.

Nepheli rose her palms in the air, demanding silence. The chants softened by degree’s until no sound was heard, but the mass still moved their lips in silent prayers. “It is time, Set’s children.” She announced, unable to hide the pride in her voice. “Twelve seasons ago, Set sought to bless this nation, with another Servant of His Will. A priestess to wield his power to serve the people of Haresh.” Her dark ocean eyes trailed down to the little Princess. “He chose to instill this power in our beloved Princess Synaria, and on this day, her twelfth birthday we bring her into the church and bestow her the title of Anas‘ka, Royal Servant of Set. Not once in history has a blue-eyed child been borne to the crown. Today we rejoice in this good fortune!”

The voices roses excitedly “Praised be Set!”, “He could have chosen no better servant!”, “Ankes Betah!”. Nepheli let the exclamations of faith to continue for a few moments before again raising her palms to quiet the crowd. She turned to the altar and bid the small princess to sit upon it. She gave the girl’s knee a pat before taking up a chalice filled with wine, along with a small dose of herbs, to numb the child from head to toe. “Let her drink the sacred blood of the Great Serpent!” She cried out and pressed the gilded cup to the girl’s lips, and leaned in to whisper in her ear “Be brave child.”

Synaria did not hesitate. She had been prepared for this. She lifted the arm her guardian had chosen to coil around, and held the chalice, hoping it sent a powerful image to her people. She drank deep of the concoction, expertly suppressing a choking cough. The drug would not take effect instantly, but creep upon her slowly. In the time before her body was prepared, Nepheli turned toward the gathered people. “On this day, let NO man or woman doubt the power Set has given this child.” Gaze glanced sideways to Synaria, and the girl nodded obediently. She closed her eyes reverently and put her palms out toward the gathered mass. Her voice, was soft and sweet, but held the edge of command expected of her on this day. She had memorized the lines, but… had neglected to practice the rest. “May the lights extinguish, so his eyes do not burn, and let him taste our prayers on the fragrant smoke, and hope it please Him.” Her muscles tensed as she tried to will the magic out of her palms. Her eyes closed tighter, a dark blush creeping over her face. She felt nothing.

Moments ticked by. She could see the pulsing orange glow of the torches behind her lids. She could hear the murmuring doubts starting up quietly through the crowd. Worst of all, she could feel the eyes of Nepheli on her, could feel the disappointment she often held in the girl when she neglected to show interest in her ‘God granted gift”. The tears started, she could feel the sting of them in the corners of her eyes. “Please.” She willed silently. After a few long moments she felt her body start numbing. Panic erupted. No, she had to do this before she lost the ability to move, to feel! The panic and frustration grew so great she nearly screamed out loud. And she would have, if she hadn’t suddenly felt the rush of release. The torches flared up high, sending a gasp through the crowd. Then all at once, a rush… like warm desert wind, raced from her palms and swept through the hall, extinguishing every fire, but sparing the small embers of incense.

Her bones screamed from the effort for only a moment before her body went lax from the drug. Nepheli quickly snapped a hand out to keep the child upright before she had the chance to fall over. The snake slowly moved from her arm to coil beside her, rising high to stare his hypnotic eyes out into the gathered mass. Breathing a sigh of relief the Priestess closed her eyes and offered a silent thanks to the sky and resumed the ceremony.

“And now we pray. For the safety and long life of our Anas’ka. That she may serve his Will to all his expectations.” She lowered her hands, to signal the people to lower to their knee’s on the gleaming marble floor, to bow their heads and shut their eyes. When she was sure that each person was deep in prayer she gestured to one of the attendants, who quickly produced a burning, white hot brand, in the shape of a serpent. This was dipped quickly in charcoal ash. “May He always smile on you, my dear Synaria, Princess of Haresh and Servant of Set.” Her smile was sad, for Nepheli worried over the girl’s disinterest in her power. She leaned over and kissed the child’s forehead and whispered “Please, for the love of your church and your people, learn!” While she spoke a hand shifted over the fabric the girl’s dress and quick as a serpent she pressed the brand into Synaria’s inner thigh. “Learn.”
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