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 Concerning current affairs...

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Posts : 60
Join date : 2008-11-11
Age : 40
Location : The wilds of Oregon

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Full Name: Roselyn Alexandra Valenti
Wed to: Drysllthen Valenti
Status: Under the weather

Concerning current affairs... Empty
PostSubject: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 2:09 pm

[Following are correspondences between Mereavus and Samuel, on her time away from the palace.]

Dear Eave,
It's not been long at all since I left you that day, to visit my family. It's not been long since my death, and my figurative return to life. It's not been long since the night we spoke on such things, and on subjects sorer yet. I only thought to take a moment to tell you that I miss you.

Perhaps I ought not to have left for my family's home during such rocky times. I know that things in the palace are practically upside down. I've yet to speak with Christoph on what's happening currently, but I've heard enough from the staff and pieced together enough of what's actually true to get the gist of what's happening. I wish I'd have looked a bit further into things before I left you there. It's not likely that I'll be forgiving myself for that in any timely fashion, despite how I lacked foresight on such things.

I hate this rift that's come between us since everything transpired that on that peculiar night. I'm just now beginning to come to terms with the fact that I was, in a very real sense, dead to Nharati. I cannot believe that even Violet would stoop to such levels, though I'm fully aware of how childish you always said she was. Still, I cannot fathom ever doing that to someone I claimed to care for...

I digress. I've not been very capable of cognizant thought since your departure, probably even before that. I do miss you, though, and I wish for nothing more than to bridge the gap that's come between us.

Stay safe, Eave, please. I love you.

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Posts : 225
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Location : Nottingham, England

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Full Name: William Archer Vorserkeine-Alexston
Wed to: Cordelia Alexston

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PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 5:23 pm


The ladies and I are quite safe here. A combination of the Royal Guard and some of Remus’ old military friends (very kind of them to offer their services, I thought) are scattered through the estate, and we’re safe from our emotional traumas. It’s actually very pleasant to be home, and even moreso to be able to share ‘pleasant’ with Emersyn and Danele. Naturally, I’ve always had a sort of easy dislike for the concept of the woman whose actions have hurt Danele so much in the past, but on meeting her and coming to understand dynamics, she’s become as close to me as the Queen herself.

You mustn’t blame yourself for going. None of the more dramatic events in the castle have had much of an effect on me, and you couldn’t predict anything that has upset me. Violet would have come whether you were here or not, and no doubt she’d have found some other tool to break me over.

When it comes to her stooping, even I was surprised she could go so far. I had no idea her urge to possess me was so great as to eradicate the competition. She left it so vague as to what had happened to you – when I recognised that if she knew what was in the letter, she surely had something to do with it, she simply answered me with, ‘something terrible’. And I wouldn’t have put it past her at that point to have had you killed herself. Then when I had her arrested she gave me the most awful diatribe about how I ruin everything – listed Remus, herself, Verne and now you.

Before her impromptu set of lies, she didn’t seem to be doing too badly. That is, she handled my rejection relatively well. She progressed through being here to apologise, through wanting to see me, to asking me to rekindle. When I told her no, she cried a little, but seemed to understand. I didn’t anticipate she’d begin plotting. More feared she’d find a convenient rope and rafter.

None of it is your fault. Violet acted on her own, and I’ll deal with her before the Queen returns to the castle. I acted on my own in my grief. Had I killed myself, it wouldn’t have been your fault. What I did do, is still my own fault. I can’t profess to explain any logical sequence of thoughts to you regarding that, because there simply weren’t any. It was just a pitiful moment of despair.

The gap hurts. It hurts more missing you, and knowing that even if you were here, I’d miss you, because we’re not like ourselves. Despite being out here being eternally peaceful, walking past the sitting room and sleeping in that bed still aren’t particularly easy things to do. I find myself having odd little fantasies at dinner that the space between myself and Emersyn has a Samuel pulled up to it. But it doesn’t, and if it did there’d be this awkward silence between us and I’d lose my appetite.

We can bridge it, we just don’t seem to know what to build it out of. If love were enough...

I don’t know what is enough. I know finding some form of peace on my own is too hard. It’ll take too long. I’m resigned to no peace until I’ve uncovered whatever it is we need.

I hope it comes soon. Loving you this much and being so incapable of enjoying it is becoming unbearable. It was unbearable to not have you, and now it’s the same, only different, now you’re home. I don’t pretend to understand it. I know I’ve always been capable of wanting. But at the same time there’s always been my independence, my ability to function without those I love. I’ve never needed anyone, with the possible exception of servants – you know how domestically challenged I am.

But in love, I’ve never needed anyone. And I do need you. I had a plan, once the initial bout of emotion had faded into numb thought, that if you were dead, then I’d wait a year, until Danele’s child had been safely delivered, and leave it as my heir in my will. At which point, I’d invite Emersyn to the castle, and once she and the Queen were reunited, I planned to drown myself in the pond behind the manor, and make it appear accidental. I don’t tell you that out of any other reason than to point out how much I need you. Intrinsically, I’ve morphed into a creature that can’t physically survive long without you. And as much as my independence might loathe it, and find it a particularly sad state of affairs that I be so ridiculously incapable of functioning without someone else, I can’t change it.

Having you and not having you in the same instance feels an awful lot like exsanguination. It’s slow, and it’s painful, and it comes with the dread that unless it’s stopped, I’ll fade out.

We need a solution.

- E
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Posts : 60
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Age : 40
Location : The wilds of Oregon

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Full Name: Roselyn Alexandra Valenti
Wed to: Drysllthen Valenti
Status: Under the weather

Concerning current affairs... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 1:32 pm


I wish there was an easy response to your letter. More than anything, I wish I was there with you, but at the same time I understand exactly what you were saying. It's a strange feeling to be next to you but not really with you. I can only hope when all is said and done that this enchanting, radiant beauty that I've come to adore so much is still mine. I won't dare say it's too much to hope for. But you're certainly correct, we do need a solution.

I've mulled over it for the past several days. What to do? I've considered taking you out of doors to one of the places I know around the forest that's particularly lovely in hopes of rekindling what seems to have burnt out. But I realized I'd rather reserve such places for happy times. If we were to fail, the places would forever be soured. I've thought to lock ourselves in a room and have it out until there's little more to say, regarding what happened. I've thought to ride to the manor in hopes that you'd be happy to see me, but I fear you're correct in that things would simply turn awkward.

Awkward is so strange with you, Eave. It reminds me a little of the first day we met, when I'd no idea of the woman that was asking me such pointed questions about my position in the castle, and the effect of the winter on the world around us. At that time, I never dreamed of anything other than awkward. But I've had a taste of life with you, and felt that fire that I thought I'd never feel again. I need you too, Eave, and this distance between us, both physical and emotional, makes me feel as though I may very well have died. It's strange, when the world around me holds no joy and the only sustenance I've got is the stubbornness that refuses to allow me to let go in hopes that things will be restored. Not even when Evelyn died did I feel quite so much despair, and believe me, I felt like I'd be beneath it forever.

I am sorry for what you went through. Regardless of whether or not I should, or could, or would be blamed, I'm sorry. While hindsight is something that I don't generally rely on, I must say that now that I've had time to think about things, I better understand what happened with you. Despair can do particularly strange things to a person, and with desperation in tow, things can be even more elevated. I don't resent you, Eave. I'm sorry if it seemed as though I did.

We'll find our solution, no doubt. We've already come quite far, between a woman of high standing and a silly little pleb. Those odds were difficult enough to conquer, I don't doubt we can overcome this.

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Posts : 225
Join date : 2008-11-12
Location : Nottingham, England

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Full Name: William Archer Vorserkeine-Alexston
Wed to: Cordelia Alexston

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PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 3:21 pm

[Events one day -after- Emersyn's letter would have been delivered to Sam.]

Mereavus had been thinking for most of the day. Playing hostess, providing means of entertainment and generally assuring that the Queen was comfortable only took up so much time. She was usually the first up and last to bed. She had an abundance of time to think. She could be found with the same letter in her hand whenever she had a spare moment, looking contemplative.

For the life of her, she simply couldn’t think of a reply. What more was there to say by ink and courier? She sat down to her writing desk towards midnight, dipped her quill, and looked at the page for a long while. Surely there was something. Anything. She bit the back of her lower lip, and went off into drifting thought for a good half an hour.

She put the quill down, rose, and changed out of her night robe, and into one of the more simple items from her selection. Plucking her cloak off the back of the door, she slipped out of the warmth of her bedchamber with one last look at the pheasant feather dangling from gold thread from the bottom of the four poster beams.

She passed Arthur on her way out, settling the wolf fur over her shoulders and pausing to murmur, “Tell the ladies I’ll be back towards midday tomorrow. I have some business to attend to.” And naturally, he nodded, and opened the front door for her.

The blast of cold wasn’t particularly pleasing, and she was sure Luthien would hate her for it, but she had to go. She swept out into the courtyard, mounting with the cold-handed help of one of her stablehands, and sent him back to his small, nonetheless warm section of the outbuilding.

Hooves clattered across the stone courtyard as she left at pace; whatever business was, she wasn’t wasting any time. The country roads were black, moonless sky not giving her an inch of light to tell her where she was. But she’d come this way almost every day for at least fifteen years. She knew the way. Luthien knew the way.

In the early hours of the morning, the castle stable boy was startled awake by the swift arrival and halt of the Advisor’s familiar, heavy shod animal. He scuttled down to see to it, and found that the woman had already gone. Luthien stood alone, expectantly waiting to be put somewhere warm.

Velvet ghosted over grass. Heels unsuited to soil dug into solid earth, and she made her way past the brush and low branches that touched against her on her dark excursion.

Her hand found it. Solid wood, and further down, the icy touch of metal that froze her fingers. She was here. And she’d anticipated she’d feel a moment of doubt – a desire to turn back and leave the awkwardness to her imagination. But it didn’t come. She would do this. She was determined to do it.

Her fingertips pressed down on the door handle until it clicked, and she then pushed it forwards silently. Perhaps he’d wake up. Perhaps he wouldn’t. Either way, she closed the door behind herself so she didn’t let much heat out, and turned her eyes back to the room.

A vague figure in emberlight. Tall, and very distinctly her. She paused a moment, simply to look at whatever dark shape was most likely to be him, and lifted her hands to the Varana brooch that kept her cloak to her shoulders. She continued patient undressing until she was down to her undergarments, and reached for a nearby patch of white that she identified as one of his shirts. Settling it over herself, she made her way towards the bed, lifted the covers, and promptly slotted herself between them. She was sure that by this point he’d have woken up. Still, awake or not, she was cold, and bed was warm. She settled a very light kiss against his lower lip, slipped one arm underneath the pillow and the other over his side, and drew herself in against his chest with the slow closing of her eyes.

It was hardly a grand solution of locked doors and screaming, or idyllic walks in the forest. Neither was she sure it was a solution at all. But being close without speaking had posed too much of a temptation – she’d deal with whatever would be said in the morning.

For now, she was content to steal the Huntsman’s bodily warmth, and half of the bed, and probably a good portion of his comfort.

Temporary calm.
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PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 6:13 pm

[Delivered to Samuel a day before the previous post]

To Samuel Alexston:

Perhaps I am presuming too much on a single meeting to be writing such a letter, and my apologies if I am, however, I have found myself much in the company of your betrothed lady in the past weeks and she has become quite dear to me.

I have come to realize, in conversations with her, that she has failed to present you with the extent of events during your absence. While she has her reasons for this, I am certain, it makes it far more difficult for you to understand the state in which you find Eave. As she has said to me, she finds clarity and emotions difficult when twinned together...or perhaps by explaining, she feels that she is asking you to excuse certain things on her part. I cannot speak for her, however, I can tell you what has happened and it is this I mean to do in my letter.

Shortly after your departure, while I spent a quiet evening with the Queen and Eave, we were disrupted by a blonde woman claiming to know Eave. One Violet Grosvenor. I may not have known Eave long, but I know she is not a woman given to fainting spells or other such womanly antics, but in that moment, I thought her knees might fail her such was the shock at seeing this Violet. Of course, being the fine woman she is, Eave welcomed her graciously but it was without pleasure, and she allowed the woman use of her own apartments so she could perhaps find what exactly the woman meant by returning to her.

While I know little of what transpired privately between the two, I do know it was always Eave's intention to be rid of her with a clear message that she should never return, as the first one seemed to fail somewhere in its delivery. It was about that time that things took a turn for the strange. You had been gone some time without word, the ash flew through the castle stealing two lives, and there were rumours of all sorts flying about. One of such rumours was, in fact, that a body had been found in the forest, and it was quickly paired by wagging tongues with your absence.

These rumours came to my attention, and at once, I sought to find the truth of them. The steward assured me it was loose talk, though there was some worry since we'd had no word and strange things were transpiring. It was just this that I had intended to relay to Eave at the precise moment that wretched woman burst into the library with us, tears slipping down her cheeks. Rather than silence her tongue as the Queen commanded, she relayed said rumours as though they were likely true and passed off a forged letter presumably written by your brother asking when you would arrive.

Your fine Eave took it as truth. After all, with the death of Lord Varana some years hence, I think it would be hard to do anything but. Samuel, the sound...I shall never forget it, and I shall never forgive Violet for her treachery. Eave wailed as though her soul was being rent from her and fell to her knees. Try as we might, the Queen and I could not comfort her, though we attempted to persuade her that you might live yet. Eventually, she pulled herself into that cold distant state and demanded to know what the woman had done, too many things not quite right .. though I would guess at that point, Eave believed that Violet had conspired to have you murdered. Even then, there was little of the woman I knew left, as if the news of your death had mortally wounded her as well.

It was Eave herself that commanded Violet arrested, vowing that she would have the truth of what had happened and leaving unspoken what she would do to the woman if you were, in fact, dead. Eave vowed to ruin her for what she had done, and rather than realize she had lost utterly, that vile creature screamed at Eave, telling her that she ruined everything she touched .. that Violet herself was already ruined and that Eave had ruined you, among others. Can you imagine hearing such bile spewed at yourself in such state? Not only were you dead, but it was her fault that you were dead .. that it somehow was linked to her loving you.

After that she left us, wishing to be alone. There was no comfort friends could offer at that point, and to be quite blunt, I wondered as she left if I would ever see her living again. There is a look one wears when all will to live has departed, and it was that I saw in her eyes.

And here I approach the even more delicate topic, but it can be no more ignored should you and Eave wish to find peace. Yes, I know what transpired with a certain individual in your absence, but you must consider the state she was in with such events. Why do you think she was on the roof, Samuel? Merely admiring the scenery while grief infused her every moment, each breath aching for you and believing you were gone forever? Give thanks that someone was able to bring her down from the roof, Samuel, or your reception home might have been far worse than the one you received.

I cannot say to know your Lady's mind at that moment, though I'm certain what she did served the same purpose as drink. To feel something other than either numbness or pain for an instant, to take the vicious sharp edge from her throat. It was comfort she needed, though certainly not the comfort she wanted, Samuel, but she had little choice at that moment and great need.

It is not my place to tell you what to do with these things, and so I shall not. It is between you and Eave. All I wish is for you to know the full truth which she may have difficulty explaining. Should I be able to shed more light on the topic, please do ask or perhaps speak with me.

I wish you and Eave all the best.


Lady Emersyn von Pith
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Full Name: Roselyn Alexandra Valenti
Wed to: Drysllthen Valenti
Status: Under the weather

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PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeFri Jan 23, 2009 12:56 am

Samuel had read the letter sent by Emersyn von Pith, and it still rested half-folded against the solid wood desk that had been generously provided for him by the Royal party. The day in particular had brought with it a myriad of thought, and Emersyn's letter only served to throw more thoughts whirling into his mind. He'd been dead, yes - he'd come to be fully aware of that over the course of the last few days, and it was then that he realized the reason for his pining on the night before he left his family's property. He also realized that not everyone coped with despair in the same way. For years, he had been perfectly content to tuck himself away from the public in the company of trees and animals, perhaps Eave had needed something different.

There was no way of knowing precisely what had gone on in the woman's mind on that night, and the more he thought about it, the less angry he became. Emersyn's letter had done some good, after all. He sat at his desk and prepared to write a response, however scattered it might've been.

To Lady Emersyn von Pith,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me regarding these matters, and thank you for shedding a bit more light on the subject. Needless to say, I was absent for the events prior to, and after my "death". To be perfectly honest, I am glad for a bit more insight from something of an outside party, as I believe that things are just a bit too raw between Mereavus and I to be discussing it just yet, if ever. You've brought me a wealth of knowledge for which I am very grateful, and if there is ever any way I can return the favor, please do tell me.

I've been trying to understand her reasoning for quite some time. I now understand that there's no possible way to understand despair and desperation; they're just existing factors when one experiences something particularly traumatic. I will never forget the mentioning of Mereavus' grief, and would, I could turn it around and make it so that it never happened.

My Lady, I do ask that if you should find yourself in Mereavus' presence, please help her to smile. She may be perfectly hospitable, but there's always something on the woman's mind. I cannot be there to comfort her... Please help me in this, if you could. A friend is probably something she needs far more than she needs me at present, and I'd be happy to know that it was you looking after her, as she seems to quite like you.

Once again, I thank you for your letter. I'd be happy to keep in correspondence, if it please you, and if things ever do become sorted out between my dear Mereavus and myself, I'd be quite glad if you could attend our ceremony, whenever it is held. Do take care of yourself.

Samuel Alexston, Royal Huntsman, Kingdom of Nharati

His quill was placed neatly back in its inkwell, and he drew a sigh before blowing on the freshly written paper to ensure that it was dry. After tucking it into an envelope marked only with the Huntsman's seal, he handed it briskly to a courier to have it delivered to Lady von Pith herself.

The rest of his day proceeded as usual, though he remained quite distracted despite numerous attempts at being focused. The forest seemed to have drawn all of the energy and warmth out of his body, and it was with a heavy sigh that he fell into bed and allowed it to claim him, barely allowing himself enough time to remove his boots and the thick garments he wore when on the hunt.

Rapidly, he fell into a heavy sleep and though it was without dream, he remained troubled. The opening door in the dead of night did not even awaken him, though it very well should have. It was not until an unexpected presence made her way into his bed that he stirred from his slumber, and groggy eyes immediately recognized the soft wave of her hair, and the smell of her perfume drifted on the air to him. He said nothing, lest he spoil her coming with a remark that would only grant another handful of awkward moments. He turned toward her and drew a heavy breath, and wrapped an arm gently around her shoulders, and kissed her forehead. A sigh that sounded something akin to relief slipped from between his lips. It felt good to have her near; natural.

"I love you," he simply whispered, audible only due to their proximity in that tiny cottage. He'd no idea at all, what the night may hold. Samuel was learning to take things moment by moment, however.

He had her in his arms. That was all that mattered.
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Posts : 225
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Location : Nottingham, England

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Full Name: William Archer Vorserkeine-Alexston
Wed to: Cordelia Alexston

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PostSubject: Re: Concerning current affairs...   Concerning current affairs... Icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 5:49 am

Mereavus remained where she was for some minutes. She hadn’t replied, feeling that simply agreeing with him was too little a response. Those few minutes were spent contemplating pushing the boundaries that Awkward had placed around them, though she found herself half afraid that if she failed to do so properly, everything would fall apart for good. Perhaps it was simply too soon.

Eventually, she came to the conclusion that there was no such thing as ‘too soon’; they had both confessed it being unbearable, they both harboured some form of misery and despair, and all of the aforementioned only ever deepened when given the time to do so.

So, she moved. She kissed him very lightly at first. Long enough for one of her hands to press against his chest and imply that she wasn’t happy with the sideways arrangement. Some moments later, she drew her lips away from his, and straightened. She’d placed herself on his lower abdomen, and was presently dropping a dark piece of material off the side of the bed. Her undergarments, if the emberlight was to be believed. Her hands descended to the hem of the shirt she’d acquired, hips more obvious in the placement of her thighs either side of his torso. A simple draw upwards had the shirt joining the rest of her clothing, hair falling into a twisted coil of ringlets over one of her shoulders.

It began the process of speaking in a physical voice. All the eloquence in the world couldn’t express the emotional processes of one remarkably quiet early morning in the Huntsman’s cottage – or shed, depending on the perspective used. In making love to him, she expressed all of those deep, intense tortures that ink, paper and voice failed in. Her efforts were all in apology. When her body begged, it was for forgiveness rather than relief. She drew it into a long, severe, unhurried exchange; the anger and primitive flare of their last such meeting forgotten.

Once she’d spent herself of her slow, undulating passions atop him, he began his own response. In making love to her, he expressed his own pains, his own profound need to regain and rebuild. He used his body to do those things he needed; that unfathomable combination of possession, adoration and restoration. He pushed her until she forgot everything. He used his body doubly to do those things she needed. Until the rhythmic response of her body descended into forgetting itself, and comprehending only the writhe that came in reply to his moving. Until her nails forgot their edge, and dug trenches into his shoulder blades. Until she forgot how many times she felt herself clenching around him, until she forgot that it even mattered if she had at all. Until she forgot everything but the supple weight above her, until all she knew was him, and his presence.

And in that last moment, where he pushed her that last time, and her loins drew from him his forgiveness and adulation, he kissed her, and she wept. Out of relief, out of the recognition that the comfort she’d sought, and so painfully found vacant, had finally enveloped her. The tears came from some well within her, some pattern of herself that needed to reform itself into a pattern of him, into a vessel incomplete without her emotional, metaphorical, physical union with him.

By morning, little sleep had encouraged their rest, but it didn’t appear to matter. A greater, more powerful refreshment had taken hold, and stirred an energy that grief had swallowed. She lay entangled into his side, possessively wrapped around him, and dozed happy.
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