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 (LOG)The beast...IS TAMED D8 (humourous)

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Sapphine AKA Elwena

Sapphine AKA Elwena

Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-01-04
Age : 38
Location : Connecticut

Character sheet
Full Name: Sapphine Amaranthia Wenfrith
Wed to: OH GOSH EW
Status: Humpin' ur mom's mom

(LOG)The beast...IS TAMED D8 (humourous) Empty
PostSubject: (LOG)The beast...IS TAMED D8 (humourous)   (LOG)The beast...IS TAMED D8 (humourous) Icon_minitimeMon Feb 23, 2009 9:38 am >:3

Elwena was sitting on her bed with the most worried and pained expression on her face. On the bed were rags tinted in bright red, and with skirts lifted to her waist, she seemed quite busy with something below them. On her night table was a knife which held no red staining. That was the consequence of quick, steady strokes that were unfortunately not too careful. Whimpering, she leaned back with her hands pressed to just one side of her half shaved front bottom (LOL), the rest of it still a ridiculous poof of unreasonable height, girth, and ugliness. She had made sure she had locked the door (or so she thought) before really starting to bare herself to the world in the servant's quarters. Furthermore, she made double sure the steward was not lurking just beyond the other door. "Ow ow ow..." She sucked in, biting her lip and wondering if she'd ever stop bleeding.

Mereavus, unfortunately for Elwena, had a very sociable Pleb for a husband who just so happened to have a set of keys for most places. And she required something very specific. So, she unlocked the door, stepped in, and lifted her eyes to look at the presence sat on the bed. Elwena. On a bed. With her... Crotch bleeding and half poodle-ised. She instantly lifted a brow, closed the door behind herself, and took a short moment of silence, before bursting into bright peals of laughter that seemed thoroughly amused by the situation. Poor girl. She took her time in recovering from that laugh, actually placing one hand to her side in her apparent delight at the girl's plight, and crossed the room with the corners of her mouth still twitching. "Goodness, darling," she commented. "Why on earth are you using a knife?"

Elwena's eyes lifted to the door with terror etched neatly across every shadow that stretched across her face. Her first instinct was to scream something along the lines of "DON'T COME IN I'M NUDE" which ultimately sounded like some contortion of 'don co' in i' nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'. Her second instinct was to curl herself up into a neat, vagina-concealing ball, which left her squealing in agony as she hopped off the sheets, the closing wound now split open again thanks to her thoughtless actions. So now while Mere was busy laughing, the woodsling was hopping on toes while clutching a bleeding, half groomed skirt-kitten. "Mere omigosh what are you doing in here!? I-I am just trying to..." Her face was the reddest it had ever been, and she scowled, "Princess Garnett suggested I use a knife to get some things under control. I just...slipped a little. I am trying to stop the bleeding."

Mereavus tried not to laugh anymore, but she couldn't help it. She did cover her mouth with one hand however, in an attempt to stop it all bubbling out. Once she got herself under control, she gestured to the bed rather nonchalantly with one hand. "I don't suggest a knife as the best instrument," she answered. "Sit down, I'll deal with it for you." She placed the keys on a nearby table and went over to the shelves, hunting for a razor, and then bringing it and the water basin over. "Lord Almighty, this is what happens when mothers don't tell their daughters everything the minute they start developing," she mused - rich coming from her, since she'd not had a mother, but she had had a Violet, who was vain in all aspects, and who had very prudently told her then-woodsy friend that a razor was likely a good investment.

Elwena was absolutely mortified as she stood there. She watched in silence while the bucket and the razor were brought closer, Wena stepping back a little, not sure she wanted to be close to anything sharp at the moment. "Do you expect me to squat over it?" She really was being an idiot at the moment, but all things considered the poor, frazzled mind just wasn't working properly. Still, she blinked stupidly for a moment and moved back to the bed, sitting on it while taking up a clean rag and pressing it to herself. "I am not too keen on putting anything close to myself again that has any sort of edge. Please! Isn't there anything not dangerous I can put toward my tenderness?" She pouted, pressing the washcloth harder against her. As if the cut wasn't enough, the frazzled crotch-hairs sticking out in all directions and smashed down by the cloth would just be equally as painful to look at.

Mereavus laughed (again), and shook her head to the squatting question - it was only really supposed to be a small laugh. But it wound up going on a while longer, until she cleared her throat and tried to put on some sort of straight face. "No, dear," she answered. "Next time, use water first, and soap. And a mirror. Lay back, much like you're about to give birth, and we'll see what we can do with..." She looked over the hair-patch, quirking one brow. "This." This beast, this bush of heinous proportions that could probably use a pair of shears rather than the razor in her hands. "I recommend, once it's gone, that you wait until it's a little bit longer, slap some mild tree sap on it, and lay cloth over it. And then rip it off, in an upwards direction. It stings but it's significantly less... Dangerous for your undercarriage." She dipped the razor in the water, making a slight flapping gesture. "Hands away, child, or I'll wind up taking your fingers off, and we've had enough close shaves today." No pun intended.

Elwena just sat there like a sourpuss while Mere was busy laughing away. The longer it took for the advisor to shut her flapping trap, the lower her brows crept down her nose. When the laughter stop, her face went from chagrin to virginal modesty. There were a lot of thoughts running through her head; mortification, vexation, desire, insecurity, and ultimately a bit of fright as the blade caught a gleam of some nearby candle light (just for the wonderful dramatic effect). " birth?" She choked back a small giggle, flopping back against the bed, wondering what the hell she was doing. How did she get herself into these situations? Legs flopped to either side of the bed, the woodsling commenting to the effect of her spread-eagled flexibility (and oh she was proud of that), "Just to let you know this does not leave the servants quarters, M'Lady. It just can't. I won't let anyone know I had the queen's advisor finish my sloppy job." Hopefully no one would walk in to see the woman face deep in crotch. Not that it would be terribly shocking, but the apothecary? "Please don't knick it..." She begged, not even wanting to comment on the sap part. Rip the hair off? What the hell sort of freaky things were these women into?

Mereavus smiled some, hands setting to work relatively smoothly (it was almost as though she'd done this before, in this particular position, with another woman - who'd have thought?), lifting her shoulders some. "If you do it gently and keep the blade at the right angle, it shouldn't cut you," she answered. "I won't say a word." She effectively set to chopping off the longer parts first (whore was the logging team when they were needed?), and only moved on to the skin afterwards. Much smoother than the other side, and without any of the pain involved. "Do not, whatever you do, try shaving the day after you've already done it," she warned. "And ensure you find some sort of lotion, because 'itchy growback' is the most annoying sensation in the world." Apparently, she was perfectly casual about this whole grooming another woman's ladygarden business - motherly nature combined with expertise, clearly.

Mereavus: [LAWL typo. WHERE. WHERRRE.]

Elwena was probably living what might have started the idea of a 'women's health clinic'. Yes. Living history. Right here in the servants quarter with a calm, collective woman shaving up her snatch. To make it better, the sunkissed maiden began to count the cieling cracks. Despite this, she did listen. Afterall, she wasn't going to be caught dead in this position ever again (famous last words?). The advise was taken into consideration while she lay there and, finally, she spoke, "Hopefully I will be able to do this a little better next time. Speaking of which, how is my gash? Has it stopped running itself already? I hope it doesn't scar." She frowned a little, looking up to her pile of red-blotted rags. "What sort of under garments do I wear?" Usually she went without, but in the event that she HAD to wear some, she wanted to be aware.

Mereavus tried not to look further amused, simply focusing on looking like she was concentrating on what she was doing. "One would hope," she commented. "Next time you might take off something a little more personal. It should be fine, loin-skin tends to heal remarkably quickly. You might find it's gone in a few days." She lifted a brow at the question of underwear, mentally facepalming at the girl's lack of education. Perhaps she could kill several birds with one razor. "I find lace is comfortable," she mused. "Though linen is breezier, and you don't notice it so much. You should get yourself more made up, walking around without them can cause all sorts of problems." She glanced up, before looking back to her work and absently pushing one of her legs out wider. "Whilst were on delicate subjects, was there anything else you're curious about?"

Mereavus: we're*

Elwena shuddered a little at the thought of losing something 'personal'. There were so many personal things down there that could possibly be lobbed off, and all of those things were so important for certain...things. Eyes glistened a little as she peeked down between the expanse of her spread legs, noticing that quite a bit of the bush was already missing. Wow, she could actually see Lady Alexston now! ...and it didn't look as if she were hunting for something in the brush. A smile crept across her face, "Ah, lace sounds lovely. It's really a pretty fabric. I've never thought about wearing it considering it's just never been within my grasp." Toes did a little dance until her leg was pushed a little wider. Oh fuck. Oh fuck! Her whole body made an involuntary shiver, hoping that there'd be no obvious signs of her sudden surge of lust and it certainly did not help that a flash of Mereavus in men's clothing crossed her mind, followed by Ulrika. Then the two- oh fuck. "Erm, I don't think so. Not a lot comes to mind at the moment." She confessed as an aboslute lie. "Though I must admit I feel positively breezy."

Mereavus noticed. She knew those signs like the back of her hand, and the very slightest smug smirk hit her lips whilst she continued working like nothing had even happened. I don't like women, indeed. The girl very clearly did like women. She continued her pruning, deciding that she'd... mop afterwards, once the blood had time to finish and once any additional touches might not make the situation much worse. The unfortunate nature of female arousal. She didn't say anything in particular, simply working the razor over her skin. "Breezy, you say," she answered, bringing up anything to divert the subject. "I wonder why." She paused, critically analysing what she was doing, and then going to finish off the other side with another encouraged push of the other thigh. "Much better," she approved.

Elwena was completely oblivious. She thought she was being quite stolid about the whole situation physically, but mentally she was having somewhat of a breakdown. "Yes, breezy! Thank you very much." She huffed, wanting to cross her arms, but feeling like it would do very little while she was laying there crotch-bare. At one point Mere hit a sensitive spot, and not a 'oh gosh do it again' spot, but rather she curled her toes and giggled feverishly, "Eeehee, stop tickling me!" She bit her lower lip, losing count of the cracks in the ceiling. "I can't wait to look! I had no idea how bad it was until the bath with Princess Gar-" She coughed a little and shook her head, "Well, what I mean to say is that I just...caught sight of a few girls and Princess Garnett mentioned the trimming with a knife at the bath." She hoped she glossed over that nicely, not wanting to admit that she had actually stolen a peek through not-so-innocent curiosity. Too many beautiful women. It was hard on a girl already in turmoil over her sexuality let alone present exposure.

Mereavus' smirk returned, lifting her shoulders lightly. "It's sort of one of those things you should really keep on top of," she answered. "Firstly men - or women, let's not discriminate - don't tend to find it attractive, secondly it's more hygienic, and thirdly it's more comfortable." She caught the mention of looking, having bathed with Garnett before, but made no reference to it - it happened, she knew. Particularly in this case. She reached for one of the cloths and dabbed it in water, beginning to wipe away the combination of blood and 'lust' carefully, before resting it back in the bowl. "All done," she stated, rising and taking the water across the room with her. Apparently she liked shaved - or so her commentary would dictate.

Elwena squeaked under her breath when she felt the warm washcloth. Startled, she'd peer up again. Was that a tongue!? -Oh, no. Damn. It still felt good regardless, so she took a deep breath and settled back down. This was probably the closest she would get to relieving the dastardly tension that dwelled in her young belly by any other person, and it might as well have been Mereavus with her lengthy record that Wena didn't quite know about yet. Still, once the deed was done, she slowly slid up. The feeling of her thighs against actual flesh instead of brillo made her skin crawl with delight. Peeking down, she'd see flesh and a little strip, made neat. "It's...different." She commented a little with a twist of her head, "But I like it! Oh, if only I could show it off. It's a shame it'd be met with scrutiny, you truly are an artist."

END THERE. We were tired xD
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