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 A Handful of Letters

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Posts : 60
Join date : 2008-11-11
Age : 40
Location : The wilds of Oregon

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Full Name: Roselyn Alexandra Valenti
Wed to: Drysllthen Valenti
Status: Under the weather

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PostSubject: A Handful of Letters   A Handful of Letters Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 5:07 am

Each letter is addressed and delivered individually, sealed with Lord Alexston's seal.

To the Justiciar, High Executioner Morcant Vangatt:

As I write this letter to you, I most certainly hope I'll not receive the repercussions that you've so clearly proven that you can divvy out to one deserving of punishment. I apologize in advance as I inform you that I've summoned your wife-to-be with every intention of her accompanying myself, and her Excellency to the coast on emergency business. The Kingdom itself knows a little bit of the Lady's health, but these days are very grave indeed. I'm not certain how much longer she's got left to live. If you feel the need to accompany us, please don't hesitate to follow as soon as you're able to our manor on the coast. Presently, I believe she needs all the friends she can get.
I apologize for the content in this letter, Justiciar. I wish you a hasty departure from your holding. I'll ensure that Osanna is looked after while she's away.
With respect,
Lord Samuel Alexston
Royal Huntsman

To Her Majesty the Queen, Danele Valenti:

Your Majesty,
I'll not bother to write of my loathe and contempt for the decision you've made. You're a good woman and I will make it clear that I do respect you, but you've abandoned my wife in a very fragile time. She needs you. For things that I could not even begin to offer. Friendship, history, and confidence, she needs you. I've taken her to our province on the coast. If these are truly to be her last days, then I want them to be filled with fondness, not the gray and dismal attitude that is Nharati. There are too many demons lingering there, your Majesty, and I refuse to subject her to that any further.
If you could somehow find it in your heart to visit, you'll know where we are. She needs you, your Majesty, and it is with a very humble heart that I beg you to visit your faithful Advisor. I beg you not as your huntsman, and not as his Lordship, but as a simple man who wishes to see his beloved wife's suffering come to an end. Please, I implore you, consider it. She has been your faithful friend, do not abandon her now in her time of need.
I hope this letter reaches you in good spirits, and that your father is doing just as well. Even a simple reply addressed to Eave may make all the difference.

Lord Samuel Alexston
Royal Huntsman

To Lady Emersyn VonPith,

Lady VonPith,
I apologize for taking Lady Mereavus and Verity out from under your diligent care. I want to take a moment to thank you for your watchful eye and concern over her. Please do not consider this a blatant disregard of what you wished for her; I understand that you only want the best for her, as do I. But if she's truly dying, Emersyn, I'd much rather it be in a place where she's comfortable and away from the stresses of Nharati. If her condition is to ever improve, I'm among the belief that she'll have to be in a place where there is nothing to further press her already heavy heart. If she loses the baby due to stress, she'll never forgive herself, and I refuse to allow that to linger on her conscience. If she dies... God forbid... I don't want it to be in a place where she's haunted by memories and ghosts.
If you must resent me for this, I consider it justified and rightfully done. However, I hope that you can see past what may seem like a very sharp slap in the face and a sleight directed at you. It's not intended that way, it has only been the action of a man who desperately wants to make his wife as comfortable as possible in what may well be her last days.
I can now only hope for your forgiveness.
Be well,
Lord Samuel Alexston
Royal Huntsman
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

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PostSubject: Re: A Handful of Letters   A Handful of Letters Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 8:58 pm

Sealed with Princess Garnett's mark, hand delivered by Lady Emersyn von Pith with permission to be read by either Lady Mereavus or her husband.

My dear Lady,

There is naught I can say that will relieve your pain nor make you well, but know that I will spend the night in prayer for you and your babe. May it be God's will that you are both safe and cradled in his care.

I fear I cannot leave the castle, but I hope you will not find it amiss that have sent Lady von Pith to your side. I know she has tended you well in the past, and though she has hidden it deeper than I can see, she must be worried for you. It would not do to ask her to sit about the castle.

I will also pray that I have not seen the last of you, and that you will recover with all haste. (But not too much. Do take time to recover fully.) Your presence is sorely missed within the castle, and I shall have to hold a feast upon your return with you husband and your babe.

While I cannot be there myself, please do not hesitate to send word should there be any way that I can assist. I will make every effort to do so.

With warmest regards,

Princess Garnett Valenti
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Posts : 225
Join date : 2008-11-12
Location : Nottingham, England

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Full Name: William Archer Vorserkeine-Alexston
Wed to: Cordelia Alexston

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PostSubject: Re: A Handful of Letters   A Handful of Letters Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 3:46 pm

An envelope sealed with the green wax and strung bow insignia of the House of Alexston would find itself delivered to Princess Garnett's chambers late evening two days after the birth of William Vorserkeine Alexston.

Inside, a picture and a very small note;

A Handful of Letters William

Your Highness,

Very earnest thanks for your letter, it cheered me quite significantly. I have attached a sketch for your viewing pleasure. I apologise for the shortness of this note, but I have not fully recovered from what was a very difficult birth. Both myself and William are, however, both very much alive and well.

I hope my letter finds you in as good spirits and health as I am sure we'll all return to shortly. If you feel able, you're always welcome to come and visit us. Until either then or I return home, my best wishes, and love.

- Eave
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

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PostSubject: Re: A Handful of Letters   A Handful of Letters Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 4:08 pm

The letter, though in the Princess's hand, seemed rather odd, letters large and looping in their construction, almost childlike.

Dearest Lady Mereavus,

It is with greatest pleasure that I received your letter, and may I congratulate you on the birth of your boy? A lovely child, and such eyes. You must be thrilled. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse of him.

I too must apologize for the shortness of this letter, for I simply haven't it in myself to write much. I do hope that you will return soon, for I find myself in need of your advice. It seems my sister may have a wedding upcoming, though in this case, I fear she's not yet ready.

Kindest regards,

Princess Garnett Valenti
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