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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG)Garntantrum Empty
PostSubject: (LOG)Garntantrum   (LOG)Garntantrum Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 12:32 am

Garnett had allowed herself to be guided numbly back to her room and even submitted to the healer sent to check on her, but of course..the only thing wrong was stress and her growing belly, the man simply advising her to rest for the day and to eat. With her trembling and upset, he'd insisted on a sedative, but she'd refused to take it, leaving it on her vanity. But that was all past now, and she had tried to calm herself, to close her eyes and breathe, but all she could see was Uhtred covered in blood with the jawbone pressed to his chin, his weeping as he took her in the remains of the servant and it merged into weeping as he took her heart while Cyrus watched with a hungry gleam. No, no..not this, not while the babe grew in her belly. Not again. Tears poured down her cheeks, and for the next half hour there were sounds of great industry behind the wooden door as she frantically packed her trunk. Garnett's weeping couldn't stop, breathing growing panicky as another sort of terror gripped her. Uhtred .. Lips wobbled as she looked at the sword he had made her, thought of all that they'd shared in the room, the night of their betrothal. Surely he'd understand..and even if he didn't, their son would be safe. Cheeks utterly pale and wet, her hair springing free of the careful coif, eyes red-rimmed and still tearful, she burst from her room. Stubbornness lit her narrow stricken face as she nodded to the servant that had answered her ring waiting with the guards. "Take my trunk to the stable and have a carriage readied for me." She ordered, her voice quavering.

Julius Descartes raised a quizical eyebrow at Princess Garnett's command, knowing very well that her husband had told her not to leave her room without his spoken permission. "Miss, I don't believe I can let you leave for the time being. Perhaps it's best to wait for the Prince to return?" She looked a mess, but what was he to do? He had no experience in dealing with emotional women and the entire situation was something that he wish he didn't have to deal with. Clasping his hands together in front of his abdomen, he attempted a look of concern and ended up grimacing. It was a wonderful combination of facial features scrunching together and turning his disfigured face into a horrifying mask.

Garnett's fear turned to fury, which apparently for the princess, was a no less tearful emotion. The damn water wouldn't seem to stop flowing down her cheeks, though her pale eyes flashed as her lips set into a thin line. "You won't let me leave?" She hissed, stepping close, nose to nose .. well, nose to shoulder really for the girl was shorter than him. "I'm going home!" The snap was right in his face, nostrils flaring as she nearly stomped her foot on the ground. "I'm going home, and not you.." A rather slender finger poked his chest hard. "..Or anyone is going to stop me! Who the bloody hell do you think you are? Ordering around royalty!" The volume of her normally gentle voice rose to unpleasant levels. "Now get in there and get my trunk!" Her fury turned on the poor servant that was cowering near the staircase. "NOW!"

Julius Descartes stared at the Princess placidly with his one good eye, taking the verbal abuse without so much a flinch. Hands still clasped in front of him, he waited for the yelling to stop as if he was hunkering down during a storm. The other guard on duty with him glanced at Julius with a look of terror, sure that the consequences would be severe and filled with embarassment. "I'm sorry miss, but I am going to stop you. It ain't a threat, but a promise. I would rather you go back into your room on your own, but I'll use force if I have to," he said with a tone of rationality. It was logical in his mind, but the other guard palmed his face in response. Anyone, but Julius, could tell that this was not going to end well.

Garnett pointedly ignored the guard for she stepped back through her doorway enough to allow the servant in to collect her trunk, the sharp tone of her voice enough to keep him from disobeying royalty. His argument almost broke her resolve, knees trembling beneath her gown. She didn't want to leave, to abandon her husband, but couldn't they see? "But I want to go-" Her voice cracked on the last, the tremble of her lips giving way to a sharp sob. "HOME!" Another sob wrenched her body before rage erupted again, emotions jumping back and forth. "If you lay one finger on me, Uhtred will gut you. He'll tear out your heart and eat it. Don't touch me! I'M GOING HOME!" She pushed hard against his chest to move him out of her way as she tried to pass into the hallway, arm aching with the effort, the other protectively over her growing belly.

Julius Descartes let out a barely audible sigh, letting his one eye drift shut for a moment as he gathered his composure. "Miss, for now, going home will have to wait," he said with disappointment. His eye snapped open and his generally smooth voice suddenly became harsh with restricted anger. "I respect Prince Uhtred enough to abide by his request and I will make sure you do not leave. I do not follow demands out of fear, but out of allegiance. I have no intent of breaking my loyalties now." Feet planted, he pressed forward into her push and stood his ground. He would act as a human wall if he needed to because he would hate to resort to the physical force he had promised before.

Garnett absolutely loathed how calm the guard remained. It gave her nothing to latch on to so her fury could continue. She saw herself acting in this horrible way and was mortified, but it seemed as though something else was powering her body. The world shifted crazily, and she swayed, clutching at the guard with a sound that was barely a whimper. "Please.." Screams had dissolved into choked sobs, face burying in her free hand as she slumped against the door. Her slender frame convulsed, Garnett not knowing at all how to deal with being denied the only thing she wanted right now. "Please. I need my father." Words were punctuated by ragged breaths, sobs nearly rendering them unintelligible. "Home..please..."

Julius Descartes frowned, his brow furrowing together in frustration as he tried to figure out a way to comfort the Princess. Julius a furtive glance at the other guard, who responded with an expression that said "you started it, so you get to fix it." Awkwardly reaching his arm around her side, he patted her back in what he thought would be reassuring. Julius beckoned to the servant with his free hand and managed to convey that he needed some kind of handkerchief. The servant immediately procured the item out of a hidden pocket and handed it to him. "There, there miss. Dry your tears," he said as he handed her the square of cloth. "Lord knows that I ain't a good talker, but I can hear fine enough. You don't have to tell me what's ailing you, but I can make another promise that might to you that might ease your mind." Julius gave the Princess a genuine smile, making a dimple emerge within his left cheek. "I'll be the first to join the caravan accompanying you home when the time comes."

Garnett was too lost in her spill of tears to be shocked that the guard had touched her, the girl seeming to wilt even further against the door. With a sharp sniff, she took the handkerchief and dabbed it fruitlessly to her cheeks, for it merely made her weep more. She knew she wasn't leaving, no matter how much she wanted to. She couldn't betray Uhtred in such a fashion, his blue eyes vivid in her mind, the smile that was just for her. Guilty wet eyes lifted to see his smile, a tremulous one crossing her lips at his words. "Thank you.." She managed just above a whisper, stepping to the side to allow the servant out of her room, waving him away from the trunk. Her lips parted to say something else, but they shook so hard she couldn't manage it, instead just numbly turning to wander back into her room where no doubt tears could be heard again.
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