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 (LOG) The Unfortunate Soup Incident

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PostSubject: (LOG) The Unfortunate Soup Incident   (LOG) The Unfortunate Soup Incident Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 3:52 pm

(20:16) Deorwulf was curious about the way the swordking was acting but the lad dared not call him out on it and he soon smiled to his sister and nodded to her. First they would eat and then hopefully find the herbs his sister was looking for. "I shall join you all in a moment, I should change as well." the lad said and went off to change into something different for dinner, joining them in the dining hall not much later and taking to a seat he'd sat in before. There was no real reason he had to change, he just felt it would be a little better to.

(20:26) Maeryn blushed furiously when he looked so directly at her and agreed to dine with them, though that didn't stop the sudden brilliant smile from lighting her face. "Then let us be off." She said happily and began to move, her closeness as she moved passed Tyltin seeming almost as if she was going to take his elbow. Of course, she did not, and instead kept moving toward the castle. "I will be there in a moment." She said quietly and moved to her washroom to scrub furiously at her pale hands until they were red. Usual before dinner preperation. When she finally made it down to the dining hall, she waited until everyone else had chosen their seats and looked around nervously, creeping close to where her brother sat. It was hard enough to pick a chair given the number of them, and the neatness of the place settings, but now... Her mother's words rang in her ears and she leaned unusually close to Drysllthen's ear. "Brother, where should I sit?"

(20:34) Tyltin V glanced to either side when the men made their intentions clear, and a sudden rash of nerves hit him...he'd be alone with Maeryn for the first time since the night they met. A mere moment ago all three were pressing in on her; if he excused himself now he expected she would be horribly confused at best. He couldn't have that on his conscience, surely? Despite his better judgment he believed her smile to be true, and when the girl passed so close he forced his wrists behind his back, warding off temptation to offer his own arm. It was only once they were all underway did he realize that they were all abandoning him. With a shrug and a chuckle, he struck off alone to the dining hall, brushing his dirty hands to clear off the dust of the yard. He chose a seat near the middle of the table and waited for the rest to trickle in, keeping quiet when Maeryn finally re-entered the room, though he kept unconsciously glancing her way.

(20:38) Christiana Maelyss couldn't hide the shock of an invitation for dinner and hastily prepared. Oh, why hadn't she unpacked earlier? The dress from earlier would have to do. But she made an effort to look as prim as possible, fixing her hair and donning the jingling bracelets and anklets. There, at least some what presentable. Dinner with all them? Surely Drysllthen wanted her to meet his half-siblings and help with what they had discussed earlier. Ah, that was a comforting thought that eased the nerves, especially after pacing so around the room. It was a wonder her red slippers weren't worn out yet. With a last quick glance, Christiana went on her way, finally arriving into the dining area. But where was she to sit? All she saw was a young lady and a young man. "Good evening" she curtsied politely.

(20:41) Drysllthen considered those loaded glances between his sister and his rival as he donned a white tunic, only feeling a slight pang of guilt as he considered how it might be used. Face and hands freshly washed with his black surcoat settled over his shirt and trousers, he swept in with his hair loose and a smile on his freckled face. Pleasant nods were offered all around, and with the head seat open, he naturally strolled to it, a single glance shot to his uncle's chosen spot. His uncle, however, appeared to have concerns other than station on his mind. Still standing behind his chair, he bent close to hear his sister's whisper, a gentle smile spreading over his lips as he gestured to the empty chair at his right. "Why don't you sit next to me, hmm?" Not waiting for her answer, he slipped over to pull out the heavy wooden seat for her gallantly. Drysllthen's inviting smile directed itself to the uncertain songstress as well, one hand flicking toward the chair at her side. "So glad you could join us, m'lady. May I present to you all Lady Christiana Maelyss. She has come at my behest to provide fine entertainment should we desire it. Singing, dancing, tales.. Lady Christiana, my cousin Prince Tyltin Valenti." No doubt the lass knew who he was..who didn't know the Swordking by reputation at least. "My half-brother, Lord Deorwulf Wenfrith, and my half-sister, Lady Maeryn Wenfrith."

(20:49) Deorwulf looked beside him to see the swordking was there, this made Deorwulf sit up a bit more straight and he made sure he was less nervous than normal. He had his question he wanted to ask the swordking but held them back and bit his tongue until the entrance of Christiana caught his attention. "Good evening Lady Christiana, tis a pleasure to meet you." He said politely and bowed his head respectfully to her though his also kept some watch on his sister but was careful to make it go unnoticed.

(21:02) Maeryn was obviously not pleased with Drysllthen's answer, but did not make her displeasure known by more than a simple dimming of her smile. "Of course, Brother." She said lightly. She turned and waited for her seat to be pulled out and when it was, she pulled a cloth from her pocket and spread it out upon the cushion, making sure that there was not a crease before she set herself down. "Thank you." She whispered up to him, gaze moving around the table, giving a smile to her other brother, and then to Tyltin. Gaze remained there longer than she meant it to, almost missing the introduction of the new arrival. Only when Deorwulf announced his greeting did it register and she, nearly startled, turned her head to get a look at the woman, her listed talents making Mae's proper smile warm. "A pleasure Lady Christiana." She said gently, and she too gestured to the seat at her side. "Please have a seat."

(21:07) Tyltin V's stomach did feel a bit empty, when he thought about it. He supposed that a meal wouldn't be so terrible after all, even if the blonde girl was almost the whole table's length away. Blinking, he looked down at his set place, a scowl crossing his features. A cursory wave was given at the fine introductions, the Swordking's simple garp likely unbecoming one of his stature and reputation, though his attitude often matched it. "Charmed," he gruffed, before addressing Drysllthen. "The food is coming...when?"

(21:12) Christiana Maelyss felt even more relieved when others arrived and her presence seemed more welcomed than she thought. "Thank you very much, but the pleasure is all mine" she bobbed a curtsy to Deorwulf and Drysllthen. The warm smile and offer from Maeryn only warmed her spirit. "And thank you very much as well, M'lady, for all the hospitality." She'd leave it at that for now. Carefully taking her seat, she looked around the room. It was more relaxing than it originally appeared. But how could she forget the swordking. A third thank you was given to Tyltin. She sat up straight in her chair, willing her back not to be as rigid.

(21:15) Drysllthen slid Maeryn's chair up to the table easily, nodding at her whisper before he offered their guest her seat as well. Once the women were settled, he took his own, uncertain whether he should be relieved or concerned that his uncle's demeanor has resumed its usual gruffness. "Any moment now," he assured. A quick look shot toward the kitchen where a timid serving girl hovered not knowing whether to bring out the food or if she was disrupting. Sharply, he beckoned her to bring the first course which was a salad scattered with fresh vegetables and a small amount of cheese. Steaming rolls accompanied it as well as water, which Drysllthen had to struggle not to wrinkle his nose at. He'd ordered a meal that would suit both Tyltin and Maeryn, although he now regretted the absence of his usual wine. "Ahh, here we are. Will this suit, cousin?"

(21:21) Deorwulf smiled kindly to Christiana when she greeted them back and now he too sat in wait fo the food to be brought out. Glances were cast around the room as he tried to keep his mind off the one beside him. He'd seen what he had done to the two young men with spears and that vision still played over and over in his head. Finally as the first course was brought out the lad smiled, sure it was salad and he would have loved some nice hot and juicy meat but he needed the greens too. "A nice start salads are." He said softly and thanked the serving girl

(21:27) Maeryn glanced down at her plate to hide the sudden smile on her face when Tyltin seemed to turn gruff. She entertained the idea that he was just as annoyed as she was at the seating arrangement. The sweet little daydream that took place in her head almost made her miss the serving girl who came to fill her glass. Suddenly, pristine gloved hand shot out to cover her glass, pale eyes nearly glaring up at the poor girl. Surely they'd have known better by now. Slowly she pulled another cloth from her pocket and took hold of the empty glass, and began to clean it. Every print, imagined or otherwise was wiped clean before she set it back down and motioned for the girl to carry on. Next, each fork, spoon and knife at her setting were treated the same, carefully wiped down of anything unsavory that might linger there. For the moment, she was wholey consumed in her task, unable to focus on any of the chatter around her, eyes wide and focused as she set in on her work.

(21:33) Tyltin V breathed a long sigh, offering the songstress a perfunctory smile and nod, examining the blonde girl from the periphery of his vision. His gaze caught on Maeryn for half a heartbeat before he examined his empty plate once more, roused only by the coming food. Jade eyes glinted ravenously at the delicious greens, his nostrils widening from the smell of cheese and spices. "Aye," he breathed, cracking asmile to Deorwulf. Turning his glance to his nephew he nodded twice. "It will serve, I think..." Any further word was cut off when Maeryn moved so quickly, an amused little smirk crossing his lips. Casually he drank from his own cup, letting the water refresh him. He tried not to let his eyes linger, with only a little success, upon the woman at her work.

(21:39) Christiana Maelyss accepted the salad and water gratefully. Ah, good and wholsesome food. Eyes glanced down to Maeryn and her determination to clean the silverware and glass. It was not her place to judge on the...interesting ritual the lady was performing. Stranger things had been told and passed down. What did, however, catch her interest was the brief glances Tyltin and Maeryn seemed to steal. That was indeed very interesting. However, not her place to question again and enjoyed the clean water. "If I may be so bold as to ask, what is the favourite type of story or ballad within the walls?" Individuals had preferences to entertainment.

(21:48) Drysllthen was, despite ostensible attention to the salad on his plate, curious to see how his uncle would react to this little ritual of his sister's. That there was no revulsion and perhaps a hair of amusement caused his shoulders to roll back easily against the chair in relaxation, the Prince able to eat in peace. "I'm glad to hear it." He remarked idly. Attention settled on Christiana, and he had just opened his mouth when the trembling serving girl who had been serving small bowls of chilled soup tripped over her hem with a small terrified squeal. Two bowls crashed to the floor, shattering against the marble as soup shot against the backs of the ladies' seats. Wide-eyed, the Prince stared at the calamity, his blue gaze slowly swiveling toward Maeryn in horror. "Why don't you go tend to your gown, sister?" He offered softly, slinking from his seat to pull hers free as he tried to keep her panic from rising.

(21:54) Deorwulf smiled back to the swordking and wondered just how bad a condition he'd be in if they had a spar, on second thought best not think about that. Setting himself up to dine he picked up the proper utensils and began to eat slowly, once and a while he'd take a drink of refreshing water. He was in peace until he heard the crash his eyes widened as well, thank fully Drysllthen was there to quickly aid their sister which let him breathe out a sigh. Still. "Do you wish for my aid?" He asked or rather offered, he did not wish to seem cold but even if Dry had it under control he had to make sure.
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PostSubject: Re: (LOG) The Unfortunate Soup Incident   (LOG) The Unfortunate Soup Incident Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 3:53 pm

(21:59) Maeryn had just finished her task and glanced up, blinking as she slowly returned to the rest of the world. Blush was on her face, but she made no appologies. She assumed that had anyone spoken to her, Drysllthen would have gotten her attention, so she neglected to ask. A bite was nearly taken from her salad when she felt the chill of soup upon her back. Fork clattered carelessly to her plate, breath ceased, heart stopped. Slowly, what little color the girl had drained from her face. Fingertips tightened on the edge of the stable, steadying herself so she'd not simply strip the gown off right then and there. Sweat formed on her brow. Drysllthen and Deorwulf's concerned words were heard as if she were underwater, or swimming in a bowl of bloody chilled soup. "P-p-please exc-excuse me." She stuttered out in a bare, panic filled whisper. She did not bolt from the room, but walked briskly. And even before she was completely out of the room, her fingers were hurridly unlacing her gown, and by the time she was in the hall, it was at her ankles, and left in the middle of the floor as she hurried to her room for a scalding bath.

(22:03) Aerinne had dressed appropriately for the invitation for dinner in a gown of deepest rose that set off her fair complexion nicely--though she's obviously ill at ease in the pretty feminine garment. As such, she'd been almost a nonentity throughout dinner, eyes downcast, and making a conscious effort to avoid fidgeting with the utensils in front of her in her restlessness. The crash of dishes on the floor finally drew her attention away from her plate, and she looked after the departing lady with a sympathetic crinkle of her brow. Fortunately the soup had short of her own accoutrements--a blessing for which she silently gives praise. She had only the one gown along with her on the journey.

(22:07) Tyltin V thoroughly enjoyed the first few bites of his plate, his stomach growling appreciatively as he doused it with water and leaves. It happened almost too quickly--first a clatter, then scraping of chairs, and suddenly Maeryn was heaving, near hystaria. His own chair fell backwards when he shot up, eyes scathing the room for the source ofthe disurbance, but by the time he located the apologetic serving wench, the blonde woman was gone from the room. Blinking yet more, he felt his face crease in an automatic frown, using everything he had to keep from tearing after her. Heaving a great sigh, he turned and righted his seat, only belatedly noticing his own chancellor and companion. "Well met, Kerrich. How go the negotiations?" It was the same question he always asked, only this time he couldn't even bother feigning interest in the answer.

(22:09) Christiana Maelyss dropped her forkful of salad leaves as the soup hit her. "Oh my!" she exclaimed. Of course, being doused with soup was never a great thing, but attention was turned toward Lady Maeryn and her reaction. The poor thing! "Will she be all right?" Eyebrows creased as she stood up, blotting the liquid with a napkin. It seemed Maeryn got the worst of it though. "What an interesting meal this is turning out to be" she smiled, taking it all lightly. "Pray tell, are all dinners this eventful?" Perhaps she over-stepped boundaries but what events that had unfolded already happened. It did no good to dwell on the negative. So long as the young girl would be alright. Eyes turned to the young woman sitting on her right. "Were you hit with the soup?"

(22:09) Kerrich arrived late to the party and stood a moment in the doorway-- though his attention is not immediately focused on the gathered parties, but back over his shoulder, presumably watching Maeryn's retreat. He finally cleared his throat and stepped forward to address all assembled. His bow was deep, respectful and apologetic. "Forgive my tardiness, my lords and ladies." He immediately spotted the scurrying servants attempting to clean the soupy mess and murmured to himself as he took a seat, "Oh dear... I suppose that explains the distressed Lady I saw running down the hall." Out of decency, he neglects to mention that her dress had been on the floor... Tyltin's question turned his head, and having spent some considerable time in the Swordking's company, he immediately picked up on that note of disinterest and kept his response appropriately brief, "They are going well as can be expected, my Lord."

(22:15) Drysllthen swept toward the door behind his sister, guarding her back from prying eyes. His head followed her out the door, watching her down the corridor. Servants could have been sent, but he was certain it would only make matters worse. Drawing a deep breath, he stepped aside to allow Kerrich entrance with a small tight nod, only then noticing Tyltin righting his chair and the scowl upon his face. "She well be fine once she's changed her gown," Drysllthen uttered as calmly as he could, once more darting a glance toward his uncle. With a sigh, he resumed his seat, not entirely able to focus the humour that Christiana tried to inject into the meal, but he did give her a wry smile. "Oh, much moreso, m'lady." Where was that bloody wine? Alas, he'd ordered none, and there was merely water to settle him, scarcely hearing the remarks on negotiations.

(22:17) Deorwulf clutched the cup firmly in his hand and his eyes had a cold look in them, even if it was an accident his sister was now going to go through an extremely hot bath in order to clean herself. Perhaps a cauldron of boiling water would be nice for the serving lass. No, no! Such thoughts were wrong. A sigh was given when the lad calmed himself and he took a drink of the water slowly. Now here was what he could learn from, the topic that was now at hand. A bow of his head was now given to the two whom just entered along with a light smile though his eyes wandered to the doors which his sister left through. "Aye, she shall be fine..." The lad whispered and set his glass down, how he wished for wine or even some ale.

(22:19) Aerinne smiled bashfully at Christiana's question. Her voice was appropriately quiet, sweet and soothing -- a talent she'd perfected as she comforted the wounded and dying on the battlefield. "No... I believe yourself and my Lady were kind enough to block it." She attempted another smirk, if only to indicate that she was making a joke. Her golden brown eyes dipped again into her lap, studying her anxiously wringing hands, willing them to stillness. The healer hazarded a glance around the table, committing each new face to memory while diligently avoiding any direct eye contact.

(22:21) Tyltin V fished at his meal halfheartedly, grunting at Kerrich's response. He trusted the man to keep his courtly position secure, even if all the whisperers' plots amounted to little in the face of a sword. Unable to hold much interest in the conversation now that his inviter had slipped away, he found himself bored and annoyed. Not even a glance to his personal healer could lighten his mood, though she'd saved his life more than once, and after a while he rose more gently. "My belly and bladder are full," he announced to all and sundry. "Good night." Turning on his heel, he marched out of the room, conspicuously using the door that Maeryn had not.
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