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 Aerinne L'Morai

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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 9:38 pm

- witnessed the soup incident, and subsequently followed Tyltin out into the garden. Met Tyltin's newest advisor, Stephen Juntric. [known] Stayed out in the garden with Stephen after Tyltin's departure. [rumored]

- enjoyed a nice evening's debate with Drysllthen and Stephen. [known]

- stole away for an evening's peace in the garden [known] ... only to encounter Caoilfhion for the first time there. Drysllthen later joined the pair. [known only to involved parties]
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Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

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Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeMon Aug 10, 2009 8:26 am

- has undertaken the task of learning to speak the Leugeilean tongue both for her own interest and as a way to better communicate with Caoilfhionn. She was discovered in the library by Drysllthen, who suggested that she talk to Garnett or Caoilfhionn directly about learning the language rather than taking her lessons from a book. [rumored]

- shared an evening with Tyltin on the roof. Asked him both about the impending battle and his plans for the future. Reassured him of her loyalties, in spite of some playful(?) prodding about her fraternizing with Drysllthen and his healer. Spent much of the night in her chamber composing and re-composing a letter to Tyltin to be delivered in secret. [unknown]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 4:42 pm

- ran into Garnett, Tyltin, and Maeryn in the infirmary. Just about had a stroke watching the younger two canoodling, and fled the scene... only to crash into Drysllthen in the hallway. The two had a long chat, Aerinne revealing her feelings for Tyltin to the other prince. His compassion and affection had an unexpected result on the healer and wild making out ensued. [Retreat from the infirmary and meeting with Drysllthen rumored... everything after that unknown]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

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Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 9:46 am

- Was discovered in the garden by Tyltin in spite of best efforts to hide after the infirmary fiasco and the little indiscretion that followed. While her intention was to give the prince an earful he wouldn't soon forget, Tyltin's compassion and what might have been described as tentative reciprocation of her romantic feelings for him took the healer aback and she found herself unable to remain angry. They discussed his betrothal to Maeryn, which left him distressed and Aerinne with an overwhelming feeling of awkwardness. Garnett's arrival proved a happy distraction from the serious discussion, and after some small talk among the three of them, Tyltin took Garnett (who seemed out of sorts) off further into the garden for a stroll. [meeting with Tyltin rumored, contents of the conversation largely unknown]

- Went to check on Tyltin and found him on the roof. He took the healer off-guard again with a decisive expression of his more-than-platonic interest in her. They chatted about Valys for a little while, and about the meeting in which Drysllthen was named king, but the chitchat didn't take long to fall by the wayside in favor of some more physical interacting. (why is it that my nun character ends up getting all the action? >=( ) Predictably enough (for all of us OOCly, anyway), the two were caught by Maeryn in mid-embrace. The girl was less than impressed, to say the least, and Tyltin attempted to talk her down. Aerinne left sometime during this interaction to allow the two some privacy, and is yet again filled with angst over her situation! [unknown for now, though the news will probably travel pretty quickly!]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 8:59 am

- Confessed her sins, so to speak, to Garnett. She was understandably upset initially, but further conversation softened her reaction. Aerinne received some advice from the other woman which calmed her considerably, and was appraised of Maeryn's situation re: people are all dirty. Wound up bonding somewhat with Garnett, much to the healer's surprise. [unknown]

- Met with Tyltin to make sure that he appreciated what he might be getting himself into, and was reassured. [unknown]

- Was met by Stephen in the infirmary, who expressed his interest in joining her on the battlefield as a healer's assistant. She gave her consent, but advised him to speak to Tyltin for the final word. Tyltin then showed up as if on cue, and gave her permission for Stephen to assist Aerinne on the battlefield. Stephen departed, and Aerinne accompanied Tyltin back to his quarters. [rumored]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 2:52 pm

- participating in the march on Valys, sharing healing duties with Stephen. In spite of the fact that Tyltin has yet to sustain an injury, the healer seems to be spending a lot of time in and around his tent... [rumored]

- met Tyltin following the announcement of Raegnold's surrender. The prince was agitated at the prospect of losing the opportunity to smack around the castle defenders, and Aerinne (against better judgement?) stepped in to try to comfort him... bodily. [rumored]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

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Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeTue Sep 08, 2009 9:00 am

- Mended the Swordking's wounds following the attack on the castle's retainers-- one to his cheek, one to his shoulder. [known]

- Attended a party in Drysllthen's honor, and horror of horrors... was cornered by Maeryn in the middle of it! Much to Aerinne's relief... and then delight, the girl expressed an interest in getting along, and both confessed that they'd like to think of each other at sisters. Maeryn made the healer's night (and lifetime, likely!) by asking her to stand with she and Tyltin at the altar. The two made plans for dress-fitting, and the healer left the party so excited that she forgot to congratulate Drysllthen on his throne. Whoops. [conversation known, contents rumored]

- Heard rumors of Garnett's self-imposed seclusion and paid the lady a visit in her room, bearing gifts of herbs! Presently feeling somewhat angsty and helpless over her inability to help with Garn's obvious discomfort in the castle. [known]

- Met with Tyltin in the garden and asked for his permission to join he and Maeryn at the altar, which the swordking gladly granted. The two did a little plotting re: making the healer touchable by Maeryn and she consented to doing whatever it took (even if it means being scrubbed mostly to death!) They disappeared together into some deeper part of the garden and enjoyed some outdoor sporting activity! [unknown]

- Was called to the infirmary by reports of General Alexston flipping out on local healers. She seemed to have missed the worst of his temper, and heard the story about Merripen's attempted suicide. She drugged the girl to deeper sleep and treated the girl's wounds (replaced the stitches Will had put in her arms), as well as consented to offering a sympathetic ear for Merripen when she wakes. Provided the general with an elixir to help him sleep, and mixed up another to numb Merripen's pain when she wakes. Drysllthen's arrival in the infirmary had a rather odd effect on the healer, who seemed unsettled by the king's presence and withdrew from the conversation. She was later rescued from the awkward by Tyltin, leaving standing orders to a guard to come get her when Merripen comes 'round. [presence in the infirmary known, the rest rumored]

- Spent some time generally canoodling with Tyltin. [rumored]
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 8:29 am

- Attended a dress-making session with Garnett and Maeryn... who was rather high. It occurred to her at some point during the event that the girl had drugged herself in order to deal with the healer's presence-- something she felt bode rather poorly for their future as sister wives. Torn between motherly concern for the other girl's state of mind and dejection at the idea that the tolerance of her presence required mood-altering substances, she was rather reserved through most of the process. [known]

- Met with Tyltin, who recounted the Maeryn-branding incident, and told the healer that Maeryn's touch no longer held the same magic it had (she was the only person he'd never wanted to maim). Overwhelmed with worry for both Maeryn and Tyltin's safety (Maeryn from Tyltin, Tyltin from what Drysllthen might do to a man who murdered his little sister), the healer reacted hugely unfavorably. The state of things degenerated further when Tyltin suggested that Aerinne take the occasional beating to keep Maeryn safe. In spite of his later efforts to qualify that suggestion, the healer was left with the overwhelming feeling that she was being kept around as a proxy target for Tyltin's wrath in order to keep Maeryn from harm. Convinced that Tyltin and Maeryn are both barking mad and that she's being used, she reassured Tyltin that she loved him but told him that she would not be marrying either of them. He didn't protest, and suggested that if she couldn't tame the beast in him with affection, that she should do so with steel. [unknown]

- Fled the castle on horseback following the discussion with Tyltin and wasn't seen for several days. [known]

- Returned to the castle in what she'd hoped was a calmer, more collected state. A meeting with Maeryn dashed these hopes entirely as her anger and frustration at the situation boiled over at the girl. The healer, having been a first-hand witness to some of the flesh-rending stuff that Tyltin was capable of, attempted to impress upon the other girl the sort of danger she was putting herself in by tempting the prince to violence. Maeryn was less than receptive to this advice, which incensed Aerinne further, and she called the princess selfish and a fool, before repeating what Tyltin had suggested about taming his beast with steel, declining to stand at the wedding, and leaving the garden in a huff.[unknown, Aerinne's non-presence at the wedding known]

- Has been an epic recluse since then, having seen neither Maeryn or Tyltin in a week or two. Has been glimpsed in the infirmary, but goes directly between there, the chapel, and her chambers without speaking to anyone unnecesarily. [known]
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Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

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Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 6:27 pm

- Requested permission to leave Tyltin's service and the castle, which he (reluctantly) granted. Disappeared for a number of months. What she's been up to in that time remains a mystery! [not really noteworthy news, but her absence was probably noticed in some circles]

- Reappeared upon hearing that the prince had been injured in the march on Karmenys, healed his wounds, and returned to the castle with the army. [rumored]

- Heard of the zombie incident and pitched in to aid those who were hurt-- save Maeryn, whom she has been very carefully avoiding. Met Quess, Aethelwyn, Mari, and has taken a particular interest in whatever sort of magical zombie rot has infected Naiia's arm. [rumored]
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Join date : 2009-06-05
Age : 39
Location : Alberta, Cannuckia

Character sheet
Full Name: Kerrich Somneri
Wed to: Diana Somneri

Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 11:54 am

- Confronted by Drysllthen, who'd heard that she'd returned to the castle. Was cautioned against upsetting Maeryn and questioned about her whereabouts during her disappearance. She confessed to having been in a small town in Karmenys, and the king offered her an opportunity to bring back anyone she wished to save from the soon to be war-torn province, which she declined. Drysllthen suggested that she might consider moving to Alexston to see to Naiia's hand and stay out of Maeryn's way-- a proposal that Aerinne was excited to take into consideration. [unknown]

- Met with Cordelia to discuss the terms of her employment at Alexston, and was officially offered a position. She accepted immediately. [rumored]

- Packed up her belongings and went to meet Naiia and Julian, who'd offered to escort her back to the manor. Sieghardt appeared in the background and Julian excused himself hastily, presumably to avoid the man. Ran into Arela and Shyloh as well, and watched the princess deliver a rather savage beating to the jester for his errant balls (lulz). The healer beat a hasty retreat lest she lose her own temper on the savage princess! Later journeyed to Alexston to set up shop with all of her belongings. [known]

- Met periodically with Naiia to apply splints and fake poultices to her hand, while the healer slowly and subtly fixed it up with magic. Left Naiia's palm scarred so as not to arouse too much suspicion, but fixed up the broken fingers. [rumored] Found herself, on the most recent occasion, embroiled in a bit of eye gazing and cheek-stroking with the dark-haired Alexston girl-- Aerinne has yet to decide how she feels about all of this. [Unknown]
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Aerinne L'Morai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aerinne L'Morai   Aerinne L'Morai Icon_minitime

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