The Kingdom of Nharati
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[LOG]Masquerade Empty
PostSubject: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:01 pm

(20:21) [#] The Valenti colors provide the theme for the evening's ball, and in keeping with the masquerade feel, the throne room is decorated most whimsically. Banners of black and blue silk and tulle are hung from every sconce, and alchemical lanterns cast light in a variety of twinkling shades of blue and silver over the room. A roiling silvery mist blankets the floor, disguising stone, giving the room a fairy tale feel. Banners featuring a variety of intriguing lines and passages in exquisite script decorate the walls. Masked servants in costumes circulate the room bearing trays of food and drink-- all weird and wonderful, in black and blue.

(20:25) Cyndassa had a glass of wine in one hand and some curious hors d'oevre in the other as she circulated, smiling dazzlingly at anyone who met her eyes. The foreign princess seemed entirely at ease in the crowd, having a friendly word for everyone. She'd arrived early-- overeager for the party, and to be free of her lessons for a few blissful hours.

(20:33) William Alexston had spent a good half an hour wrangling with his hose, and after amusing Cordelia by appearing in only them and a feather boa, had dressed properly and headed out with her towards the masquerade in a black and silver, highly ornate doublet with matching calf boots and a mask that was half armoured on one side and arched over his other eye. Damn thing's squeezing my balls into dead swimmers. Still, he got to show off his fiancee this evening, so he'd live with wearing tights for one evening. He collected wine for her, passing the glass to her, and then picked up a tankard of ale for himself. He felt like a pansy enough in his hose without adding in a frivolous glass on top of it all - though he was sure Drysllthen's knee trousers looked a tad more ridiculous.

(20:37) Cordelia Ysdale floated into the room on her betrothed's arm, the entire green ensemble crafted for one single reason: to highlight the dazzling emerald set in diamonds and platinum on her left hand. It felt as though it must be brighter than the emerald tulle gown with lighter hues peeking beneath. Exquisitely painted brown eyes observed from beneath a golden mask, touched with no few gemstones of its own, the gold trickling down into the detailing of her gown. Paints had reddened her lips, and they curled into a faint smirk as she glanced at William, a twinkle in her eyes as they roved down his defined legs while he retrieved her a drink. "Thank you, darling," she purred, fingers curling around the glass. "You look utterly charming tonight." Smiling, she offered a small nod to the dark haired woman in the feathered mask, delighting in the task of figuring out just who was who.

(20:40) Stephen Juntric decided to be social and headed to the masquerade. He wore not quite a costume but fancy enough to pass. A green tunic with gold thread woven into it, wrist, collar, and waist trimmed in gold. The tunic fell over sking tight black breeches, being swallowed up by black leather knee high boots. He would opt not to wear a mas for obvious reason, his vision was already impaired, he didn't need to wear anything to help limit his vision more. He would grab an ale and move to the right side of the room to keep as many people on his left as possible.

(20:46) Cyndassa met Cordelia's eye, and let her mingling bring her before Will and his lady. She curtseyed at both, setting her emptied wine glass aside on a passing tray in the very same motion. "My Lord, my Lady. You both look splendid..." Her Nharatese was thickly accented, a sultry purr coloring each word she spoke, but was entirely comprehensible. "Cyndassa Galanos... a pleasure to meet you both..." She left off her own title.. 'princess' felt so pretentious.

(20:46) William Alexston chuckled some - she knew perfectly well how he felt about this particular outfit, having spent a good while faffing with it and grumbling to himself in her presence. Still, if she liked it he supposed it wasn't a total loss. "Not quite so enchanting as my bride-to-be, I don't think," he answered, taking a mouthful of his ale. "So. Who haven't you met in your wanderings?" He looked around at those present, not sure who she'd have encountered and who she'd have missed. She'd not been here all that long, really, and if she was going to be a permanent fixture he wanted her set up with friends before he wound up vanishing. Though he was sure she could handle herself, he'd feel better about going if he knew he was leaving her in the company of other ladies. He looked up when Cyndassa made her way over, offering a miniature bow in her direction. "You look splendid yourself, my Lady," he answered. "A pleasure. I would be General Alexston and this lovely lady is Lady Ysdale, my fiancee."

(20:49) Nalani K moved quietly into the room, wearing gold and sliver with matching butterfly mask.[pic on forum] Her hair was swept back off her face as mounds of curls cascaded down her shoulders. Gold and sliver sparkled in her midnight black hair like stars. A simple silver chain hung from her pale neck with a butterfly on it. She smiled, giving those in the room her eye reaching glimmering smile. Though she was quite nervous, so far not seeing anyone she knew and that list was quite short.

(20:52) Ashelynn was relieved to find various guests still trickling into the throne room; she wasn't very late at all. Now it was time to take slow, steady steps and avoid falling. Yes, not tripping would certainly be a good thing to do, though it seemed nearly impossible in those damned heels she had been coerced into wearing. For the most part, everyone seemed unrecognizable, with the excpetion if those who had more remarkable features. It seemed everyone seemed to be pairing off or in deep conversation with others, so she took to strolling around the room, nervously toying with a stray curl.

(20:52) Olyx Sgouros was idling somewhere near the flowers, feeling quite out of place. Sure, he had grown used to court life somewhat so far, both its downs and its -he snickered- ups, but this was certainly way out of his league. Feeling like a fish out of water, he had seized a tankard of ale to soothe his slight edge, as he looked around for a familiar face- and one that he could safely approach, at that. His gaze trailed to General Alexston and his wife, then to Lady Wintermore, finding itself momentarily on Advisor Juntric's tired form before ending in Morgance's all-too-familiar face. If anything, however, he knew none of the ladies might be particularly thrilled by being seen with him in a formal capacity. Instead, he preferred to approach Lord Juntric, sitting down next to him. "Good eve, my lord. How are you feeling today?"

(20:54) Cordelia Ysdale beamed at the General's compliments, a sly wink tossed beneath her mask as they glided through the room. "I fear I've met few thus far, General, as you seem to be keeping me quite busy. Only Lady Esdale and your dear mother of course.." Musings ended as Cyndassa approached, and Cordelia dipped into a polite curtsey with an enchanted smile. "A pleasure to meet you, m'lady. You look positively ravishing. Are you enjoying yourself thusfar?" She murmured, her left hand settled through the crook of William's arm so the hand laid just so..stone certain to catch the light.

(20:57) Cyndassa didn't miss the ring, and playfully replied to Cordelia, "Very much so. I would return the compliment, my lady... but I fear I have been blinded by your ring." she laughed pleasantly, glancing between Will and the woman on his arm. So the famous bachelor general was a bachelor no more.... interesting. "Congratulations, General, Lady Ysdale... am I the last to wish you well? Have you been engaged long?" She knew that this was a fairly new development-- it had been the princess' job to keep tabs on the courts' workings of late, as her father required of her.

(21:01) Morgance was yet another new face to Nharati, regardless of whether people tended to manage to get past other assets to recognise it, and she wasn't so shy as to mill around. She'd sauntered in wearing a dress that did little to encourage the presence of eyes on her face or mask, cut in a roman style with some slightly less modest editing. She turned dark eyes on the room; Sgouros she'd met before, clearly, though apparently no one else. In which case, it was time to spread out. So, she collected a glass of wine from the table, and meandered on over to Ashelynn. "If you'll excuse a rather forward greeting, my Lady," she remarked, seeming to stop on her way elsewhere. "But that mask really is rather unusual, I feel I must compliment it."

(21:02) Stephen Juntric nodded to the Master of Arms as the male came to sit by him. He would offer a smile and a lift of his mug. "Evening m'lord, I am well thank you. And how does this evening find you?" He would take a healthly drink and watch the crowd. For whatever had passed between them he acted as if nothing had happened. It was something to be forgotten though the proof was on his face, right eye no longer light blue and dull, but was white and cloudled.

(21:04) William Alexston glanced down towards the rock that covered a less impressive rock within it, inwardly amused at the blatant display of it - he showed off the woman, she showed off the ring, he supposed that was entirely reasonable. "Only a few days, as it happens," he answered. "You're among the first to wish us well, thank you." Yes, the bachelor was un-bachelorised, at least by law. Likely his behaviour wouldn't be curbed all that much, but what can you do. He'd yet to glimpse his brother-but-not's bright head around anywhere yet, so for the time being he'd keep himself in conversation with women. Not such a bad state of affairs, after all, at least until too much gushing about womanthings started to pour out of their mouths.

(21:05) Ashelynn turned around, rather surprised. "Oh, please don't apologize. Really, I was beginning to feel I was some sort of pariah". In a knee-jerk reaction, she briefly touched the mask, addign a nervous smile. "Thank you very much. I can't really say where it is from; it's been in the family a few generations. Anyhow....a pleasure to meet you Lady....?" Was that proper etiquette to ask someone's identity at such a gathering? She chewed her lower lip and smoothed her skirts, nervous habits that plagued her since childhood.

(21:06) Olyx Sgouros ignored the strange effect the eye had on most people- after what he had bore witness to, the hardened soldier was immune to yet another defect a fellow soldier might have. "Slightly tired", he replied, "I have not worn my full battle armour in a while and I am afraid it wore me out more than I expected- alas, a man of fighting quickly loses his abilities in this paradise of luxury". Quite a lie- if anything, it was what had happened before that had exhausted him, instead of the coronation event. In any case, he continued, lifting his own mug in reply and taking a sip. "A grand ceremony, the coronation one. I will admit I am still not used to this extravagance, but I am afraid I shall eventually grow used to being a witness of it."

(21:08) Diana Wintermore had entered rather silently and unobtrusively, collecting her white wine from the table unseen before she ventured closer to the gathering. So many people. So much blood. Be human for one night, Jenova. Pale eyes flicked around the room, spotting a few familiar faces, but one in particular - though she wasn't so forward as to go over and strike up a conversation, he was Chancellor, and therefore likely busy with social connections, so for the time being she turned to admire her handiwork on the banners. Yes. Impressive enough, she was satisfied with those. These creatures had bizarre notions - hanging wafer thin strips of dead trees to walls and putting liquidised bark onto things. It was like hanging corpses up and carving 'happy birthday' into their guts.

(21:09) Cordelia Ysdale laughed musically as her beaming face brightened further. She was not used to smiling quite so much. "My apologies, m'lady, but I really am quite pleased with the gifts my General gives me. He is quite generous." Her fingers tightened warmly on his arm, her head dipping toward it in affectionate possessive manner. "Yes, you are indeed, and thank you, Lady Galanos. How has your journey been so far?" She asked lightly, attention on her for a moment though she did glance around, eyes wandering over the gowns and those in attendance curiously. So many people to meet.

(21:09) Elysia Von Pith felt compelled to attend the party. If only because she had spent the last week hiding from the rest of the castle. She'd spent long days in solidtude, reading, bathing, working with her pins. Grudgingly she dressed herself after all the other women had vacated the women's wing. Her sleek hair was done up in loose curls, left to fall passed her shoulders, her gown of choice a deep black, etched in silvery thread. Her mask was nothing spectacular, merely the same onyx as her gown with thin silver flourishes. Dark eyes were smoked with khol. Finally she was ready and she took to the party. The girl carried herself with dignity, yet refused to march into the thick of it. Instead, she slank around the outside edge of the room, scoping out the sea of flesh and fabric. Silently she snagged a glass of wine from a wandering servants tray, and leaned back against the wall, people-watching for the moment.

(21:11) Nadezha entered into the gathered party, intimately holding the arm of a stately femme in an extravagant turquoise gown and a mask of silver butteryfly wings. Jesslyn Lucinti, refugee of her brother's chaotic reign of the small southern dukedom, was a delighfully pretty woman with poise and grace. But her compatriot, looking pruriently like her date, stole the show from her. Flamboyant ruffled collar of silken purple was repeated at the joints of shoulders, a normally obscenely short skirt of the same material wrapped around her hips to fall above thighs. But modesty was kept as she wore the loose satin-smooth suit, colors that were a mix match of mauve panels that garmented her right half of her torso and entirety of both left limbs. The opposites were a series of multicolored diamond patterns that shimmered in the light, the material gathered into cuffs just below knee and elbow alike. The costume finished off with the appropriate bellchime-tipped jester's hat of matching patterns. Twin tails of dark hair fell to shoulders at either side, a black mask fit plainly over eyes. It was a fitting costume for the jongleur, if unconventional for a ball full of women in gowns like her mistress'. Nadezha Sirantas had officially arrived in Valys.

(21:13) Morgance made a 'how silly of me' gesture towards her face when her name was hunted for. "Goodness, I forget my manners when faced with charming masks, you must forgive me," she answered. "I would be Lady van Reinhardt, I'm here to oversee the kitchens." Famous in the culinary world, probably a bit less so outside of it. "Not quite the pariah just yet, I don't think, we mustn't let that happen. I'm afraid I'm not quite so up to date with the present nobles as I'd like, a select few aside. Pray, which family did said delightful mask and its wearer come from?" Confident creature, this ladychef - apparently she didn't feel the usual social restrictions when it came to reeling off conversation chatter.

(21:15) Cyndassa nodded at the pair of them before reassuring Cordelia, "Not at all, my lady... had a dashing fellow presented me with such a gift, I would no doubt be showing it off myself." she grinned. The girl curtseyed again, "Congratulations once more... I hope you will not think me rude, but the room keeps filling, and I've not met anyone yet..." Save Greer and Drysllthen-- neither of whom were as yet in attendance. "Please, excuse me." she purred. She waited for the couple's leave before making her way across the floor to accost Stephen and Olyx. She dipped into the same curtsey, and greeted them amiably, "My lords... Cyndassa Galanos. And you two dashing fellows might be...?"

(21:16) Stephen Juntric arched his brow, "Oh?" was all he said, it sound a little strange that a warrior with his skill would become so fagtiue, but it wasn't impossible. He would nod his head, "Aye, qutie the grand event, but a man of you skills? I think not. You shall not go rusty m'lord." He would nod his head once more, "I am still adjusting to the extravagance of it all." He took another drink, moved his head around to look at the crowd and then frowned slightly, "M'lord I have a request to make of you, that is..." He would wave his hand around. "At another time."

(21:18) William Alexston nodded when Cyndassa excused herself, attention turning to anyone else she might not have met - Sgouros was taken presently, and everyone seemed to be cheerfully nattering awa- good grief whose tattybojangles were those? And did he see sapphists? Thank god for tight hose. He dragged his eyes away from that end of the room, and turned to direct Cordelia elsewhere. "Emersyn von Pith and my mother were very good friends back in the day," he murmured to her. "You remember, the woman I told you about with the violets." He left that as airy as possible, and then turned to head towards Elysia. "My Lady von Pith, how good to see you here - another absolutely fetching visage to add to the evening. Might I introduce you to my fiancee, Lady Ysdale?"
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[LOG]Masquerade Empty
PostSubject: Re: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:03 pm

(21:19) Stephen Juntric fails at reading and will add] He would look up to the lady that greeted them. He would stand and bow, "Evening my lady, Stephen Juntric, personal advisor to our crown prince. How are you this eve?" He would take his seat and grab another ale.

(21:19) Olyx Sgouros the swordsman nodded at Stephen's words. "I shall only hope so", he said between sips. Hearing his offer, a quick thought formed in his mind, but he let speculation for another time as soon as it was waved off. "As you wish, my lord. I am always at your disposal", the master at arms, replied, and was ready to say something else when the magnificent laskarian noble made her way towards them. She had heard indeed of her arrival, intrigued by the simple fact she was from Laskaris, but he had not had the chance to meet her. Until now, it seemed. Springing to his feet, he took a deep bow. "My lady, I am Olyx Sgouros, the Master at Arms. I am enchanted to make your acquaintance", he said, bowing his curly ebony-colored head.

(21:20) Ashelynn curtsied. "A pleasure then, Lady van Reinhardt. I'm Lady Marescot" she gave the woman her usual lopsided grin. "You say you are a chef? Pardon me, the chef? That must be a very interesting occupation" She mused. "Is there anything particular you like making the most? I'm quite fond of sweets myself but would surely burn down any kitchen". And...she was rambling. The other woman's confidence was contagious to a woman like Ashelynn. "Forgive me, I should have said this much earlier, but your mask is lovely as well!" She peeled her eyes off Morgance for a moment to notice others were revealing their identities as well. That was welcome relief.

(21:22) Cordelia Ysdale nodded polite as Cyndassa took her leave, her own curiousity for the people filing into the room glinting in her eyes. That blonde head tilted at the sight of the wallflower in black, the woman almost able to be mistaken for a servant, but she was certainly not that, not with that bearing. To her surprise, the General's attention turned on that precise woman, and she listened intently as they wandered closer, a simple nod answering the explanation. "A great pleasure to meet you, Lady von Pith," Cordelia answered lightly, dipping into a small curtsey. "I must say I envy you. Black goes so well with your skin, positively lovely." The slight commotion the gypsy caused within the nobles drew a glance back from her as she murmured to the pair. "What do you suppose is going on over there?" Her head tilted, trying to catch sight.

(21:23) Morgance lifted her glass to her lips and smiled quite radiantly at the compliment, eyes catching the recently entered gypsy folk. Her brow lifted behind the mask - well, well, well. Hello, ladies. She answered in due smoothness, however, eyes sliding back to Ashelynn. "I'm rather more fond of the eating process than I am the cooking process, if I'm honest with you," she answered. "I didn't get this figure exercising. And I'm afraid I'm not terribly picky. You should send someone by the kitchen at some point, I'll send back a basket of pastries and cakes for you. I confess I have this incurable habit of feeding people, for some reason I seem adamant there's some sort of global famine going on that I have to rectify."

(21:24) Cyndassa smiled politely at Stephen, replying "I'm well, thank you, my lord... doing my best not to become overwhelmed by all of the new faces. A shame they're all masked... no doubt I will not recognize anybody after tonight." The girl giggled at Olyx's exuberance, covering her mouth prettily with one hand, before curtseying for him again, "Likewise, Lord Sgouros... You've a very Laskarian look to you. Are you from those parts?" she asked, moving to seat herself with the two gentlemen.

(21:27) Olyx Sgouros rose from his bow, and stole a glance around. Assured that the only people that would overhear him was Cyndassa and Juntric, he still did not consider speaking out his mind. Instead, he merely replied, "My grandfather was Laskarian, milady, and I seem to have inherited his looks. I certainly stand out in all this sea of red and yellow, of course, but it's a price I gladly pay". Besides, he thought, women love the exotic. His eyes now were sizing her up, this dark beauty which gave off such a feeling of home. But he continued, "And how is Nharati treating such a fine display of Laskarian beauty, your ladyship?"

(21:29) Stephen Juntric nodded and smiled, "I am glad to hear it m'lady. Well I am sure you shall recongnize my face after the festivities tonight." He pressed his lips together stopping himself from saying more and instead brought his mug to his lips and took another healthy drink of ale. To Olyx he would just nod, when they both had a free moment he would state his request. He would arch his brow, "So you both are from the same land?" He would just nod filing the information away.

(21:30) Elysia Von Pith breathed in deeply, calming her annoyance when she was spotted and the pair came to join her. Out of politeness, she took a very few steps foreward to meet them. Will's comment about her 'fetching visage' almost drew an annoyed scoff from her, but she held it in check and simply dipped herself in proper greeting. "It is good to see you again, General." She uttered in her low, smokey voice. Chocolate gaze shifted over toward the candy upon his arm. Her smile brightened slightly. "And a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ysdale." She uttered, forcing her gaze to stay properly at the woman's eyes. "And congradulations. I must say you look lovely together." Straightening, her grin turned sly at the mention of her skin. "Why thank you. I do have a fondness for the color. Though I would adore to wear that lovely green." Finger reaching out irristiably to touch the strap of her gown. "It's a beautiful shade."

(21:35) Nadezha scanned the room so full of people. The Lucinti castle was never so full, let alone one ball room. some of them didn't seem too pleased to see her. The well dressed woman gathered a couple of goblets from a passing steward, handing one to Nadezha as she spoke into her while her eyes were lingering elswhere, "Feel free to mingle, Nadya. I see some fellows I would like to introduce myself too." The noble woman nodded toward a couple of nobles men who appeared to be siblings who were notably scoping out the many various women in the room, married or otherwise. The gypsy slid a knowing grin. Jesslyn still stayed close by however, just in case there were more serious adverse reactions to her friend's presence, but there did seem to be enough number of foreign sorts that the gypsy's roots might go unnoticed, or at least unconcerned.

(21:36) Cyndassa nodded thoughtfully. She'd not expected to meet other foreigners here-- she'd heard, by all accounts, that Nharati's people were rather xenophobic. "Everyone has been very hospitable, thank you. My father and I have been quite comfortable." At Stephen's remark she smiled again, baring dazzlingly white teeth (though he apparently wouldn't be able to appreciate just how nice they were, being blind n' all!), "One face is better than none, then... and a handsome face at that!" She gestured for Olyx to join them again in sitting. "His grandfather was from my homeland, yes." She managed not to sound wistful-- if all went well, she'd not be seeing home for a very long time. She'd become the dutiful wife to a Valenti-allied nobleman.

(21:38) Ashelynn laughed loudly. "Then I shall have to send someone! Really, habits can be such dreadful things break; especially if it involves rectifying the global famine" she nodded solemly. "I have a habit of biting my lip, and that's hard enough". Eyes glanced over to the gypsy and she noticed Morgance's looking. "Please, don't let me stop you from making new acquiantences!"

(21:39) William Alexston was beginning to get bored of all of this talk of dresses and engagements, but he didn't let it show, simply smiling dopily like the stupid brute he was supposed to be. He almost let out a ridiculous and dumb 'Cordelia looks good in any colour, hurr hurr', but he opted against it and instead remained cheerfully quiet and drank his tankard. Hurry up, gingerknob, save me from the feathers and colours and dresses and girlish bullshit. It was all lovely but it was Cordelia's domain, and he'd rather be pigging away in a corner with the menfolk. It was far more entertaining and it was hard to get decent eyefuls when one's woman was right there next to one's person.

(21:42) Morgance looked amused, glancing over to Sgouros. Time to make his night a little harder again. "Actually I really must speak to a friend of mine before he's eaten alive by his female admirers," she answered. "Though do feel free to accompany me if you wish. Otherwise, do send your minions over for some sugary treats and I'll hope it doesn't put you into some sort of sweet induced coma." She sauntered on over towards Sgouros and Cyndassa regardless of whether Ashelynn followed her. "My Lords," she greeted, eyes sweeping towards the equally exotic Cyndassa - goodness, it sent the mind to interesting and recently visited places to look at those two sat together. What an interesting sandwich that would make. "My Lady. Would you mind awfully if I interrupted?"

(21:43) Drysllthen deliberately arrived late, the King clad entirely in black and gold, complete with the damnable knee breeches in black velvet. Gold working etched the hem of them and his fitted jacket, feet stuffed into polished black boots while his hands had been fitted with the same black leather. A cape of black draped his head, the edges tucked into the ornate jester's mask to keep his red hair from exposing him. Height, however, was against him, for no matter how he slouched, he tended to tower over the others present. Still, he entered his back hunched and a limped gait, eyes wandering the room beneath the crazed mask. He slipped close to the gypsy, hovering behind as if he was simply part of her entourage.

(21:45) Stephen Juntric chuckled and shook his head, "Thank you m'lady for such kind words." He could see her and that dazling smile. He wasn't completely just yet! There was still life in the old dog! He would nod his head and take a drink before speaking, "Wonderful, I am sure having meet someone from your homeland makes Nharati feel less imposing." His eyes widen when Morgance joined them, even with one good eye he could see what she had to offer. He would nod, "M'lady, good evening." He made the greeting quick she wasn't here for him.

(21:45) Olyx Sgouros shook his head, as much as he would have liked to agree with Juntric's assumption. "I am Nharatian by birth and raising, my Lord. My grandfather merely gave me my looks and my skills, both of which I am grateful to him. But a man's made by his blood and birthplace, is he not?" Of course not, he immediately thought. A man is made of his choices, his ideals and his actions. Yet this was not something he'd share. Before he could say anything more, however, the familiar form of Morgance appeared in his field of view, and he couldn't help smiling. Waiting for Cyndassa to reply, he himself said, "Lady van Reinhardt, what a pleasure to see you." It seemed he couldn't help inflating that particular word, either.

(21:46) Cordelia Ysdale stroked her fingertips possessively along William's arm, a fetching smile flashed his way. Poor man. No doubt he'd rather be out doing anything than being dolled up in those hose, but her own attention focused on the lovely dark creature before her. "Oh, my lady, surely you would look fetching too in green. Honestly, your complextion would do justice to nearly any colour." A glance slipped to the fingers that stroked her gown, lips curving faintly. "And thank you, Lady von Pith. You are very kind in your compliments. I do hope you'll keep us company. For it certainly wouldn't do to leave you lurking along the walls tonight."

(21:49) Nadezha carried herself like any noble might, suggesting she were more than just someone's servant or entertainer, but actual indoctrination into the arts of court. A fact the made some scowl and others wonder. But thankfully, the party was too lively for anyone person to keep a distant someone's attention for long. Though she suspected rumors aplenty after all was said and done. She wandered around, eavesdropping to various conversations, but didn't feel quite ready to dive into the business of strangers. At least until she realized someone of sizable mass standing behind her. With a half spin, she perked a smile, "A thousand pardons, my lord. Am I in your way?" The accent wasn't quite right. It wasn't gypsy anymore than it was southern Nharati. She stepped aside for him in ladylike bow, clearly clueless that he was the recently coronated king.

(21:50) Cyndassa glanced between the two men as they spoke, and answered Stephen with a roll of one shoulder, "I am not uncomfortable, my lord. Everyone has been very kind..." ... and she did what she had to. Her father had raised her better than to expect to live her life for her own enjoyment only. Morgance's arrival to the party turned the girl's head-- perhaps a little too sharply, and the princess was on her feet afresh, and curtseyed. "Not at all..." the girl purred, desperately trying to keep her eyes fixed on Morgance's face. "Cyndassa Galanos... nice to meet you."

(21:50) Ashelynn wandered over to the Gypsy instead. Lady van Reinhardt's offer was terribly polite, but the crowd, who all seemed to know each other, scared the young woman a tad too much. "Good evening" she curtsied. The blonde couldn't think of anything else to say and twiddled her thumbs. She dearly wished they wouldn't think of her as an imposition, but it was better than walking around aimlessly. "That is a very interesting dress you are wearing" Her eyes left the woman to the man shrouded in black, offering him a polite head dip and curtsy.

(21:54) Stephen Juntric nodded his head, "Forgive my misunderstandings, but you both have a common background and in that you both can take enjoyment." He would smile again before lifting his mug to his lips, "A warm greeting makes all the difference." His mug was empty and set aside as he grabbed another.

(21:55) Drysllthen's head tilted expressively, as a dog's might, when the gypsy spoke to him, that maniacal grin on the mask hiding his own expressions well. He gave a quick shake of his head, offering her an exaggerated bow with a deep flourish. His hand had just extended for hers when the pretty blonde lass approached, and she too received one of his ridiculously deep bows, the King ending with a brandish of both hands that left them upraised for the ladies, demanding their hands to pay his obeisance, blue eyes gleaming with mischief beneath the jester's visage.

(21:55) Elysia Von Pith shook her head at the woman at the former title. "Please, call me Elysia. Lady von Pith was my grandmother." Her smile grew slightly and she took a long sip from her wine, a glance given to William, who, despite his fine mask, looked more uncomfortable than she was. It was amusing, really, and it took all she had not to snicker behind her goblet. "Mnmm.. Perhaps, I shall see." She said, regaurding the colors. She very nearly asked the woman to help her, but silently assulted herself for it. What's wrong with you, woman? You're to be scoping for the bachellors! Sh forced her gaze to wander the room. "A wallflower is rather enjoyable. Unfortunately, I should really mingle." Her feet refused to take any steps toward the sea of masks though, instead she found herself taking a seat with the fianceed pair.

(21:55) Morgance flashed out one of those deliberately dazzling smiles in Olyx's direction. "Naturally, my Lord, it is always a pleasure to see me," she responded in place of the usual mannerly faggotry. She turned her head when Cyndassa greeted her, smile still present. "Much as it is to see Lady Galanos, don't you think? Morgance van Reinhardt, dear Lady, and there's no need to rise on my account - a chef is only superior to her cakes, I believe." She was enjoying herself with this crowd - how many more perverts could she fish out of Valys' cesspool before the week was out? She took a leisurely sip of her wine, expression twisting into that usual mimicry of pleasure whenever something that tasted good landed on her tongue. What was it, Olyx? 'Even her expressions were arousing'? How nice.

(21:58) Nadezha switched gazes to the voice ot the sweetly fidgeting female. Her eyes weren't able to make out the details clearly, but the colors and the form stood out nonetheless. "And greets to you, my lady." she took the girl's words as a compliment, replying with a very lively banter, "Thank you very much! I wondered if it was in poor choice for the ball and I really didn't have anything appropriate, but then I heard it was a masquerade. I couldn't resist. My absolutely favorite sort of party. Costumes, drink, and merriment aplenty." Ah, the man was greeting her? At least that seemed to be the gesture, the fingers weren't clear. Of course the dame placed her fingers to his with proper poise. Were people supposed to introduce themselves at masquerades here? Ah, who cares. She was going to enjoy herself. "Nadezha, at your service. Nadya if you prefer." she flashed a smile to one and then the other.

(22:00) William Alexston turned to go back to the seating when Elysia did, supposing he really ought to say something rather than being a dumb statue. "My mother sends her regards, by the way," he told her. "She unfortunately couldn't attend, my father has taken ill. But she did ask me to convey her heartfelt greeting." His mother, her grandmother, the closeness likely would never transcend generations as it had villainies, but regardless, he'd pass it on. He was sure she'd somehow know if he hadn't, despite being on her way home by now with his ailing father. Gone and away, thank God, so she'd not be here to look over his shoulder so constantly. Hopefully she'd dragged that witch Osanna back with her.

(22:03) Olyx Sgouros chuckled at another round of somewhat improper comments originating from none other than the mistress of impropriety. "I shall agree on both accounts, Lady Morgance. You have an uncanny talent of being so true, it frightens me, some time." That, and your inexorable libido. He felt the confines of his mask momentarily loosen, and he adjusted it in his face. Cheap damn thing. Taking another sip, he found his tankard empty, and promptly switched it to a full one, thanks to a passing servant. "I should first and foremost congratulate you on the incredible feast you prepared. You must have had quite some inspiration beforehand!", he said, genuinely sounding, yet the words had their own meaning that only she would understand.

(22:05) Ashelynn laughed and gave the masked man her hand. "I suppose with your silence, you wouldn't be willing to give out your name, M'lord?" she quirked a brow. But she didn't mind. It may have been the allure of the event, but underneath the protection of the mask, she found it easier to loosen up. The young woman grabbed a glass of wine from a passing servent, sipping it slowly. "A pleasure, Nadezha. I'm Lady Ashelynn Marescot".

(22:07) Cordelia Ysdale's warm smile continued, a soft chuckle passing her lips at the invitation. "Why thank you, Elysia, but if I do that, you simply must call me Cordelia, no?" Satisfied, she sunk into the seat next to William, listening attentively as she watched the antics of the fully masked jester with suspicion. "My, it's an odd crowd tonight," she remarked absently, catching snippets of conversation. From the corner, there was a fresh swell of music, a quiet tune beginning to prompt the fine dressed gentlemen and ladies into the first dance of the evening. "Are you here alone, Elysia?" Cordelia asked rather suddenly, her attention turning on her with some measure of concern.
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PostSubject: Re: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:03 pm

(22:11) Morgance smirked at his answer, tilting her glass agreeably in his direction. "I did, in fact," she answered with typically emphatic tones. "I ate something rather delicious before I got to preparing, and it seemed to set me up entirely for cooking." She took another sip of her wine, pausing whilst she thought something over. "My Lord, I believe I have a favour to ask you, if you'll hear me." Of course he'd hear her, likely in a slightly different fashion to the way he usually did, but he would hear her. This was more than mildly important, though her casual 'request' was shrouded in the usual exuberant behaviour that didn't tend to suggest 'serious' on any level.

(22:12) Elysia Von Pith grinned at the invitation and dipped her head in acceptance, but William's message caught her attention. She'd heard stories, and had hoped to meet the woman, if only to gleen more stories of her grandmother. Her smile faultered the tiniest degree. "That is very kind of her. I had hoped to catch her before she left the castle. I do hope your father recovers quickly. Please send my regards the next you speak with her." The sudden strike of music pulled her attention away for a moment, and she was pleased that it covered a bit of the chicken clucking that permated the room. Cordelia's sudden question though, was not covered and she glanced over toward her and nodded a bit. "Yes, quite alone." She remarked, although didn't seem the least bit downhearted or ashamed of it.

(22:18) Drysllthen brushed his masked lips above first Nadya's hand and then Ashelynn's, offering them both a playful squeeze before he released them. He gave another shake of his head at the lady's question. What would be the point of giving up his name. With the sound of the music swelling, he lifted his head, left hand falling as if to support his back as he crained upward, refusing to straighten. Right index finger poised against his lips as he glanced between the two ladies, then gave a small nod toward the dance floor, one hand extended to see who might take it first.

(22:18) Olyx Sgouros flashed her one of his smiles, right before sipping a tankard of ale- and using the combination of tankard and mask to hide his wince. This woman had proved herself unpredicable, and while it was what drew him to her in the first place -that, and her more physical assets- it might as well lead him to a rather embarassing position. But he could not deny her a favour, both formally and informally. "Anything your ladyship wishes. I am always at your disposal", he said wryly. Still, he had to admit to himself that it was this inherent danger that made it all the more interesting.

(22:20) Cordelia Ysdale noted away that familial association, quite pleased to find it had not unseated her position with William. Yes, it was rather good that he had decided before Mother had, fine as Lady Alexston was, she was uncertain the General would have done well if she made the choice. "Ahh, well then, darling, we really must find you an eligible man to at least dance with tonight, hmm? One really must not go to a ball without dancing." Her blonde head tilted, glancing across the room with pursed lips as she tried to find an adequate partner. "Although I daresay, we'll have to be looking a fair bit. Any handsome fellows catch your eye?"

(22:20) Ashelynn looked toward Nadezha. Of course, she wanted to dance but she wouldn't go stealing it away from another lady, if she so desired. She asked the question with her eyes, finding it possibly awkward to ask out loud if she preferred to dance with him or not. Then again, she found almost anything to be awkward.

(22:23) Nadezha murred a little noise at the gentlemanly greeting, piping up shortly after to the femme with her, "Ashelynn? That is a gorgeous name, my Lady. It rolls right off the tongue, it does." The beaming troubadour was chipper enough some might think she'd already been at the alcohol. High on life would be more like it. Her glance back to the big silent lunk of man made eyebrows rise above the small little mask. She could tell he was gesturing again but god knows what. She leaned in next to the blonde with a conspiratorial whisper that was certainly loud enough for the big lout to hear, "Is he flirting with one of us? These masks are so hard to see out of." She poked a tongue out between teeth, proving some evidence that she were lying and teasing thusly about it.

(22:24) Morgance would never go so far as to outwardly embarrass him - many women flirted with him, and she was merely talking about cookery. She moved to sit next to him, voice volume lowering to a more 'general conversation' level. "I need an audience with the King," she murmured. "And it's pressing. I'm not sure he'll hear 'pressing' with any sort of weight if it comes from the chef." She sipped her wine again and exchanged her empty glass for a fresh one from a passing servant. "I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't vital." She straightened and smiled for no apparent reason to him, but it'd look like she felt she'd said something amusing to him in conversation, which would suffice nicely.

(22:27) Ashelynn leaned closer, and replied in hushed tones. "I do believe he's being polite in a chivalrous manner. If indeed he is flirting, than it is done in good faith, I'd gather". She accepted his hand. "Since you seem so adament in not speaking, M'Lord, I hope I am not presumptious in assuming you were asking for a dance?" She raised an eyebrow, internally surprised at how vivacious she was being tonight. The mask was terribly stuffy, but she resisted the urge to just rip it off. Where would the fun lie in that?

(22:30) Olyx Sgouros was taken abruptly by the side, and almost expected another perverted suggestion now that they were out of earshot from the normal folks- but indeed, he was entirely surprised by her request. So surprised, as a matter of fact, that he didn't even think of mocking her. "What for, if I may ask? It might help to know what exactly you want it for. Regardless, I don't know if I can get it for you, but I will most certainly try. Drysllthen", he whispered the king's name, not bothering for any formality between the two of them- he was hardly older than himself, and he had fought for the man for two many years to consider him as distant as to call simply 'his majesty', "is quite open to meetings, but like I said, I cannot promise anything but the effort I'll put."

(22:31) Drysllthen shot his hands to rest on his hips in theatrical annoyance when neither lady took his hand, his gaze darting between them again. Eyes rolled, and he shook his head, a gloved hand reaching up to pat a cheek of each of the ladies. With a bit more boldness, he leaned in as if to kiss Nadya through his mask, only to release them both and scamper away with a laugh. Booted feet carried him toward William and his lovely bride to be, the von Pith with them, and he capered around them, the first speech from his lips close to Will's ear for only him to hear. "God, at least dance with the women unless those hose have truly crushed your bollocks."

(22:36) Morgance shook her head some. "I can't tell you here," she answered. "But you should be aware of it. Your guards aren't quite doing their work properly." She took another sip of her wine. "With luck he'll hear you. Ensure to press that he must hear what I have to say." She loosed another laugh - at least she looked like she was being silly rather than going into serious discussion. "I need to leave, handsome, I'm only really here to ask you that. Come find me, and we'll talk. I must see to a few things." She passed a hand lightly over his chest, and a moment later, she was sashaying out of the room with a smile for anyone who met her eyes. She'd done what she came for - it was time to get back to the kitchen.

(22:39) Nadezha chimed giggles along with the tiny bells of her head ornament, giving space between the secret King and the newly met Ashelynn, but then in came the shadow of the masked giant hovering toward her face. Ah! She could finally see some of the mask's details, grinning without a single indication of backing away. Oddly enough, the fellow scampered away in a laugh. A few exaggerated blinks later, she turned to Ashelynn, "I think he discovered I was a gypsy and decided to run for his life! I can't blame him. Men are so fragile these days, even the big ones. Oh!" Her eyes flickered a completely different line of thought, "Are you here with any one, Lady Marescot?"

(22:40) Olyx Sgouros nodded, faking a large, seemingly amused smile. "That's serious enough. We'll talk later. Take care", he merely said, though he appeared as if he was simply commenting on her imaginary joke. As soon as she had left his presence, he returnet briefly to Juntric, only to say, "Now that was exhilarating. If you'll excuse me, my lord, all this commotion has made me quite curious. I shall go and check it at once, and I would be delighted if you would accompany me." He'd wait for a moment for him, but if he showed signs he did not wish to come, he'd simply smile and fly off towards the gypsy and the little blonde girl that had caught her attention. As soon as he arrived, he made a curt bow, and said, "Ladies, the music has started. Which one of you would like to accompany me in a dance?"

(22:41) William Alexston chuckled at the appearance of the King so randomly, murmuring back, "The cavalry arrives at last." He rose shortly after, apparently intending to get out of the lady-gaggle for the time being. "I think we should really dance, my love," he announced, offering one hand out to her. "If your newfound friend will let you go into the hands of that General brute, that is." It shut up the girltalk for a while, if nothing else, and it got him up close and personal with the woman he generally liked to be up close and personal with. He didn't really want to discuss his parents, and neither was he too concerned about dresses, or rings, or discussions on bachelors. It felt like betraying his own to point out good men to be caught by a shepherd's crook.

(22:43) Stephen Juntric arched his brow though he was happily drinking, it didn't mean he didn't take notice stange conversations and was curious to their contents. He would nod his head as he lifted from his seat and followed the male. He would bow to the ladies smiling, "Good eve, how are you both this evening?"

(22:46) Ashelynn laughed, shaking her head. "I'm afraid I'm not here with anyone" though her demeanor suggested she really didn't care. Just one more thing to worry about, really. "I'm afraid I'm not what one would call a 'skilled dancer'" She shook her head with mock disdain. "And you?" Though when the other man appeared, she leaned closer, whispering. "I think all the men are flocking toward you, not running in terror" she giggled a bit. "At least, I'm not one to draw men in, so it must be you" she reasoned simply. She curtsied to the man. "Good evening. I'm quite well, thank you. And yourself?" She quirked a brow.

(22:49) Elysia Von Pith slowly scanned the crowd at the question. Hell, she couldn't tell if half of them were men or women. Her stomach sank at the thought of mistaking a man for a woman. "Unfortunately, I can't seem to tell the difference." She announced with a laugh. They all looked so damned frilly. Then the jester came 'round. Mocha gaze followed him as he pranced around them and murmured toward the General. One brow arched and without her consent, she found herself laughing at his foolishness. When Will rose to take Cordelia off for a dance she shook her head. "I'm not so sure I can do that, M'lord." She said as seriously as she could muster, but found herself laughing soon after. Usually that sort of teasing would have her nauseated, but the liveliness of the party was even getting into her icy core. "Have a lovely time." And she rose a hand to shoo them away.

(22:50) Nadezha tipped her goblet for a sip, glancing over her shoulder to find the origin of the new voices. She winked a teasing twitch of her head toward the duo of males, "We seem popular tonight, my Lady. I think I might step aside sooner though, before I scare off another potential dance partner for you." Ashelynn's retort was just as quick, "I'm sure you are as beautiful as your name, my Lady." She spun on her heel to face the new company with a more audible tone, offering her hand as she had done for Dryllthen, and long enough to meet the salutations of both gentlemen, "I am wonderful tonight, thank you for asking. As for dancing, we might be at a disadvantage. I know for one I have limited experience in ballroom dances." Two little walking fingers began to dance around in the air like a person for expressive emphasis.

(22:53) Cordelia Ysdale's hand extended gracefully to William though her dark eyes followed the jester curiously. Mock offence flittered over Cordelia's pale face, bottom lip curling out in a pout for being denied permission. "You are cruel, Elysia," she crooned. A grin spilled over her lips and she tilted her gaze up to catch William's eye. "I would love to dance, darling. Lead the way." Her fingers tightened on hers as she cast a bright smile at Elysia. "Enjoy your evening, my dear. I'm sure I shall return shortly." And she swanned away on her betrothed's arm, content.

(22:56) Olyx Sgouros chuckled at the woman's comment, right after he had lightly kissed her hand in greeting, both hers and Ashelynns, if she offered it. "Then we shall be a perfect match, milady! I too am quite unskilled in said dances. So, instead of embarassing two potentially quite skilled dancing candidates, how about we limit said embarassment to each other?", he jested, a warm smile on his face. What a quick-witted young woman. He liked quick wits. "I do believe Lord Juntric with his excellent dancing skills shall be a match for Lady Ashelynn's equally formidable repertoire of moves, so that leaves the two of us, I am afraid. If, of course, you have no problem dancing with me, that is."

(22:56) Drysllthen simply shrugged at the comment before offering another of those deep and obnoxious bows to the two seated ladies, his hands flourishing in exaggerated fashion. Once Cordelia rose to join the General, he held out a hand to Elysia, the broad gloved fingers awaiting her hand as he kept his blue eyes from being too obvious, hoping that the mask would hide enough to keep from giving him away. His free hand pointed after the General and Lady Ysdale, then to himself and back at her, his head tilting in a mock of wistfulness as he clasped his hands to his chest in a plea.
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[LOG]Masquerade Empty
PostSubject: Re: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:04 pm

(22:58) Stephen Juntric offered his hand to Lady Ashelynn and a bright smile, "M'lady would you care to dance? I am sure you are skilled enough." It was true enough he knew well most of the courtly dances and he would mind helping a beautiful young lady learn.

(23:03) Nadezha quirked a wry smile, "I bet you say that to all the girls, my lord. Nadezha, at your service. Nadya if that is easier to say. Or if you think of something more fitting, I have a fondness for nicknames." She took his hand once more in his offer, "But if I step on your feet, don't say I didn't warn you. In all this clutter, I can be as clumsy as a bat." More truth than joke there. She turned toward Ashelynn, tilting a 'will you be alright' form of grin, catching lady Jesslyn out of the corner of her eye dancing with one of the brothers she were speaking with earlier.

(23:04) Ashelynn laughed but shook her head. "As much as I would really love to, I think I'm going to sit down for a bit. I think the atmosphere is really getting to me" She glanced over to Nadezha. "I think Nadezha would be a lovely partner though".

(23:04) Elysia Von Pith watched the pair take their leave, then noted that the jester masked male was still standing there and gesturing like a lunatic. Her brow perked up. There was a familiarity in those shadowed eyes, and tall form, but she couldn't quite place it, especially with the act he was putting on. She couldn't think of a single person who'd behave so utterly, well... foolish. She gave another quick glance around the room, and sighed. "One dance." She murmured, feeling the excitement of the room pull her spirits higher than she usually allowed. And her darker hand slid into his as she pulled herself up from the chair. "Lead the way, M'Lord." Words uttered in a tone just above the din.

(23:08) Stephen Juntric would nod his head and if permited help the Lady to a seat. "May I offer you a wine, m'lady?" He would snag one from a passing servant heading her the glass. He looked over to the pair and chuckled softly, "I believe, she has a partner already." He would look over the crowd and back to Lady Ashelynn, "Allow me to introduce myself, though it seems everyone wants to be secretive, but I'm not wearing a mask. I am Stephen Juntric, personal advisor to our crown prince."

(23:09) Drysllthen bowed his head in gratitude when she accepted the dance, his broad hand wrapping around hers gently. It was, however, one thing to hunch when wandering about the room, but on the dance floor, he rose to his full height as he led the von Pith woman into the midst of the dancers. He guided her for a small smooth spin before one hand laid with the barest touch upon her waist as he righted the hand clasped within his own. The King turned into a fine step with the dance, guiding her with ease through the steps, mischief glinting in his eyes. Keeping his voice at a whisper to marr tone, he murmured. "Have you figured it out yet, Lady von Pith?"

(23:10) Quess was vixen that was dressed to kill, the soft golden and pearlescent hues of her gown was only the beginning. Gathered satin was tied at both thighs with an array of silk crimson white-tipped roses flurring around her waist and down the right side. The skirt beneath was a shower of dozens of gossamer pleats that sway and swirl like frolicking ghosts in the even the slightest of movements or breezes. Attached to the gathered satin was the bodice top half, halting just above chest to leave bare shoulders and arms, laced up tightly on each side with ribbons of gold. A red choker with silver accents banded around her neck for reasons other than just decoration, short pearl white gloves gathered fingers protectively. Then there was the mask, whimsical lines flowing about the golden cast metal that shaped the points of a perked-eared fox, the dark browns of her eyes a suitable match within the large angled and sharp tipped ovals of the eyeholes. The long brown curls her bound into a shower of a mane behind the mask, golden ribbon strealing from the mask within them to give consistancy and shine. And just for the last touch, a fox tail of fur and silk dangled flirtatiously from the small of her back. Perhaps the fox is the one on the hunt this time. "Lady Ysdale. I saw you dancing out there. You both look wonderful tonight." she could spot the twosome easily enough. But William had slipped away before she could reach them.

(23:11) Olyx Sgouros offered another of his smiles as his long-fingered hand enveloped hers, and he drew her to a more open space. "I have had horses step on my feet- I do believe I will manage, Nadya. As for the nickname, I shall rely on one when I have found something appropriate." Having finally found a place of his liking, he waited for a moment to get in tune, and then started dancing, slowly at first, to help her get in the tempo. "As for me, Olyx will suffice. I do hate formalities, and I will be deeply offended if you use anything else." Then, he started speeding up, and he proved himself quite the liar- he obviously knew very well how to dance, making little if any mistakes as he led her with ever-increasing speeds. "Pardon my little lie, but it did work, did it not? Worry not, for truth be told, even these silly little dances depend almost exclusively on the cavalier."

(23:16) Cordelia Ysdale returned to her seat, slightly flushed from the exercise of the dance. Long fingers plucked a wine goblet from passing servant, that glittering emerald rock still quite in evidence. She smiled at it plainly as she smoothed her gown, a voice near her ear calling her attention. Eyes widened at the fetching costume, the good Lady Ysdale studying it for a fair moment as a smile bloomed over her lips. "Thank you, m'dear. Goodness, what a change this is from the garden if.." She canted her head as if she would peer beneath the mask. "It is Lady Esdale, is it not? That is quite the fetching costume." She gushed, hand extending to invite her to sit. "I'd not pegged you for a fox," the good lady teased softly. "Would you like some wine?"

(23:16) Elysia Von Pith slid to the floor, suprised at his true height. Dark eyes kept trained on his, so much so that it would have been doubtful that she was prepared for the spin. The woman was, however, an excellent dancer and she swirled with it gracefully, not a step missed as she returned and fell into the proper patterns. His whisper went unanswered for a bit, dark eyes curiously roaming from his shadowed eyes to his chest and arms. Suddenly a wry smile sprang to her face and her free hand ventured up to pluck something from his shoulder. A long, red hair was waved in front of his eyes. Her voice was kept to a whisper reserved only for him. "That I have." She neglected adding his title, for the simple sake of how closely packed the dancers seemed to be. She'd not want to ruin his disguise prematurely.

(23:18) Nadezha moved alongside of him as any proper noble mind as he led the way to the dance floor. Olyx was not likely a man unable to note the grace and steps of a dancer. She might have well be pulling his leg as well. Once the dance started, she were coordinated enough, but clearly not familiar with anything more than the most basic of formal dance steps. The gracefulness was enough to keep her out of trouble at least, not a toe stepped on. Ah, but at least he was close enough she could look him in the eye. Much further and she could be staring at most anything on his face. Nose, brow, who knows what. "Little white lies? How terrible. What if they wouldn't have matched your attire, my Lord. Hmmm?"

(23:23) Drysllthen smiled beneath his mask to find his partner so skilled, although the quirk of his brow was slightly visible as she studied his face. As she considered, they skimmed across the dance floor with ease, the King adding a turn here and there, complicating their dance for she moved with such grace. Eyes twinkled when she found the trace of him, a low laugh rumbling in his chest. "Never try to fool a woman, hmm? I'm afraid you have me, m'lady." His head dipped as he guided her into an easy spin, catching sight of Quess from the corner of his eye, but for now, his attention was solely on his dance partner. "I hope you are having a pleasant evening, Lady von Pith." Something of earnestness rang in his whisper, his touches light and proper for all his earlier foolishness.

(23:24) Olyx Sgouros did indeed notice the dancer inherent in her mannerisms- that was strange. She moved not with the trained gait of a lady in waiting, but more of the calculated grace of a professional, much akin to the dancer girls he had savoured during his various campaigns. How odd indeed. "Poor ploy, as I said, but effective. But my simple attire leaves no room for even the whitest of lies, so I simply have to be truthful about it." Especially when he was running around in armor usually, it wasn't very easy to hide his identity. After commenting on her comment, he danced with her a little more, before he said inquisitively, "Your ladyship shows quite impressive dancing skills, especially for one unfamiliar with these courtly dances. May I be as indiscreet as to ask how you acquired them?"

(23:25) Quess laughed outright, the bright blush of cheeks mostly hidden thankfully by the fox mask, "You would be right, m'lady. And thank you. It was a combined efforts of many minds, including my own. I was certain I might have made a fool of myself. It appears the contrary however." She tucked her dress about until satisfied she could sit down next to her, "I would love some. How is the party? I missed a brief portion I know. Commander Marillion has a few questions that kept me longer than I had intended."

(23:30) Cordelia Ysdale shook her head quickly with chuckled assurance. "Not a fool at all, my dear, and I doubt you would do so. You were utterly charming at the coronation." Confidence oozed in her voice as she idly contemplated the dancers, shifting her wine to her left hand while remaining quite conscious of the ostenatious ring that rested there. The right rose to signal for a servant, and in a mere moment, she passed a fresh goblet to the girl. "And it has been enjoyable, but the King has yet to make an appearance..that, or he's hiding. The General departed to check on his father." Her head shook slightly, glance tossed Quess' way. "Commander Marillion? Oh, never mind," Her hand flicked dismissively. "I shan't pry into your business."

(23:31) Nadezha narrowed flirtatious lashes as she twisted her head as if she had to ponder whether she would reveal or not, or just as much that she thought it was more obvious. "You seem to have some foreign background, my lord, if -I- maybe so bold as to observe. But I think even you can tell the lineage of a gypsy when you see one." She tilted toward his ear to whisper as if it were a grand secret not to be shared with anyone, not even the masks! "I'm an entertainer. Singsong, dancedance." She reeled back with a glorious smile like some cat just ate avaries worth of birds and the feathers were still in her 'innocent' teeth. "But you didn't here that from me. It's just a crazy rumor."

(23:35) Elysia Von Pith easily matched every turn and twist he tossed into the patterned dance. Never once did she stumble or step upon his toes. It was the sort of gracefullness other women prided themselves on, but one that Elysia cared little for. Dances were a chance for women to seduce men, and she had little taste for it. Much to her suprise, however, she found herself much amused by it all. "Never try to fool this woman." She ammended with a low, smoke toned laugh. "That I am. Suprising as I know it is." Her icy core was melting in the midst of the festivites, and while curious, she assured herself it wouldn't last. One night of fun surely wouldn't kill her. When a spin brought her closer to him she took the oportunity to gracefully lean up and whisper, "And congradulations to you." into his ear. Or rather, the proximity of his ear.

(23:38) Quess humbly bowed her head to the praise, "I was truly nervous. Yet I feel I did well." She gladly accepted the offering, she could use a drink to relax some. All these grand events had made her a bit on edge. She perked up greatly at a certain someone's mention however, "He hasn't yet? He is not an easy man to hide, I would think." She laughed thoughtfully, sipping at her newly received goblet of wine. Ah good, red wine. She would have mentioned her preference earlier if she had thought of it. She shook her head with her own hand lifting to provide her with not a worry, "You probably do not know him. He used to work for my father. He just had some concerns about my staying in Valys when the rest of my family has been moved on."

(23:40) Drysllthen's low laugh joined hers as he inclined his head slightly. "I shall keep that in mind, m'lady," he murmured. Eyes brightened with the news that she was not having a miserable time, and he chuckled as he led her through a complicated turn. Surprise lit through him as she leaned in to whisper, the hand upon her waist tightening for just an instant in acknowledgement of her words. "Thank you, m'lady. I hope you continue to have a lovely time. And if I may assist in that.." He offered a small nod, the music of that particular dance winding to a close. As it ended, he offered a proper bow. "You are an utterly charming partner, m'lady, and I should very much enjoy dancing with you again."

(23:41) Olyx Sgouros gave her a turn during the dance, and then as they closed again he heard what she had to say. Of course, he had figured that out by now, though had not put all the pieces of the puzzle together yet- and she did all the work for him. Bursting into a short-lived, hushed fit of laughter, he continued dancing unavailed, occasionally spouting a few words. "That would explain everything then, I guess- initial commotion upon your entry included." He gave her another spin, and continued, "And you do seem to entertain quite well, so far, at least as far as I am concerned. Am I perhaps occupying you, distracting you from your duties? It would be a shame indeed to be doing so". They parted for a moment during the dance, only to be brought closer yet again, for a few more words. "Crazy rumours abound in this place, but I for one have no interest in them- though I've been the target of a few as of late, unfortunately."

(23:45) Cordelia Ysdale enjoyed a long leisurely sip of her wine as she listend to Quess, a faint understanding smile curling up on her lips as she spoke of nerves. "Indeed, he is not, but perhaps he has fooled us." Those slim bare shoulders lifted for a small shrug, though her lips pursed as Quess continued on. "I've heard the name, although I did not know he had sworn to King Drysllthen," she mused quietly. "And that is curious.." Her dark eyes pinned on the younger woman more intently. "I suppose I'd not realized your family left, but you do seem to be making quite the place for yourself in this court." Approval lit through her easy voice as she smiled reassuringly. "Which is best for you, my dear, as you get to stay in your home. Have you heard of any likely arrangements for your future?"

(23:47) Nadezha was the only one in the court dressed the way she were, and it made her stand out like a sore thumb. Almost like a slap in the face to the very nobles that would feel angered by her existance among them. But little they could do, she had proper sponsor with a rank as high as some lesser folk milling about, being someone's cousin's cousin and all that. She did so love to keep people in good spirits, his laugh keeping the corners of her lips in the upright and stable position, "Distracting? Not at all. I am here to help schaperone my lady, Jesslyn Lucinti. But otherwise I'm here to enjoy the party like everyone else." She ducked her head and turned it sideways like she had forgotten the most important part of her comment, "Long live the king." She could care less about rumors. Rumors were just mud on her riding boots! "Crazy rumors about -you-? Oh do tell now that you got my attention." every exaggerated word spoken like a gossiping bitty.

(23:48) Elysia Von Pith nodded slightly to his words. "I shall hold you to that." She offered with a chuckle then looked over toward the musicians, giving them a gentle applaud. Her smile was a rare thing, and she found herself giving it rather freely this evening as she turned it from the band to the tall male bowing before her. She swept herself down into a proper curtsey, those long locks fell to twist over her shoulders. "I would enjoy that very much. But for the moment, my aching feet demand a brief reprieve. Go mingle, jester." She said with a wink. "It would be horrible of me to hoard all the good entertainment." Turning, she searched for her wineglass and found it beside Quess' feet. Instead of interupting, she turned and gave one last smile to Drysllthen before waltzing over toward another chair, snagging a new glass on the way.

(23:52) Olyx Sgouros did enjoy her dancing as well as her company. Oh how he loved gypsies. Tangling with them as a dangerous affair, but always worth it, one way or the other. Satisfied with her answer, he continued with renewed interest and a seemingly endless amount of stamina, though he knew very well that he couldn't keep this up for any longer. "And how are you enjoying the party so far, Smiling Gypsy?", he asked her, finally finding a suitable nickname for her, right after another of his spins. "I do believe you would find them particularly silly, frankly. Somehow, the women around this place have got in their silly little heads the absurd notion that I am handsome, and being a bachelor does not really help. So rumors abound about where I go and who I- pardon me, what I did. Quite annoying and dull, really."

(23:54) Quess sipped further at the much enjoyed alcohol, watching dancers, flirters, and conversationers alike, "I do apologize, they have not left for Leugeilean yet, I do not believe. The Queen Mother will be leaving with them when they do." It might have sounded strange that she were separating herself even in conversation from her family. She offered an appreciating smile as she tilted her head back, feeling the weight of the mask already, "Nothing I should take to heart as of yet. There is some talk of this or that, such as arrangements with other proper suitors. The King wishes to weigh my options first." She turned the cup to lips again as if to hush herself from saying much more on the matter. "You said elder Lord Alexston was being checked on. Is he not well?"
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PostSubject: Re: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:05 pm

(23:56) Drysllthen would have flashed a grin at her wink but he had to merely be content with tossing her one of his own before he spun away from her with a flourish, having given up on the hunched bit for the time being. Blue eyes searched the room, glittering as they soaked in those in attendance, and for an instant, lingering on that fox mask. Those shoulders and that tumble of dark hair was unmistakeable, but his attention slipped onward to someone who might not recognize him so easily, finally landing on the black-hair lass in gold and silver. He offered her one of his outrageous bows ending with a hand extended toward her as the music struck up again.

(00:00) Nalani K had been quiet as a mouse and just as unnotice. She didn't mind not mingling as she sat on the farthest end of the large room. She was simply happy to just be there. Her eyes widen to the jesture and she smiled. She would not know it was the king, having only one brief meeting with the male wasn't enough for her to know his tells. She would take the offered hand surprised she'd been noticed in her corner. "Evening m'lord." She would say, voice airy and soft, bowing as she stood and hand still in his. Her heart skipped a beat from the thrill of it all.

(00:02) Cordelia Ysdale nodded at the clarification, her wine disappearing at a rather steady state as her eyes darted toward the door, rather wishing that William would return before the evening got too late. She dared not venture up to his quarters, that awkwardness with Merripen mildly unpleasant. "Oh, I see. Well, I do hope they all have quite the pleasant trip." Her interest seemed to focus more however as they spoke of Quess' prospects. "Ahh, well, I'm certain he shall find someone suitable. It really would not do to match you overly quickly, not with all that's happened." Although just who the King would deem appropriate, Cordelia had not yet determined. A sigh slipped out at the question. "I know little enough of the details. Only that Lady Alexston could not attend because of it. I fear I've yet to meet the man, but I do hope he recovers quickly."

(00:04) Nadezha light feet manuevered well enough on the dance floor, every movement a balance of motion and stability, twirling in his spins like they were child's play. "I have been teased to dance by no less than three men in my first ten minutes. I could get used to that." She halted a giggle, "So yes, I'm having fun." She flourished a bow at the end of the song as the gentle applause sounded like a summer rain to the dancer's ears, basking in it for a moment with gently lidded eyes before focusing attention on the dance partner, her hand holding on his shoulder in case the fellow wanted another dance as the music began again. "Handsome bachelor. Hmmm. Women flocking to you for attention and... doings is it?" She flashed a capricious grin, "Well, I can't see how that's anything that could annoy or dull you. That sounds like a nice rumor. The kind men love to have told."

(00:06) Drysllthen bent over her hand, the maniacal mask just brushing its lips above her knuckles as he nodded politely. With a gentle tug on her fingers, he led her without waiting for protest or agreement out onto the dance floor. One blue eye winked cheekily at her, his hand settling upon her waist as he stepped into the more leisurely dance, for the moment keeping the lead simple until he had guaged his partner. Recognized or not, the King certainly loomed in his black and gold, rather dwarfing the smaller clerk as he gently spun her.

(00:09) Quess noticed the irony about then. This woman would have been her rival mere weeks ago. And now look at them, talking like they were friends or something. Maybe she felt like the two of them could use some. "I am sure they will. I understand it is a glorious place and my sister already has a suitor, relative of the Valenti family no less." She sipped her all too quickly disappearing wine, blinking into it like it were vanishing via magic, "As do I. It would not do to have more stress placed on the General, nor yourself." She turned her head with a slight nod of sympathy, "He sounds like a very active man. Perhaps he injured himself on one of his hunts."

(00:10) Olyx Sgouros chuckled, saying "It's good to know you are having fun, it makes me feel less useless around here" right before the song ended and she made her magnificent bow. Realizing she was up for another dance, while he was no so eager to do so, he replied, "If you would like, I suggest sitting out for the next dance, for I am afraid I need to regain my strength. I would love to chat with you, but I will not be offended if you choose another dance partner to continue". In answer to her constant questions about the rumours, he shrugged and replied, "I thought so too, but frankly when women hunt the man, it loses a lot of its charm indeed. Not to mention it is downright annoying, to be harassed so often."

(00:11) Nalani K gasped softly to being lead away so quickly and not even asked properly, but no matter it was the name of the game, to have a little mystery and a whole lot of fun. She didn't spend all her time in the library, though it was where she loved to be. Her father my lack social graces but she excelled and even with a simple dance she perfectly matched his movements. She began to wonder who it was behind that mask as she craned her neck, emerald eyes from behind her own mask looked into his.

(00:16) Cordelia Ysdale shrugged uncertainly as she finished the last of her glass of wine, the effects beginning to grow heavy on her as was the music. "Perhaps it is that. I'm sure I shall hear soon, and while I risk being rude, I fear this has been a terribly exciting day, and I am beginning to weary." Her lips twisted in an apologetic smile and she offered an air kiss to Quess' cheek. "I shall have to have you to Varana soon, or whatever the General names it, for dinner perhaps." With a deep curtsey, she took her leave, pausing to offer Elysia a small pleasant nod and glance as she mouthed good night.

(00:17) Nadezha expressed disappointment, "Already? Now I know why you aren't fond of those rumors. You can't keep up." She laughed like a bowl of bubbles, glancing this way and that, though her view was less than anything mut blurry colors with limbs moving about. Though her other senses made up for them. She could still spot Jesslyn on the dance floor with the second brother. Movements, sound, smell... if she could recognize those, the eyesight meant nothing. "I think I can sit out a dance or two." She stayed to walk along side him to converse, "You don't care for aggressive women? I'd have thought there were few around the courts. Passive little lambs in skirts. Not that I'm complaining, I don't mind a leg of lamb myself now and then." Now wasn't she just the blunt remarker.

(00:20) Drysllthen offered no clues to his identity, the King refusing to speak for his voice was rather recognizeable. Instead, his blue eyes merely sparkled as he lead her through the dance, going so far as to dip her teasingly. But, alas, the dance ended and the mysterious jester offered a ostentatious kiss to her knuckles before her backed away with a finger pressed to his lips. "Farewell, m'lady, and thank you for the dance," he whispered before turning into the crowd, his long legs carrying him to the far corner of the throne dias.

(00:21) Quess returned the pseudo kiss to the woman she actually found respect for, cupping her elbow and her shoulder in the lean. Once the pulled back she bowed herself, "I look forward to it. Do enjoy your evening, m'lady. Give my regards to the General and his family should you see them. They are in my thoughts and prayers." She politely bobbed her head once more as she watched her take her leave.

(00:23) Nalani K was reeling by the end of the dance and she not a sip of alcohol. She smiled to him bowing and blushing to the dramatic gesture. She titled her head to the side trying to hear his voice, but he'd whispered the hint wasn't enough for her to make a guess. She watched him leave before making back to her little corner of the party.

(00:24) Olyx Sgouros singled out an empty pair of seats and, offering his arm to Nadya, led them towards it. As he closed in the distance, he noticed something strange with her eyes, something vaguely familiar, but he could not quite place it. Setting it aside for the moment, he picked up the conversation where they had left it. "Well, the Smiling Gypsy is now being extremely mean. It's been a long, rough day for me, moreso than I expected, and a little understanding can go a long way." Looking around for some alcohol-bearing servant, he was disappoined to find none prancing around, so he returned his attention to Nadya. "Oh, do not take me wrong. I love aggressive women. But like everything, it gets old if overdone. And besides, there's a big difference between a woman that grabs you and lifts you off your feet, and a woman that merely opens her legs at your direction when you pass by. As a matter of fact, it makes all the difference in the world."

(00:30) Nadezha gives him a pout, pretend sympathy for his troubles. Though she could imagine it's been a nuthouse about the place. The Lucinti group had arrived just a day before the coronation. Such large crowds who had come to see the parade and the nobles that had entered into the festivities must make things a living nightmare for the security details and the local heads. Sadly, not a catfight in sight yet though. She took her seat next to him, not needing to bother folding the small skirt like the others. She listened to his explanation but that just sent her into a tidal wave of genuine laughter, much to the annoyance of some of the nearby conversationers, "Sorry, so sorry. I just pictured the image of that." she tried to calm herself, "That is hilarious. You say this happens often? I -have- to see this next time it happens."

(00:32) Elysia Von Pith surveyed the party, feeling herself growing weary of the crowd, even if it was thinning. Her wandering gaze caught sight of Cordelia's departure and she gave a gentle nod of her head toward her and mouthed the same in return, adding a little wave. A few men caught her eye, and she couldn't help but notice they had seemed to be the same few who had unsublely remarked about her when she had first came into the castle. "Pigs." She uttered to herself and gulped down the last of her wine. The ice was returning, and it was embraced like an old friend. Good naturedness was a confusing beast that she figured she'd best leave sleeping. Her glass was carelessly tossed to a passing servant as she rose and wandered out of the room. Presumably to the women's wing to make sure she was sleeping long before the other women retired. It made things easier that way.

(00:35) Drysllthen stole a few more dances with unsuspecting maidens and matrons, eliciting a few blushes and more than a few grins for his antics, but eventually, his boots carried him over to the fox-masked lass, and a smile crept beneath his mask. So far, only one of the ladies had discovered his identity, and before Quess, he dipped into that same ridiculously ostentaious bow as he extended a gloved hand toward the lass. Eyes remained dipped slightly away from her as he awaited her response, knowing she would recognize a certain impish glint.

(00:36) Olyx Sgouros burst into laughter himself, though he attempted to contain it when he realized the nearby nobility might be offended. Ah, to hell with them- he let himself laugh loud. Mirth was more contagious than any disease he had encountered so far. "I will have to admit it is more of a metaphorical paradigm instead of a more literal scene, but in the end, it is the same is it not? Same old, same old, as they say", he made a mock, exaggerated sigh. No matter what he said, he always enjoyed it, quite unlike what he has been telling folks. "But you seem to have had scantily less success, if we consider the amount of offers made since you arrived. I do believe that short skirt of yours might have something to do with it, since I doubt most of the supposedly noble men around here would actually apprieciate a fiery spirit and a sharp with, both of which you seem to possess."

(00:40) Quess finished off her wine, making small conversation with a few passersby that either knew her from the castle, from her past as the Nharati princess, or more than a few flirtatious males that would ask her to dance but she would politely decline. It was not the sort of dress to wear if you weren't looking for attention. A shadow loomed over her while she were scanning the contents of her empty cup. When her eyes lifted, there was little pause before the blushing smile would form underneath the golden mask. Without word or comment, she set the goblet aside and took his hand after a very short curtsy on her feet.

(00:45) Drysllthen kept himself from speaking a single word as his hand folded tightly around hers, a touch more possessive than it had been with his other partners throughout the evening, but who could really see the difference. Wordlessly, he led her to the dance floor, guiding her through a small spin that landed her quite firmly in his arms, and only then did his blue eyes land fully on her face. A smile cracked beneath the mask, alas, the black guise too long for her to see the bright expression on his face, though it crinkled at the corners of his eyes, the King quite certain she'd already guessed who he was simply by her acceptance of the dance.

(00:47) Nadezha's face contorted into utter confusion, "Metal fornicatable pair of dames? I'm educated, my lord, butdo talk stupid to me so I can understand. Or I'll start giggling at the thought of you making out with twin metal women statues." she prodded him nothing more than an expression before nodding on to the rest of his words, "Oh dear boy, this is a modest costume for much of what I have with me. I doubt I'll be wearing much of any of it in these courts. I don't mind causing some trouble, but there's only many tenders of straw before the camel breaks its back. But, I'm ecstatic to hear that I'll be a hit with the right crowds. Or maybe that's the wrong ones, hmm?"

(00:50) Olyx Sgouros chuckled at her comment. "While I do not believe what you just said, I shall entertain your request. Not to mention since the prospect of making out with twin female statues made of metal sounds a bit... cold. As I was saying, it's more of what they so obviously want to do- and make it known- rather than actually come up to me and claim it. The latter of which, I must admit, I find quite interesting as a thought, yet I despise the former." Finally locating a passing by servant with a tray full of mostly empty glasses, he got up just in time to nick a pair of wine goblets, offering one to Nadya and keeping the other for himself. "Cheers", he said, clinking the glasses and taking a good sip of red wine. As he let her words sink in, he continued. "All the wrong ones, I'm afraid, all the wrong ones. But it's them that are worth it, no?"

(00:52) Quess left her hand on his as the other reached for his shoulder, which was a sizable stretch but a comfortable one. She could always lower it to his upper arm if it became difficult. She knew these dances like the back of her hand. She knew most every step by heart, she'd had enough practice over the years entertaining her father's guests with them. Seeing the gypsy off in the seating area vaguely even reminded her of her old teacher, though about 10 years Nadezha's senior. She never broke her gaze during the dance, however. Locked in silent admiration as she met each step as he directed them, not a gesture nor radical change of pleasant expression that would break her concentration. Not of dancing, no. But of removing all the rest of the crowd out of her mind.

(00:57) Drysllthen's hand at Quess' waist supported her reach, but of course, the lift to his shoulder naturally brought her closer to him. There really needed to be little thought as he stepped through the turns and twists of the dance, curious to see that no further redness rose on her pale cheeks. "You did promise me a dance after all," he whispered. "And you are as exquisite a partner as any man could wish." Indeed, she seemed to move fluidly with his hands, Drysllthen falling into the more complex version for he was graced with such a vision in his hands. Here, however, he didn't gaze with the wonder he so often did, his eyes merely warm. "You are a vision tonight, Lady Esdale."

(00:59) Nadezha gratefully accepts his gift, "I think I understand. To each their own, but to yourself, you want what you like. Mmm, cheers." She sipped like a any proper lady though it wouldn't be without question that she could heartily down a tankard of ale just as well. Rather nice wine, but who could expect any less than the official ball for the King's coronation, let alone one for the one who finally united Nharati. She smacks lips, enjoying the taste and texture, "We'll see. I may be run out of Valys like a plague carrying assassin thief on fire. But until then, I'll enjoy the life I have before me while I can."

(01:05) Olyx Sgouros raised his goblet in a toast, smiling. "To living our lives before us while we still can, then. It's one of the best things to toast for, I believe", he said, taking a good sip of the wine. Indeed, this thirst had not allowed him to even consider it, but now that it was somewhat satisfied he did allow the wine to dance around his mouth and grace it with its fine taste. Gulping it down somewhat unceremoniously, he continued, "Well, I do hope that does not come to pass, even though the thought of seeing a plague carrying assassin thief on fire being chased out of Valys must be quite a funny sight. Assuming it has all the aforementioned qualities, of course, in actual and not imaginary capacity. Especially the on fire part- yes, especially that", he said, chuckling. He was obviously inebriated by the sheer mirth caused by the combination of alcohol, festive atmosphere and jovial company.

(01:05) Quess broke her silence at last. "Of course, m'li-- m'lord." she tried to help him hide his cover, despite how soft her tone was for him or how obvious it might be to others around who he was by now. The fox was useful, it covered nigh all of her blush, at least so long as nothing too embarrassing was said or done. She continued after his first compliment, "Always a dance spared for you." She were light on her feet, easily moving from one location to the next in such a harmony, it would seem like she were reading his moves even as he went for them. The second compliment made her head slightly duck between shoulders, "You are rather handsome tonight as well. Though I could have approved of a more suitable mask." She smiled with a bob at her chest, holding back a small laugh.
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PostSubject: Re: [LOG]Masquerade   [LOG]Masquerade Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:05 pm

(01:10) Drysllthen chuckled quietly, catching that touch of crimson beneath her mask. "I'm glad to hear it," he murmured, his chuckle turning into a full laugh as she spoke of his appearance. "Ahhh, so I'm more handsome when my face and head are covered. I see how it is.." His light tone and the wink urged her to hear the grin she couldn't see beneath his mask. "It's rather pleasant not to be known for who I am at times. What gave me away?" His head canted as he glided with the music, his fingertips curling in against her spine for a lightly possessive touch.

(01:11) Nadezha drew her glass toward his toast, tapping it with his before taking a suitable swallow from hit. "Here and here." She hummed amusement into her beverage, listening to his words on her zany thoughts, "Lord Olyx, you'll find I put a lot of thoughts in men's heads. A lot of them never actually come true though. Poor darlings." She leaned back, crossing her ankles with an appropriate, almost taunting laugh. "But if women were everything a man wanted, who'd need alchohol. And what a sad world that would be." She stirred her pinky into the wine, almost absent-mindedly.

(01:16) Olyx Sgouros shook his head. "I'd make another toast to that, but I am afraid that if I start a trend, I might as well not bother drinking at all, since I will be toasting all night", he said, taking another sip of his wine, studying the strange female in front of him over the fine glass rim of the goblet. "I like women who put thoughts in my head. It makes it work every once in a while. Quite beneficial for the health too, from what I've heard from the healers", he added in a rather mocking manner, a sly half-grin adorning his masked visage, the simple mask not being able to hide it. He had grown so used to wearing it, much like a helmet, that he had totally forgot about it. "Sad, sad world indeed. I find that most men have nothing more to ask of their women than a plate of food, a pair of open legs, and successors. Why, they miss all the fine points the fair gender has to offer. Poor, poor them I say."

(01:18) Quess scoffed lightly after him, patting his shoulder like it was mock attempt as a slap, "You know well that is not what I meant." The sway of the dancers moved on with graceful steps and the occasional spin. Her eyes narrowed in those large slits of her mask, "I could recognize you behind any mask. Even the ones others do not see." She tried to smile away her serious tone, and for the first time since his the dance floor, broke eyes with him. A flacid attempt from being silly or saying something improper, changing the topic some, "I did not fumble at the coronation at least. That was a large relief..." She went and had to make herself feel awkward didn't she. She was enjoying the moment no less though. A dance with the King without a judgemental eye in the crowd. How could she not.

(01:24) Nadezha fingers caressed the details of the cup, using her fingers to see it all the better. "There's nothing wrong with a series of toasts that last for hours. That's how a lot of drinking games are born." She seemed to be unconcerned that she was showing her more commoner side of thinking, but she did remind herself to be more careful with it in the future. She just laughed at him from behind another sip before finally settling the nearly emptied goblet to her knee. "Easy there. You're starting to sound like a gypsy, dear boy. I might get burned at the stake if I start 'converting' people."

(01:24) Drysllthen's eyes searched her face, the King simply inclining his head lightly to acknowledge her assertion but it went further uncommented. "You did quite well at the coronation, m'lady, as I assured you you would," he murmured, not a doubt in his eyes or voice. The movement of the dance forced her into an outward spin, the King refraining the urge from snatching her back playfully when she returned, quite aware that notes on who he danced with and how he danced would be reviewed once he revealed himself. Rumours would fly regardless about all the women he danced with and Roselyn's absence. "Are you having a pleasant evening, m'lady?" He asked lightly when she returned, thumb offering a single subtle brush over her spine.

(01:32) Olyx Sgouros chuckled at her comment and drained his glass completely, leaving it down on the table. "Well, what's a Smiling Gypsy without an entourage of followers? Perhaps I might get to be follower number one. I wonder what privileges come with the position", he said, winking at her. Suddenly, he felt a little bit dizzy. Were he on his feet, he would teeter and look for something to grasp and steady himself, but fortunately right now he was sitting. Realizing he needed some fresh air, for the combined mirth, beverages and exertion had taken their toll, he flashed her another smile and said, "Well, I am afraid that I will have to be a spoilsport and go for a stroll to get some fresh air and perhaps catch my breath as well. Your company has been fantastic, but for now I must part ways. Perhaps I will see you later tonight, if you have not retired by then." With that, he got up, slightly unsteady on his feet, and made a curt bow before heading towards the exit of the throne room.

(01:34) Quess, blind of such trials for him, she had hoped he would do just that on her return spin. Alas, she spun herself back toward him much more typical and discreet flair. Once her hand reclaimed his arm, and his around her back with that subtle touch that she could feel all too well, she'd find herself locked right back in his eyes with her contented smile, unhidden from her mask, "Indeed, it is nice to dress up and mingle with people now and then. So many familiar faces and new faces as well. But I admit, I'm enjoying the evening moreso now." The edge of her skirt did wonders for the appearance of her dancing prowess, emphasizing every movement in ways that would make even the most unpolished of dancers look impressive from afar. And then there was the costume's tail. No telling how many young men were blissfully watching her hindquarters because of it, and thankfully unawares to her.
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