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 (LOG) Drinking Games

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PostSubject: (LOG) Drinking Games   (LOG) Drinking Games Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 11:53 am

(23:18) Morgance was, to no doubt immense, universal, pandemic shock... Drinking in the parlour. As she tended to do when the evenings drew in and her work was finished. She'd stopped off to change into something that didn't smell like she'd been in a butchery all day, bathed and left for the source of the castle's alcohol. Wine, tonight. She missed it. She'd brought two of her own bottles, since she could never quite be sure whether she'd find one to her particular tastes, and was sat with her glass in one hand, her recipe book balanced against her knee and a quill in the other hand. Work first, and she still had a little bit to write up to ensure she was prepared for the influx of apprentices. She'd only put out for two, since any more and she'd rip her hair out with a pair of pliers, and two would suffice. She didn't intend to spread her culinary secrets all across the world, even if some of her other secrets were relatively well-known.

(23:32) Arela was unable to get too comfortable with settling down in her appointed room so she opted to head out for the parlor, set on relaxing by the the fire and hopefully getting tired enough so she could simply return to her bed and sleep the night away. Of course, Arela wasn't expecting to find someone already situated in the parlor so when she came across Morgance seated with her wine and cook book she paused. Hesitating she glanced around before waving a hand in front of her nose, recalling the cook she had complimented and spoke to after a moment of narrowed staring. "Morgance?" She recalled the woman's name after a time and moved to seat herself in the chair nearest her. "I did not think...anyone else would be in here." A nod was given to that, hands folding atop her lap.

(23:40) Naiia's visits to the castle were fewer these days, especially since her name had been forever associated with that horrible woman. Still, she had reminded herself, hiding only made it worse, and there was a bit of...hunting to be done. Thus, garbed in an elegant ensemble of green velvet over black, the fit of it slightly more tailored than she was used to, she strolled through the castle hallways, taking a moment here and there to make pleasant conversation with the lords and ladies that lingered about, certain to bemoan the evil ways of Synaria should others bring it up..which they thankfully were loathe to do. Wandering naturally took her into the parlour, and with a small smile on her lips, she swept down the stairs. "Good evening, ladies," she greeted quietly, offering a proper curtsey to Arela. It was a small thrill to have her hand properly work with her skirts, not a touch of falter to her movement now, though her hands remained gloved. "I do hope I am not disturbing."

(23:43) Nalani K was looking for something to put herself to sleep as well, what could a bookworm want but a book. To the parlor she wandered, stopping half way down the stairs. There were people already inhabiting the parlor. "Good evening ladies." she said smiling brightly. She moved down the steps, flicking her loose black hair behind a shoulder. "Nalani Keigwin, please to meet you." She said to the new face. She moved further into the room still smiling brightly.

(23:48) Shyloh had been wandering the halls, wearing normal clothing this night. He had been a social ghost, which was ironic during a particular celebration. He only ventured out when he had to entertain, or eat. Otherwise, he was fairly well a growing book worm. Always studying the things that appealed to him. Hands were crossed behind his back, boots clicking at the hallway floors as he took a leisurely stroll. Brown bangs bounced over his forehead, remainder tied back into a ponytail which fell at shoulders. He'd pause near the parlor door, hearing voices within. Nose scrunched, unsure if he should enter. Without his mask and jesterly clothing, he felt far more vunerable. At the same time, he was a bit starved for contact of sorts. Taking a breath, he'd step inside. He tried to remain quiet, unnoticed, so he may get a better view of whom was present. That way he'd know to flee or not.

(23:53) Morgance looked up from her book when Arela appeared, and shortly after her, a rather more familiar face. And another she didn't recognise, but by colouring could assume who the girl was. There was always something about the face. "Goodness, aren't we beset this evening," she remarked. "Not at all, come join us. It'd be a touch silly for us all to be here and not socialise." She put down her glass and dried her quill against a handkerchief, closing the book and slotting it onto the table - only to pick up the wine glass again. "We could have quite the soiree." She stopped after a sip and rose, deciding that since, by technicality, she was the pleb here, she really ought to get to her pleblihoodness. "Drinks, any of you?" Alcohol eased everything, particularly female awkwardness. She was sure Nalani remembered that particular.

(00:03) Arela nodded slowly yo Naiia as she entered and then to Nalani. A smile touched her lips as the youngest of the two newcomers moved herself into a polite curtsy, waving a hand to dismiss thre greeting, trying to ease the Alexston girl from acting so proper. "Yes, please. Join us." Arela gave Morgance a little stare when she offered drinks, remembering the time at the dining table where she had been offered a glass. Well, why not? What harm could possibly come from it? With a light laugh she nodded, "Please. A drink would be nice before bed. Just one." A single, long finger was lifted to try and press that fact firmly into the woman's mind. Shyloh's appearance was missed, a bit distracted with agreeing to a bit of wine or whatever else the cook had in mind.

(00:11) Naiia's lips spread into a small smile to find herself invited into their midst so readily. "Thank you," she murmured she let her hands fall into a loose clasp behind her back as she glanced toward the door to catch the girl wandering in after her. Attentive emerald eyes could not have failed to notice the lad slipping in, his boot heels enough to alert her despite the chatter. At his hovering, she arched a questioning brow, as if he might linger there and eavesdrop. Giving a subtle jerk of her dark head, she gestured for the jester to join them before addressing the question. "Oh, no wine for me, please, but tea would be pleasant," she answered, offering the chef a slight smile. "I do not believe we've met before, but I just may have seen you visiting Cordelia. Lady van Reinhardt, are you not?"

(00:18) Nalani K smiled more to be welcomed as well. Her curiosity buzzed to not have a name for Arela, but in do time she would know the lady. As well she could only guess this was Naiia from the rumors and description she'd heard. She pressed her lips together, ready to say no to the offer of a drink. Just one couldn't hurt, she'd have one glass and then go to bed. Just one glass and leave, she wouldn't be getting into trouble. She could do this. "Some wine please." She spoke softly leaving the choice up to Morgance, the woman had far better knowledge. Catching Naiia's movements she looked up towards the stairs. Her smile brighten, "Evening Shyloh, you'll come join us will you not?" She gave a geasture of her hand and another bright smile.

(00:21) Shyloh had taken a glance at the current gathering. Arela had instant warning flags going off. Atom bombs, sirens, fog horns, and so forth. That was enough to make him want to duck out and disappear instantly. However when Nalani spoke up, inwardly he winced. Spotted, caught red handed. Despite his feelings on the matter entirely, he forced one of his classic smiles. "O-Oh...I was simply passing through. Twas a book here I was coming to retrieve, that's all. I'd hate to intrude on such a nice gathering." If only there was a wall close enough, so he could proceed to whack forehead into it. Instead he opted for the more sensible road. He stood at the top of the stairs, arms firmly laced at his back.

(00:27) Morgance turned to the drinks cabinet when those who opted in did so, glancing up at Shyloh. Oh, hello awkward. She smirked to herself, and poured out two glasses of wine. "Nonsense, Shyloh," she answered. "In you come to the female swamp. Drink?" She glanced over her shoulder at Naiia. "I had forgotten the Alexston preoccupation with tea," she remarked. "And please, 'Lady van Reinhardt' is liable to tire your mouth out. Fortunately my mother gifted me with a first name. Morgance will do just fine. Are you sure on tea? I can mix you something fruity if wine isn't to your tastes. It's... an acquired one, at that." She turned to give Arela and Nalani their drinks, pausing afterwards - if Naiia wanted tea, she'd have to go find a kettle, and she had yet to hear what Shyloh wanted.

(00:35) Arela tipped her head toward Naiia with a smile, glad that she had planned to stick around. She pressed her palms together and looked back to Nalani, a polite smile given to the woman, "Arela Farquahar. It is nice to meet you." Little else needed to be said after that in greeting since the name would likely trigger her title in Nalani's mind if she had been paying attention to what was said when she had first arrived in Valys. She extended a hand to receive her glass and offered a thankful smile to Morgance, attention then shifting to Shyloh. Oh, it was the jester! Lifting a single hand she waved to try and coax him further into the parlor. "You should...entertain us with your tricks. Yes, a lovely before bedtime performance will do us all...a bit of good." Arela hoped she had said that correctly.

(00:43) Naiia turned a small knowing smirk on the poor jester. Such excuses she often used, but apparently, she was in no mood to help him out tonight. Instead, she pursed her lips contemplatively at the inquiry, noting that both the other ladies took wine, even the younger. Perhaps... Her nose wrinkled slightly at the thought of trying it once more, but the offer for something else drew a tilt of her head. Quietly, she glided over to the bar to peer at the offerings as she flashed a small smile to the chef. "Morgance then, if you insist, and I am Naiia, but I believe you've already guessed that one." The smile crept into a slight grin. "And I suppose there's no harm in trying something fruity. What did you have in mind?" Her head canted slightly, keeping an eye on the others inhabiting the room. "Perhaps a bedtime story, hmm?" She chimed in with a laugh.

(00:50) Nalani K took her glass from Morgance giving a nod of thanks. Her cheeks flared and the sudden realization of who the new face was. She would cursty, embarssed by her mistake, though she was releived to see the woman having a causal moment so her slip up most not have offended. She brought her glass to her lips when she had another realization, she was in the same ROOM with Morgance and Shyloh! The blush already on her cheeks deepened. Her eyes glazed over her glass as she glanced at them both. She would step back from the group as she took a deep drink of her wine, she was blushing from her rudeness it had NOTHING to do with the sudden awkawardness she felt.

(00:55) Shyloh was feeling rather awkward himself. Blue eyes glanced to Morgance, shaking his head once "No thank you, I cannot say drinking does me well. However the offer is appreciated." He'd step down the stairs, simply so he wouldn't appear rude or ungreatful for the invitation. He'd then look to Arela, tugging at the collar of his tunic a bit. He hadn't really prepared for such things, only carrying a deck of cards in the pouch at his side. "Well what is it you may wish of me, Princess Arela? I am sure I could conjure up something for your whimsy."

(00:58) Morgance made an amused sound - performance before bed did tend to help one sleep, though she'd not remark so. She pursed her lips at Naiia's question, looking over the liquor whilst answering Shyloh. "A sober man amongst drinking women," she commented, plucking up a bottle of cointreau and screwing off the top. "You're in for an exciting evening, Shyloh." She poured a suitable amount of the stuff into the shaker and recorked it, topping the shaker off with a small amount of rum and reaching for the jug of juice with one hand whilst she shook it with the other. "Your family tends to be quite distinguishable," she answered Naiia, trickling the alcohol into the glass at the same time as pouring the juice into it. She put both down and passed Naiia the glass. "See how that goes down."

(01:10) Arela chuckled lightly as Nalani realized who she was, waving a hand again to shoo off the woman's embarrassment. Naiia's comment drew out a brief, fleeting laugh from the princess, nodding in approval to his suggestions. Staring at her wine she narrowed her eyes, giving the Jester's words a bit of thought. After a few silent moments she took a small sip, shaking her head. "I said a single glass of wine. I will not be getting drunk tonight." Or so she believed! Setting her glass down she found herself picking it up rather quickly a second later to steal herself another. Bad Arela! Nodding to the jester she waved a hand and then motioned to the other women. "What do you want to see the jester do?" Maybe they could make a fun game out of this! Torturing the poor man did sound like a good time.

(01:14) Naiia observed the preparation of her drink carefully whilst the others chattered, though it would have been difficult to miss the marked change in the hue of Nalani's face. Now, just who had she been looking at? Curious .. and perhaps she wouldn't be the most awkward one on the room this eve, Nalani and Shyloh likely to compete for it. Still, remarks on her family had to be tended too. "Quite true, and our penchant for flitting around in green and black likely only makes it worse." Gloved fingers closed around the offered glass as she nodded her thanks, giving the contents a small sniff. A low laugh crept out at Arela's protests. "Indeed, neither do I. I think our dear Morgance has other plans, however." She waggled a finger at the woman before slinking over to take one of the seats in the center, lips pursing in contemplation of Shyloh.

(01:22) Nalani K coughed softly as she choked a little on her wine. A memory filled her head because of Arela's words, she'd already seen what the jester could do. She kept her blazing cheeks behind her glass. "One glass and really I should be going." She mirrored Arela, though her words were soft easy for the group to miss them. Now how could she move from the spot she was planted in to the stairs. The room seemed to have enlarge since she'd enter. She took another sip of wine, almost able to see the bottom of the glass as she comtemplated her escape.

(01:25) Shyloh felt his stomach twist. He was doing his best to keep a pleasant composure, eyes shifting between all present. Quick to take the focus off of him, he'd nod to Morgance "What is it you have in mind?" He'd inquire, pursing his lips. He didn't glance Nalani's way, for reasons of his own. He knew his own habits would give away his inner sanctum. Rather, he'd stand straight and in place, arms still settled behind his back. Fingers were fiddling together, shielded from prying eyes. "Sober? Ah yes, I don't think I'd be an entertaining drunk. Well unless you consider sleeping as amusing."

(01:28) Morgance sighed when Naiia remarked on her behaviour, going back to pick up her wine glass. "Well, since I'm already to be blamed for the events of the evening," she stated, eyes going from Naiia to Shyloh. "Do you know any drinking games, Shyloh? I know a few, though I'm not so sure my repertoire is jester-grade. These women are stubborn, which I suppose is to be expected of this one," she tipped her head in the Alexston girl's direction. "But frankly they seem to have no sense of how to enjoy themselves. It's all this male oppression, and since you're male, you clearly owe it to use to alleviate our sombre state and liberate the ladies present as best you can. I hear you're rather good at that." She passed him an arch, highly amused little smile and waited expectantly - games would just have to be played, there was no way around it.

(01:34) Arela glanced at Naiia, brows pinching in slightly. Morgance did have other plans for them, she assumed and after giving it a bit of thought she didn't think it so bad. There were no men about, after all. To Arela, Shyloh was hardly that so she wasn't at all worried. If Arela did notice the awkward stares and blushes she made no hint to knowing, not at all willing to poke her nosy around. For now, she wanted to relax before trotting off to bed like she originally planned. Gaze shot back to Morgance. "I like games. I have never...played a drinking game, though." It did sound like a good time and she couldn't keep her lips away from the rim of her glass, taking a few, light sip of wine between exchanged words.

(01:40) Naiia crossed her ankles neatly, her gown smoothed and dark head held high beneath Morgance's remarks. "Indeed you should." Though a slight frown passed her lips at the mention of games, a quick thought that it'd be far more entertaining than sitting in her quarters at Alexston kept her from protesting. There was far too much tormenting to be done. "Come now," she called over to the girl trying to escape them. "If they're going to enlist me for drinkng games, you must stay as well. Perhaps we can thwart them from their corrupting ways." Emerald eyes flashed playfully at Nalani as Naiia brought the glass to her own lips, a pleased little sound rising from her, though it fell into a laugh. "Oh, is he, Morgance? What have you heard?" Her gaze, however, lingered not on the jester but on poor Nalani, wondering if he was the source of her fluster.

(01:49) Nalani K could just die right then and there and perhaps she would. Her cheeks would be permantely red if this kept up. Morgance's words had her wanting to run from the run and not look back. She kept her face hidden behind her glass, taking small sips. She was still determined to have a glass and then leave. Her own emerald eyes flicked over to Naiia, "I do not know any drinking games and would be a bad player." She was making excuses and still looking for a route out of the room. Her death was certain now that Naiia pick up the questioning. Could she just pull the bookshelf ontop of her and end it now?

(01:55) Shyloh was starting to become suspiscious, to say the least. Eyes finally landed on Nalani, who looked like she just baked her face in the sun for ten hours. This caused his brow to loft curiously. Between Morgance's words and Naiia's on top of that, paranoia set in. But no...Nalani had swore she wouldn't. But had she? Or perhaps the women were just referring to his entertainment. But the way Nalani appeared, he was starting to believe that less and less. Arms unhooked from his back, falling at his side. "Truth or dare is a good game..." He'd murmur softly, wrinkling his nose "For some, it warrants grand results. For others..." He left it at that.

(02:01) Morgance turned from looking at Shyloh when Naiia asked her question, lips twisting some. "I couldn't possibly reveal my sources," she answered, taking a sip of her wine and heading across the room to pull a chair towards the divan. "That would be horribly bad taste, as would too many details. Suffice to say I heard he has a very clever tongue - tongue twisters, was it, Shyloh? I'm sure that's what I heard." She left the chair where it was and opted to seat herself comfortably. "Come along, ladies, none of this cutting and running business, you can't balk when liberation is offered, it's both bad manners and tremendously dull. Bring your drinks, I think we can come up with something. Truth or Dare would be fun... As would I Never, and given the amount of people that works better. I think Ring of Fire is a touch too barracks-worthy for the ladies. Spin the bottle a bit risque. Though I suppose you could always spin the bottle, Shyloh, and we could all take turns to see how well your tongue does twist."

(02:09) Arela watched the others, curious to why everyone kept glancing toward Nalani. Doing the same she realized just why, a single brow arching as she noticed the bright color that hd settled on the woman's cheeks. "There need to be embarrassed," She urged gently, though a hint of curiosity did linger in her voice. The princess wasn't too keen about the ideas the two had tossed, wrinkling her nose in distaste. "No. Spin the bottle is a no. I will not be kissing anyone." Not this princess! Waving a hand she tried to shove that idea out of everyone's head and was sure to walk right out of the room if that was what was decided on. Setting her glass down she folded her arms, having given them all her suggestion: No spin the bottle.

(02:18) Naiia's dark brow lofted nearly into her hair as Morgance took to tormenting the poor jester so fully. Amusing, though she quite honestly didn't wish to consider what he had been doing with his tongue. "Too true, Morgance, and goodness knows you could never be rude." Amusement touched her slightly lofty voice. "But I can assure you I shan't be finding out anything about Shyloh's tongue. I have to agree with Princess Arela here." A supportive glance shot over to her, Naiia's smile quite stubborn. "I rather suspect it's just an excuse for you to find out just what he does with his tongue." Slim shoulders lifted for a small shrug. "Truth or Dare, I have played, although not with drinks, but not I Never. Pick what you think will work best, or torment Shyloh whilst we all drink. I suspect I shan't be the best player either." Imperiously, she gestured insistantly for Nalani to stay with them.

(02:26) Nalani K was only more embrassed when Arela said not to be embrassed. Could she fake being sick and run out? She sighed softly and took a deep drink of her wine as everyone pressured her to stay. She'd give into the peer presure giving a slight nod of her head. She'd rather not play spin the bottle or truth or dare, she didn't add her suggestion though something told her she should have. "I've never played I Never either." She whispered softly still hidding behind her glass.

(02:31) Shyloh frowned visibly, his face now gradually starting to take on that same red hue. Innuendo's everywhere! Shyloh was close to feeling physically ill, borderline. Between extreme humiliation and embarassment, plus the potential that he and Nalani's trist was castlewide knowledge, really bugged the living hell out of him. He felt his lips become a smidge dry, likely due to the slow pant he had taken on. However he avoided swiping his tongue across them, not wishing to lend Morgance further ammunition. Instead, he'd murmur "I apologize but...I don't think I will be able to join you. I am feeling a bit under the weather." He wanted out more than anything he could come up with.

(02:36) Morgance rolled her eyes at Shyloh's need to flee and sipped her wine. "I Never it is, then," she stated. "And no, Naiia, I would never be rude. My manners are, at all times, impeccable." She glanced sideways to Shyloh. Really, he scared that easily? What a child. "You're not doing terribly well at your job, today, Shyloh," she pointed out. Wasn't he supposed to be the one doing the entertaining? "Since our jester has a sudden onset of manflu, I'll tell the rest of you the rules. We take turns to create a sentence beginning 'I Never'. I might say, 'I never burned a rack of lamb'. It doesn't matter if you have or you haven't. Those of you who have, take a drink. Those of you who haven't, don't. If nobody drinks then the one who said I Never has to drink, themselves. It sounds far more complicated than it is."

(02:46) Arela was thankful to Naiia as she agreed, dipping her head in thanks to the younger girl. It was good to have someone on her side when it came to that suggestion. The fact that Nalani was even more embarrassed by her trying to soothe her was noticed but she didn't try to bait the girl into telling her, dismissing it for now. "I Never it is," She agreed with a short nod, lifting a hand. "I will start it off." Shyloh's sudden illness earned him a narrowed stare from the princess, inspecting his presence with a critical stare to try and discern what it was that suddenly had him change his mind. "I never have suddenly needed to leave a room when," She paused and counted how many were present, "Four lovely women wanted me to stay and entertain them." It was playful jab at the poor jester.

(02:55) Naiia's lips twitched, but she sought to hide it in her glass with a rather hefty drink, forgetting in the delightfulness of the flavour that it actually did contain alcohol. "Those rules are simple enough," she added. Amusement grew into a grin when Arela set the game to rolling, and she shook her head. "I haven't, and Shyloh doesn't have a drink." With a flip of the hem of her skirt, she sashayed over to the bar to pour him a small glass of wine from the bottle that had already been opened. Smirking at him, she stalked over and held out the glass, a slight challenge in her eyes as she regarded the young jester. Did he really want to argue with these women? "You ought to at least drink to that one, Shyloh, if you're going to run from us." Either he took the drink or she set it on a table near him, the youngest Alexston turning toward the room with a slight curl to her lips. "I've never had a lover." Of course she hadn't. Sixteen and an Alexston, if she had, she'd never admit it.

(03:06) Nalani K was sipping at her wine as Morgance explained the rules, by Morgance was done she needed more. If she was going to play the game she wasG GOING to play. She moved over to the bar to refill her glass. She was a little irrated with Shyloh, misery loved company and he was trying to escape. She was going to get the man a drink but Naiia beat her to it. She chuckled softly, "Now drink up." she said raising her glass. She blushed deeply to Naiia's I Never but that was old news now, she'd been blushing since she came into the room. She took a drink not meeting anyone's eyes. "I never read a book." She said, a dull I never but she wasn't drunk just yet.

(03:11) Shyloh was in a very difficult position. Morgance struck him to the core, finding his weakness and ripping it in two. He found himself with three options. The first was the obvious, run and hide. However he knew that would not last long. The second, well, would only get him into more trouble than the venomous temptress was worth. Thus he picked the third...fight back. Despite all the jabs that were flying about at his expense, much like at the feast, he would not allow Morgance to take this victory so easily. He had a target, and he was going to focus on it. He'd lift his head, a sudden look of determination in his eyes. The drink offered was taken, glancing at it. He had to think about his parents right then, knowing he did this all for them and nothing else. "I never came face to face with a beast." He'd smile at Morgance, knock the drink back, and promptly sit the cup down. Ouch.

(03:15) Morgance drank to both the lover and book I Never, and then promptly smiled right back at Shyloh as she lifted it a third time, "Only a baby one," she retorted with one of her trademark wicked expressions, before her own I Never. She could be downright evil and say 'I never fucked anyone in this room', but he hadn't pushed her to that level of play just yet. "I never kissed a woman," she decided on, taking her own mouthful whilst still smirking. Could be perfectly innocent, she might've kissed them on the cheek. All down to interpretation. If Shyloh considered calling her a beast 'ouch', he was in the wrong game, with the wrong player. If a game of mockery was what he was after, her expression said it clearly enough. Game on.

(03:20) Arela focused on Naiia for a moment. "Does a husband count as a lover?" To Arela, the two words meant very different things. If her husband did count then she would politely take a drink of her wine, if not, then she would keep it just inches from her mouth. She did drink to the book and when Shyloh mentioned a monster she hesitated, only to take a drink a second later. Brushing them off one by one she took them in stride for now, suddenly finding herself a witness to quite the game! Eyes darted back and forth between the jester and the cook before a wide smile crept onto her lips. She didn't drink to Morgance's I Never and was quick to put in her own, "I never have loved someone." Again, she didn't drink and waited to see.

(03:28) Naiia laughed quietly as she resumed her seat, Nalani's bolstering of her offering of the drink far too amusing to her. Emerald eyes sparkled to watch the small battle brewing between Morgance and the jester, and she shot a wink to the Princess, apparently feeling far more casual now. "Yes, a husband counts, I believe," she nodded, lips twisting at what she'd been implying. To each Nalani's and Shyloh's she had to drink, but Morgance's she didn't, instead casting a small intrigued glance her way as she twirled her glass in her fingers. Tilting her head back, she smiled at Arela. "Do you mean falling in love?" Disdain for the idea crept into her tone, and she shook her head. "If so, then not I." Humming softly, she eyed the company around her. "I never..." She tapped her glass in an effort to come up with something, a giggle spilling out. "I've never been drunk." Not yet, apparently.

(03:34) Nalani K didn't drink to Shyloh or Morgance's I Never. She too was finding amusement with Shyloh and Morgance. She was becoming tispy the awkardness fading away and concentrating on the game helped as well. She drunk to loving someone and to being drunk, seems that was happening far to often now. She pressed her lips together as she thought. She gave a shrug of her shoulders as she giggled softly, "I never cooked."

(03:39) Shyloh took a drink to being drunk and kissing a girl. However the other two he did not consider such. He never wandered into the kitchen, and as for love...he hardly considered the family type the same. Instead he would keep focus on Morgance. The others seemed amused, why not go for broke. He couldn't back down now. "I never had people pay more attention to my assets than my percieved intelligence." Holding glass in hand, not moving beyond that. He knew his alcohol tolerance was frighteningly low, and that the I never's were random. He did his best to hold out, for he knew how alcohol affected him. Generally negatively.

(03:47) Morgance drank to being drunk and obviously, to cooking, and then the nature of her assets came up, and she naturally drank to that, too. How could she not? Perpetual problem. "I never felt jealousy for the opposite sex's assets," she responded, taking her own drink to that one. She'd absolutely not drink to being in love, ever, she'd avoided it narrowly enough. Enjoyable game. The look Naiia gave her made her flash the girl a grin, and then she went back to listening to the change of turns as they went around the room. Naturally, Shyloh's was the one that needed to be heard before she conjured her own out of her sleeve (or bodice). Perceived intelligence indeed. And being a jester was such a painfully intellectual pursuit, all the in-depth study required to make a tit of one's self...

(03:57) Arela nodded in agreement with the Naiia, her smile growing. A slow nod was given, "That or have been in love already." She did drink to being drunk but not to cooking, being a princess she never had to enter the kitchen unless she was asking for something specific. Shyloh was given a stare as he spoke, noticing it was yet another jab at the cook, sighing heavily as she didn't take a drink. Morgance's own I Never wasn't met with a drink either, noticing that things were getting rather heated between the two of them. Now, how to make things even more interesting? Arela dug into her mind and tried to stir up the perfect I Never to only feed the flame. Lifting her glass she tossed a glance between them, "I never have had sex with a woman." Now, she was curious. Morgance's I Never did set off a few alarms so she had to know.

(04:04) Naiia's sip for Nalani's offering finished off her glass, and the girl frowned at it, not entirely certain she wished for more though she did return Morgance's grin with a slow curl of her lips. A small sigh tumbled from her, and she stretched in her chair, shaking her head at both Shyloh's and Morgance's. She needed no drink for those, though she had to roll her eyes at the rather unsubtle barbs shooting between them. Her attention traveled to the fire while she waited for Arela's, mind wandering over what her next one might be when that one suddenly invaded her ears. Blinking, she stared at the Princess, laughing rather suddenly. "Goodness, m'lady, I never knew Princesses were so blunt." A low laugh accompanied. "Alas, I've done so little it seems. Not much for me to drink too." A sort of smugness crept into her words, eyes sharp on the others to see just who drank. "I never.." Her shoulders lifted for a small shrug. "..have been in the men's bath here." A rather infamous spot for trysts it was.

(04:14) Nalani K didn't drink to the assets one, she had no idea as to what anyone thought of her assets. She was finding it quite amusing as Shyloh and Morgance dueled with each other, her and the others might as well just stay out of it. Her glass came to her lips when Arela said her, she stopped herself and blushed, her cheeks were already flushed from the alcohol would anyone be able to tell the difference? She wasn't going to tell that one. She didn't drink to Naiia's, she'd never been to the men's bath. She pressed her lips together as she thought, her glass finding her mouth as she took a drink and forget to do an I Never.

(04:19) Shyloh drank to Naiia's as well as Arela's. However he found no jealousy in the opposing sexes assets. He didn't wish to have a pair of knockers of his own. As it stood, he had other things to be envious of. Instead he'd hum to himself, starting to feel tipsy indeed. He had tried to keep his drinks small to hold out, for a little at least. "I never had sex with another outside of my private chambers." To which he did not drink to. His tryst had been within his own room, thankfully. Arela's question did pique his curiousity. Such a random I never.

(04:23) Morgance drank to the question of whether she'd ever slept with a woman, eyes on Nalani's very blatant response amusing her to the point of silencing herself with a rise to go and get a refill. After which, she drank to Shyloh's, and leaned one arm over the back of Naiia's chair. "I never had intimate relations with anyone who was otherwise taken or whilst I was taken myself," she decided on, taking a drink to that. Nalani wasn't the only one, she supposed Drysllthen counted as 'intimate relations' in the general sense even if she didn't consider it, plenty of her... earlier experiences had been with married men and generally she had a bad track record of fucking people who were entangled. It meant they couldn't get emotionally entangled with her too much.

(04:32) Arela sent a grin Naiia's way and waved a hand. "I am more than a princess. I am a woman with a curious mind so I had to ask." She didn't drink to Naiia's next comment, turning her gaze to both Morgance and Shyloh to see if they would drink or not. Arela's eyes were immediately drawn to Nalani taking a drink, brows lifting high on her forehead. She took a drink to Shyloh's, having only had her husband in their bedroom. Realizing she was empty as well she moved after the cook to refill her own glass, slightly tipsy and needing to recover her composure before moving. Morgance's I Never wasn't met from a drink from the princess, who promptly refilled her glas, recorked the bottle and made her way back to her seat with a slight stumble, catching herself against the chair and sitting. "I never...have lied about who I have shared an intimate night with."

(04:43) Naiia's bright eyes focused with a touch of shock on the young blushing clerk, her lips twitching as she stifled a giggle. It was minorly less surprising to see Morgance drink to Arela's, Naiia feigning disinterest in the response as she toyed with her glass. There was, she decided, two methods of playing the game, the one Morgance employed which was to drink as much as possible, or the one Naiia herself employed which was to avoid it while forcing the others to drink. "Seeing as how I've never shared an intimate night with anyone, there's rather no point in refilling my glass now is there.." Her lack of experience simply made her chuckle, those eyes pinning once more on Nalani. Who would have thought the girl played around so? "I cannot drink to any of those! But let's see..." Her lips pursed, a small smile shot up toward Morgance as she considered. "I never..Ohh, I don't know!"

(04:52) Nalani K drunk to both Shyloh and Morgance's, her encounters had never been in her own room and as far as she knew no one had been involved with anyone else. She looked around and realized she'd been standing this whole time. She wabbled over to a seat, stopping to refill her glass. She'd flop into the seat and giggle. She didn't take a drink to Arela's I Never, she'd never lied. Who knew what she was giggling at, she didn't even know. A small goofy grin was painted on her lips now. "I never..." She giggled finger tracing her glass. "I never had a lesson in sex." She giggled again and took a drink.

(04:59) Shyloh traced Morgance's eyes when she took her drink. Something panged, but he wasn't certain. No, that was impossible. Twas a coincidence, nothing more. And yet how Nalani was acting, was it all due to alcohol? He was halfway to blitzed, mind starting to chug away. He drank to Morgance's, but not to Arela's. He had never been asked, thus never given the chance to lie. After a refill, he stared boldly at the sea of alcohol awaiting his gullet. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to finish it. Eyes shifted between those present, taking a few calculated steps towards the couch. Lowering himself to it to keep from falling over. His next option was risky, yet inhibitions were starting to float out of the window. Whether Arela nor Naaia knew it, tension was rising from Shyloh's side. Finally he said screw it in his mind, they already knew anyway. "I never had sex with Nalani." Words slightly slurred. Oh, pretty colors.

(05:08) Morgance drank to the mention of lying about who she'd been with - yes, yes she'd done that, numerous times. A thousand times, with necessity, though the thought brought several unpleasant images to mind. They're nothing, I'm fine. Leave it well alone. It's just a birthday. Plenty of excuses. A whole plethora of- She was brought out of her memories by that pointed question, expression having drifted to being rather serious. Ah. Awkward. Now, here she could lie again. Ought to lie again. Moral dilemma - did she lie and hopefully extinguish his pains and keep Nalani that bit safer, or did she throw out the truth and stick to her beliefs of brutal honesty? She recalled that question being answered once before. Moral dilemma? Morgance, you have no morals, darling. So, she turned her head from looking at Shyloh, and didn't drink. "I never wanted something I couldn't have," she decided on, taking a drink at that point. She had no morals. She'd lie, even if the truth was obvious.

(05:19) Arela was just as surprised as Naiia, having never thought Nalani to be the sort just by appearance alone. Sometimes, though, one couldn't judge a book by its cover. She drank to Nalani's since she never had had one. "I am assuming you would want one, though?" A curious stare lingered on Nalani, not about to be the one to teach the poor girl anything at all. Her cheeks were now lit up, red as a rose as she cleared her throat, very unladylike of her. Her gaze zipped back to Shyloh, a single brow arching. Now she was curious. "You are not a woman...?" Arela was under the impression that Nalani was into women, not men! Glass was not lifted to drink at Morgance's I never, looking back and forth between Shyloh and Nalani.

(05:25) Morgance: [Rules error! You drink if you have done it, not if you haven't.]

(05:26) Naiia regarded the lounging and slurring with a slight touch of disapproval on her thin face. Eyes rolled at Nalani's latest, though Shyloh compounded it enough to draw a small laugh from her. "I think we've broken the poor jester, ladies," she cooed as she rose from her seat, a smirk shot Nalani's way. "Mmm, she drank to the lesson, m'lady. I believe she already had one." Carelessly, she shrugged, her fingertips just trailing over Morgance's upper arm as she slipped around her to return her glass to the counter. "I would drink to yours, dear, but I've none left. However.." Her hands splayed apologetically. "I best return to Alexston before William comes looking for me. I do hope you'll excuse me." A smirk crept over her lips. "It's been an ..entertaining evening."

(05:27) Arela: [ Just pretend She diiiiidn't. I got confused in that post. xD ]

(05:33) Nalani K would have run sreaming from Shyloh's confession but the alcohol kept her in he seat and giggling. She didn't drink she never had sex with herself. She had wanted something she couldn't had, most everyone knew that so she lifted her glass to her lips, though she had to thank Morgance for getting her beyond that, she didn't want what she couldn't have it was pointless, she knew that now. She giggled and nodded, "Wanting a lesson for something new is always welcomed." She looked to Naiia giving the woman a wobbly nod, "Pleasent eve, m'lady." It seemed to her the party was winding down so she finished what was left in her glass. She would stand swaying, "I believe, it is time for myself to retire as well."

(05:39) Shyloh hummed. Checkmate, it seems. He didn't trust Morgance, then again he trusted few. However she played her cards well, and he had nothing. Glances and coincidental drinking raised suspiscion, but it was not air tight. He seemed to zone out, even as the others went on. He knew he was at the end of this particular game. Instead, a smirk eased on his face. It was more relaxed, and yet slightly more eerie. There was nothing friendly about it. "Yes...I agree. I should stagger to my room before I...allow mistakes past to repeat." He'd push himself up "I thank you for the evening, ladies." He'd wobble to the stairs, humming. "I play the fool. But some are far better at trickery and deception than I." He'd make his way out, unless otherwise stopped.

(05:43) Morgance did opt to stop Shyloh, and not gently. She took hold of his arm and leaned towards his ear, murmuring quietly enough for only him to hear. "If you want the girl, pull your nads out of your back pocket," she murmured. "Unless you want to be known as 'that boy who didn't want her enough' when she finds someone better. You fight for nothing you'll get nothing." And then she let him go to do whatever he was going to do. She was far better at trickery and deception than him, and she'd add 'women' too the list, too. Idiot boys in this castle. His treatment of Nalani struck something of a nerve. "Good night, then, ladies," she then bade her farewells. "I have another bottle awaiting me. Enjoy your evenings." And then, off she went - and took her secrets with her.
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