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 (LOG) Wedding: The Alexstons (By Request :3)

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Posts : 225
Join date : 2008-11-12
Location : Nottingham, England

Character sheet
Full Name: William Archer Vorserkeine-Alexston
Wed to: Cordelia Alexston

(LOG) Wedding: The Alexstons (By Request :3) Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Wedding: The Alexstons (By Request :3)   (LOG) Wedding: The Alexstons (By Request :3) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 11:05 am

Mereavus had gone quite directly back to Vorserkeine to prepare once everything had been set in motion, after a brief visit to Silas and Eilella. So, she'd taken her recently acquired, impetuous black stallion and thundered back to the 'country cottage', and begun preparations. Arthur had found and constructed a suitable arched trellis (it had been her one desire for an outdoor wedding to have it) and found some ivy to wind around it, and begun to set up the appropriate altar. She, on the other hand, had been much less forwardly productive, and spent all day preparing. Nuptial baths were long baths. Bathed in citrus scents, moisturised into smoother skin than ever, and then began the many layers of the bride. Once she'd been de-haired and de-regular-cosmetics, she set to her face. Nothing excessive, she knew how to combine natural with striking, simply darker lips, a combination of russet and teal around her eyes, and a dusting of very pale base-colour. Nothing excessive in the slightest. Her hair followed, very carefully curled into more disciplined ringlets with heat, and then began the clothing layers. Her undergarments (or... lingerie, really), the first layer of the dress, and the combination of upper layers that eventually had her wrapped in the teal masterpiece, small, fabric flower-straps draping from either tricep and much larger mimicries at the one-sided split in layers. She stopped to look at herself in the mirror, Amiel having helped and standing dutifully behind her. It was here. The wedding was going ahead. Today.

Alexston's day had been rather busy, as well. Being as he was still the Royal huntsman, duty was something that often came first, though even Samuel would've admitted that he'd probably rushed things quite a lot in filling his everyday 'quotas' and ensuring that the entire castle had enough to fill their bellies. His would remain empty for quite some time, probably, though he was nowhere near as nervous as he'd suspected he'd be. After the hunt, he'd rushed back to his little shack to compose the letter for his family that would later be deposited into Arthur's hands. Several rough drafts later, he finally had a letter that was appropriately apologetic and cheerful all at the same time, and he very silently thanked his mother for passing her articulation down on to him. Once the letter was composed, it was time for Samuel to begin dressing himself, though the process was not nearly as involved as what he was certain the bride was to endure. A fine green nobleman's tunic was donned along with hose, and fine leather boots that he'd had crafted long ago. The knife, gloves, and belt that he'd received for his birthday added quite a nice accent and touch to his ensemble, and as per huntsman tradition, he slung his bow overtop the brand-new cloak he'd received only days ago. That buckskin horse knickered as he approached it with a smile, and the leather bracers he wore creaked in protest as he lifted his hand to lightly pat the beast between the eyes. He mounted, and thundered off toward Vorserkeine to what he knew awaited him at the ruined chapel. To her. To his bride.

Mereavus seemed to be ready. Or so it appeared. A brief glance to Ella said she was, too, so the bride stopped for her bouquet - white roses, pheasant feathers and long, oddly shaped leaves and one central white lily. And all seemed complete, bar jewellery, which Ella applied for her. Long, draping emerald earrings that seemed much like bunches of dark grapes, a thick strip of dark green satin that formed a choker, and the three dangling silver pendants from it - one central and balanced just above her cleavage, and the others alongside it, shorter. She seemed ready. Felt ready. And there was no fanfare, no ball, no rows and rows of spectators with their thoughts and judgements. Just a blind priest and a friend, and a groom. She made her way to the chapel on foot, taking the shortest, cleanest route there, and waiting off to one side for the Priest, Samuel and Arthur to be ready. There'd be no music. No overstated approach. She was happy with simply being the woman going to her man.

Alexston was nearly out of breath by the time he reached the end of what happened to be a rather exhilarating ride. The buckskin's hoofbeats announced his approach well ahead of him, but in the instant that he saw the ruins, he dismounted even before the animal had made a complete hault. A quick glance was given around the setting and he smiled a broad smile that, while not entirely rare, was often reserved only for Eave or for things that were said or done in regard to her. Soft boots carried him in his gentle stride toward the altar, and he finally stood waiting. It was refreshing to have such a ceremony without all the promised fanfare. Despite their generousity (which he appreciated), he'd long ago begun to wonder if the Queen and her company had even bothered thinking of what the marital party's views had been on their time in the lime-light. Drawing a deep breath of fresh air, he smiled to any others who may have already been present. Grinned like a fool.

Mereavus bode her time. There was a specific moment in which she intended to do that walk, and it had two reasons. Firstly, it was more visually striking, and she often admitted to vanity, and secondly that point had fascinated her for years. It came when the sun hit a certain point over the treetops, and shafted through the windowless arch and lit the entire chapel in a warm, reddish glow; she couldn't wear red, naturally, but it was her colour, and she wanted every bit of her present. So when it hit, she came through the similarly doorless, stone frame of what was once a simple set of double doors, as an obscured-by-distant-flamelight silhouette at first. She walked down the aisle her ultimate grandmothers had in very different style, and beamingly so. Her expression was the physical representation of that glorious amber wash, and once it made it past the light, she appeared in all her deep teal ruffles, with Eilella behind her and the train of that elaborate gown ghosting over the cracked stone floor and spring grass. She stopped in her appropriate place, turned ever so slightly towards Samuel, but regardless of bodily placing, seemed to find it entirely impossible to take her eyes off him.

Alexston's eyes caught Eave's sillouhette the moment it became visible in all that ruby-colored light. He got the point of the timing without it even being mentioned, and his smile only broadened. Indeed, red was certainly her color, and Samuel had been aware of that for quite some time. Imagine his surprise, then, when he caught sight of such a beautiful woman wearing his color. Smiliar to Eave, Sam's eyes never left that of his spouse-to-be, and the smile on his face faded into a faint little smirk. He chuckled quietly to himself for the briefest of moments, and for no apparent reason whatsoever. The truth of the matter just so happened to be that he was quite happy with himself, and the surroundings, and what would be the end result of their pending ceremony. Happiness was something that he had no problem expressing. What he did have a problem with, was looking the part of the serious groom. Additionally, keeping his hands off of Eave at present was proving to be a problem. Were it not for the wedding, he'd have highly likely stolen her away into the surrounding forest for a bit of privacy away from prying eyes. Whatever the case, there he stood, just so slighty facing the center of his very world. The typically patient man grew just slightly impatient as he stood there, waiting for things to roll along. As soon as Silas would begin speaking, he'd tear his eyes from his bride -- but only momentarily.

Mereavus didn't even pretend to be paying any attention to the Priest; her focus was very clearly on the other man present, and the only point at which her expression changed from being the entirely adulating, 'I'm looking at my version of God', was when the question of her name came up. She knew how he'd react, and looked thoroughly amused herself. So, it came out of her lips; "I, Mereavus Atalanta Alexandra Varana," with a certain smile, and tone that suggested she knew perfectly well he'd be struggling not to openly laugh at her. But she continued on with her vows regardless, repeating as she was asked to repeat, until her first part was over, and it handed over to him. Her mind crept towards the rings; firstly, a new set for her, she'd been wearing the same diamond-and-black-sapphire set for sixteen years before she courted Samuel, which was an exciting prospect. As was getting her acquired item onto his hand; an open symbol of her possession was all too late in the making.

Alexston drew a deep breath and turned that typically casual (if not slightly humorous) smile toward Eave, though the moment he heard that tone in her voice and the names that came along with, the expression went ultimately serious and those green eyes widened slightly. Instantly, he bit the inside of his lip with hopes to stifle any smirk or grin that might've threatened to invade his insistance not to laugh, but the expression eventually won out and appeared triumphantly at the corner of his mouth. He cleared his throat quietly (probably to hide a threatening chuckle) as the grin grew even more lopsided, and straightened his posture, and leveled his gaze. He was nearly caught off-guard when it became his turn to speak, and it was then that he utterly forced himself into a state of seriousness. "I, Samuel Christian Alexston..." it began, and carried on at the priest's bidding. The rings were rather far from his mind, though he'd thought on it previously during the day. The new accessory to his wardrobe would be a welcome addition.

Mereavus' hand descended into the cloth holding said ring, lifting it out of its comfort and lightly placing her hand underneath his left, ring by his fingertip. A gold band, naturally, engraved with ivy all around it, and underneath with, 'I love you so much. - E', and if one looked closely, one would find an M and S wrapped into both one another and the ivy. The item itself, before modification, had been the wedding band of her grandfathers, going back numerous generations, which she told him quietly as an addition to her vows, and then with something of a possessive, satisfied smile, she slotted it down towards the knuckle. Hers. But a few words and a kiss away from being all hers. And then they could just be themselves without any facade, any denial of their intimacy, any physical distance in person. All hers.

Alexston felt unexpectedly 'at home' the second the cool metal of that ring encircled his feeling. It were as if that very gesture happened to be the culimation of everything had been written someplace, long ago, that this was where he'd been meant to be all along. A rather brilliant smile was given to his bride as he admired the work that had been done for the trinket; a little thing that symbolized everything that meant anything at all to him. Something that would remind him of Eave whenever he happened to catch a glimpse of it, or toyed with it, or simply remembered its presence against his flesh. Perhaps it would come as something of a surprise when he withdrew a band from his own pocket, crafted to form perfectly around the ring he'd already given her. It was engraved very simply with the unmistakable shape of a pheasant feather - appropriately enough. He grinned, and winked at her, and placed it onto her finger gently before turning a rather expectant gaze toward the priest.

Mereavus smiled remarkably gently once the ring met with the first - much better. No sense of another being necessary, no incomplete sensation, just where it should be. She admired it a moment, simply because she wanted to memorise the look of it on her hand, and then turned her own eyes expectantly to the blind Deacon. He was about to say it. Name them inseparable. For better or worse. And when he did, the sun's ambiance had gone, but remained replaced in a brilliant smile that hadn't been worn before; a triumphant expression that rang with some great victory. Like she'd just marched north and conquered Nyrthlond single-handedly. She turned properly towards the Huntsman once permission was given to 'kiss the bride' (the wife, thank you), fully expectant.

Alexston didn't bother hesitating - why should he? She was his wife now, and that was all that mattered to him. The Deacon was blind, Ella was more than likely expecting a rather fervent gesture from the newlywed couple, and he hardly expected Arthur to stand in the way. No thought was necessary to sweep the woman into his arms and press a kiss fully to her lips, though his smile was something that remained present regardless of intent, passion, or setting. He'd say his thank-you's later, certainly. He remained focused on Eave, and before terribly long a quick chuckle broke the barely-established seriousness; he could hardly contain the happiness that quite justifiably begged to be let loose. Perhaps no recession was needed, but when his lips parted from her's - his wife's - he grinned and offered her an arm to escort her from the altar. A productive day, he'd mention, if asked.

Mereavus wasn't about to stop smiling either, despite kisses, and she thoroughly indulged in that sealing-the-deal embrace - she already knew Silas would escort Ella home. And she knew she'd thank them later. But for now, she was entirely intent on wrapping herself around her husband's arm, and heading back to their house with him. Which she did, and found her cheeks hurt by the time they got there. She paused only momentarily, taking a very brief step back to observe both him and her ancestral home in the same viewpoint, and with what could only be described as a small, delighted little laugh (giggle?), she went back to him for another, longer, more personal, more intense kiss. No eyes (she'd commanded the staff to their quarters or homes), and even if there had been - they were married.

Alexston arched a brow slightly at that giggle. No witty remark passed his lips, only a delighted grin of his own and an outstretched hand that greeted her as she returned to him. He wrapped an arm firmly around her shoulders and allowed himself to sink into the kiss she gave him; now out of prying eyes he was perfectly content to bend to whatever whim either of them felt, and the surpressed urges he'd noticed upon seeing her in that gown for the first were becoming less quiet and were charging to the front of his mind rather than being tucked into some corner for future contemplation. A hand fell to the small of her back as though to guide her further toward him, and when they entered their estate, he broke the kiss only momentarily. "I love you," he murmured quietly against her lips, before pressing his own against hers once more, drawing a deep breath from the surrounding air.

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