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 (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding   (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2008 8:49 am

Father Gustaf's rolling gait thumped awkwardly on the wooden floor of the chapel, his staff marking time as he moved. Thin lips set in a firm line as he took his place at the front of his flock, gaze sweeping over the festooned royals. Gentle trills of the harp filled the chapel, the sound far too light in his opinion, but such was the custom. He stood straight, mindless of his aching left leg as he offered a nod toward Prince Raij, gesturing for him to take his place at his right. Another nod was directed to the foreign princess at the back, his hand lifting toward the musicians to call for the change to play the bride in.

Raij Valenti. Ugggh..Nerves of epic proportions were catching up to the lad. Married at seventeen. Hoo. He sent a slightly nervous nod towards the priest in response to his own..before finally he settled back to standing. Attire consisted of typical wedding garb - boots, pants, and overcoat that was gold-trimmed; green throughout the rest. Sheathed blade rested at his side, arms behind his back while hands clasped together. Swallowing thickly, he kicked a foot at the floor - utterly and completely anxious. Ooooh, he was gonna be a married man soon. Scary, scary shit, that. Licking his lips he turned his attention to the crowd watching the internal flinch appearing. Oh man, oh man, oh man. Do not get cold feeeeet. Bad, bad, bad Raij. Naturally, Uhtred wasn't here due to his departure a few days prior...and how typical, hm? At least they were being fair. He missed Uht's and Garnett' why not Uht miss Raij and Syn's? The prince felt bad, however, when he regarded Garnett sitting there - an appreciative smile sent her way as he then spotted Nef, an adoration-infused smile also sent to her. Wolk was regarded with a nod, and a few others were also noted. Sigh. And so he waited.
(22:57) Raij Valenti corrects post. No shoes.]

Synaria stood outside the doorway, for a long, long while, her body trembling, but not with the cold. She felt it wrong, to be married under a God that was not hers, and she was fearful hers would not like this. Finally she breathed in deeply and stepped into the chapel and let the attendants remove her shoes. Nepheli's arm was gripped tightly to keep herself from falling on her face as her knees threatned to buckle. She managed a smile to the crowd as the music started, from behind a red veil. She hadn't been planning on one, but she remembered Garnett had one on her wedding, and figured it must be a tradition in these parts. She moved slowly down the aisle, grip ever tightening on the poor old woman. Eyes finally met Raij's as she stopped a few paces away, and she smiled brightly at him, simply because she could see he was a bundle of nerves. With the look in his eye, she half expected him to take off running out the doors!

Nepheli's silvered head was draped with delicate black tulle, her sari its usual black though the fabric held a brilliant sheen, flickering almost purple in the candlelight. Dark grey whorls decorated her ensemble, subtle symbols of her beloved Set though she doubted none here would see them as anything other than adornment. It was with pain she had left up the more customary kohl outlines for her face for such a ceremony, but she would not harm Synaria with such pride. Gently, as they began to move down the aisle at a stately pace, she pressed her hand to Synaria's reassuringly. Though no tears touched the priestess's eyes, she felt a pang of both pride and pain at seeing her charge wed. How beautiful she looked! Raij however merely got a polite smile as they made their way in.

Wolkere gave a nod to Raij, and smiled as he did to her, and turned to see Syn, she'd have to agree with the old woman that Synaria did make a lovely bride. Hopefully this would turn out better than the last wedding she showed up for. A shiver did set in the doctor's spine though, and she reached towards her face, to adjust the mask that wasn't there, before giving a rather flustered look, but a smile replaced that baffled expression on the unrecognizable doctor's face.

Leon Alexander was dressed in a very nice tunic and new trousers, sitting up proud and tall as he smiled to Raij. He had never before been to a wedding and so far this look beautiful and he could feel the mix of emotions in the air. This was inspiring him for another chapter in his romance novel. He looked at others around him seeing the emotions in their eyes and even he could feel the emotions swelling up inside him yet not a single tear was in his eyes.

Father Gustaf observed in reverent silence as the ceremony began before him, slight frown curving his lips at the bride's garb. Had she no modesty? He tore his eyes from her strange garb to address the crowd in a deep sonorous voice. "We are gathered here today to witness the joining of two. Two minds, two souls, two bodies .. before the Lord and before us, they will become one. Such a bond is sacred and should not be entered into lightly." He intoned, exhorting them on the serious nature of their actions .. no doubt not helping the nervous prince. "Let us pray." The old tongue fell from his lips, asking for the Lord's blessing on the union. It was not until he looked up to address Synaria's escort that she realized it was a woman. Dark eyes held her piercingly for a moment. "Who brings this woman to be wed to this man?"

Mavelus was not familiar with anyone here, and had no idea who was getting married when he first entered- well, of course he knew the names, but due tot he fact he was still so new to the area, he was not yet familiar with their positions in nobility. He was glad to be given an invitation, however, for it was a prime opportunity for him to observe the customs of Nharati and compare them to the ones of Dunan. The mention of a lord left him bewildered- marriage here, then, was tied greatly into religion, supposedly. In Dunan, there was no lord, only Lady. Lady of life, and, if one mentions a lord, they, of course, mean the Lord of Death... Mavelus, however, hid his bewilderment well, being fully interested in this new, and not to mention lovely, place.

Raij Valenti remained silent throughout the procession, offering up a smile towards Synaria...only to then fully take in her appearence. Stare. Gorgeous, utterly gorgeous and utterly breath-taking. Breath certainly did hitch at the sight of her stunning look - smile growing in slight before finally shifting his attention towards the Priest once more. Um..silence continued - slightly uncertain as to how this was supposed to go. After all, he was notorious for skipping out on important stuff. Pft. So, nervous fidgeting ensued...though he did notice Syn's hesitation as well. At least they were both nervous!!

Synaria felt as if the ornate neckpiece was going to strangle her, the metal and gemstones feeling as though they weighed several pounds. She resisted the urge to tug at the waist length knotted braides, her fingers instead moving to hold Nepheli's arm with both hands. She caught the frown from the priest, and couldn't help but look down at herself, but found nothing worth the frown, at least to her. She took a deep breath once again when the prayers began, lowering her head to pray to her own god. It was then she caught the streak of gray. That naughty snake, she thought with a grin to the floor. Apparently the serpent had gotten upset at not being invited and decided he'd come anyway, slithering right up to curl up on the pew beside Wolk. Syn smiled apologeticaly at the woman, not realizing it was the doctor at all then looked back to the Priest, and her Raij, only to catch that narrowed gaze toward Nepheli. Syn bit hard on her lip, so as not to speak on it, eyes moving to Raij and how handsome he looked. It was quite a good distraction. And he wasn't running out the door yet!

Nefertise was.. not as late as she thought she'd be, fortunately! Oh dear, she was going to be punished for this. It couldn't be helped, she could hardly bring herself to rise from bed, let alone run to the chapel. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. It kept repeating in her mind, and she made a desperate attempt to sneak in as soundlessly as possible. A deep sigh was heaved as she moved around the edge of the chapel, elegant light-blue garments were draped around her form and whirrling in the breeze her fast pace created. Taking a seat silently, she'd tense a bit as Raij sent a smile in her direction and silently apologize with a single, pleading look before glancing around to get a good look at those who were already attending.. and on time.

Nepheli's blue eyes held the priest's in silent challenge for an instant, wondering if he would not accept her presenting Synaria. Chin held high, she answered, her grip firm on the princess. "In the name of Haresh and of the King and Queen, I, Nepheli, bring the Princess Synaria A'nyese Rashna to be wed to Prince Raij Valenti." She answered in a cool clear voice. She turned her warm smile on the girl, gently prying her hands from her arm so she could take one and lead her to Raij. Bowing deeply from the waist, she offered the princess's hand to the prince before slipping back to take a seat. Catching the feel of the snake in the chapel, she peered at him, fingers rubbing together to entice him over to her.

Teira trailed after the not-so-punctual princess. Her fluffy tail stuck out parallel to the ground in her tension. Although relatively tame, the wolf was still uneasy over crowds. Padding up the red carpet as if she were the guest of honour here, she followed at the young woman's heels. The she-wolf had taken to following these people around now, after on several occassions, she had gotten food from them. And that's what she hoped to find here at this particular gathering: food. Her gaze swept the room, over all the humans, hardly knowing why they were all here. With a sigh, she flopped down in front of the princess. Wolfy sprawled out and rested her head on the floor, bored. Her gaze would check on Nefe from time-to-time, then towards the voices. This was very boring, especially when one doesn't speak the language.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding   (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2008 8:49 am

Father Gustaf's jaw set under the foreign woman's gaze, but all he could do was nod in acceptance of her offer of the princess. He beckoned for Raij to take Synaria's hand then to draw nearer to him. "I invite you both to kneel before this gathered company and before the Lord to pledge the sacred words of your bond." With chagrin, he realized he had skipped an essential part, but he nodded still for them to kneel as he lifted his eyes to the room once more. "Before Prince Raij Valenti and Princess Synaria Rashna make their holy vows, are there any who have cause to object to this marriage?" He paused, eyes wandering over each inhabitant. "If you do not speak now, never let words of objection pass your lips for this union for it is blessed by God."

Garnett had caught Raij's smile, the girl returning it lightly. A gown of delicate blues and ivory lace with her hair swept up into a jeweled net were her chosen garb, that pleasant facade returning once more for it was not with out a pang of long for Uhtred that she sat there. Still, her hands lingered against her belly, hope rising in her, and she pushed the distraction of that and of Uhtred aside to watch Synaria with all fondness. How gorgeous she striking. She couldn't imagine anyone taking their eyes off of her, though of course her guards managed to, the men not in the least persuaded that she would be safe in the chapel .. had not Uhtred's life been attempted on there. Her eyes focused intently on the ceremony and her friend, tears dancing at the rims of her eyes.

Raij Valenti did as told, naturally, reaching for Syn's hand and kneeling in the process of doing so. Swallowing thickly, he would accidentally grip a little too tightly, realizing his mistake and releasing the pressure. A murmered apology would be sent in her direction before finally bowing his head. Time for prayer. Uggggh! Huge gatherings were not his forte and he disliked being watched so thoroughly. Sob. Raij didn't let his nerves show, otherwise. Deep breath was taken as his back was turned to the gathering...easing his nerves a bit more. Lips were licked again - awaiting further instruction.

Synaria grasped Raij's hand tightly when he reached for her, and allowing him to lead her to the alter. She searched the top of it, as if looking would bring the idols and incense that she was used to to suddenly appear. The sudden pressure from Raij's hand finally jarred her out of her thoughts and she blushed, realizing he was already kneeling. It hit her then that it was time to pray to a god that was not hers. She hesitated, looking over her shoulder at Nepheli, tears starting to build in her eyes and a panic in her soul. She could not wait for an answer from the woman though, as she felt the eyes on her after her delay and she slowly sank down to her knee's, shifting her dress so she might not trip on it later. Veil was shoved up over her face, growing tired already of having to look through the curtain of red.

Nefertise's hand fell to idly scratch behind Teira's ear as her head was bowed, eyes falling shut as she tried her best to calm her racing heart. The run over here was not a fun one and she'd forgotten to take her sho- Her shoes! Oh, dear God have mercy! Quickly and ever so carefully her shoes would have been slipped off and tucked far back behind her, underneath her dress to hide the fact that they every existed in the first place. If it wasn't one thing right after the other. Her heart was racing a mile a minute and Teira would have probably been able to pick up on that in an instant. The smell of fear, the perspiration of nervousness was all-too-apparent to any with the sharpest of senses. Her expression, meanwhile, was composed and entirely calm, giving way little indication that anything at all was sending the female into a panic. This was the second wedding she would have been blamed for disrrupting and she knew the consequences would not have been so gracious as the first. Her only prayer in this hold house of God was that no one noticed.

Father Gustaf blinked when the princess hesitated, brow arched as if to ask if she would be objecting to the marriage. Indeed, his stare continued until she found her proper place on her knees for the ceremony to continue. Finally, he nodded to the crowd. "If there are no objections, then let us continue." His gaze turned downward on the kneeling couple with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. "Prince Raij, speak your vow after me, your pledge to Princess Synaria." And he began, line for line, stating the words that Raij should speak, leading him through them in reverence for the ceremony he performed. Once Raij had spoken, he prompted Synaria for hers, trying to keep his eyes from focusing too curiously on her jeweled face.

Teira wagged her tail, feeling the Nefe's hand scratching. Soft, happy canine sounds escaped her. Tail stopped its happy dance once the princess stopped. A quiet growl of annoyance rumbled in her throat, half from the scratchy being over and half from the fear-scent that emitted off of her companion. Not knowing why the girl was panicky, she twitched an ear and looked about. Finding no monsters or hunters, the timber placed her head on her paws, shifted herself, letting her stiffening legs strech out again. Wolfy let out a murmur of boredom and yawned.

Raij Valenti listened intently, nodding a bit when the other asked him to repeat the vows. Oh shit, he hoped he didn't fuck this up. After all, Raij was never that marvelous with stuff like this. >.< Either way, he took a deep breath and did as told. "I, Raij Valenti, take thee, Synaria Rashna, to be my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; therto I plight thee my troth." God damn that was a mouthful. (I did do that right, right?) And afterwards, he would let out a relieved breath. His part was done...ish..and now it was Synaria's. Raij would make sure to offer up a reassuring smile - hand gripping hers gently to further it.

Synaria stared at Raij as he spoke, slight grin on her face through the tears that still tried to fall. He was so into the ceremony that he had not realized she had trouble kneeling. It was almost enough to make her giggle, knowing the inner turmoil he faced at not really knowing what he was doing. He sounded so robotic from his concentration! Her heart leapt in her throat when it was her turn to speak. "I, Synaria Rashna, take thee Raij Valenti to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part, according to...according to...." She felt dangerously close to getting ill, tears spilling now down her cheeks, the edges of her vision blackening. "A-according to G-gods holy ordinance; thereto I plight thee my troth." When she finally stuttered the last phrase out, it was more of a sob, and she held his hands tightly.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding   (LOG) Raij & Synaria's Wedding Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2008 8:50 am

Father Gustaf listened attentively as they spoke their vows, etching them into his memory. When the princess stumbled over the words, her prompted her gently once more, unable to help noting just what it was she seemed to have trouble with. "And now, Prince Raij, Princess Synaria, what is it you bring one to the other as a symbol of your vow. Please take and present them so all might see what you've crafted in blood and fire." He called out, limping step taken to the side so they could reach the altar for their gifts, leaning heavily on his staff.

Raij Valenti, after the vows were uttered, he rose to his feet and grasped the gift he had decided to create for her. Deep breath was taken as he grasped the elaborately decorated jewelry box - designs of serpents and ornately intertwined throughout the entirety of it. They were vague encriptions, not obvious when gazed at from afar. He figured that Syn would prefer it. Oh, and yes he did notice her issue with the vow...having been worried for a time. But alas, he would pause, opening the box then to reveal what it carried within. A bracelet with similar designs - serpents of all sorts interwoven in the beautiful piece of jewelry. Emerald gaze regarded her hopefully, swallowing in slight as he awaited her approval or disapproval. Oh, and he would show them off so that everyone could bare witness to it. He hated being formal.. D:

Garnett bit her lip hard when Synaria faltered, silently urging her to make it through the words. It was with heavy heart, she knew the woman held to her old beliefs, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she finished. Unable to help herself, she craned her neck slightly to see what Raij had gifted her with, and when she caught sight, a small smug smile curved her lips. There, with such things a wedding gift from Raij, none could object to her displaying the snakes...the whole reason she'd made her suggestion, pleased in no small fashion that he'd taken her advice. Curiously, her gaze settled on Synaria, wondering what she had chosen.

Synaria beamed when she saw the box, fingertips lightly curving with the snakes patterns, the tears that had settled, instantly tried to pop back up. Perhaps her god did smile on this wedding, at least that's what she thought the gift could have meant. When the bracelet was exposed, the tears did fall silently, and whether traditionally acceptable or not she put it upon her wrist. "I love it." She whispered to him. She admired the gifts a moment longer before presenting his gift. A book-sized chest was given, made of silver and ivory, with delicate celtic knots. She leaned close to him when she gave it over, whispering "I would not show what is inside." She grinned and unlatched the lid so he might peek inside. Within was a leatherbound book, his name etched in gold on the cover. It was a reprint of one of the ones she had caught him reading, all in her own writing.

Nefertise had her head down still, zoned out on nothing inparticular and realizing they were already on their symbols of endearment. Had she really been absent-minded for that long? Her eyes opened slowly and her head lifted, patting her lap gently and encouraging Teira to place her head there to provide attention for comfort. If the wolf did as she hoped, her hand would have resumed the gentle scratching behind her ears and then across her neck. A whispered "Good dog" would ensue, trying her best to keep quite and keep her nerves under wrap. Another glance was sent around, offering Garnett a smile from across the way and quickly returning her attention back towards her brother. He was so nervous! She could only pray to give him the strength he needed to perform this ceremony swiftly without any complications.

Father Gustaf impassively observed the exchange of gifts, approving that both had been prepared for the ceremony, a faint smile on his lips at the emotion shared between the two. Stepping back in front of them, he carefully propped his staff up against the altar so he could lay a hand on each of their heads. "You are now bound as one, my children. May God bless this union that it flourishes and is fruitful." He intoned prayerfully, hand falling to take up his staff again as he gestured for them to rise with his free hand. "Rise and know that you are one." He paused, nodding lightly to Raij as he beckoned toward Synaria. "Prince Raij, you may now kiss your bride."

Teira flicked an ear, watching the burnett princess pat her own leg. Curious, she stretched out her neck to sniff. The Grey flinched slightly when a hand came to pet her, then her tail wagged and she laid her head on the lady's lap. Whimpering happily, she licked the human's hand occassionally, letting her know that she liked this very much.

Raij Valenti. The ornate chest and what lie inside was enough to send all thoughts of nervousness flying through the nearest window and heading for the hills. Grin plastered across his features when they were officially dubbed husband and wife. Hand lifted then to lightly grace her beautifully made-up face - thumb grazing it before then smirking. "Oh please. C'mere." Tradition this, tradition that. Fuck tradition! Hands would grip her waist, tugging her to him forcefully but gently as he then would aim to kiss quite passionately right there in front of everyone! One such hand would lift to cradle the back of her neck as he did so, smiling as he did so. Ha. Meanwhile, the chest had been placed gently on the ground so he could properly kiss his wife! Wooooooo! NO MORE FORMAL SHIT! YAY!

Wolkere had personally seen enough. Well, when she wasn't staring at the carpet. Frankly, weddings made the doctor fairly sad. She winced a bit, and furrowed her brows, facial expressions, for once, clearly apparent as she'd frown and look towards the floor. Fingers wrapped up in dark blue material, grabbing and wringing at the stuff before she sighed, offering the new couple a feigned, but genuine-looking smile. She'd keep it there, until they'd left, and then fall back into a sort of hopeless-looking frown. Somewhere in the back of her head, the doctor really wished no one had recognized her.

Mavelus felt rather satisfied. He could think some of these things over tonight, and so far, things weren't too different.... He had to stop himself from thinking that they weren't all worshipping evil gods due to the fact that 'Lord' was a term used to describe the lord of death, but other than that, they were similar enough, and he would soon become accustomed to it. The girl beside him, though he was unfamiliar with her as well, seemed sorrowful, so he politely gave her a pat on the shoulder, leaning down slightly to console her, despite the fact he had no idea why she was saddened. Eyes scanned the rest of the crowd, and while he seemed to be slightly confused at the presence of a feral canine, he shrugged it off and continued facing forward.

Synaria was still in mid-rise when Raij grabbed her. She'd barely heard the Priest say the words when his lips pressed against hers. The passion in it causing her to blush, only because of all the eyes upon them. After a few moments, of practically melting under his kiss and of the slight giddy embarassment that followed, she finally pulled back, giggling rather loudly from the release of nerves. She turned then, as she was supposed to and smiled out at everyone, arm locking around Raij's. She glanced at Garnett, beaming at her friend, then to the Priestess, hoping she had did the right thing in speaking the name of a god that was not hers, to Nefe and Wolk, whom she still didn't recognise without her mask. The blush stayed, her thoughts lingering on the kiss, and playfully damning Raij in the back of her mind.

Father Gustaf watched with satisfaction, and perhaps mild disapproval, as the pair celebrated their union. Rather carnal, weren't they? But weddings were such things. "May I now present to you, wedded in the sight of God and man, the Prince Raij and Princess Synaria Valenti!" He called to the crowd, beckoning for them to stand as the music brightened the room with lilting fanfare.

Garnett actually jumped at the pat to her shoulder, several guards moving closer for an instant before she waved them off. Pale green eyes slipped to the male beside her curiously, and she offered a polite smile though she used the pronouncement as an excuse to spring to her feet, applauding wildly as she beamed back at Synaria, offering her a quick wink as tears slipped from her eyes. She couldn't help a quick glance around the room, as if expecting someone to suddenly lunge at the pair..her stomach tight with nerves, a wave of nausea rolling over her. Still, her smile didn't falter for the pair, giving them a moment in the adulation though she wanted to sweep over and congratulate them.

Nefertise thought of jumping out of her seat when the music took off and everyone stood almost in unison, continuing her gentle affection towards the wolf before she, too, rose and offered a bright smile for her brother. It was forced, everything about her being in this environment seemed forced. It was only a matter of time now before she was up there and wedded to Anastasio. Her stomach churned at the thought, forcing that smile ever brighter to avoid giving any indications that she was upset. She was happy for them, truly, and wanted to rush over just as Garnett did to congratulate them, but she thought it unwise since those shoes were still resting beneath her dress. So, for now she'd stay put and wait for them to walk down the aisle as a newly wedded couple before she said any well-wishes.
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