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 (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate   (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 10:42 pm

Elwena was there before anyone else, her mind in an absolute fuzz over getting invited to dinner. She wore one of her best gowns, and Mereavus would be very familiar with it. She helped with the food, dressed in a fine, deep purple dress and fixed with a black underbust brocade corset. Before she had not worn any jewelry, but this time she did. Though hemp was her style, leather wrapped around her neck in black with a precious stone as deep as her dress connected in the center. Hair was tidied up for the occassion with onyx beads dangling from the braid that wrapped around her head. "That ought to do it." She smiled to the cook who was glad when the damn naturalist slid from the confines of the hot kitchen to meander into the dining area. She stood by the door, feeling uneasy about seating herself despite having been invited.

Garnett had often, of late, avoided the meals, the sociability of them not in line with her quieter state of mind, but such things cannot last forever, and she dressed carefully the the blues that suited her well, darker shades peeking from beneath a lighter overdress worked with whimsical silver embroidery. Hair too was done appropriately, a crown braid with tiny looping accents, and it was done thus that she slipped down for dinner, a quick glance roaming around the room in hopes that Uhtred would manage to join. At least at her husband's side, it would be more bearable. But, for now, the dining room was empty save for Elwena who earned herself a bright smile from the Princess, the girl slipping over close to her. "Elwena! You're joining us for dinner?" Surprise rippled over her face. "How lovely! And dressed so strikingly!"

Synaria took a long time in her quarters in front of her mirror. Dark eyes looked over the light discoloration across her cheekbone. Thin painted fingers swept over it, gingerly putting pressure, just to see if it still ached. Of course, it did each time. Ivories bit on her lip as she painstakingly applied her paints, putting a thicker layer to hide the light purple bruise. Finally hair was set so a thick mass of curls trailed over the cheek, hiding it further in shadow. It was all a bit over the top, but she didn't feel like answering questions. Finally, she slipped on a deep orange sari and her accents and headed down the stairs, quietly taking a seat, only giving a light nod to those already gathered.

Eilella sauntered into the dining room shortly after Elwena did as well. Hair was twisted up, no strands would likely come out of that style anytime soon. Mint green and pink enshrouded the young woman on the eve of this public dinner, which she kept few and far between. And, thusly, had only a small inkling of how to dress. But the sight of Elwena calmed her fears. "Good evening, Elwena, your Highness" the lady quietly greeted the pair, curtsying properly. She took a tentative seat, unsure if there was a certain place to sit. But this was perfect for the time being. "You both look lovely this evening" Ella complimented with a warm smile. "It's so nice to attend this evening, is it not, Elwena?" her smile turned rather sheepish momentarily. At the entrance of Synaria, Eilella rose again. "Princess, it's so nice to see you" she went over to her friend. "how have you been lately?"

Uhtred Valenti was nervous. Shaving off his beard was no big thing, except for the unsightly scars under his chin from the rim of his own shield. But he had cut off his hair for the first time since his first proper kill. It was all short now, save for a long braid that descended at the base of his skull. It was an impulsive act, and it left him feeling vulnerable as he gracefully paced the long mile journey to the dining table, his face as irrefutably masked in faux joy as ever. "Good e'en," he chimed, offering them all a suitable inclination of his head and a warm touch upon the shoulder of his wife, who he feared might well choke upon the sight of him. It was better not to speak of anything just yet... No, soak in the conversation, and see what has been missed!

Ilgnuit was back. No doubt much to the castle's eternal delight, the second Prince's boots could once again be heard around the marble flooring. He experienced it again; this perpetual dread of reuniting himself with his wife, his lack of relish in this constant leaving-and-returning. Little did he know. He'd redressed swiftly, and descended to the dining hall. He deliberately approached Synaria from her blind spot, and announced his presence with a light touch to her back, and a slightly overdone kiss to her cheek. "Guess who," he murmured, before looking up at the rest of the room, and moreso to Eilella - she was closest. His brother, looking remarkably well groomed (hen-pecked, was the term), and his wife. "It's good to see you all again," he announced, seating himself next to his wife as though he'd been here just yesterday.

Julius Descartes stepped into the room, taking his position at the side of an exit along with the other guards. Uncomfortably clean, Julius tried to keep a grimace from his face as he made not a sound nor much movement. His hair was pulled back from his face and tied by a leather throng, his white tailored top fell just past his waist, his dark trousers were cleaned of any mud, and his boots had been shined to a gleam. The belt around his waist held a proper sword, a requirement from his superiors for the dining room duty. Yet another reason why he abhorred this job.

Mereavus arrived shortly after Elwena, having come from the Varana estate rather than Vorserkeine, which Samuel was preparing for his family. On arriving, she was fiddling with a glove, and glanced up to find Garnett had already uncovered her guest. "Your Highness," she greeted, eyes rising to find Uhtred present - so she added, with a slightly wry expression, "And your Highness. Good evening." She placed her fingertips lightly against the woodsling's shoulder. "Samuel sends his apologies, we expect his family tonight, and someone has to be there to greet them. He does send his best wishes, however. I thought Elwena's company might please everyone, doesn't she look lovely?" And she turned her attention to the table, one brow directly arching. Brat was home, was he? Interesting. She was suddenly very glad Samuel wasn't here - the less dramatic potential the better.

Elwena smiled when Princess Garnett entered first, officially filling an uneasy void that was troubling her stomach. She felt both honored and terrified that she was in the room, especially as more followed. Curtseying properly to the Princess, she smiled, "You look lovely, Princess. Really, you do." She peered over the blues and silvers, one of her favorite combined colors. So calming and peaceful! That was, until the spring of El came marching in. Delighted by the colors, she'd give a curtsey back, "Yes, I am joining in dinner tonight. The cook has a few of my surprises coming out. I'm not a very good cook myself, but hopefully you all will take delight in them regardless." Lips firmed when she saw Synaria, and she gave a curtsey, watching as she moved to a seat. Wena was still very unsure about that one and felt more insecure than ever. Head turned to see Uhtred, blinking for a moment as she looked to both Lady Blacke and Princess Garnett. She hadn't ever met the man face to face, so her eyes seemed a little lost. To Mereavus's company, she bowed and blushed hard, shying away from the spotlight, "Oh, thank you, M'Lady. I think we are all a lovely bunch."
Elwena: Scratch that, she HAD met Uhtred...let's say she still looked a little wild about it since when they had met he was freaking out xD *forgot*]

Garnett returned the greetings, the women of course receiving warm smiles from her as the room began to fill. Gathering her skirt in her hands, she slipped into a seat. "Elwena, won't you sit next to me? And thank you." She motioned to the chair lower than herself as there would be more room for Ella and Synaria across from her..and of course, the seat higher than her left for Uhtred. A grin flashed over her face when she caught sight of him, at least ..she thought it was him. Brow furrowed and the expression of delight faded into puzzlement at the sight of his shorn head. The poor girl's jaw fell open, and in truth, she just barely managed to stifle upset behind a social facade. Lips worked, but whatever remark she might make to him was broken by her astonishment at seeing his brother. Pale eyes widenened as she stroked her hand over Uhtred's, fingers attempting to twine with his. "A pleasure to see you again, Ilgnuit." She remarked with cool politeness, observing him for a moment before her head tilted back so she could look at Uhtred, brow quirking at him questioningly.

Synaria glanced over at Ella, offering a soft smile. "It is good to see you as well, dear. I have been well, and y--" Words trailed off as she noticed the short haired man wander into the room so brazenly. Who did he think he wa-- Uhtred? Bright eyes widened, head cocking to the side, simply staring. Finally sight shifted to Garnett wide in their shock. Though her reaction was missed when she felt the touch to her back. Body stiffened, causing a horrible pain to course down her lower back and the backs of her thighs. "I-ilgnuit." She stuttered out, unable to hide the shock. "You're home." Head shook to wipe the dazed expression from her face and she leaned over to press a dutiful kiss to his cheek. "I am pleased to see you." It was all she could manage to utter. His suprise returns always made the facade of loving him difficult. Too bad she was so preoccupied with suprises, she would have loved making Elwena squirm.

Uhtred Valenti gave his respects where they were due; a gracious smile for the Lady, a curious smirk for Elwena, and something that might have resembled humour for Garnett. Ah, yes. He had expected something in the way of protest from her, and knew now that he would be hearing much more of it... but it was Ilgnuit who captured his attention, in the end. Head tilted aside as he registered the man's presence, as though he'd somehow only now remembered having a brother. "Ho, brother. I was unaware that you were in the castle." That was hardly a welcome befitting a prince, but Uhtred's civility was a stride in itself. He was taken to eating already, forgoing the usual knife display to remove his gloves and eat with his fingertips. "If you would make us more aware in the future, we could greet you more properly."

Last edited by Garnett on Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate   (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 10:43 pm

Eilella kept her smile. "It's so nice ot have you join in, Elwena. Everyone in this room looks nice". Eyes followed Synaria's when Uhtred entered. "Good evening, your Highness" she bowed her head respectfully to Uhtred. She turned her head to reply to Synaria when a familiar form sat in the empty seat. It seemed to be perfectly respectable for him to, but the sight of Ilgnuit was wholly unexpected. Her mouth hung open for a mere, unactractive second. "And the same to you, your Highness" No need to call upon herself. There was a need to act calmly, to help Syn get through the surprise return. Her mint orbs sought the princess's blues before she turned to face the line of people in front of her. Smile returned but it lacked something; just it's realness.

Ilgnuit took a glass of brandy from a passing servant whilst he was greeted in so many... differently and enthused ways. He turned his head to regard Synaria a moment, and smiled through, "Your beauty is painful, my love. I feel I should have to be treated for an instant headache." He then turned his attention back to everyone else - so many ladies. Which to compliment first? But his brother caught him. Ho brother indeed. "And miss out on a flicker of surprise, brother? Never. We're gifted with so many lovely presences this evening, aren't we? First the Blackes and Varanas assail us, and then you have the nerve to throw your own delightful wife at us. Really, brother, it's unprecidented, really." He leaned back with his drink - looking thoroughly pleased with himself.

Garnett felt a stab of discomfort for her sister at her husband's reappearance, a recollection of confessed behavior suddenly blooming in her mind that tinged her cheeks the slightest bit red. Determinedly, she focused her attention on Uhtred, eyes beginning to narrow until she caught sight of the long braid lying against the back of his neck. A cough served to cover the giggle though her eyes lit, and she, rather boldly, shot a wink Uhtred's direction. He'd kept his promise. Irritation faded for the moment, and she focused on her food, eating in much neater fashion than her husband. The colour in her cheeks deepened slightly at Ilgnuit's words, but her food seemed safer. "I'm sorry I hadn't heard the Huntsman's family was arriving until now, Lady Mereavus. Do give them my best regards, won't you? Garnett flashed a small smile toward the Advisor before her eyes slipped toward Synaria. "A fine dinner, isn't it?" She uttered lamely, trying to find some topic that wouldn't be awkward in the gathered company..impossible.

Julius Descartes clenched his teeth together as he listened to the royals greet each other with their intense politeness or in Ilgnuit's case, blatant comments. He had kept to himself more often then not, but he had seen them about the castle when he had gone patrolling. There was obviously some drama about and recent events had done nothing good for the undercurrents of their cut-throat politics. Hands clasped together and arms held straight out in front of him, he slowly rollled his shoulders to ease some of the discomfort from trying to stand still. [Back.]

Synaria's smile was tight at his comment. "So it is my beauty that causes you to leave for your treatments." She hissed under her breath, so low that only perhaps he and Ella could hear. Head lowered to her food then, fingers clutching a fork and began pushing her meal around her plate, feigning the mechanics of eating without ever taking a bite as the brothers exchanged... greetings. Though when her dear husband began his commentary on the other ladies, fingers tightened, bone white, around her fork and it was stabbed, unladylike hard into a bit of roast. Silver scraping loudly against the china. She didn't bother hiding her impolite action, head turned, giving a hard if not a bit incredulous look to her husband. "Really Ilgnuit. You are too kind." She said from clentched teeth.

Uhtred Valenti tore his bread a little viciously, but ate with a calm, collected grace. His head turned to the guard carefully stationed yonder, and had a mind to say something but for the sound of his wife possibly trying to swallow a goose. It left his mouth opened slightly as it failed to react to the same anima that turned his head to her. A wink? But why? Not that he minded. It kept his eyes anywhere besides his contemptable brother. And it earned a grin, all the same. Then his head turned back around, and looked the guard up and down. "You look about as comfortable as a stuffed pheasant. Descartes, isn't it?" An accusatory index finger jabbed at the air, as though he expected the fellow to answer in the negative. Or perhaps dared him to?

Mereavus glanced up from removing her gloves at Ilgnuit's passing compliment, perhaps deliberately lifting her left hand whilst slotting the felt item off it. "Your Highness is far too kind, really, but I'm afraid there isn't a Varana representative present." And the unbearable flush of smug pleasure at just how vindictive she knew it was surfaced only in a slightly winsome little smile, whilst she reached for her teacup. She glanced past Elwena towards Garnett, inclining her head some. "I will, thank you, your Highness. I'm sure they'll be awed and flattered. Elwena, darling, would you like some wine? For some reason it seems to have gathered at my end of the table, as though there's soe wicked implication about my kinship to a sponge." As if that'd be true.

Eilella--If the young woman had heard Synaria, she pretended that she did not, findind her food suddenly very interesting. Only so much she could do for the princess. Listne to secrets, yes; call out her husband--in public no less, no. At Eave's words, her head rose a bit, real amused smile spreading across her features. Well, the advisor did have a reason to be smug, after long times of waiting for that wedding, it finally happened. She took a swig of wine from her own glass, returning to the food. It was that pattern that went. Eating a bit, paying attention to somethig that was said, then drinking the wine. It seemed to be holding up so far. The evening had really taken a dramatic turn.

Ilgnuit glanced sideways in a remarkably cheerful fashion at Synaria's last comment - hang it all, she was going to be pissy with him whether he tried flattering her or not, so hang it. He might as well enjoy winding her up, instead of dodging an arrow that seemed to have a homing beacon attached. "I am, aren't I?" he answered, in an infuriatingly pompous tone. He turned his attention back to the table. "I see!" he answered the Advisor. "Alexston now, is it? Damned lucky Pleb, then, your Excellence." His eyes swept past Elwena, after a decidedly devilish wink to her, and went back to lingering on Garnett. "You see, my love, my kindness makes our sister blush. And only heightens her enchanting appeal further. I fear I might be thrown out into headachedom permanently at this rate, wouldn't that be awful?" Talkative little bastard today, what in the Hell was wrong with him?

Julius Descartes bowed to the Prince when he noticed that the royal's attention was focused upon him. He tilted his head curiously at his question, unsure on how to answer him. Ah, but if he didn't answer he was sure to be in some kind of trouble. "Aye, your highness. I am feeling a bit uncomfortable, but comfort is little to sacrifice in exchange for the security of this room." Julius bowed again in order to show that he meant all due respect and that his blunt answer was simply his thought about the duties of the guards. He was surprised that the royal had actually acknowledged his presence. The last time he had approached a royal, it had ended in his retreat with a volley of angry insults following after him. Julius made sure that a scene like that wouldn't repeat itself by keeping away from them as much as he could.

Garnett's nerves settled slightly with Uhtred's grin, but the relentless tension around the table only rose. Quietly, she sliced off a sliver of her roast beef, discarding her lame attempt at conversation. Sympathetic green eyes rested on her sister, only to snap toward Ilgnuit, suddenly hard. The damnable colour in her cheeks rose despite herself, lips setting into a thin line as she fought back the urge to simply glare across the table. Taking her eyes from him, she seemed to drop her napkin toward Uhtred, muttering as she bent to pick it up. "Or removed from the dinner table." There was a rare tone of anger in that low whisper, her hand curling at Uhtred's elbow as she straightened, small glance shot toward the guard curiously.

Uhtred Valenti was carefully steeling himself, looking away from the table's occupants entirely. Focus on the guard, yes. They were better company anyhow. He smirked a bit at the answer. "Lean, if you like. No one will grind your bones to meal for it, I assure you." He would have been happy to continue this line of conversation, but something was offending his ear. His head slowly craned back to look at Ilgnuit. The bread was now flattened from his tense grip. "You do kindly to honour me, brother, saying such fair things about my beloved." It was said in the kind of tone that spoke of anything but appreciation. His hand fell over Garnett's rather firmly. "But pray, do no more. Her modesty is insurmountable." His eyes were storming, and a glance toward Synaria bored a strange sort of sympathy that seemed to add fuel.

Synaria had to forceably place her fork onto the table, for it wanted to desperately plant itself into her smug husband's forehead. She felt her blood boiling and rolling down her arms, fingertips tingling. Jaw was locked tight, for any comment she could have made to him would have been severely inappropriate. Napkin was oh-so slowly refolded and placed in her lap, fingers working to spread it out and smooth out the wrinkles. Keep the hands busy. Gaze finally rose toward Garnett, offering some sort of pleading appology, even though the anger Ilgnuit incited in her wasn't masked. It was then she caught the sympathetic look from her brother. Shame hit her so hard she had to look away from them all. She should have been able to keep Ilgnuit quiet or at least keep his attention.

Eilella decided to intervene a bit. "Your Highness" she spoke brightly to Garnett. "Your colour has seemed to come back lately, just naturally. Growing healthier and lovelier everyday, wouldn't everyone agree?" she took another happy sip of wine. Perhaps she could have said more, but no need to make it too obvious. And Uhtred properly intervened for his wife as well, only adding on to her beam of delight. But it was apparent Ilgnuit was growing to be a pain; and unnecessary addition to the times. But she left the disgusted expression off her features. Despite the loyalty to friends, it was not her business to get into. It was time to slip into silence again.

Julius Descartes let a smile grace his face for a moment, highly pleased that the Prince was pardoning from the usual requirement of a stiff posture and stony like movements. This gesture raised Uhtred in his mind as someone to respect, thus he only allowed himself to slouch a few degrees forward. Ah, but there was something worse then drama afoot here. Julius could feel the mounting tension within the room and was finding that his senses were suddenly more alert. One man seemed to be causing much of the underlying fury among the others for one reason or another. This was sure to lead to bad business, but his part would only come about if this situation came to blows.

Ilgnuit, by this point, was becoming a little high on attention - he had everyone's, captively, by the easiest means in the world. "I would agree," he answered Eilella. "It's such a shame that a beauty like Princess Garnett hasn't yet conceived, isn't it? I imagine she'd glow when rounded with child." Yes. He went there. It all delivered itself with the smoothest tone. The sickliest intentions. A harmless comment, surely. His brother couldn't take offense because he hadn't technically said anything out of line - all of his words had been selected so carefully. But he'd still managed to get a barb in there - a barb that was fully intended to point out that they could laugh at him all they liked, and bitch about his demeanour, but he could hurt them back. And he would. He'd be taken damn well seriously.

Last edited by Garnett on Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate   (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 10:44 pm

Garnett's shoulders straightened though all she wanted to do was sink into Uhtred's side, this idea to come to dinner seeming quite a foul one right now. Utensils and food were both abandoned for her stomach roiled as she met Synaria's eyes. Ella's comment drew a gracious smile, and - All blood drained from her face as cold vicious eyes turned on the prince, Garnett very nearly rising out of her seat though Uhtred's hand steadied her. "I have conceived." It sounded calmer than she felt. "Perhaps if you were around more-" Lips pressed together as she silenced her words and tossed her head, swallowing what she'd been going to say for she had no wish to cut Synaria as deeply as the words might. "I'm certain when I do conceive again, I will glow then. Perhaps soon." Somewhere inside it shocked her that she hadn't launched over the table at him, but she shook, violently, her hand clutching at Uhtred's arm.

Eilella winced visably at the slight on Garnett. Her blood finally boiled, that comment would not go without notice. Something could be said in reply, perhaps calling the man out about the fact he and his wife had not yet conceived, but it was certianly not her place to say anything, and Ella had a feeling it wouldn't be dealt if equally sharp words. He would be taken seriously, seriously dead. So until the moment came when he was, she'd sit back and sip her wine. Ella had grown to really enjoy living. It tore at her, so she sent a sympathetic, pleading look to Garnett, one that showed how much she wished to defend the princess. And she also wished with her might Uhtred would put his horrid brother in his place.

Synaria had just taken to raising her glass when Ilgnuit dared utter those horrible words. It slid from her fingers and landed hard against the table, thankfully upright and without spilling the liquid within. Eyes went wild and wide as head whipped in his direction. Breath caught in her chest. Cheeks drained of all color for a moment before blooming into a violent red. Fingertips gripped the edge of her chair so hard those black nails threatened to break under the pressure. "What are you doing?" She said in a soft gasp, the words more of a whisper to herself. Garnett's sentence was finished in her head, and she remembered the blood on the rug, a pain piercing her heart. It had to have been a child that escaped her that night. Then came the aweful feel of building saline. Jaw worked silently, gaze dropping to her lap, simply trying to breathe.

Uhtred Valenti was barely a man, now. Something in his frontal lobe had exploded, and in retrospect he would probably call it 'reason.' He was out of his seat, now, having knocked it over with the back of his thighs. His fists were pressed against the table so that it gave the slightest list to support his weight. His eyes were ripping into his brother's flesh. "And yet here, I notice, you have no children to call your own," he seethed through clenched teeth. "I would say that I was sorry for that fact, but I am glad that your seed has thus far been spared the woe of growing under your thumb. That is not including the countless bastards you have no doubt whelped. Unless, of course, you have finally contracted some contagion that has finally taken away your lust. Oh, dear brother, tell me. Do you have woe usurpring from your bladder?"

Ilgnuit grinned to his brother's rising to the taunt, taking a long sip of his brandy and obviously getting himself comfortable. It was at least half an act - he'd presently shat a brick through the bottom of his chair the moment Uhtred threw his own back. But he had him on a string now. Make a fool of yourself, Uhtred. Show us how you're so unsuitable for Kingship. The insults had begun - and technically, the elder had started them. "Less than your wife has woe in her carriage, brother," he answered. "Perhaps God decided to spare the child - what would a son of yours have to look forward to, Uhtred? Barbarism and swilling ale. Your braid is terribly pretty, by the way, did our darling Garnett recommend that? And trimming your beard? At least my son would be under my thumb, brother, and not his wife's."

Julius Descartes found himself clenching his teeth once more as he found something new to grimace about. Having found Prince Uhtred to be a man to respect, he suddenly found Prince Ilgnuit to be someone not worthy of his title. There was no doubt in his mind that they might come to blows, which Julius would unfortunately have to break up. But who is to say that Julius might not "accidentally" knee Ilgnuit in the genitals when he was trying to separate them? He let his arms fall to his sides, his sword hand twitching occasionally with each biting insult that was made. The rumors that would leave this place would be... interesting.

Mereavus had been halfway to taking a sip of her tea when the room seemed to explode, and she remained with her lips parted and the cup almost to them for at least a minute as insults were exchanged. She placed it down once things started getting a little more personal, rising from her chair and going to stand behind Garnett, with one hand going to place itself over one of the Princess' shoulders. Sides were very clearly being taken, and Ilgnuit didn't have one. Successfully alienating himself from the rest of the room, which appeared to be uniting regardless of differences. Collective enemies had a habit of doing that. She said nothing, having no stake in the argument, merely placed down silent support in favour of the elder brother and his slighted wife. Damned melodramatic rugrat.

Garnett's trembling reached a fevered pitch when Uhtred slammed out of his chair, the girl flinching, that brave show abandoning her. Hatred, pure and unforgiving, gleamed in her pale eyes. Uhtred's remarks did little to stem the anger she felt, but she forced herself to take a deep breath. God help her, she tried to block out the bloody Prince's voice, but he had no sense to stop when he'd pushed too far. The fury was on Uhtred, and though she thought perhaps to stop him, she had no desire to..her own sense fleeing her for Ilgnuit had struck at those difficulties he knew hardest for them. "Ilgnuit." She began in a quiet voice, though it held none of the trembling of her body, her hand lifting to touch the Advisor's in silent appreciation. "I think perhaps you have had overmuch to drink. A walk in the garden might clear your head." It was, in fact, not so much a suggestion, but she doubted she'd be listened to..she was a woman after all. Still, the support of the Lady Alexston behind her and her husband at her was something.

Synaria's heart was pounding in her ears now, so loud she had to struggle to hear Uhtred's words. And when they came through, she wished she hadn't tried so hard. It wasn't the failure of Ilgnuit that stung, it was the fact she believed she had lost the seed of someone more fitting. Lost and couldn't speak about it. She lost her silence though, when Ilgnuit uttered those horrible words, and all sense of status and propriety and womanhood were lost. Syn snapped. "How dare you." She spat out and before she knew it, her hand was splitting the air, and if he wasn't paying attention, he'd find her open palm slamming hard against his cheek. "You arrogant little... little... earsling!" Well, it was the only offensive word she really knew in their tongue. There was violence in her eyes, a violence that would have consumed him in flames had they been alone. Napkin then was tossed onto the table. "Excuse me." She hissed and if not stopped, she'd flee the room.

Eilella eyes sought Synaria. She went to the princess's side, not Ilgnuit's. That's not to say she felt no sympathy for Garnett. The pain in the mint eyes were for the two princesses. Indeed all the pain she felt went to them. But she would admit she feared Garnett as of the moment, and quite pleased she did too. What an idiot prince Ilgnuit was turning out to be. Ella quietly asked the Hareshian woman. Garnett could indeed hold her own, and Eave was there. She was in good hands. The humiliation she was sure Syn felt at some extant was wrenching too, and it only worsened when Synaria fled. And this she did the same, first giving a curtsy. "Good evening all" she said hastily, running after Syn.

Uhtred Valenti was not even bothering with the argument. It was more a stall for time. The prince had not brought his sword, for it was custom to abstain from bringing weapons to a dining room. So he looked for one. Yet for some reason, he did not feel like employing a knife. No, something a little more wicked. A goblet? A platter? A platter. He reached for his own and threw the food upon it over his shoulder for the hounds. A swift bang broke the thing in half, another broke it into a cruel splinter, and then he was walking around the table. He thought to jump over it, but that seemed excessive. A look to Descartes told him that he had no intention of allowing himself to be stopped. But Garnett checked him. And then Synaria sealed the agreement. And in the end, it saved him from a horrible mistake. "And whom is ruled by their wife, pray tell?" he said with a sudden, sickly sweet smile. The splinter fell from his hand. There was blood upon the latter.

Ilgnuit, unfortunately, was too self-satisfied to see the slap coming, so it collided with a very satisfying 'clack' across his skin. He flexed his jaw and watched her go, glancing up at Uhtred. He had to regain some posture. He had to. What could he say at this point? What would inalterably shut Uhtred's smarmy (if nicely shaved) mouth? His mind desperately sought for a solution. His eyes fell on Garnett and the Advisor. Something, there had to be something. "What's this, Uhtred? Got yourself a mistress, too? No wonder. I'll wager, that crushed baby of yours - are you sure it was yours? Your wife has a certain... Slatternly look to her, she blushes far too easily. Like her cheeks protest too much - but do they? Do her cheeks protest to you, or anyone, for that matter, at all?" Saved! Right?
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate   (LOG) Ilgnuit settles his fate Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 10:46 pm

Julius Descartes could almost hear the axe falling upon Ilgnuit's neck and finally allowed himself to grimace. Oh lord, he thought to himself. It seemed the younger Prince had some kind of deathwish. His hand was already gripping the hilt of his sword, as if he really could use it in this situation. There was no way he could use his weapons against the royals, any blood that he might spill could only be those of his own status or below. This was the worst situation he could be witness to because he was sure that he would have to get rid of Ilgnuit's body once Prince Uhtred was through with him. Politics sucked.

Uhtred Valenti suddenly felt a breath of fresh air, as it seemed to grace his wrinkled brow. Ilgnuit's words were no longer angering. Indeed, that false smirk turned into a smooth, beautiful smile, beset by a single broken tooth that hugged against a comforting molar. His eyes closed for a moment. He could use this, of course. And when they opened, they were joined in accusing his brother by a pointed, indicative index finger that dripped blood. "I want to thank you for this, Ilgnuit," he said with a soft voice. "You have given me everything that I need." Indeed, the aetheling could not even curse himself for becoming angry. It was all to be forshadowed by a heavy barrage of common sentiment and a very direct request, this time fueled with true, marring insult. "Your thin veils do not save you again."

Garnett's eyes widened as Synaria flew at him, flinching at the slap, unable to do much more than stare. The whole room seemed to be falling to pieces, but it was the last remark that went too far. He was pushing, for whatever reason, to make the elder lose his temper and he was succeeding in doing so...or not. Her brow arched faintly as she rose to her feet, her legs nearly knocking together as she made her way to her husband's side. Silently, she used her napkin to catch the dripping blood, the threat sending a chill down her spine as she hung her head at his side. How tight her chest felt, how near tears, but she refused to show it, face becoming impassive once more as they lifted to regard the doomed prince. Once, she had tried to come to his aid in her fashion, but the compassion that lead to that was burned away now. Lightly, she touched her fingertips to Uhtred's elbow, as if looking for permission for them to leave.

Ilgnuit shrugged relatively nonchalantly - what was Uhtred about to do? Challenge him? What idiocy, his father would never agree to it, Danele moreso. He was safe. His brother was just posturing. He'd won, and he looked smug about it. He'd handle Synaria later. "My veils always save me, brother," he answered arrogantly. "You're too stupid to understand. Your wife wants to go. Doesn't that mean you have to?" He cocked his head to the side, grin still openly worn. It'd get wiped off soon enough. It'd get smeared off, no doubt with the rest of his face, but for now, he was content to lap up his hateful 'victory'. He didn't care anymore. He probably would when he realised what he'd done, but for now, hang it all. They'd learn.

Uhtred Valenti nodded slowly. "They have. This is technically true." He allowed that much, at least. The feel of Garnett upon him put his head down to her's, only now realizing that she had not reacted quite the same as that first day, the day of the joy and of the assassin's crossbow bolt. His hand lowered to the press of the napkin, which he squeezed between it and her own digits. "What say you, wife? Will we go?" He gave the impression of perfect contentment as he abruptly turned his head to Julius. "Descartes, there has been report of danger concerning Ilgnuit Valenti. Will you please escort him, under my authority as ealdorman, to his quarters for protection? I will start the immediate paperwork. Lady Alexston, perhaps you will inform those whom should be?" It was a flex of all his power, but in this case, he was certain of it.

Garnett's disdainful twist of her lips toward the younger prince told just who she thought was lacking in intelligence, and it certainly wasn't the man at her side. She deigned to make no more comment to Ilgnuit, a pleasant smile gracing her husband as her fingers curled around his, less concerned with the blood than with the hold of his hand. "Yes, husband, if you wish." She answered quietly, making a conscious display of meekness at the moment. The flash in her eyes as they raked over Ilgnuit gave lie to the appearance though, something smug and certain in her glance. Forcing a deep breath, she stood as straight as she could, working on that regal exterior so she might be a proper mate to her husband, Queen one day.

Julius Descartes bowed to Prince Uhtred, allowing him to see a quick glimpse of yet another smile. Two within an hour, a new record for Julius. "Indeed, your majesty. He'll have the utmost protection," he said with a seriousness that suited his generally stoic expressions. Making his way to the younger prince, Julius stood a few feet behind Ilgnuit as he waited for the royal to stand. He was sure to be an intimidating presence, with the teribble burn scar still visible around the edges of his eyepatch and the white and red marks the appeared around the collar of his shirt. Not the largest guard, he was still someone to reckoned with.

Elwena had been sitting there, absolutely flabberghasted by the going-ons of the room. For the entirety of the dinner she sat there, her head going one way, than the next, the epitome of a 'peanut gallery' with gasps, oohs, and ahhs abound. She did not dare stand, but she felt silly sitting there by herself. A hand coiled desperately around the wine glass offered before, taking down more than just a lady-like sip, but the whole glass. Another was poured, a shake of the apothecary's head giving little insight into her thoughts. Another thing bothered her- she spent so long helping the cook prepare a couple of her dishes, and not one of them was on the table! Bastard. While the world was spinning around her, Elwena was finishing the bottle, feeling absolutely out of place if not maddened by the events at present.

Ilgnuit's eyes narrowed at Uhtred's back when he exercised that 'power' of his - what, setting all authorities on him now? Having his mother's authorities spread the word of danger? What bloody danger, Uhtred's ego popping in a hail of liquid stupidity and drowning him? Utter bullshit. He rose, however, when Julius made his way over to him. He'd play along. But that was it, mind! Playing. Uhtred could go fuck himself - arrogant swine. And he wanted to meet this new brother of his, perhaps he'd have him summoned. Apparently he was intelligent, perhaps they'd have something in common rather than this stark contrast of dumb and dumber. "An escort, hmmn? How nice that one can be protected from all these fictional dangers." Poor Ilgnuit.

Julius Descartes tilted his head, creating an expression of innocent curiosity. "You never know, your higness-" he said as he leaned forward gesturing wildly with his hands. "-there could be. danger. all.-" His words became louder and louder with each pause before he finally smashed his fist on to the table, causing the dishes to jump. "-ABOUT!" Julius leaned back on his heels, pretending to compose himself as if this was only an explosion of excitement. "Sorry, your majesty. Couldn't help myself. I've seen terrible things and I know firsthand that surprises are everywhere." He bared his teeth in a horrifying smile that transformed his face into a beastly creation. "Anyways, you have nothing to worry about, your highness. I'll be escorting to your quarters and I'm quite good at my job."

(And a bit more Ilg and Mere)
(LOG: The King decides Ilgnuit's fate)
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