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 (LOG) Garnett's birthday party

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PostSubject: (LOG) Garnett's birthday party   (LOG) Garnett's birthday party Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 11:07 pm

Uhtred Valenti could claim many things, but he could not claim to know how to throw a celebration. He chose the moment when the sun was on a fast approach to waning, when the sky was rippled with red and purple, for the invited persons to come to the scene. There was flora upon the ground. They'd been plucked from the mountainsides and decapitated for their petals, which now littered the green lawn as numerous as blades of grass. A man at waiting was there to retrieve shoes, for Uhtred had inadvertantly found the sensation of this soft plant material very appealing. And yet, for all of that work, it was conspicuously bare. There was no food, there was no casks of ale, no entertainment to speak of... at least, not yet. In the mean time, Uhtred stood upon the sturdy oak table that configured his pedastel, and smiled greetings.

Garnett had dressed carefully for she knew Uhtred had been planning something for her, though she was certain the long-ago teasing offer of sacrificing virgins was not to be part of the evening. Garb for this night was her family's green tartan, the gown daring for it left her shoulders and neck bare to the haunting low light of the garden. Bright crimson curls glowed, worn long and loose for the night, kissing her shoulders and back with a small crown of ivy gracing the long locks. Cream lace draped her slim arms, freckled shoulders and chest bare, and the same lace peaked from beneath her gown, the right side of the tartan cut high to display the underskirt. Out into the garden, she swept, eyes lighting as she caught sight of Uhtred..and the petal strewn grass. "It's beautiful, my love." She murmured, hand outstretched toward him as she turned to look toward the sun dying behind the trees. Laughter slipped from her lips as she found the servant requesting her shoes, and she nodded, twirling slowly to take in the sight.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen stepped out into the fading light with a deep breath of satisfaction; these past days had been good to him, ever since Tyltin's birth. His face seemed a little less lined, his eyes a little less tired, and he even wore somewhat of a smile behind his greying whiskers. Already he could see Uhtred and Garnett beyond the fountain, and he lifted a lazy hand, interested to see how his firstborn had decided to handle the festivities of the future Queen's birthday celebration.

Adaleina walked at a leisurely pace to the grounds of the celebration, greeted by the sight of the Crown Prince standing on a wooden table top, a flurry of flower petals, and a servant requesting her shoes. Very carefully she removed the slippers, Aunt Emersyn following suit before walking off toward a large group of acquiantances. Ada was on her own holding the package that held the Princess's elaborate birthday gift. No one she recognized seemed to have gathered yet, but there was time, of course. New gown was crafted for the party, one that she liked very much. She equally liked flouncing around the grounds. Of course, Garnett was already present; it seemed natural enough. So the young von Pith girl found herself making her way to the birthday girl and the rest of the Royal Family.

Elwena stepped through the grass with ease, a large basket in hand, a forced smile on her face. She wanted to be there and stay, the invitation such a wonderful event, but she could not. It was all part of the job, having to leave in a moment's notice even if it meant having to miss the Princess's birthday. She at least wanted to make an appearance, especially with her hefty gift. The basket was hand made from hemp with crystals from the mountains woven here and there. Within it were freshly ground materials for teas of all varieties, though she did cheat and ask the servants which were Garnett's favorites. The only thing was that Wena put her own personal touch to it, so obviously they were going to be better! The basket also included hand pressed papers that also had a little flare to them by way of small petals and leaves pressed into it. To top it off were fresh fruits such as wild strawberries and a few vials of bath oils she made from the scents of the garden flowers. When the servant asked for her shoes, she merely smiled and flashed her bare feet before skipping over the petals. "Evening, Princess!" She panted, giving a proper courstey, "I am sorry I am not able to stay. I do wish you well on your birthday." To the others, she'd not politely, finding it quite unfortunate for not being able to stay. As soon as she was able to, she'd quietly leave.

Leon Alexander gave the servants his boots when they asked for them as he came closer as he soon took notice prince Uhtred and princess Garnett in bare feet. The squire had cleaned up nicely and pulled his hair back into a tail, when he got closer to the crown prince, princess Garnett, and the king he gave a bow to them all. The clothes he wore were all the same but he had found a way to look nice in them either way. A soft smile graced the lads lips as he admired the princess Garnett's dress which was beautiful indeed. Even he had brought something, it was a thin package and it wasn't to say he had some help but the real work was by him. the setting to him looked amazing and with the setting sun and colors in the sky, it just added to it all.

Mereavus had sent Samuel off with the present (far too big for her to carry to the party, or to really be opened at the party, and if it rained the damn thing was ruined), and arrived herself shortly after the von Piths. No surprise, in red and sable, though none of her usual rigid attire. Relatively simple deep crimson velvet, with a curling gold decorative belt crested with a circular ruby and wrought in ivy. Relatively low-cut, but nothing overdone, she sauntered directly over to Garnett, and bent to kiss her cheek lightly. "Happy birthday, your Highness," she greeted. "His Lordship is currently wrestling with your present, which you should find ready for you when you return to your chambers. He'll be here at some point. It's all looking rather lovely." She glanced around - petals, sunset, seemed perfectly pleasant to her. How she liked things, in fact.

Eilella wandered into the party area looking at all the flower petals and people who attended, immediately spotting a few familiar faces. One of those immediate faces was Garnett, whom she prompty sauntered up to. "Happy birthday, Your Highness!" she beamed. "You look positively lovely this evening" A small package rested in her hands, eager to give the present away. Perhaps not so big or elaborate as others but she thought it was a well enough gift. And she'd defend it's honour till her last breath. "And good evening to you, Your Highness" she directed to Uhtred, dipping into a low curtsy for the Crowned couple. "Whom ever set this all up has done a lovely job indeed." At that point she spotted Eave. "Eave! How are you?" Ella was all smiles that evening. And why not? She had been invited to a very special party, it was time to make the best of it.

Uhtred Valenti nearly had to fight the urge to vomit when he saw them all come. God, but they were like locusts. As far as the eye could see, it seemed, and they were all coming at him. Garnett's hand was nearly crushed at first, but his smile was sweet and his lips pressed firmly against that tender skin. He would have pulled her up to join him on the table, but he decided that she would most likely be forced down in a moment anyhow. A pounding of his chest acknowledged his father, though the nerves in him almost made him reconsider. It was the first time the king would have seen his bare face, and that was an unsettling proposition. "Good e'en," he started, inclining his head to Eilella, and that was good to distract him. The scene was already starting to get out of hand for him, and so he stomped the steel-rimmed heel of his boot upon the table to gather attention. "Greetings," he said. Unfortunately, he said it so loud that he nearly ruptured eardrums. "Eh, greetings." A calmer note now.

Garnett felt almost overwhelmed at the onslaught of people at her celebration, the urge to sink backward with a shy smile gripping her, but instead she straightened her shoulders and inclined her head graciously to the guests. Her hand tightened on Uhtred's as she leaned warmly into the kiss, barely resisting the urge to plant a firm one on his lips, but she forced herself to face the crowd. The King, of course, received a deep curtsey and wave from across the yard, the others all nods and smiles. Her thin hand touched the Advisor's elbow gently as she accepted the kiss. "Thank you, Lady Mereavus, and that's very kind. I look forward to seeing it." Before her attention slipped onward, she offered the woman's arm a small squeeze. A grin broke over her lips at the basket Elwena bore, the contents noted quite happily. "Good evening, Elwena, but I do wish you could stay!" She protested with a small pout, feeling as though she was half spinning between people. "Thank you too, Eilella." Uhtred's stomp made her flinch slightly, another laugh following as her head tilted back to beam up at him. "Welcome everyone, and thank you!" She called brightly.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen had not noticed the younger man's bare face in the fading light until he approached the table, his attention drawn by the guests converging on the garden. He shared a look with Emersyn, a mixture of guilt and pleasure stoking through him, though his pleased expression did not once change. Only Uhtred's loud call drew his gaze, and his green eyes widened and his jaw slacked. Those eyes raced around the face, skipping over the smoothed skin to the close-cropped hair framing the Prince's skull. Lips working, his astonishment was only muted somewhat by Garnett's distracting call of welcome. Swallowing hard, Wyld tried to regain the cool confidence he'd only so recently evinced, though the change in his heir's appearance still settled oddly. "Well met," he called out from beside the flickering torch, managing a smile.

Leon Alexander looked to the princess and he bowed, once more. "A happy birthday to you, your Highness." The lad said very respectfully while others would greet them and some showed up. He truly hoped she would like the gift, with not much to give he put a talent to use. Leon looked nearby to see the king which he received a low and respectful bow in greetings. His gaze now fell onto the couple, Uhtred and Garnet with a smile. He was proud to be in the presence of the Royal family and to be able to attend this, the princess Garnett's birthday.

Felda had to struggle to slow herself as she neared the gardens, her peachy cheeks heavily flushed from her short sprint through the castle. Aiding the kitchens with the feast this night held, and finding herself being the go-to girl for every maid hand within earshot she had been running short little errands about the castle. Only just barely making it to the Lady's celebration, and what wonder did her large eyes hold. She stammered back agape at the beauty before her. Small hand rest over equally small rosy mouth as the girl shied to the side to partly shuffle near a stout tree, gazing at the scene of nobles wearing their best smiles all beaming with a welcoming warmth settled to the flower laden area. Felda watched Garnett with a mystified smile, dazzled by the warm glow excitement had blanketed her with, but for now the girl kept to herself. It was then the Prince took notice, and she seemed to squirm into nothingness. She squeezed further back against the tree glancing to those around her quietly. For now she'd wait until things had settled before approaching her Highness.

Uhtred Valenti pointed to Leon and pantomimed a slap across the head, grinning and mouthing a curse. Then he got serious. It was easy to become serious, for it was difficult enough not to feel as though his legs were going to buckle from under him. "We have gathered here for a celebration!" His arms spread, gaze leveled at his wife. "And I intend that we do just that." Now his eyes drifting to a canopy of trees where his surprise waited. "But we're missing a few things, methinks!" The signal ended with a clap of his hand. Uhtred had precisely three counts to get off of the table, or he would be bludgeoned to death. For at that moment, servantfolk quietly sequestered for the occasion came speeding out of the canopy, lining the table with breads and cheeses and meats and spirits, placing braziers upon the sod and setting fire to them, letting birds loose from cages hidden in the canopy to give a kind of firework display (for burning twigs had been tied to their feet with moistened knots that would fizzle without toomuch harm), and all manner of general madness. It was carefully timed, practiced, rehashed and rehearsed, because Uhtred wanted very much to distract the present company from his bloody self.

Julius Descartes entered the gardens warily, his footfalls surpisingly quiet for a man of his size. His hair was tied neatly back by a leather throng and his knives had been subsituted with a sword. It was what he usually wore when he expected to be around the nobles because his superiors expected some kind of neatness from him. Dressed in a tailored white shirt that fell just past his waist, cleaned trousers, and shined boots, he felt out of place among the intricately embroidered clothes. But he wasn't here for these people, though he was sure they would be horrified to hear otherwise. Prince Uhtred had gained his full respect and with that came a fierce loyalty to the better members of the royal family. Julius glanced down at the square wicker basket in the crook of his left arm and frowned once more when something sneezed within. Standing at the back, he waited in the hope that some of the others surrounding the couple would clear away.
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PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett's birthday party   (LOG) Garnett's birthday party Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 11:08 pm

Mereavus remained off to one side for the time being, eyes shifting upwards to the birds as they fizzled up from their cages with their feet on fire. Interesting. She passed a glance to all present, having answered Ella with, "I'm very well, thank you, Ella. Are you?" before Uhtred's speech began. Fully recovered from her psychotics, it would seem. For now, at least. Celebrations, and no wine! There was a horrible weighing out of good and bad with this entire thing. Raspberry tea would have to do for the remainder of the evening. She briefly looked off towards the castle - he'd come back soon, having deposited the portrait-sized painting of a Kelenth skyscape where it ought to be. Thoroughly pleasant evening, really - perhaps there might not be dramatics.

Adaleina watched the birds fly out of the trees in true, deep awe. The colours, the surprise, the fire. Truly spectacular. Present was momentarily forgotten as well as the ever piling in guests. Mereavus was spotted and she slowly made her way to the woman, putting on her most grown-up airs. "Good evening, Lady Alexston" Ada tried for the non-chalance her aunt and many friends commonly showed. "Are you enjoying the spectacles of the party as well?" Ah, the lovely small talk. Lavender eyes flickered toward Eilella. "Good evening to you, Lady Blacke" and then attention refocused on Eave. As a servant walked by, she took hold of a glass of water flavoured with berries.

Garnett flashed a warm smile at Leon, her cheeky mood for the night bringing her to offer him a small wink as he gave his greetings. "Thank you, young squire!" She laughed airily, turning just in time to see her little maid sneak into the festivities. The girl got a warm welcoming smile as she beckoned for her to join in, the gesture cut short when Uhtred demanded her attention. Eyes shot wide as servants surged around them, and she fell giggling into her seat so she could rest against Uhtred. The birds caused her eyes to widen, Garnett staring at them for a long moment in disbelief. "Oh, poor birds.." But there was still mirth in her tone as she rested her head against Uhtred's shoulder, unable to resist another soft kiss to his bare cheek. "Thank you.." She whispered, keeping her fingers twined tightly with his. The general bustle had her shaking her head, but in her eyes, intense admiration of her husband glowed, her thumb stroking the back of his hand. "You're amazing." Remembering her manners, she beckoned the crowd to the seats laid out around them. "Sit and eat. Felda, would you look after the gifts, dear?"

Leon Alexander looked behind himself at Julius and he politely moved out of his way seeing the basket, but the moment before when Uhtred had made the slapping motion he fell right into silence and spoke not a single word. Upon Uhtred's speech and then the clap of his hands he looked up and saw the birds, watching in awe and held back faint laughter with the servants leaping from the canopy to dress the table with all sorts of food and drink. The package was still under his arm and when he saw the wink from the princess he felt honored and now was at full attention.

Mereavus's head turned once she heard that recently adopted name, taking said raspberry tea from a passing servant as she answered. "It would appear so, are you well?" Cordial - after death threats, one sort of had to be. She took a sip of her tea, attention turning properly towards the younger von Pith. Conversation time, apparently. The social part of the evening. She briefly glanced across to Elwena before her departure; at least she wasn't looking worse for wear after her... Drunken escapades. Lord, if the company couldn't get odder; her maid of honour, royalty, the drunken girl she denied and her rival for Garnett's attentions, who she just so happened to level mortal comments towards. All she'd need now was a few sapphic contacts and her 'wife' and all would be as eccentric as only a garden tea party in Nharati could be.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen made his courteous greetings to all and sundry, from his wife's advisor to Emersyn's niece, even to some of the unlanded knights and squires present, though he did not know most's names. He felt oddly celebratory even without any spirits, though his stomach was not long in grumbling, for he hadn't bothered to eat his midday meal in anticipation of the feast to come. The still-bearded King was just about to remark upon the lack of food when Uhtred interrupted his train of thought, and he was not disappointed when the servants swarmed out to laden the table with the first courses of the meal. When they finished he weaved through the crowd to take a seat beside the head of the table, naturally reserved for Garnett's high honour; it was her party, after all.

Julius Descartes stayed out of the crowd where the bodies seemed to be pressing together to catch a glimpse of the princess on her bithday. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Leon move to the side so Julius could release the burden of carrying the gift. There would be a problem with that of course, seeing as he did not trust his basket to stay still if left alone for too long. His right hand curled into a loose fist and was placed over his heart in a sign of respect. Giving a slight bow to the squire, he let his arm drop back to his side. "Have you been well?" Julius asked just loud enough for Leon to hear. With raised eyebrows, his expression was of interested questioning and held little of the frown that had passed his face earlier.

Felda turned back to her Highness only to see one of those disarming smiles in which she suddenly found her own shy twitch of a smile coaxed the corner of her mouth, she began to step over when the sudden burst of movement set her nearly flailing backward. Eyes widened at the display, she was familiar with the food but the birds..! Her dark brows knit as she watched a panicked bird twitter madly in the air as it flew about making the fizzling fabric dance wildly, she flinched with her hand covering her mouth once more watching as the ember died away with the birds pride(and some tail feathers) partially damaged. She straightened up once hearing Garnett's voice hurried over and puddle into a slight curtsey, "Yes your Highness, and a..a happy birthday to you." Heart racing in her chest she took to the task like a fly to honey. Not just taking the gifts but restacking some on a rounded decorated side table so not to crowd the dining one. She organized them quite charmingly, displaying each present beautifully so none would be over-looked or overwhelmed.

Garnett found herself less interested in the food, the curious gifts that she was being showered with far more intriguing. Her smile lingered on her lips, fingers finally slipping free of Uhtred's so she could wander amidst the crowd. Felda's cheek got a gentle appreciative touch as she murmured her approval at the arrangement. Curiousity lit her face at the guard who had attended that terribly unpleasant dinner for he seemed determined to keep hold of his basket. "What have you there?" She asked with a small grin, eyeing the gift with the mischief of a small child. Turning to the others, she announced in a firm voice. "Will anyone mind terribly if I open my gifts while you all eat?" Food could wait for there were mountains of it!

Eilella smiled at the von Pith girl. "A good evening to you as well" she assumed she heard Garnett directing presents toward's Felda's way. "Lady von Pith, perhaps you would like me to take your present to the girl?" After affirmation, Ella meandered over to Felda with the presents. "Good evening, Felda. Enjoying the sights? Here are two presents" It was at that time Garnett asked her question "I don't mind at all, your highness!" she beamed. There would be no frowns from her this evening.

Leon Alexander would look back to Julius and he gave him a nod, he heard him well and he would reply. "I have, thank you. And you sire?" He'd reply just loud enough for Julius to hear him. Handing the gift to Felda as she came to collect it and then he stayed where he stood. He did not mind if Garnet wished to open presents, it was her birthday after all and she was a princess yet he did not voice this and only smiled lightly.

Julius Descartes was distracted by the sudden attention given to him by the Princess, forgetting to respond to Leon's polite question. A rare smile appeared on his lips and an even more rare dimple appeared in his left cheek. This in itself was a sign of true pleasure from Julius, which did not often happen. "It is one of many presents for your highness. Would you like to open it?" There was a hint of pride in his voice. Julius believed that he had chosen an excellent present and was sure that Garnett would be more then happy to receive it. The gift seemed to suit her friendly, yet reserved personality. Within the box, something sneezed.

Uhtred Valenti breathed a quiet sigh of relief, prodding Garnett along with a slight tap upon her back, and let himself relax. He had done well. The rest was just odd, awkward socializing. This he would begin, but only after leaning low to his father's ear. This was a rather terrifying proposition, but it was also necessary. "It would please me to speak with you in the near future," he told the man. And then he was on his way, bowing low to the lady Alexston ("Where is that man of yours? I want him to show me how to work that accursed bow of his!"), skirting the strange, perpetually shy handmaiden ("Careful there, lass"), and finally narrowed in on Leon's back. A firm hand cuffed the back of the lad's head, as he'd promised earlier, with a grin upon his face as he quietly watched the proceedings.

Garnett nodded quickly at the guard's offer, the girl startling when a strange noise came from the box. Suspiciously, she grinned at him as she took possession of it. Practically bouncing on her toes, she carried it over to a nearby seat so she could open it, laughter erupting from her as she found a fluffy grey kitten staring up at her. The bow that had been so carefully tied around the kitten's neck was now in tatters, and it batted at her fingers with a white paw as she reached in to take it out. "Be nice!" She scolded, pulling it out by the scruff of the neck only to plant a kiss on its forehead. The poor thing mewled in protest, and she placed it in her lap, stroking it playfully as it rolled and teased at her fingers. "Thank you!" A smile shot toward the guard as she handed off the box, the kitten already tumbling off her lap to go explore the others, intent on tangling around legs.

Felda looked just awfully pleased with herself after getting the reassuring touch from Garnett, it was here the awkward girl straightened her posture with her small chin raising up, standing quietly beside the table with her hands looped in front of herself. Eyes kept shyly downcast stealing occasional glances, only to step forward and take any gifts that were offered. She smiled happily toward Eliella as she approached, rolling thin shoulders back as she took the gifts handling them as if they were as fragile as glass (for all she knew they could be.) "Good eve, Lady Blacke." It was here a rare spark of forward teasing found the girl, and she added quietly but in a sly tone. "No book tonight, my Lady?" Felda had to stifle a few mild chortles behind her hands at Eliella's boundless. She played her part wonderfully, an assisting background. It was when the Prince circled the table did she really tense and keep her eyes set firmly low, that is until the kitten came into play. She gasped quietly with a delighted murmur watching the scene with yet another timid smile, her hands twitching as she watched the kitten explore. "How precious." She spoke quietly, referring to the little exchange between Princess the kitten.

Julius Descartes grinned once more, crouching down to rub playfully behind the kitten's ears as it approached him. "I was hoping you would like it, your highness. Although it does seem to have a bit of a stubborn streak in it." He stood up slowly and gave her a respectful bow, a twinkle of amusement still in his eye. Glad that he had consulted Osanna about his choice, he glanced around the garden in the hope of seeing her. She had directed him to the litter in the first place so he was unhappy to see that she wasn't there to bask in the enjoyment the Princess had received through the servant's good advice. He shrugged his shoulders as if he was dismissing the importance of his thoughts and decided to tell her at a later time.

Leon Alexander closed one eye in a slight wince when he was cuffed on the back of the head, he had it coming when Uhtred gave him the sign so he expected this and smiled with a near silent chuckle. Now watching the princess Garnett open her first gift he smiled brightly to see it was an adorable kitten that was already off to explore. His arms down at his sides as he watched with a smile, the events taking place had so much life and it almost reminded him of how his father and mother celebrated his birthday but that memory was faint.

Eilella laughed at Felda's question. "Oh no, m'dear. I do have some social sense, even at these occasions" At the kitten, Ella's mouth dropped open. "How precious! Can you think of a name quite yet, your highness?" she questioned Garnett lightly. And then Felda's reaction made her smile a bit. "Perhaps later on at some point, some time this week, I'll show you somehting I think you'll like" And thus the first present was opened and loved. She sipped a glass of wine with quiet enjoyment.
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(LOG) Garnett's birthday party Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett's birthday party   (LOG) Garnett's birthday party Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 11:09 pm

Garnett's head canted as she watched the kitten race to attack Adaleina's feet out of some bizarre cat sense, a hand lifting to cover her mouth as she giggled. The firelight struck her bright curls as she reached for the next gift, seeming to halo her head in light, pale skin warm and glowing in the rich cast. "A name? No, I'm afraid not, Eilella, but do any of you have suggestions?" She called out with a grin, eyes dancing toward Uhtred for a brief moment. But another gift was in her hands, and she took to unwrapping it, a brief look at the note on it showing her that the von Piths had bestowed it on her. Brushing the tissue aside, a delicate ice blue gown with a lace shrug made itself known, and she stroked her fingers over the soft fabric. "Thank you, Lady von Pith, and thank you, Adeleina. It's absolutely stunning. I'll be certain to wear it soon."

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen allowed the dinner to pass more or less around him as he gathered a plate full of sustenance and tucked in. The gifts passed from hand to hand, the King giving most a cursory glance, trusting the guards to keep enough order to spot any potentially dangerous items. Happy he might be, but Wyld had not forgotten the grave danger the castle still lay in. The presence of the kitten reminded him of his own gift to the Princess, in a purse that lay in his breast pocket. Swallowing his last morsel, the King nodded at Uhtred, his stomach souring slightly at the all-too-obvious contents of such a conversation...his ears had not been spared the tale of Ilgnuit's malice, and though the King had quietly confined him for the outburst, he knew Uhtred would want more thorough justice. With a great sigh he stood, seeking Garnett where she sat among her presents. "I also got a little something," he said by way of introduction, reaching for the purse. Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen held the little back of white leather in his palm for a long moment, considering it, before finally untying the leather thong holding it closed. He produced a short necklace of silver adorned with three gemstones; two small red teardrops bracing a larger, finely-crafted green stone, each of them different shades of garnet. The leather fell to the ground, forgotten, as he held the necklace in his fingertips. "If you don't mind," he allowed before stepping behind her, clearly intent on fastening the piece himself, then and there.

Uhtred Valenti concluded his abuse of the young man with a pat on the back. "Have you been keeping your shield up?" he asked him, putting his eyes to Garnett with a twinkle in them. It was wonderful to see her so jovial, so light in eye and cheery in expression. It truly made these preparations worthwhile. A servant brought him ale, and he drank as he watched the presents reveal themselves. A brow was raised at the kitten, and for a moment the prince feared that he would have trouble keeping the bloody thing from under his steel boots. His father's approach was intriguing as well, and his eyes watched the interaction carefully. The strange relationship between the two had always been fascinating to him, as he'd never seen much in the way of warmth. So when the trinket was presented, Uhtred was surprised. He was also pleased, and found a bit of a smile on his face despite himself.

Garnett's hand extended for another gift only to find the King approaching, and she ceased midmotion, pulling her hand back to rest in her lap as she regarded him rather seriously. Lips twitched though when her ball of energy disguised as a kitten lept the side of her gown, attacking it with a small growl. It earned the little beast a swat on the head to chase him away, the creature deciding that Felda would be his next victim, nipping decisively at her toes. "That's very kind of you, Father." She answered the King sweetly, eyes falling on the exquisite necklace he pulled from the pouch. Her smile deepened, recognizing the stones for what they were, and she nodded wordlessly, hands gathering up the mass of red hair to bare her neck for the King as her eyes slipped toward Uhtred, holding his gaze for a long moment as her lips parted. Lashes dipped for a small wink at her husband as the crowd swirled around them.

Leon Alexander smiled softly and he gave a nod. "Aye, Lord knight, your highness. Although, far more practice I need." He said truthfully after his spar with Julius and how he put his foot on the shield to knock the squire down onto the ground. He knew he would be slightly broken but he would try to stay himself as well through it all. The lad remained calm as present after present got to Garnet, even if his were to go last he still hoped the best. But now he watched in awe once more seeing the necklace, a truly lovely gift.

Felda kneeled down as the kitten bound from behind someone's boot, she outstretched her hand as the little spitfire took to stalking and pouncing at it. She grabbed the kitten in mid leap and playfully pinned it down with her hand beginning to tickle it's stomach while it batted her hand and twisted around. She began to laugh quietly smiling ever so slightly, it was rare she ever sported a full smile. She looked up instantly as the King presented his gift, it was here she fell back to standing and remaining still as a statue. The kitten bounding at her skirts and gnawing at them in a feeble attempt to get her to play again, she fidgeted, the girl in her screaming to continue on but she kept straight and obediently watching. Eyes widened again as she took to the Kings gift in awe, she had to still a small hand to the slope of her neck to ease a gasp as the beauty of a gift was placed against her Highness. And oh how lovely it looked, leaning upon one leg she craned her head to see around those gathering, kneeling again her hand absently keeping the wild kitten busy with attacking it. Her deep gray eyes kept settled firmly on the present unwrapping.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen had to get almost improperly close to the Princess in order to fasten the jewellery about her neck, the stones resting on her collarbones rather than hanging to her bust. "These belonged to my mother," he confided to her in a whisper of her native tongue, his breath sweetened by the innocuous tea rather than the wine he normally imbibed. Without further comment he went back to the table and refilled his plate, observing the occasion with a satisfaction and a sadness...he wouldn't have too many more of these celebrations. His time had passed, or was close to it. The tea tasted better than any wine he'd ever drunk with that thought, the King content to let the guests seek their reprieve from the toils of their lives as best they could.

Eilella leaned down to Felda. "Her Highness is indeed very lovely; accessories only made the overly-critical come to terms with that." She cleared her throat, a bit more vocally daring then she tended to be. "In regard to names, I do believe I have a few suggestions" Eyes quickly darted to the playing thing, scooping it up swiftly. "what do you think he deserves, your highness? A name such as Soot, perhaps" obviously by his fluffy gray colour. "Or maybe Pounce (he's very playful), or Gus! Like him, it's quite adorable" she appraised the kitten, mocking seriousness. "But does it have the proper contrary sound he seems to possess?"

Garnett felt her eyes well rather suddenly at the King's whisper, her fingers lifting to graze over the beautiful garnets as disbelief struck her face. Pale eyes lifted to the monarch with something akin to worry, though she smiled gently at him. "Then I shall treasure them all the more. You honour me, Father." The murmur trickled out in musical syllables as she responded in like fashion, head bowing reverently as she pressed her hand tightly to them. Cheeks flushed faintly in embarassment at receiving such a fine gift from her father-in-law. Clearing her throat, she offered one of those bright smiles to the crowd and continued with the unveiling of her gifts. Leon's portrat came next, and Garnett raised it up for the crowd to see. "A very good likeness of Uhtred and me, don't you think?" She called to the others, passing it to Felda to keep safe as she went on to Ella's gift, the pearls gleaming brightly in the firelight. She held them to her cheek before they too found their place at the table. "They are lovely, Eilella, thank you." Her hand touched the woman's elbow as she planted an affectionate kiss on her cheek. Finally, she spun to face Uhtred, hands on her hips and an expectant look on her face.

Uhtred Valenti gave a soft smile to his dear wife, and slowly slipped himself forward so that he could put his hands lightly upon her sides, in the gaps created by her arms. He opened his mouth, as though he had a great speech prepared for the unveiling of his gift. But instead, he just closed his mouth and shook his head. The stare in his eyes told her later, later. Yes, he had something to give the girl. But it was something that he intended to do in the privacy of their own. In the mean time, he simply consoled her for the fact with a gentle kiss to her lips; inappropriate, perhaps, but necessary. Truth be told, he was not sure whether she would like the gift or not. But it was immaterial, for he would certainly never be able to take it back now.

Garnett's pale eyes gleamed as Uhtred approached, the girl leaving propriety behind to slide her hands slowly up his arms. Eyes lidded slightly as she nodded, recognizing that the gift would have to wait. Despite the warm evening, a shiver raced over her as his bare lips brushed hers, and it was all she could do not to arch into that caress and wind her arms around his neck. Instead, her fingers just tightened on his arms for a moment, lips tingling with his kiss. Smiling, her neck and cheeks slightly flushed, she turned toward the others, her shoulders resting back against Uhtred as her fingers tangled with his. "Did I miss any gifts or shall we move on to whatever else my beloved has planned?" Happiness seemed to radiate off her, but that absence from Uhtred's side has been long enough, Garnett obviously loathe to leave his arms now.

Synaria had been having quite a time getting ready without having access to her quarters. Servants had been running back and forth, gathering her things and ducking the rather aggressive Ilgnuit. She was horribly late, she knew it. She was completely made-up in her brightly colored sari, her hair perfectly curled, pulled up into a high ponytail, the curls left to trickle down her neck and shoulders. Makeup cleverly used to hide the shadows around her eyes and other blemishes. She made her way to the garden, and hung back for a long while, simply observing the crowd, a gift in her hands. Finally, after a few, deep calming breaths, she moved foreward and made her way to Garnett. "Happy birthday, sister." She said, planting a kiss on the girl's cheek and presenting the gift, a version of the dark brown sari that Garnett had admired so long ago, cut to fit her measurements. "Sorry I'm late." And with that, she stepped back, trying to blend back into the background.

Garnett frowned when she finally caught sight of Synaria, guilt creeping over her that she hadn't realized her absence before. Too many people and distractions were to be had, and even as she grinned at Synaria, the fluffy grey kitten rolled in the grass near the woman's feet, batting at Syn's sari. Eyes rolled as she grinned. "Thank you, sister." Easily, she returned the kiss before opening the gift, a small squeal of delight passing her lips. "Oh!" Cheeks rosied as she recalled just how she had looked in the thing, far more daring than her shoulderless gown. "It's gorgeous, Synaria. Thank you!" Grinning, she tilted her head back to look up at Uhtred, brow arched. "What do you think, husband? Shall I wear it for you sometime?" Handing off the gift so she wouldn't marr it, she reached for Synaria's arm, refusing to let her disappear into the crowd.

Uhtred Valenti nearly lost his dinner of a few scraps of bread and ale. Whatever else? Somewhere, far away from this place in a stable paddock, a horse gave a nickering burst of laughter. His poor little man thing, it was woefully unprepared for this. Fortunately, the prince was saved to a point by the arrival of Synaria. The prince gave an easy bow at the sudden presence, eyes never ceasing to leave her face. "It is good that you came," he told her, smiling mildly. Truth be told, he'd intended on making something like a peace with her for a long time. Why not start on an occasion where she would ot dare cause trouble? A crooked grin was planted on his face when he turned his attention to Garnett. "Why not?" He could not pretend not to be interested in the concept.

Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen had eaten his fill and was beginning to yearn for a stronger drink than the tea the party offered, the King still reminiscing as he observed the proceedings. He averted his eyes from Garnett and Uhtred's shared embrace, regarding the burning torch and the darkened flora of the garden for several long moments. He felt a little chill course through his spine when Synaria made her entrance, seeing her out of the corner of his eye. His heart skipped a beat and then thudded tremendously. He stood haphazardly, knocking back the rest of his drink and giving a smile to all who might be looking. "I thank each of you for coming to celebrate my daughter's birthday, and hope you continue to enjoy yourselves," he said a bit loudly so that all might hear. "I myself shall retire." His gaze landed on Uhtred and Garnett in turn with a warm smile; when it hit Synaria the smile faltered just a touch, and he stalked off quickly, leaving the halo of light and laughter behind him.

Synaria glanced down at the kitten batting at her feet and tried very hard not to look too annoyed at the creature. Just what the palace needed, another hairball to trip over, or sit on. The delighted squeal from Garnett though, brought her attention back to her face, a light grin spreading. "You are most welcome. I did promise you one." She gave her a michievious wink. Gaze then shifted over to Uhtred and she gave him a slight bow of her head. "I wouldn't miss it." Of course, it seemed like she almost had, people leaving left and right. Head turned when the King made his announcement, his smile faultering was not missed. Curious. They had gotten along splendidly as far as she knew. But, she shrugged it off and turned her attention back to her sister and brother in law "I'm so sorry I'm late."

Garnett glanced up from the sari to realize that most of the crowd had disappated, though she was not entirely displeased by the turn. The King, of course, got a bow of her head, Garnett still touched by the gift he'd bestowed on her, fingers touching it briefly once more. A long sigh slowly seeped from her as she let herself rest more easily against Uhtred, unsurprised to feel weariness through her limbs now that the facade for the party was allowed to fade. Not that she was unhappy, but reaching out to so many left her tired. "Really, Synaria, it's not a worry. I'm just glad you were able to make it. Have some wine?" She offered lightly, finally taking a look at the food prepared for her. "Perhaps I should eat a bit too..."
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