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 (LOG)Party time!

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(LOG)Party time! Empty
PostSubject: (LOG)Party time!   (LOG)Party time! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:50 am

(23:50) Drysllthen Bonfires burned bright in the estate courtyard that night, columns of light piercing the dark night. Music rose above the sounds of voices, the pace quick and joyous. Out in the garden, wine flowed freely along with ale and brandy and whatever spirits got men's blood flowing. Excitement trembled in the air, a certain desperation to enjoy one last night before war was truly upon them. In the midst of it, Drysllthen sat lounging in a wooden seat, bright eyes sparkling and his cheeks flushed with a tankard of ale in his hand. It was his night, the announcements made. He would be taking the castle, and by now the word had made it out of the council chambers, the, King now, wearing a look of smug contentment as dancers whirled and food was served.

(23:52) Kerrich arrived with the lovely Lady Maelyss on his arm, having gone to collect and escort her from her rooms some few minutes ago. He'd said little to her en route to the garden--which was not entirely unusual for the reserved man, but he clearly had something or other on his mind this evening. He smiled and bowed a greeting as he came upon Drysllthen, before turning to Christiana, "Might I offer you a drink?"

(23:53) William Alexston had gone to change out of his armour before the merrymaking began, getting himself into his usual combination of black velvet and equally black leather trousers. He plucked up a tankard of Sarmagh ale, wandered off a few steps, and then thought better of it - only to go back, pick up the entire keg under one arm, and trundle on over. He set it down near the seat he intended to take, and flashed Drysllthen a broad grin, offering his tankard out for a clash. "Long live the King, eh!" Typically loud and boisterous, little changed about William. Drysllthen could look smug all he wanted, he knew he'd be seeing the same sort of expression on many smug mouths for the next few months. And he was pleased, naturally. His sister got to be Queen. Perhaps it'd get the old battleaxe off his case with this wedding bells shit.

(23:57) Tamarilyn emerged into the garden at her usual manly gait, though she's a vision swathed in silk and lace. With an unreserved grin unbefitting of a lady drawing both corners of her mouth, she greeted those assembled with a mockery of a curtsey, with an overdramatic flourish of her hand. "Move over." she bade the general... no please or thank you, unsurprisingly. She didn't wait for Will to move before plopping down beside him with a firm nudge of her hip. "So this is our new king, mm?" she asked, studying Drysllthen much like she studied any man--pieces of meat, one and all. "Congratulations then, your Majesty."

(23:58) Stephen Juntric was hesitant to join the party, he distrusted crowds. It was an impossibe chore to keep a large crowd on his left side. As hesitant as he was he would still show up, dolled up in men's medevil finery. Seeing a seat open that would help with his odd quirk, he quickly made his way over. To those already gathered he would bow, giving an extra long bow to Drysllthen, "Evening Lords and Ladies." He took the seat turning himself, happy he could keep most on his left side. "How does everyone fair?" He would ask smiling softly to the crowd.

(00:00) Christiana Maelyss glanced around at the scenery, clearly delighted with how things had turned out. The music, the dancing, the laughter--it was all very infectuous. It had been a nice surprise to have Lord Somneri show up and escort her to the party. Dressed in a simple gown, perhaps she made some sort of impression. It didn't seem necessary to wear all those jewels and layers, especially if she wished to dance so much. As Kerrich had asked her something, she turned back toward him. "Hm? Oh, just water, if it is being served currently". Wine....maybe not now. "Excuse me just a brief moment". She moved her way over to the King, as others seemed to have done. "Good evening, Your Majesty". A beaming smile was sent his way, how exciting that title must have been for him!

(00:06) Kerrich released the dancer with some measure of reluctance and stepped away to seek out some drinks--water for herself, and wine for him. A passing servant delivered both to the treasurer's hands, and he returned to join the lady, passing her the water. He smiled similarly at Drysllthen, lifting his goblet to toast the man, calling out to all of the already-arrived parties, "Long live the King!" The decorations had turned out spectacularly-- streamers and ribbons and alchemical lanterns that glowed in all the colors of the rainbow. The food and drink constituted a feast fit for a king.

(00:08) Drysllthen grinned cheekily at his new Chancellor, mug raised in toast. He lofted it higher at Will's greeting. "Aye, Long live the King!" He toasted himself apparently, downing a mouthful of ale. There would be months of sedate bloody parties, but tonight, he intended to enjoy himself. His bright head tilted back against his chair, eyes curiously regarding the lass that made herself comfortable next to will, an arched brow shot to his brother-in-law. "Indeed, I am, m'lady, thank you kindly." He returned her gaze in much the same manner, flashing her a grin when he reached her face once more. "What do you think?" Attention slid to Christiana as she moved toward him, the girl offered a ready wink. "Good evening, m'lady, but I must protest your choice of water. Wine, at the least." One gloved finger raised up toward her. "I command it." His tongue touched his lips, impishness gleaming in his eyes. "I see you've snared my new Chancellor with those lovely dances of yours. Don't promised me one." Belatedly, he met the actual toast, draining the last of his current tankard.

(00:11) William Alexston turned his head when Mari turned up, grin still worn as he scooched up a little. "Woman," he addressed, gesturing to his lap. "You had a perfectly good cushioned seat to sit on, and you pick the bench. Contrary wench." Apparently, he was in good spirits this evening. But then, he was rarely found otherwise, and he was quite glad Mari had turned up after all. Troublesome little shit she might well be, but he had a habit of liking troublesome little shits. He tilted his tankard back to take a long chug of it, apparently intending to get plastered and to wake up with a glorious headache that, for once, had nothing to do with the she-beast penned in his tent. Howling bitch.

(00:14) Tamarilyn made no move to introduce herself, and was still grinning when Drysllthen's eyes again met her own. "What do I think?" she echoed, fanning herself demurely with one hand. "Aren't ladies supposed to be seen and not heard? Refrain from sharing their secrets?" she winked at the king. She snagged a wine off of a passing tray and joined in his toast, however, so apparently she approved. She turned a smarmy smile over her shoulder at Will. "I didn't think it wise... but then, can you dance and pitch a tent at the same time? Perhaps you're even better than I thought." Oh my... and the girl had only just taken her first sip of the night.

(00:15) Stephen Juntric would do the same, grabbing an ale from a passing server. His own drink raising in the air, as well as his voice to toast the new king. He took a hardy drink from his glass and nodded his head, "I recall as well having a dance reserved with the lovely lady as well. It would seem Lady Maelyss you dance card has filled quickly already." He laughed softly. He was quite happy Mari's attention was on someone else rather then him, troublesome wouldn't be the word he used to describe her, evil was more like it. He drained his drink and quickly sought a refill.

(00:17) Christiana Maelyss joined the toast, but her glance went to Lord Somneri and she quirked a brow. "I cannot disobey a command, but perhaps I shall fulffill it later".With a curtsy to the new King, the dancer weaved her way back tot he new Chancellor. "A recent promotion?" she half-smiled. "And you kept silent for the entire walk" her voice held the quiet, mocking tone of scandal. She listened to everyone chat for a bit until the talk of dancing arose. "Good sirs, I shall dance with everyone if you all so wish it. The night is young, is it not?" There would be plenty of time to dance and she would never tire of it; dancing was her love.

(00:25) Drysllthen's tankard dangled from his fingers as he waited for it to be refilled (which it was quickly), his dancing eyes on the wench William had invited to his lap. "I rather like to hear women, at times at least," he rumbled, the General's treatment of her apparently having set his tone..that and the ale. However, Christiana's less than immediate obedience drew a mock scowl from him, eyes narrowing at her. "Delay is not obedience, Lady Maelyss. Drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!" It, apparently, was another toast, for he drank a mouthful of ale before rolling his head back toward Lord Juntric. "Not enough lovely ladies to dance with tonight, it seems. But certainly a treat to dance with her."

(00:25) Kerrich had drained his entire glass in the toast, and so set the empty vessel aside. The chancellor appeared to be loading up on the liquid courage this evening, for whatever reason. He smiled at the lady and nodded, "Indeed... I was waiting for it to sink in before telling anyone." he chuckled. At her offer he spoke up with a grin, "... but I'm afraid you will all have to wait! I plan to take the lovely Lady on her first turn 'round the floor myself." He reached for her hand, and bowed over it, gently brushing her knuckles with his lips. "Whenever you are ready.."

(00:27) William Alexston's grin was apparently un-wipeable tonight, since he simply levelled it at Mari and finished his tankard. "I'll have you know I'm a master of multitasking," he told her. "I can pitch a tent anytime you like, love." He leaned around her to get to the tap of his keg. "In fact, I could pitch one whilst watering the garden and swimming the water feature. I'm just that good." Ever the question of whether he was generally that cocky or simply mocking himself. More ale was clearly the answer, either way, so half the next tankard was gone rather swiftly. He was quite sure Drysllthen'd catch it, since they often joked with reference to tents and just what was pegging them up. He laughed at the recently staked King's comment, and put the tankard down so he didn't cough on it. "When they're not bitching at you, you mean."

(00:34) Tamarilyn just couldn't leave poor Stephen alone. "Oh?" she chirped, gracefully arched brows lifting over dazzling stormy eyes, "Why... so can Lord Juntric. I wonder who makes the better tent?" She grinned across the table again at Drysllthen and lifted her goblet before sipping again. She had no intention of dying tomorrow--or for a good long while. Her hand slipped beneath the table and fingered the hilt of the knife she'd stashed among her skirts reassuringly. She set aside the wine goblet, preferring to remain clear-headed until her purpose this eve had been fulfilled.

(00:38) Christiana Maelyss grabbed a glass of wine. "I would never disobey the king" she laughed, taking a slow sip from the goblet. "I think you all flatter me so, but do not tell the truth. There are many fine ladies to dance with that surpass the likes of me" she flashed a bright smile. "But on the subject of danc,e Lord Somneri, now is as good time as eber to dance" and so she gave him her hand an would let him escort her to wherever the dancing was being held.

(00:39) Stephen Juntric nodded his head agreeing, "Aye, Madam the night is still young and the minstrels still lively." Another ale received, drinking half of the brew he let out a contented sigh. He turned his head slightly only viewing that, which was on his left. He gave a good natured laugh, nodding his head, "Aye, M'lord one counts himself lucky to be in the good favors of Lady Maelyss." He laughed again, "Right you are my good man, not even a sword pointed at my neck would get me to take the first dance from you." He smiled widely, finishing up his ale and looking for another. Hearing Mari's comment, he looked at her eyes narrowed as he shook his head. He wasn't about to get into a pissing contest, well maybe with a few more drinks anything was possible. He consummed another ale and was already looking for another refill.

(00:41) William Alexston chuckled and picked up his tankard, big shoulders shrugging whilst he did so. "You'd have to test out how they are inside, I suppose," he answered, once again turning to refill. At this rate he'd be a happy drunk in three more, and that'd set him up for the evening. All that was left was to go off a-cunting, just to sharply contrast to Kerrich's level of manners for the evening. "You don't want too much space in a tent. Gets a bit breezy." Gulp, grin. Clearly not in noble mood this evening, though his narrator is well aware of the potential ice bucket upturning over his head to slap on the manners coat. Wouldn't that be unfortunate? Poor, masculine William driven to manners by a mere woman. If said mere woman could walk. As it happened, that thought crossed his mind, and he grinned. Widely.

(00:43) Caoilfhionn had heard the rumours spreading through the men like a bad case of bloody bowels. Spontaneous celebrations sprang up all over Drysllthen's camp, ale and fire flowing freely among the men. After the first errant fingers graced her arse, the herbwoman retreated to Drysllthen's tent rather than start a massacre among his men. Eventually she decided to seek him out, even if he was surrounded by the stuffy men at court. Dressing in the same patched, earthen clothing she'd made all her life, Caoilfhionn approached the burning fires of the estate semi-warily. She knew they celebrated to stave off their fear, even if they themselves refused to admit it, but she didn't begrudge them their joy. After a while she found Drysllthen sitting amongst a select group of hangers-on. Smirking mischievously, she whispered in Leugish, "Party all you like. Your true reward is yet to come..."

(00:46) Kerrich took Christiana's hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow with a winning smile, pulling her close to his side. He lead her out into the clearing, where folk were gradually beginning to cut the proverbial rug! "Then we shall dance now. You'll forgive that I've never mastered the virtue of patience, I hope." he chuckled. Away from the crowd of nobles, he pulled her in closer still, into position for a partnered dance. "Everything looks lovely, my Lady. You have exquisite tastes... I'm afraid you may have to plan all of the events from now on."

(00:47) Drysllthen snickered his agreement with Will as he waved the pair off to enjoy their dance with a chuckle, a wink shot to Christiana when she obediently took the wine. "Dance then, before we steal her from you, Lord Somneri. And there are few so lovely as you, Lady Maelyss, we tell it truely." The words dripped from his lips in a coo, the last word broken by a laugh as Mari pressed on. "The King's tent is the best, don't you know, m'lady? Always the largest and finest!" He winked at her but his attention suddenly drifted, catching sight of Caoilfhionn hovering to the side. A hand stretched out for her, dragging her close as he smirked at her whisper. "And what might that be?" He murmured in the same tongue, arm slinking around her waist to try to drag her to his lap.
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(LOG)Party time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG)Party time!   (LOG)Party time! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:51 am

(00:52) Tamarilyn grinned toothily at Stephen, the look on her face bearing all of the "yeah, I felt your weiner" smugness that one might expect. She nestled up against Will's side, fixing him with a look which is nigh-predatory, through the thick fringe of her lashes. "I agree whole-heartedly... I've no doubt you know your tents, my Lord." she cooed, formalities obviously meant as playful mockery. At Drysllthen's interjection, the girl laughed aloud. "Is that so? I've never known a King's tent... though I am fond of camping.." She winked shamelessly, thoroughly enjoying herself.

(00:54) Stephen Juntric was contemplating of stealing Lady Maelyss after Kerrich had his dance. For now though he was content with the free flowing ale even laughing now at the king's words about his tent. A small drunken smile was plastered on his face as he waved his hand for another refill. Notice that look on Mari's face but was far to content with ale and even if he was not happy with ale it wasn't something he was going to broadcast.

(00:58) Caoilfhionn took no note of the councillor and his partner as they left, her attention focused solely on her Little Prince when he took hold of her. She went willingly into his lap, dragging a few kisses along his neck. Damn the gawkers, she told herself firmly, hoping against hope that Lady Roselyn wasn't in attendance. "You'll see..." She replied in her broken Nharatese, missing the outdoors-y overtones of the conversation around her.

(01:01) William Alexston chuckled and observed her from his lofty heights, lifting a brow and shaking his head. "An outdoorswoman, then," he commented. "You're probably the sort that likes riding. Entirely unseemly, my Lady Direnni. And here I was thinking this was a respectable party." Cue further drinking, and a grin at Drysllthen's comment - some comment about it also being the most orange tent in camp lingering in his brain. But a man didn't interrupt another man when he was quite clearly so occupied with one of the inhabitants of his tent, so he simply worked on draining the tankard. Gawkers? No gawking! They might as well all be in private booths, for all anyone here seemed to care. The seemly party was over on the dance-grass.

(01:05) Maeryn had fretted. She knew the party was going as she stared into the mirror. She was late, very late. This would have surely been cause for a frantic episode, had it been any ordinary night. But this night, she was late for a good reason. She'd been primping. For the first time in, well, forever, Maeryn brushed her hair until it shone, and worked it up into an elaborate fountain of curls, taking extra care that none of the usual rogue wisps moved out of place. She rummaged through her wardrobe for hours, picking out the perfect gown. This was the usual black and red, but silky in texture with arms that trailed the ground in her wake, full of lace and more form fitting that she was used to. A simple, yet elegant pair of slippers warmed her feet. Finally, after hours, she felt ready to go. She pushed away from the mirror and down to the garden. Giddy excitement rising in her. She felt beautiful, and hopefully, he'd be speechless. She had no trouble locating the crowd, and she edged toward them, honeyed hair gleaming as the firelight kissed it, bright jade eyes scanning for a familiar face.

(01:09) Drysllthen's possessive arms found their way around the herbwoman's waist, his head lolling back to invite the brush of her lips before he claimed hers lazily, mouth tasting of ale. A content sigh passed his lips when he broke it, rather thoroughly losing the thread of conversation, although he couldn't help snickering at the talk of riding and camping, his head shaking. Before he could formulate a proper response, he caught sight of a flash of red on the party's edge, and he blinked, eyes lifting to his sister's face. "Maeryn!" He called, beckoning her over. "You look absolutely lovely tonight, darling." If his voice slurred, it took on a more mannerly tone. "I'm glad you could join us." He beamed at her.

(01:13) Christiana Maelyss laughed merrily. "You give me too great an honor. I promise you, Lord Somneri, other than pressing the gathering and making a few suggestions, I have done nothing with the decorations. It is others that have the exquisite taste" she danced along. "I think you are being rather hard on yourself, you dance wonderfully. That I promise. I have little patience, myself, with those that lack skill but insist they possess it. I'm afraid I would not spare your feelings if you were not". Indeed, she would be blunt about it, a rather unladylike quality.

(01:13) Tamarilyn smirked at the man next to her and replied sassily, "Respectable party? You invited me to what you thought would be a respectable party? You fiend... I didn't think you so cruel!" The girl brought a hand to her brow in a classically dramatic 'woe is me' gesture. She made no mention of riding. About that time, Will might notice that his side felt a little warm-- and upon closer inspection, he might also notice that the girl's right sleeve is soaked with blood, which is now getting on him.

(01:14) Stephen Juntric certainly wasn't gawking, he barely took notice of the woman that sat in the king's lap. His attention was for the ale in his hand and how quickly he could get another refill and like magic a servant with a pitcher came to refill his container. He grinned widely looking at the golden liquid before taking a drink. He would look up at the sound of Drysllthen's voice and the greeting to a new comer. He would stand, just a sight wobbly on his feet as he bowed, "Evening my lady, welcome." The drunk grin hadn't left his face as he took his seat, mug going to his lips taking a healthy drink.

(01:18) Kerrich chuckled and lead the lady seamlessly, twirling her this way and that. He was light on his feet and seemed quite at home on the dancefloor. "I don't doubt that you would tell me precisely what you thought, my lady. I rather like that quality in you." he smirked. She might notice, were she not entirely overwhelmed with the great amount of twirling and hopping he was leading her into, that the chancellor was casually edging her away from the crowd, out of earshot...

(01:19) William Alexston did notice the warmth, and glanced down briefly. Time to implement the mother-learned cover up! He leaned down to murmur to her. "You're bleeding, my dear," he informed her. "You might want to see to it before it stains your dress." At which point, he straightened, and passed her a black kerchief from his sleeve subtly. Better than just announcing it, really. And far less of a mood-killer for everyone else. He picked up his tankard as though nothing in the world was wrong, and grinned at her. "Well, if this is too respectable for you, perhaps you should go and find more wine," he supplied - the perfect excuse. More wine meant she could go deal with it. Surprisingly subtle for William, wasn't it?

(01:20) Caoilfhionn's hips pressed back against his embrace, challenging as always. She claimed every inch of that neck with a flurry of kisses, pride naked in her eyes when he finally claimed her lips. His words warmed her, though the tang of his breath made her frown. "Ai!" She called, expression twisting. "There's ale here and it isn't in my belly!" The complaint rang out in sibilant tones, the ferns and mists of the islands echoing in her voice. Twisting around on Drysllthen's lap, she ground her rump rather obviously into his budding tentpole, fiery eyes seeking out the fount of nectar everyone else seemed to busily slurp.

(01:22) Cordelia Ysdale had heard, of course, the news from the council room, and the party noise trickled into the estate. Temptation to attend drew her to the main doors, still clad in the widow's black, veil drawn over her face. Propriety said she should not attend, but sense said she should congratulate the new monarch before she found herself in his court. The desire to go couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that a particular General was certain to be there. In her black, she glided into the garden, prepared to curtsey and offer her congratulations, but the new King's lap seemed rather busy, so she simply hung back, her eyes lingering on William, glance shot to the young woman next to him.

(01:24) Maeryn's eyes found her brother the moment he called, though she sparkle of excitement began dimming from her eyes. The sound of mouths gulping ale thundered louder than it should have in her ears. "Thank you, Brother." She said quietly, pulling her eyes from him at the sound of another greeting, this by the drunken stranger, Stephen. "Good eve, Sir." She said polietly as she could manage through the growing anxiety. "I don't think I shall be staying long... H--" She broke off and quickly switched her wording. "Mother... Mother's not here. I doubt she'd approve." Of course, it wasn't Garnett s he was searching for, but never the less, found her absent as well. She imagined the stench of their combined drunken breaths swarming like a cloud around her. "I just... wanted to make sure everyone was getting along well." She could sense the barely contained sexual bounds in the area, but mistook them for tension and drunkness. "I should be on my way."

(01:25) Christiana Maelyss twirled and whirled appropriately, smiling and laughin all the while. Ah, dancing, how she loved it. But even with the spinning she could tel they were going a bit farther off than everyone else. "Where are you planning to spin me too, Lord Somneri? Not too far from the party I hope". A brow quirked again. Rather unusual behavior from him. Really, she speculated he wouldn't wander too far from the new King.
(01:27) Tamarilyn looked down at her sleeve and muttered a "... shit." only loud enough for Will to hear. There may well have been a brief flash of gratitude in her eyes as he made her excuses for her, and she hopped up briskly, holding the kerchief over the stained spot on her sleeve. She'd give that bloody healer hell for this one. "You're right, more wine it shall be..." And with that, she's off, stalking purposefully toward the castle... leaving her seat warm and ready for Cordelia!

(01:28) Stephen Juntric looked up from his mug because it was empty, but he caught the entrance of Cordelia. He smiled to her, taking to his feet and bowed. "Evening Lady Ysdale, how do you fair?" Once more he took his seat and found a servant ready to fill his mug. He would nod as he watched the golden liquid fill to the brim. He smiled wide and drunk happily.

(01:31) Drysllthen found it rather difficult to react to Caoilfhionn when his sister was lingering nearby, poor innocent lass. The healer's complaint made him chuckle, and he pressed his tankard into her hands. "Here, you noisy wench. Drink!" He pointed emphatically at it to occupy her while he smiled at Maeryn, worry breaking through his drunken haze. "Surely she won't mind if you stay, sister, but if you'd rather go..." Disappointment crept into his voice, but he understood, knowing such a crowd would be overwhelming for her. He twisted to seat Caoilfhionn in his chair so he could wander over to the girl, careful to keep from setting her off. "I wish you could stay, but I promise to see you before we're off. Yes?" Earnest blue eyes lingered on his face, a smile upon his lips. "I will miss you."

(01:31) William Alexston's eyes shifted when he caught wind of a certain edge-lingerer, remaining on her in a surprisingly serious fashion for a moment before he rose. Time to go and see the woman he'd really rather be seeing, wasn't it? At the point where Stephen went to greet her, however, he changed trajectory and vanished into the drinks-place for a minute or so. He returned a moment later and wordlessly handed her a cup of tea - interrupting was rude, and even drunk Will was sensible enough not to be drunk Will around this particular lady. He'd no doubt pipe up at some point, glancing briefly after Mari to ensure she'd gone to deal with it, and then going back to hovering. Or, looming, whichever was more appropriate for a man who'd probably need wings like a windmill to hover.

(01:34) Kerrich chuckled and managed a helpless shrug as he kept up the pace with the dancer. "Not too far..." he agreed. The man was full of surprises. He rolled her out on one arm in a spirited twirl, and once his hand rejoined hers, she'd find some item pressed into it. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be a necklace--delicate chain and twinkling citrine to match her eyes. "I hope I am not being too forward... but with my political position now secured, I got to thinking about the other aspects of my life that have suffered for all the work that has taken up my time. I would like your permission to court you officially, my Lady, if you would have me." Should all go according to plan, he'd seek out her parents to ask for her hand when they were all settled in Valys.

(01:36) Cordelia Ysdale inclined her head graciously at the greeting. "Good evening, Lord Juntric, and quite well thank you." Her smooth cultured tones seemed out of place in this particular setting, a brow arching expressively at William as he brought her tea. Her lips struggled not to twitch as she took it. "And yourself?" Conversation with Lord Juntric continued as she inspected the General from the corner of her eye. "And good evening to you, General. I hear there is reason to celebrate?" She flashed him a small smile before sipping elegantly on her tea, dark eyes roving the crowd ..lingering for a moment on the young blonde woman the King was so intent on speaking to. "Who is she?" She whispered under her breath.

(01:39) Caoilfhionn: s eyes locked onto that half-finished tankard at once, a half-second before her fingers found the same. She hadn't even seen the blonde girl until Drysllthen so deftly planted her in his seat, a raucous curse dying in her throat when she caught sight if Maeryn. She instantly wanted to run over to the girl, but the Prince--soon to be King--had it well in hand. Best not to crowd the poor girl, as sensitive as she was. Instead, the Leugish herbwoman sipped on her ail and snugled into her seat, listening to the music and watching the dancers, missing any and all words breathed in the bestial Nharati tongue.
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(LOG)Party time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG)Party time!   (LOG)Party time! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:52 am

(01:40) Stephen Juntric nodded his head, smiling brightly as he lifted his mug, "Quite well M'lady, quite well." He chuckled softly at nothing particular, as he found himself humming softly into his mug before draining the contents away.

(01:42) William Alexston followed her gaze when she asked the question, answering the aloud part before he did the murmured. "There is," he acknowledged. "Tyltin has given his word that Drysllthen will be King on taking Valys, and most have been granted assurance on arrival." He followed it up with, "Maeryn Wenfrith," under his breath. "Drysllthen gave her hand to Tyltin in the conference." He lifted a hand to rub over the line of black on his jaw, the smile produced out of a hat, as usual. "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me, my Lady Ysdale?" he enquired. "When you've quite finished with your tea, naturally. I'd not want to part you from the love of your life." Simple enough, he reasoned, and really the only way anyone seemed to get some form of proper privacy at this particular party.

(01:44) Maeryn felt bad for the disappointment she saw in Drysllthen's eye, but put on her best smile, even though it utterly failed to reach her eyes where disappointment lingered. "I'm sorry Drysllthen. I thought I could, but... I can't." She admitted, the swirl of her imagination and disappointment nearly dizzying her. Glance was given to the herbwoman, who got as cheerful of a wave and smile as she could managed then looked back to her brother. "Go mingle, brother. Caoilfhionn is looking awfuly lonely." While she wouldn't have condoned his behavior while Ros wasn't present, she adored the herbwoman too much. She got on her toes and offered a kiss to his cheek that didn't quite touch the skin, hiding a choking gag at the wiff of his breath, and scooted back into the night, calling over her shoulder. "Lunch, before you leave. I'm holding you to it." And she was gone, up to the roof, where surely the smell could not touch her.

(01:45) Christiana Maelyss stopped spinning, brows furrowing. This...wasn't according to plan. She opened her mouth to speak and found no sound. After trying again, she found her voice. "Your offer is very kind, Lord Somneri, but I beg you give me time to think" Her voice cracked a bit. "I've hardly become accustomed to these new surroundings and lifestyle". She began to hastily explain. "Please do not take that the wrong way". But how else would he take it? She would have been kind but to the point if she had no intention of taking his offer seriously, she hoped he would note that.

(01:49) Drysllthen chuckled at her chiding over the herbwoman, a glance shot back at her as he nodded. "Yes, sister." He was careful not to blow his breath into her face as his lips graced near her cheek, sparkling eyes watching her retreat. He waved back at her with a fond smile. "I promise! I'll seek you out tomorrow for it!" And with that, she was gone and he was back into the whirl of the party, eyes lingering on the pair off to the side curiously for they were in intense conversation. And to Will, was Lady Nameless. He inclined his head politely to her. "Good eve, Lady Ysdale!" He called but made no delay in wandering back to his seat with a mock scowl at Caoilfhionn, waiting for her to rise.

(01:50) Kerrich managed not to look crestfallen--after all, her answer was not a 'no' and he did know that the woman would not mince words if she was entirely disinterested. "You are right, my lady... and please take all the time that you shall require." Nevertheless, he released her momentarily to reach up and offer to fasten the necklace around her throat, should she allow it. "Accept it as a token of my esteem, then, with no expectations involved." he added with a smile.

(01:55) Cordelia Ysdale's lips settled into a pleased smile at the announcement as if the General hadn't told her nearly as much before. "That is excellent news," she purred quietly, simply giving a subtle nod at the explanation. Yes, she knew the name and the arrangement. Pretty child that one. At the Drysllthen's call, she dipped into a polite curtsey as she offered her congratulations, shaking her head when he loomed over his apparent woman. "And her?" It seemed sensible to learn his cohorts, the question whispered once more. A brilliant smile flashed at William at his invitation, and she simply handed the tea of to one of the servants. "I really shouldn't you know, but it seems you are in want of a partner, so I suppose I shall. If.." She paused, finger lifted warningly. "You offer me wine rather than tea when we're done, General. This is a party afterall."

(01:56) Christiana Maelyss did accept it, which only made her feel worse about her answer. But she really did need to think. By now the dance surely had ended. "Perhaps, if he should wish for it, I should indulge our new King in his dance". She curtsied and went off back to the crowd. "Would any of you gentlemen care for a dance now?" She put on a face of merriment though it would take at least a few more dances to make her feel half the joy she worked hard to display.

(01:56) Caoilfhionn watched the exchange between Drysllthen and his sister, a fond wave returned to the girl. She sipped the ale slowly, tongue lingering over the smooth taste as the spirits burned low in her throat. When the King approached expectantly, she arched a bushy brow at him, head cocked to show a swathe of her neck. "More drink!" She said imperiously, waving the mostly-empty tankard at him. "Good servant. Chop chop!" Snapping her free hand, she'd managed to speak in the bastard tongue of the rest of them, though the words soured the ale in her mouth.

(01:57) Kerrich smiled and stepped aside. "By all means, my lady. My feet are no match for yours." he winked. He didn't seem too put off by her response-- he wasn't ordinarily so impulsive, but to say that the woman had captivated his attention might have been an understatement!

(02:02) Stephen Juntric looked up at the lovely Christiana and smiled widely. "Aye, my lady, I would be honored" He would say, prehaps he wasn't as drunk as he put on. He would set his mug down, walking over to where she was. He would offer his hand, ready to lead her to the dance floor.

(02:03) William Alexston chuckled and offered the crook of his elbow out to her, using the gesture to murmur, "Caoilfhionn," to her. "His ah... Companion, shall we say." He headed over to the dance area with her, answering the mention of wine more loudly. "I think I can stretch to that, my Lady," he assured her. Giving her wine meant no bad thing for him. Once they got to the quieter area, he offered out his hand properly and adjusted the other. "I confess," he said, more quietly in much more personal quarters. "I have an ulterior motive." The smirk quite clearly said it wasn't the usual ulterior motive, but either way, there was one. He had no intention of talking about this any more publicly than was necessary, rather more for her sake than his own. His reputation coud be dented.

(02:05) Drysllthen's hand shot out to grab hold of Caoilfhionn's hair as he snatched the tankard from her hand, a growl rumbling through him. His taunting foul mood seemed to frighten the servants until he laughed at them, harrassing them into bringing another mug and filling his own. "You'll have to stop ordering me around, wench. I'll have you strung up by your toes." He gave an affectionate jerk to her hair as the servant passed her a tankard, now trying to manhandle her out of the seat. "Apparently, dancing is in order. Dance with me?" With a snap of his fingers, he ordered the musicans strike up a folk tune then downed half his ale before setting it aside.

(02:08) Christiana Maelyss gave him her hand to be lead to the floor a second time. Oh yes, let dancing clear her mind. She danced lively to the folk tune, hoping her pratices helped the man. She seemed to stare off into space, zoning out slightly. "Are you enjoying yourself, Lord Juntric?" Ah, asking questions that required some thought to a drunk person, perhaps not the most smart question. However, she asked and she waited for the answer.

(02:10) Cordelia Ysdale's eyes were all that showed she understood, noting the woman for such things could be useful. If he was in her company at a party, no doubt it was well known..but still. Elegantly, she curled her hand about his arm, following the General's lead. Hands poised properly, her eyes glittered beneath the veil, Cordelia moving with easy grace to the music as her ears were peeled to catch his whispers. "I told you I should not trust you.." She murmured quietly with a subtle tightening of her hand. Her head inclined slightly for him to speak, the louder tones of the folk music causing her to frown slightly.

(02:12) Caoilfhionn screamed mutiny when he grabbed her hair, eyes fired before she realized that they weren't alone in his tent. Hissing at his answer, she understood at least half of it, leaning into the Little Prince as she took hold of the proffered drink. "Good boy," she managed, drinking despite the jaunt of her neck. Gulping led to sipping, until the whole glass was gone. Then she stood, sliding her curves over his form. "Dance with you, or dance for you?" She breathed, leaning up to steal a kiss from his bearded neck. Hips swayed in her trousers as she headed off to the padded grass.

(02:13) Kerrich returned to his seat at the table and contented him with nibbling at some little bite-sized foods circulating on trays. He didn't reach for any wine, concerned that he might not be able to stop if he got started. He watched Christiana walk to the dance floor with Stephen, and was surprised to find himself smiling as she began dancing again. He sighed, pleased that he'd finally worked up the nerve to expose his intentions, even if the results hadn't been entirely ideal...

(02:13) Stephen Juntric wouldn't have passed up a dance with the lovely lady. The quick steps of the dance was a nice way of sobbering quickly. The praticing from before did help as he moved with grace and skill across the dance floor. His curiousity peaked to see the lovely woman zoning out. He would smile nodding his head, "I am enjoying myself immensely my lady. Are you?" He asked.

(02:18) Christiana Maelyss nodded her head slowly. "Oh yes, very much". She swayed a bit longer. "I hate to cut out of the dance so soon, Lord Juntric, but I fear I'm developing quite a nasty head-ache. Will you pardon me just this once so I may take a seat?" Brows furrowed and eyes pleaded from underneath eyelashes.
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(LOG)Party time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG)Party time!   (LOG)Party time! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:52 am

(02:19) Drysllthen rolled his eyes at the woman's cheek, but when she stood, his arms found their way around her again, soaking up those hungry kisses with a laugh. "You're shameless.." He grumbled into her, teeth grazing her earlobes. He glared as she sauntered off, his hand giving a firm smack against her backside. "With me, wench." And he grabbed her hands, leading her into the complex steps of the dance without so much as a pause, unable to remember if it was one he'd taught her. From the corner of his eye, he saw Will slipping away with his Lady Nameless, who did in fact, have a name..curious that. "Or maybe I should have you dance with my new Chancellor who seems to have found himself partnerless."

(02:20) William Alexston chuckled at the response, apparently finding it relatively easy to get the dance right whilst he answered her. "For once, you can," he answered. He paused to clear his throat some, the next confession being rather something for a man who didn't like to be seen as being controlled by women. "It isn't me who wants to get married after the siege," he told her, deliberately starting at the low point. "It's my mother who wants me to marry. I think I'd make a terrible husband, so I don't wish to inflict that on a woman." Another pause, purely to turn her for a dance step. "She wants a list of eligible women from Drysllthen. And I know it's inappropriate to be asking you now whilst you're still in veils and black, but given circumstances I'm not going to get a chance to do so in advance of it all. If your hair has grown by then, if you were inclined to agree, I'd like it if he could put you on that list. It's an assumptive question, but I can only ask." He paused, and smiled quite brightly. "If I have to ruin a woman's life, I'd at least like to know it's not thoroughly empty, and I've very much enjoyed you being here."

(02:28) Caoilfhionn laughed uproariously when that sting visited her arse, hips swaying all the more noticeably as she sauntered...and then he was there, larger than life, too large to waltz away from. Her blood-coloured eyes glittered as she launged into the dance with him, missing steps here and there but enjoying it regardless. On mention of the other man her gaze wandered, placing his face as he was the only one as-yet unmoored. A wicked grin touched her lips. "Yes, and then we'd have to start the hunt for a new Chancellor...." she replied with an innocent bat of her eyelashes, refusing to speak any more Nharatese than absolutely necessary.

(02:30) Cordelia Ysdale listened intently as she found her pace once more, rather easy with William leading the dance. Not once, as he spoke did her feet falter in the movement, although she'd not been gazing quite so intently at his face before he began. A list..for his she could judge who he'd marry. Rather intriguing. As if she hadn't been seeking such herself, she let a small scowl flitter over her lips. "General William Vorserkeine-Alexston, that has to be the most unromantic proposal a woman could ever hear. Put me on a list?" She kept her incredulous voice low, eyes wide as she shook her head. But still, her lips creased into a smile, her hand upon his shoulder creeping closer to graze his neck. "But I know how these things work. Do, but if I find myself at the top of that list, I will demand much better than that." There was a warmth beneath her sternness, Cordelia refraining from smugness. It was, in truth, far more than she'd expected.

(02:33) Stephen Juntric frowned a bit but nodded his head. He now wondered if Christiana's zoning out had to do with the lovely charm around her neck. "Yes of course my lady." He stop them from dancing and lead her back to the tables they occupied. He would bow to her smiling softly, "Thank you for the dance my lady. I do hope you feel better." He would bow to her before he would take his seat, catching a servant to fill his mug. He'd quietly go back to drinking.

(02:36) William Alexston chuckled and nodded some, apparently not taking the scolding too heavily - he didn't take himself seriously enough. "Consider it the pre-proposal," he assured her. He touched his thumb to her chin very briefly. "I ask because I know you will be top of the list. And when you are, you'll get much better." He would have asked properly. Quite literally, right there and then at the party, in public. But there was the mourning issue, and it just wouldn't have been proper. He knew she'd be liked, and he knew he liked her, so really he'd have liked to put the entire let's-have-a-competition-for-the-Alexston-seed thing to rest. But it just wasn't going to happen. But it was a little more than adamant refusal and grumping about it.

(02:41) Christiana Maelyss nodded, flashing him a grateful smile. "Thank you very much" she tracked down a servant and refilled her goblet with wine. Oh yes, she needed wine now, nearly downing the glass in two long gulps. Oh, perhaps that was much. Never had the woman experimented with much alcohol. She took to roaming about, speaking briefly with other guests. The head-ache became ever increasing and she took the liberty of slipping away rather unnoticed.

(02:46) Cordelia Ysdale actually grinned at his correction before she smoothed it away to a far more proper expression, simply pleased. "Of course I will, General, for I'd expect no less from myself." She let that possessive glint rise in her eyes as she settled comfortably into his arms, rather easing into the swing of the dance even if she was far more subdued than their counterparts at the party. It was difficult to keep from raising her dark eyes to his, and finally, she met them with a content heavy-lidded gaze, her smile amused. "You had better take care in Valys, General, for I shall be disappointed if I must seek a different husband. Men are so difficult, you know."

(02:57) William Alexston chuckled at mention of taking care of himself - likely not, likely he'd be a giant tinhead and get into all sorts of danger. And laugh about it. "I hear men fight better when there's inspiration waiting at the other end," he mused. "If that's true, I reckon I'll be even more invincible than usual." He glanced over her shoulder, around at the others who appeared to be paying them no attention whatsoever. "What do you think to wine inside?" he murmured. "If this is the last night I get with you, then I'd really rather spend it with you, not you and the world's extended family." He took a step back and offered out his glove, reasoning that the party wouldn't even notice they'd gone for a while, and even then it couldn't be proved they went together.
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