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 (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga

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PostSubject: (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga   (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 8:44 pm

Garnett hummed softly to herself as she meandered out to the stable, her everpresent guards tailing her with sharper alertness than usual since the attack. The princess herself, however, seemed far more relaxed than she had in days, having spent the night thinking of the Advisor's ..well.. advice. It was a different angle on what Uhtred had learned, and the combined perspectives were beginning to coalesce into something intriguing in her mind. Pretend, pretend, pretend .. make yourself untouchable. With that in mind, she had donned a smile and the distance along with her jaunty green riding clothes, feathered cap perched atop her bright curls that Felda had worked into a lovely twist with locks tumbling downward around her neck. Garnett had paused in the kitchen to obtain carrot and apple slices for Wassa, the bay gelding whinnying when his mistress sauntered in. The beast got a broad grin, Garnett meandering over to rub his nose. "Happy to see me?" Indeed, he seemed to be, snorting at her and gobbling up the treat she offered.

Leon Alexander slowly walked in and up to the beast that was Uhtred's horse and smiled to him, making sure he had his water and food. It had not been more then a few hours since he brush and cleaned him. But, as the squire turned he noticed the Princess and he guards and got to his knee and bowed his head. "You're highness, forgive me for not noticing you. I hope I am not intruding." Not only did Leon care to Uhtred's horse but he also cleaned the stables as well when he could anytime he had nothing else to do. His nose was red and he had washed most of the blood off from what happened the night before, but he would not utter a word of it yet. When Osanna saw him next the poor women would be knocked off her feet seeing his face.

Garnett's guards warily watched the squire, everyone suspicious as far as they were concerned lately. Apparently a good thrashing of a few of their number by their captain had motivated them greatly. The princess herself was absorbed by her horse, murmuring to it quietly, aware of her guards' behavior. Smiling, she turned to nod at Leon, gloved hand gesturing for him to rise. "Oh, not at all. I'm considering going for a ride." Her smile took in Uhtred's horse as well, her husband away for a few days, but apparently with different mode of transport. "Hey there, fella." She called to the massive warhorse, the beast simply staring at her as if he could pierce the thought food into her mind. She smelled like his human, and triumph abounded when she approached, the beast eagerly raking the carrot from her offered flat hand. "What happened to your face, squire? It can't be your Lord Knight's doing this time."

Leon Alexander slowly stood and smiled to her. "Ah, it is a very nice day out for a ride your highness." The lad smiled up until she asked about his face. "Oh, it was a duel. It came suddenly and I had to prove I was a squire of my lord knight., twas a fist instead of a wooden blade that hit me." He said with a more faint smile on his lips. "But I will be fine, one of the servant boys helped me." The lad being thankful it wasn't a girl. "Your highness? Would you like me to get anything for you?" he asked as he looked to where he slept, near the harnesses where a blanket and some hay could be seen.

Garnett nodded her agreement as she patted the horse's snout firmly. Apparently the rough scritches behind his ears and to his neck were agreeable too, for when she stopped, the beast nudged her head. Inwardly, she felt herself wince at the mention of a duel, a rather more vicious one fought by her husband recently, but outwardly, her face was smooth, even a curious smile touching her thin lips. How strange that felt, simply letting the comment roll off the figurative glass she'd placed herself behind. "Unless I'm mistaken, duels aren't generally fought with fists. How did that occur?" She was, after all, the wife of his Lord Knight, and her husband was away .. it seemed to her she ought to know such things. "And I'm sure you shall. Prince Uhtred is not a gentle teacher, so I don't doubt you've had as bad before." Her head shook at the offer, focusing more on this peculiar topic as she spoiled Uhtred's warhorse, the beast gnawing on a chunk of apple as she gave thunking pats to his neck.

Leon Alexander turns to the princess slowly. "Well the opponent became enraged suddenly when I got what I wanted. That was to be known as the squire to the crown prince. I yielded after and before I could drop my sword we locked blades. There was no winner but I was tricked near the end and that is when I was hit." The lad said softly. "Alas I did not hit back. The duel was over after my yield and further attacks would not be part of the duel." He had to nod with a smile. "Oh Aye your highness. I've received worse wounds then this."

Garnett listened attentively with a faint smile on her lips. In the back of her mind, suspicion that there was considerably more to this than the boy was telling tickled. There was something odd in his phrasing, and it took her a long moment to put her finger on int, instead seeming absorbed with the horses. A kiss on the giant warhorse's muzzle drew a snort, and she laughed softly at his annoyance, giving him another bit of carrot before she returned to Wassa. "Squire, could you get me a brush, please?" It seemed, with that, she had simply dropped the conversation, the bay nibbling lightly at her shoulder as she ran her fingers over his black mane, picking out bits of straw. A fine beast, one she'd come to appreciate more on her journey with Uhtred, for it responded so easily. Hands rubbed at a itchy spot on his shoulder as a thoughtful noise passed her lips, having realized some moments before that the boy was avoiding anything identifying about his opponent. "Who was your duel with, squire? It sounds as though he was not following the rules."

Leon Alexander nodded to the princess as he fetched her a brush, this somewhat brought back a few memories as a servant but he liked to do things for others. Handing her the brush he knew he best tell, if anyone it might be best to tell Garnett. "It was a she rather. She said if I was a squire to the crown prince then she was a knight. She in a way insulted my family name of Alexander and she was the one who asked me to prove myself and challenged me to a duel. I accepted." He hung his head down a little, he felt a bit shameful for it. "I believe she said her name was, Lady Verity." He was expecting a form of punishment now, a smack on the head, slap across the face, or maybe he would meet the whips.

Garnett murmured her thanks as she slowly dragged the brush down the horse's spine, his flesh shivering here and there. She was thorough and gentle as she began grooming the beast, using it to distance whatever thoughts she might have on the matter. The mention that it was a woman drew a quirked brow, the princess trying to determine just who that might be. The words forming on her lips came to a jolting halt when he heard just who this 'duel' had been with. "Lady Verity, you say?" Such airs the advisor let the bastard girl put on, but her voice and expression became cool, almost threatening. "Do you know just who she is, squire?" To say that Lady Alexston would be displeased was likely a gross understatement, though from his telling Verity bore at least some of the blame.

Leon Alexander looked up to her and he slowly shook his head. "I do not know whom she is your highness, I believe it was wrong of me to accept such a duel." He said to her, he felt he had some of the blame as well for accepting such a thing. "If I am to be punished, I will not run from it, but accept it." He said and bowed to her. His nose had almost been broken with such a forceful punch, but for a while it would just be slightly swollen. As he lifted his gaze back up to her. "But there is another matter. I heard the voice of a women call back to me in the midst of the night when I asked who was there. Her reply was what does it matter and then soon after I heard her running off. This was just before my encounter with Lady verity."

Garnett ceased her grooming to settle stern eyes on the squire, doubting he had any idea of the mess he had just brought on himself. "She is Lady Alexston's ward, child of her late husband, and it was very wrong for you to accept. In fact.." Her voice began to take on a sharp tenor that had even her guards quelling for they were mildly familiar with it. "Unless you had an official watching to make sure all was done properly, that was not a duel. It was a brawl. You, squire to the Crown Prince, were brawling with Lady Verity. It does neither of you credit." Pale eyes focused sharply on the squire, her arms crossing over her chest, mood making her horse edgy. Giving a shake of her head, she soothed the beast before attending to Leon once more. "You may be certain I will speak to Uhtred about this, and I will also speak to Lady Verity. Hopefully she's in better shape than you." Heaven help the boy if he'd left a mark on the girl. And whyever was she challenging boys to duels? Annoyance over the whole foolish situation gripped her, but it faded to something milder as she recalled the Advisor's words. Grooming continued as she glanced over at the squire. "Call back to you? What exactly happened?"

Leon Alexander lowers his head slowly as he is spoken to, this was looking very bad and he knew that if his father were alive he would frown on him. "Yes your highness, I understand and I will accept any form of punishment I am given by my lord knight or Lady Alexston." He did quake a little under her tone of voice, the both of them did have their marks but only he shed blood. Maybe tonight he might end up without a meal, he wasn't sure, but as it shifted again he raised his gaze up to the princess. "A women your highness, roaming near the stables late at night. I called out Who goes there, do you know what the hour is? Since I sleep in the stables I often step out and look around the stables to make sure there is no danger." He said. "The women just stayed in the shadows of a tree so I could not make her face out and then after a moment she turned and ran off."

Garnett pursed her lips as she regarded him, expression still sharp. "Lady Alexston has no authority to punish you, nor do I. Uhtred does, though you can be sure if she is displeased by this that she will go to him. I will try to speak to her first, but I have no doubt that you will hear from her on the matter." Yes, he'd damn well take his punishment if Uhtred deemed it necessary, else he'd likely not be Uhtred's squire longer. Her brow furrowed lightly at his queer story, but she shook her head, glance shot back to her guards. "The guards keep watch over the grounds especially at night, squire. If there were intruders, they would have found them." The ones at her back she counted to carry that bit of information to their captain. "It was probably a servant, some young lass trying to get your attention."

Leon Alexander nodded slowly. "I will also tell my lord knight when he comes to me." He said softly and he prayed that the princess got to the prince first. As she spoke to him he nodded to her. "I understand, though the servant girls often hide near the stables and do not wear boots as far as I know." The lad's ears had gotten used to the sound of boots on grass from guards and others around. "Osanna has made sure none of the servant girls follow me around, it is sometimes bothersome." He added and kept low before the princess.

Garnett had little interest in servants or women lingering around the stables to talk to Leon, uncertain just what the boy was trying to get at. If it was an intruder the guards would deal with it, and if not, then it was of little concern to her. So..she simply nodded with a smile, mind still working over the so-called duel. "Do you think it's something to be concerned over, squire?" She asked mildly, dragging the brush over the horse's flank, pleased to see how his dark fur gleamed as she groomed him. Her head shook at the boy using the strange servant to chase off the girls, but she gave no advice. The lad would have to figure it out on his own.
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(LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga   (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 8:46 pm

Mereavus had given herself one night and one morning to calm down. After her initial amusement, the anger had set in, and despite Samuel's attempts at placating, she left the chamber, headed towards the stables and intended to speak to this urchin whose ego clearly exceded his sense. She stepped through the stable door, displeased russet eyes lifting and one of those slightly more strained smiles levelled in Garnett's direction (of all the things she covered well, rage was the most difficult). She stopped nearby, hands clasping in front of her hips. "What a pleasant surprise, your Highness," she greeted, smile having about all the warmth of a Nyrthlond midwinter - though not because she wasn't pleased to see her. "Would you be at all vexed with me if I took a moment to interrupt?" To which point, said icy gaze levelled itself on the boy she felt like flaying alive. Two flayings in one year would be bad for her laundry, she was sure, but it was worth it.

Leon Alexander shakes his head. "No, this is a small matter and I know that the guards will figure this out. But even still I thought it should be known." He said to the princess and once he saw another women enter, just by he gaze he knew who she was. He looked back to her and bows slowly but did not speak, right now did he have a right to speak to her? That cold look showed death at least it did to his eyes. He looked from the princess to her and knew if the prince was here this is where he might last stand.

Garnett's head lifted toward the door when she heard a certain voice, surprised to see her so soon. "Lady Mereavus, I had planned to seek you out later." She inclined her head graciously, the feathers on her hat waving lightly with the motion. Slipping away from the horse, she strode closer with far more confidence than she felt, glad that the fury wasn't directed at her. "You may interrupt. I was simply getting ready for a ride, although I had heard some concerning things about your Verity. She's not injured, is she?" A gloved hand laid lightly on her elbow, hoping the woman would take the opportunity to relate the girl's side of the story for Garnett was rather certain that Leon had not told all. At least the boy had the sense to keep quiet. Garnett shot a look at him, eyes narrowed, silently bidding him to hold his tongue unless directed otherwise.

Mereavus touched Garnett's elbow lightly, mostly for reassurance that it wasn't her who'd caught the direction of her displeasure. "I was actually here to address that very issue, your Highness," she answered, eyes once again lifting to Leon as she took several steps forward. "As I would like an explanation. Tell me, squire, when did you decide it was perfectly acceptable to first crack the ribs of one of the Queen's ladies, and secondly attempt to kiss her?" She wasn't sure which she was more angry about; what pleb dared try some sort of move on her family (she'd have not bothered, had Verity initiated some sort of kiss - but otherwise, she deemed it wrong), and what idiot agreed to smack her up, quite casually, after luncheon? This idiot, apparently, and he was about to encounter the person most men dreaded in their lives; a woman's mother.

Leon Alexander held his tongue and Leon knew he had not said it all, the taunting the guards taught him and the like but he told was more serious even though this was all serious. He had no mean tried to kiss her but only taunted as he was taught in some duels to catch the opponent off guard. He wanted to speak up but his eyes shot open when he heard that he cracked her ribs. The lad did not know of such an injury, but he felt like he was a dead man now. He did not look to the princess at all but went to his knees slowly, his gaze now at the floor as he was in shock. Had that really happened? But slowly he looked up to the women again, he wanted to explan it to her but with the order to keep his mouth shut he coudln't.

Garnett simply nodded for the advisor to continue, and when she did, the girl's eyebrows nearly crawled up to her hairline. An expectant look crossed her face as she swiveled to face the doomed squire, for she doubted anyone met this particular wrath without feeling long term effects of it. Uncertainty regarding Verity remained, but there were important alliances .. and this was one of them. The news of the injury was worse than she'd feared, and she impatiently guestured for the squire to speak, only meaning for him to hold his tongue until addressed. "Lady Alexston deserves a complete answer to her question, squire, and you will give it now." Her guards shifted at the side threateningly, as if they'd haul him to his feet and beat the answer out of him if necessary.

Mereavus' temper was only baited by the silence, one hand adjusting to her hip as she directed that look at the kneeling Squire. It was the look that withered the resistance out of most people, and might only fail on Uhtred or Wyld. Even then, it'd probably sizzle them into being startled. Garnett's command to answer her question made it so that the Answer me, boy, or so help me I'll nail your feet to a wagon wheel until you give me a satisfactory answer. wasn't necessary - likely good, but her expression said it all for her without the verbal reinforcement. She expected a swift response, and if it didn't satisfy her, she might well string him up by the bollocks from a rafter. Or, at least, so every inch of her body language screamed. One brow quirked expectantly. Damn fool cretin.

Leon Alexander slowly stands to his feet. "Last night Lady Verity came to the stables and addressed me as stable boy. Whom the stable hand were not there at the time I tried to tell her I was the Crown prince's squire. She did not believe me and said if that is what I was, then it would make her a knight. She challenged me to a duel to prove it." He said before taking a breath. "I should not have accepted but I did. When we arrived to the training grounds we began, no one watching us as we dueled.. No.. With no one watching us it was a brawl. I did not kiss her milady, only tried to find an opening for an attack as guards taught me to taunt my opponent to catch them off guard. I knew not of her injuries that I gave to her... I wanted to bring her to the healers but she denied me to do so. I just wanted to be known for who I was, a squire to the prince. I told her that I yield from the fight when she called me squire but she did not want it to end." looking straight at her now he tried notto show any fear though it was clear the lad was afraid but this was brought upon him for the foolishness of agreeing to such a duel. "I will accept punishment." He said which was obvious, even if he refused it would just be worse.

Garnett awaited the answer silently, some of it she'd heard before, but the details fleshed it out. The boy really would need to learn to pick his fights more carefully, for this one was beyond foolish in her opinion. For the moment, she said nothing, simply keeping the visual reinforcement of herself at the Advisor's side, distantly amused that he'd at least corrected, at her earlier prompting, his misapprehension that a childish scuffle was in any way a duel. Hands clasped loosely in front of her as she glanced over at the Advisor, retaining the sense not to get between her and her prey at the moment.

Mereavus didn't seem in the slightest bit appeased. In fact, she only seemed more incensed. "What sort of ridiculous pride leads a glorified pleb into a childish squabble over title, with a kiss used as a tactic so that you could get one up on her?" A great deal of self-restraint went into not throttling the boy where he stood. Ignorant little parasite. "I ought to have you flogged and sluiced, you impudent little wretch! You're damn right you'll accept punishment, you're lucky I don't drop you down a well for a week." Aware she was beginning to lose her composure, she caught the tail end of her temper before it completely ran away with her, and drew in a long, slightly trembling breath. Tossing little rat. "If you so much as breathe in Verity's vicinity ever again, you'll wish you'd never come to this castle at all. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

Leon Alexander stood still and he nodded after she spoke to him. "Yes Milady, I will never again even glance in her direction. You make yourself clear." Was the lad really getting off like this? No, from her maybe but when the crown prince heard about it, the lad might have wanted to be in that well. The lad did not look away but he had a feeling many things were about to change, would he be put near death if she came past him? So many questions went through his mind but right now he held his tongue unless he was spoken to again. He could see Garnett out of the corner of his eyes during all of this, knowing she was watching and knowing that she would report this to her husband. The lad would not get sleep tonight.

Garnett found herself stuck somewhere between fear of the raging Advisor and amusement at the utter foolishness of the situation. How glad she was that she'd consciously placed distance as the woman had suggested, watching with a stern expression on her face. "Apologize to Lady Alexston, and through her to Verity, for your behavior, squire." She commanded from next to the woman, expecting no delay in being obeyed. Doubtless, this would not be the end of it, but he was Uhtred's responsibility and if either of them dealt out any punishment the issue would grow far larger than necessary. Her fingers tightened on the woman's elbow to help her settle herself, calmness in her eyes despite how the whole thing made her heart pound. "I will speak to the Crown Prince about it when he returns, Lady Mereavus. He may wish to see that his squire answers further for his actions, but that is not for me to say."

Mereavus' anger didn't quite lose sight of the fact that she had no place to actually punish the boy, but as she'd said to Garnett, she'd act like she had all the room to punish the King if she wanted to. It generally ensured no one crossed her a second time, if they had the lack of foresight to do it once. She waited for the apology, and afterwards turned her head to regard Garnett once mention of informing Uhtred was made - she doubted he'd see it with the same perspective as either she or Garnett did, but regardless, anyone upsetting the Queen's Advisor was a daft thing for a Crown Prince's squire to be doing. "Your reinforcement is appreciated," she answered, as nicely as possible, given the fact that her blood pressure hadn't lowered all that much. She drew in another breath, and straightened. "I believe that's all the interrupting I should be doing. I'll leave you to your ride, your Highness, do enjoy it."

Leon Alexander gets down on his knee and bows to Lady Mereavus. "I am sorry for my wrong doings milady, I beg for your forgiveness. I swear this will never happen again, as long as I live and breathe." The lad said to her, wishing he could do something. "I also wish for Lady Verity's forgiveness for my actions to her and for her recovery. My behavior was absurd and shameful. My lord knight, the crown prince will hear this from me as well. I will ask for punishment." He said and then lowered his gaze when she was about to leave, he felt low now but he was very lucky. Father, mother, please forgive me..

Garnett watched in silence as the squire did as he was bid, making no further comment to him, though as they'd been talking a stable hand had readied her horse for a ride, realizing that her highness would likely be more than ready to get out of the stable when the conversation ended. "You're quite welcome, and do give Verity my best." She left the squire to stew in what might happen, what could happen. A nod of thanks was sent to the stableboy that had geared up her horse, and she gave a sharp command for her guards to mount up too, the small party leaving the stable for Garnett found herself quite eager for the fresh air.
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PostSubject: Re: (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga   (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 8:48 pm

(A new RP regarding the same situation. The next day)

Leon Alexander smiled at her. "Think nothing of it, I have received far worse blows to my body and I did have that bloodied nose coming to me anyway. Either way, I accept your apology." He said to her before listening to what else she had to say. "Hm? I can understand what you mean, however I must say I am grateful to be where I am. True it's hard to fall asleep sometimes but if I push myself hard then I'll fall asleep." the lad noticed the bandages and looked up to her. "Hm? Aye, you are lucky. I'd be happy to hear if there was another Alexander left alive somewhere in this kingdom. But if they were, they would have come to find me after my parent's death I assume." The ld said before he again asked her a question. "Oh, I forgot to ask. Did you come here for anything else milady? the stable boy is out at the moment but I can try to help you if you need anything." He had some fear the princess might come in still, but did not show it.

Verity oddly enough, knew the feeling. Though she'd had a far easier ride than being simply dumped, litterally, out in the cold. No, she'd fought against that with every fiber of her being. Though in all actuality, they weren't all that different. "No, I merely came to apoligise for ruining your chances with thoes girls I saw in the bushes," Now that, was more like Verity. She did take the signal to leave, thankfully, picking up her most rediculous costume and shuffeling off towards the barn doors, rather like a scare crow with an oversized crow squalking after her, "M'lady, perhaps yeh'd best g'back t'bed now yeh'v spoke wi' th' squire," "Nonsence man, it's like a damned coffin up there and I'm not dead yet," Yet, being a relitive term considering who was about to appear.

Mereavus' temper had dissolved overnight (in no small part due to Samuel's coaxing out of her stormy mentality), and today she appeared to be perfectly amicable. So, she'd opted to go back to Vorserkeine with said placating husband, and had picked up a conversative Princess on the way. She was actually laughing as she entered the barn, fixing her riding gloves to her hand and midway through saying, "He's a beast, your Highness, don't listen to him." She only got so far as 'listen', however, as she lifted her eyes and set them on the duo who'd got her so vexed the previous day. In a moment the laughter was gone, the smile fallen off her face like it had seen the signs of rage and scarpered. She paused in attaching the glove, eyes instantly adopting the furious ice that had struck them yesterday. Villainous little pleb was at it again, and what was worse, Verity had quite clearly come to his territory. She'd flay them both, she was sure of it. Either way, the glove slotted neatly onto her hand, and said hand went to her hip. Silence. Ominous, jaw-clenching, painful silence.

Alexston had worked for quite some time to get Mer into that good mood, and the good day they seemed to all be sharing had left yesterday's antics as some distant memory. In fact, he hadn't even thought of it until he glanced up to Eave, who seemed to have stopped talking very abruptly. Instantly, his gaze followed hers and a quizzical brow rose somewhat. Now, Samuel Alexston was certainly not the type to judge anything too quickly. He was usually quite fair and that 'wrath' of his was only unleashed in the most desperate of times. His voice sounded of warning, however, despite the lightly placed comment he spoke into the room. "You two look quite cozy," he observed in a non-chalant and quite matter-of-fact tone, if one neglected to account for the fact that it was also spoken somewhat regretfully, because he too knew what came with upsetting Eave - he'd done it a time or two, after all. Eyes very quickly turned from the pair, and onto Garnett. "Your Highness," he murmured softly to her, "it may behoove us to steer clear for a moment."

Garnett's smile lingered in place, her quiet laugh echoing the Advisor's, eyes faintly sparkling. "You're the one-" Whatever she'd begun to say tapered off at the suddenly shifting expression on the woman's face, and her gaze followed the other two. She blinked, scarcely believing the sight before her eyes, though as the stable was where the poor squire was required to be, her narrowing eyes lit on Verity for a long moment. Still, the boy was obviously conversing with the young woman, which was a sight more than breathing. Her fingertips touched Samuel's elbow lightly in gratitude, stepping back enough to stay out of the Advisor's way. Still, this had become her issue unfortunately as Uhtred was away. "Squire," her voice was quiet, painfully expressionless, "do you not have enough duties to keep you busy?"

Leon Alexander looked to her again. "The girls? Oh, the servant girls. They are pretty annoying at times... I hold no interest in them Milady." He said and that was the truth, the lad did not like being spied on or stalked. But when he watched Verity start to leave the color left his face for not only did Mereavus show up, but Alexton, and her highness as well! The lad's number was up for sure, fate must have had it in for him. He bowed down quickly and kept his eyes low, not knowing what to say now, it was as if his voice was stolen from his very throat. When the princess addressed him he nodded. "Yes your highness, I do. Tis just that, Lady Verity came in and I gave my apology to her. We then began to talk.. Please forgive me for neglecting my duties." He trembled at the sound of their voices, that dark thoughts creeping into his mink of an axe, a noose, or worse. Not knowing what to say to Alexton he slowly looked at the three of them, would Verity just leave him here to it or would she stay and give her side of why she was here. Whatever the choice it did not look at all good.

Verity came face to face with: "Mother?" was that an eadge of 'happy to see you' there? Yes yes it...oh not any more, her face fell, frazzled braids all but drooping. She looked angry she looked more than angry, she looked furious. Unfortuneately, word had gotten to everyone about the advisor's little beef with Uhtred's Squire, everyone but Verity herself. She quickly, composed herself, though judgeing by the size of the girl's pupils, she had enough help to keep her from dashing off like she tended towards. Thoes belladonna eyes moved from advisor, to new father figure, to "Your highness," She mumbled, shocked like a cat up to it's elbows in water and then, back to Alexton and his mocking little....annnd back to Garnett, who seemed intent on beheading the lad with her tongue. "I came to see him," This time, she did blatently interupt, shuffeling herself between the three adults and the squire. "I wasn't aware I wasn't to come and apoligise for the state of his face. I may have won, but it's not beneith any proper nobel to apoligise, to anyone." She straightend, winced, and slouched once more. "Besides, he yeilded, he's shown grace in this, he is now," a quick glance back at the boy, "Fit to bring my horse around whenever I ask," Yes, she was laughing in there somewhere. Maybe the girl needed a dose of some horriable narcotic on a daily basis, might make her more tolirable.

Mereavus' brow shot upwards when Verity made her comments, and after a lingering, I'm going to give your arse eyes after I've peeled your face off look in Leon's direction, her attention turned back to Verity. Though that look had much more of the rage compressed into it. Leon had disobeyed her, Verity, however, was simply being stupid. "Verity, darling," she began, with about as much of a harmless sting as a wet hornet. "Do you happen to recall the words, 'slum orphanage', by any chance?" Both of her hands drew themselves together in front of herself, brow still up. There was something in her tone, as there was with every threat she uttered, direct or indirect, that suggested a deep seriousness. The words weren't to be thrown around liberally, and neither would she concern herself with it. If Verity looked around the house closely enough, she'd find the listed names and addresses of some of the lowest orphanages in the nation tucked into a tiny drawer in her writing desk. "As I remember, I instructed you to stay in bed until your ribs were healed. Which, judging by your winces, isn't the case. Do I need to chain you to the damn bed and have Maeve sit on you all week, or are you actually going to listen to what I've said?"

Alexston peered between the two of them carefully as Eave spoke, but he held no sense of foreboding whatsoever. A glance given by Verity was regarded with a light nod, and little else. He'd no place to judge the girl, and if he'd known that she thought he was mocking them, he'd have surely apologized. He'd only been trying to give them the best warning he knew how without outwardly saying, 'run for your lives, because the bitch is in'. The words 'slum orphanage' hit Sam's ears and instantly, he turned that keen gaze toward Eave. She must've been quite upset to be throwing those words around again, after all the conversation they'd had about it the night before. He clasped his hands loosely behind his back and turned toward Garnett, mumbling something about whether or not she thought it would be appropriate to take the boy aside (after all, he was under her charge now) after Mereavus said her piece. He'd straighten once again after asking and receiving an answer.

Garnett's eyes snapped toward Verity with a frown on her thin lips. "He is to serve my husband, not you. Whatever else he does in the stables is a credit to him, not required." The words were out before the Princess could consider the wisdom of them, colour rising in her pale cheeks. Just who did the little wench think she was? Forcing a deep breath, she tried to redawn the proper mask, her gaze sliding toward Leon. She gave a single sharp nod at his explanation when it seemed the Advisor's fury for the moment focused on her 'daughter'. "Then be about your duties, squire. I know Uhtred would not want his horse neglected." She didn't care if the beast had been groomed two minutes before, he'd do it again. It took a moment for Samuel's low words to sink in, and another for her to consider them, finally giving the huntsman a small nod of agreement. "So long as it's simply talking." She kept her voice low, eyes following Leon.

Leon Alexander saw that look in Lady Mereavus's face and knew, he was dead. He'd rather be chained in the dungeon for three weeks instead of suffering her gaze. When Verity went to his defense he swallowed hard, she was risking herself for him? Even so he still felt he was screwed and Alexton's silence did not help him either. When he heard Garnett's order he nodded. "Yes your highness, I will do so at once.." there was a faint stutter in his voice but he went into the beasts stall with brush in hand and began to gently groom him and was greeted with a rough nudge to his head but the lad ignored it. He had groomed the horse two hours ago but it would do him good to be brushed again.
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(LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga   (LOG)The Leon/Verity Saga Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 8:48 pm

Verity seemd to sink into herself, no, no hideing the well gaurded fear or the stubborness which backed all that bravado up. The whole world, was implodeing around the girl once again and this time, she wasn't takeing it. Not now. She'd gotten her blood up not but a night ago and then, doped to the teeth. She had no restraint left. "Do it," Her tone was dead flat, "I sincerely, dare you to do it," Now that, was stupid, worse, she turned on the princess, who she seemed to have liked, just a little bit before. "And since I'm to be a whore, like my real mother, you, might kindly realize that I have no desire to be in your god forsaken home with your pithy, little, friends and your arbitrary little rules, as all I did was ask a stable boy to fetch me my horse as the only boys who live in a stable, are stable boys and when he failed to do so and moreso, seemed to be lieing to be I promptly offerd to beat some sence into him," She wasn't done yet, turning on the man who'd done well to keep his mouth shut, "And I quite frankly, don't give a good god damn what you think, or say about me plebian, because you, will never be half of what I am," Her servant was stareing. He couldn't beleive what she was doing, his mouth hanging open, his beady eyes bugging out like an insect's. She was going to get them all killed. "...Pardon me yer'll jest be on m'way 'bout no' need fer ol' Corbin 'round here..."

Mereavus' reaction was perfectly simple. Her hand lifted. And where she'd neglected to strike the girl before, she did so now. Hard. White and red flashed as she laid the back of her hand across Verity's cheek. Now she'd gone and done it. Daring Eave to do anything was like holding a red flag to a bull. Insulting Royalty was like chaining one's feet to the ground as one waved the flag around. And insulting Sam for the second time was stepping right in front of it. "Damnable wretch!" she hissed, very literally stepping into Verity's space and looking like she was about to 'do a Violet' on her. "If you don't wish to be treated like you're an inbred bitch-whelp, then you ought to stop acting like one." She straightened, eyes settling on this Corbin fellow. "Actually, there is a use for you. Go back to Vorserkeine. Pack this leech's bags for her. In the top drawer of my writing desk there is an address to which I'd like them sent. Once that's done, come back here, with a set of irons my cook will be able to find for you. Afterwards." She turned back to look at Verity, expression unchanged. "You will take her to the same address, with the instructions that will be in an envelope in the same drawer as the location. There's also a leatherbound set of documents on the shelf. I'd like those, too. It's time I signed the papers that legally rip the 'Varana' off this incurable child."

Alexston was a very patient man. He'd been perfectly happy to keep his mouth shut the first time she'd insulted him, especially having been assured by his wife that it would be the last time she'd been doing so, that things were better than they had been before and that an understanding had been reached. However, the child's temper seemed to have run away with her. Samuel stepped up to her as well, though he kept just a bit more distance than that of his lovely wife. His words were spoken directly to Verity as Eave regarded Corbin, and Sam's eyes were glaring down like daggers unto the girl. "I've held my tongue long enough," he muttered, glowering at her. "You, Verity, are nothing but a little girl, you brat, you child. You hold yourself in the higest regard, above even those who wanted for nothing more than to take care of you and offer you the life you were promised." Tone was hard and angry, and easily restrained despite the obvious disapproval that lined it. "Above even those who would clothe you, and feed you, and ensure that you were safe against the derision and the unsavory nighttime activities that you'll surely be experiencing in that slum orphanage the Lady has mentioned on so many occasions." He frowned, with an obvious disdain. "You're nothing more than a glorified plebian whelp yourself, clingnig to these ridiculous illusions of granduer that a woman, clearly more dillusional than yourself has painted for you. And you'd call yourself a lady." Chuckle held little more than malace. "You'd have done well to remember just whose roof you were under before insulting me again." Eyes shifted immediately to Leon, and he spun on a heel away from Verity. "Outside, boy. Immediately." He didn't wait for a response [But I will wait for the posts!] before stalking out of doors.

Garnett's forgotten guards lurched to attention when the girl mouthed off to their charge, looking as though they would wrest the girl to the ground, but a sharp word from the princess quelled them, blazing eyes staring at Verity. Their action was less than needed, Garnett quick to see that it was far better to let the Advisor and her husband deal with the girl, no sense in turning the rage to herself. She surprised herself with the coolness that she received the insult, watching it tumble off harmlessly, but that surprise was nothing to actually seeing the even-tempered Huntsman, who she could never recall being anything other than calm, speak his mind so viciously. For a moment, she stared. Garnett's remarkably more mild expression turned on Verity, haughtiness clear in the tilt of her chin as she stepped around her, deliberately not saying a word to her as if doing so would be beneath her. Her guards moved with her, nearer Leon, her glance telling them to be ready to grab hold of him should the boy bolt or feel the need to defend the wretch. "The Huntsman wishes to speak with you. Go."

Leon Alexander nearly froze when he heard Verity speak up against her mother, Alexton, and even the Princess of all people! He shook still as he tended to Uhtred's horse, brushing his coat evenly. Hearing Lady Mereavus speak up now in rage and he even heard the hard slap, knowing she had just struck Verity. The lad's eyes went wide but there was nothing he could do but tend to the beast. Next as he heard Alexton speak up in a cold voice caused him to shiver but still he did not look over, no matter how much he wanted to say something. But when he was spoken to by Alexton he stood up straight and looked to him before looking to the princess, what would happen to him? "Yes your highness." He said softly to the princess and got up to follow the huntsman without hesitation, keeping his gaze low. The lad knew better.

Verity apparently, did not, though in turn, the group finally responded to her with behavior she knew. Mereavus's cold attitude had worked for a reason, the girl was not in the least bit used to having her snipeing met with a wall. But the tidal wave of rage from all three adults? That, she knew. The blow, as much as she ought to have seen it comeing, caught her off gaurd and sent her sprawling, the sound ringing in her ears with the agonizeing jolt to her ribs. She barely heard the rest of the three's speeches to the rushing sound in her head. Oh she thought, from the floor, I do hope I hit your shoes, and at that, the girl lost the entire contents of her stomach. It did not, however, grant her the bliss of unconciousness as her own man servant rushed off to get her irons to take her to a fate she ought to have resighned to long ago. Why not? she thought, chokeing, blinded by pain. Sam's words reached her, 'a glorified plebian whelp'. He was one to talk. No, she wouldn't go. She wouldn't give in. That woman could rip the name off her, but not before she died with it, if Corbin didn't make it back withen the next hour, she could force her to bury her with her damned title and if not, the Orphanage wouldn't know any better and she knew she wouldn't last the night. Corbin, nor her dagger, would be there to protect her this time. She stumbled to her feet, cold grey eyes focused muzzily on the woman in red, and shambled drunkenly towards the door.

Mereavus wouldn't bury anyone. She would, however, have her way, because there wasn't a chance in Hell a child was going to win. No one. She caught Verity's arm before she could shamble off, eyes lifting towards the Princess. "Your Highness, might I procure one of your guards to keep her in place until Corbin gets back? I don't want any unnecessary chasing going on." The wall of cold would return, no doubt; once she'd proven that daring her to do things and crossing her were two very stupid things to do. She didn't much care how long Verity spent at the orphanage. She could spend her life there and marry a peasant for all she cared, or she could come back at the end of the month, dirty and no doubt crying. But either way, she was going, and there wasn't a trace of the guilt that would no doubt eventually plague her. God, where had the coast gone?

Garnett impassively watched Leon depart the stable to speak with the Huntsman, contemplating sending one of her guards to watch over that situation too, but Samuel had given her no reason to believe he'd do violence to the boy .. then again, she'd never seen him lose his temper before. Attention snapped back, the Princess peering down her rather snub freckled nose at the child. Three years her junior, but it seemed eons. "Of course, Lady Mereavus." Fingers snapped and the largest of the pair clapped his fist to his chest as he strolled forward, meaty hands not entirely gentle as he grasped the girl's arms. "If you'd rather not delay your departure, I can have her confined until Corbin returns." Slim shoulders shrugged, the decision up to her. "Although I can understand if you wish to stay and see things handled yourself."

Verity was, effectivly, caught. First by that woman and then by the gaurd, for whom she was no match at all, gangely, hundred pound frame dangeling from thoes vicelike hands like a rag doll in the hands of a child. "Put, me, down," She mumbled, twitching a foot in he own defence. In the way of things, Garnett was right, it seemed like eons, because it was Verity, was a little girl, whom someone, had given, way too much power for a very long time and now, she was dealing with the conciquences. Infact, it seemed like she was dealing with allot of conciquences lately, as she fished about her person like a fool in a chimmney untill she found her purse, a pretty little thing of silver mesh, dainty, winking sapphires and midnight blue silk which she tossed at the feet of the advisor: "My servant'" Yes, the girl had been paying her servants all allong, in spite of the fact their care had been taken over by a higher power. "Tell them..their fired,"

Mereavus didn't bother picking up the purse; shoulders lifting delicately. "I'll do no such thing. They'll stay on in my employ," she answered. "I have no reason to let them go, they've done far beyond their duty for quite some time now." God knew they deserved a quiet and well-paid life from here onwards. If Mereavus had to destroy the girl to build her back up into someone who'd not get hung, then she damn well would, and this was only the beginning. She didn't react otherwise. "I'll wait here until Samuel's done with the boy, I think, your Highness," she answered. "Lunching alone is much less satisfactory." And there was now one less person in her household, for now at least. That hadn't lasted very long before her wrath had been tempted, had it?

Garnett watched silently as her guard shook the girl warningly when she began to squirm, fingers tightening on her arms. Gently, she reached out to touch the Advisor's elbow in support as she nodded. "Indeed it is." Verity's words, protests and insults, were ignored as she turned to the guard. "Take her to the tower and have her well guarded. Two guards will accompany Corbin to Lady Verity's destination." The smile that curled her lips was anything but pleasant as she laid her eyes on Verity. Head inclined toward Mereavus as she gathered her skirts, catching herself before she requested permission to leave. "If you have any further need of me, please don't hesitate to ask, Lady Mereavus. But for now, I shall depart you." A quick nod toward the guard indicated that he should be on his way with her orders. "I hope your evening improves."

Verity sagged as she was dragged off to the tower. The princess's mocking think for one second she'd seen a kindred spirit was foolish. To think she'd liked Sam's smile and Mereavus's fidgeting with her.... Like everything else the world had shown the girl, it was all, one, big, sham after another. Who knew? Maybe the orphanage would be a better place to die than here. At the very least she'd have the satisfaction that she had done something with her life. Varana was gone now, but it hadn't been burnt to the ground and the servants who remained were all accounted for. She'd done well by the people who relied on her, hell she'd done more in her life than her mother had in her thirty-odd years.
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