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 Drysllthen Valenti

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 11:12 am

  • currently in his main holding of Ygriss

Introduction forthcoming
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 12:22 am

  • Drysllthen was called to the dungeon to address the unexpected arrival and subsequent confinement of Sorynn, King Reagnold's daughter. Tyltin was also called to this, both Valenti men finally meeting face to face. (rumoured)

  • Drysllthen met privately with Tyltin early in the morning before courtiers were about. A tentative agreement was reached placing Drysllthen on the throne, but it could still be changed. How to use Sorynn was also addressed. (Meeting rumoured, contents unknown)

  • Unsettled by the conversation, Drysllthen left the estate to visit his camp and went beyond it where Caoilfhionn found him shortly after she arrived. (Scene still in progress...Caoilfhionn's arrival is known)

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 9:31 am

  • He was present for the dreaded soup incident, and tended to Maeryn afterward, observed her unexpected conversation with Tyltin. (Known, conversation rumoured)

  • Boozing and schmoozing with Tyltin's people, Drysllthen has met Lords Kerrich and Juntric as well as the healer, Lady Aerinne. (known)

  • Drysllthen happened on the scene after Merripen had punched Christiana and was furious. He instructed William to handle it and took Christiana to the sickroom. (known)

  • He's been encouraging Christiana and Deorwulf to plan a social evening, likely with dancing and stories (and of course drinking).

  • Due to several observations of Tyltin and Maeryn, he is concerned about a growing attachment there. (likely rumoured, but he's only spoken to Caoilfhionn about it.)

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 10:11 am

  • He met with Tyltin at Tyltin's request along with General Alexston regarding their plans for the attack on Valys, which ended in the decision of a two-pronged attack..Tyltin leading one on the town proper and Drysllthen leading the one on the castle and Old Town, a significance neither missed. As it was Tyltin that suggested Drysllthen take the castle, Drysllthen was suspicious. Not knowing what Tyltin plans to do or the feeling that he was missing something put Drysllthen in a foul temper. [Meeting known, conversation rumoured, mood rumoured]

  • Drysllthen rode out to his camp after the meeting and vented his mood on Caoilfhionn who was waiting in his tent. He stayed the night in the camp. [Known in the camp, rumoured in the estate]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 1:40 pm

  • Spoke with Maeryn, discovered that she is able to touch Tyltin and realized the deepening affection. [Meeting known, contents largely unknown save for Ros]

  • Made arrangments to send the women and non-military portion of his party to Evendale, just past the border into Sarmagh, when the army moves on Valys. [known]

  • Came across Tyltin and Maeryn in the library, and despite (or perhaps because) he was intruding on a private moment, stayed. With Maeryn present, Tyltin gave his other terms for the agreement which would net Drysllthen the throne. Drysllthen agreed to the marriage between Maeryn and Tyltin, but is still considering the rest. [Conversation contents unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:10 pm

  • He took a brief break from duties to spoil Roselyn who, much to his surprise, was worrying over him and the battle.

  • He quite literaly ran into Aerinne fleeing from Tyltin, Maeryn, and Garnett who were in the infirmary. He comforted the distraught girl and took her to a small office to compose herself. Comforting turned to affection which Drysllthen did not press too far, and Aerinne left before things became too intense. [Collision and departure known, 'conversation' unknown]

  • He gave Sorynn over to General Rohngyl's care for the march to Valys. [known, or will be soon]

  • Roselyn woke him by screaming his name during a dream, and he comforted her, discovering that she had dreamed that he was late returning from Valys and that trees had captured him. He put it off to nerves regarding the battle. [unknown]

  • In a joint meeting with his men and Tyltin's, he declared that he would take the castle and laid out the agreements he and Tyltin had reached. There was some minor grumbling, but no more than was expected. The meeting ended with Tyltin making an oath to Drysllthen. [known]

  • He participated in a rather drunken revelry after said announcement, eventually slipping away with Caoilfhionn who he told about Roselyn's dream and..ahem. [All known save for conversation content with Caoilfhionn]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 6:57 pm

  • Met with family members to say farewell. [known]

  • Met with General Alexston to further establish battle plans. [known, details unknown]

  • Learned about Mari's intention to go to Valys with the army, issued a warrant for her arrest. [known]

  • Left for Valys [known]

  • Spoke to Mari after her arrest [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 2:55 pm

  • Drysllthen met with Raegnold between the armies to negotiate the terms of surrender. (See The Agreement for specifics, and the log for the entire scene.) His generals and Tyltin were all present as well as Sorynn. Drysllthen agreed to spare Raegnold's wife and daughters and any who would swear to him. He allowed exile for those who would not swear to him with the knowledge that any who stayed and refused to swear would be killed. He gave three days for all to be set order. [known]

  • After the meeting, he took Sorynn back to his tent and they spoke at length with Drysllthen gaining some understanding of why she'd done what she did. He no longer sees her as a traitor.[rumoured]

  • He ran into Mari when he was going to bathe, and she joined him in the stream. The conversation led to what she would be doing when they took Valys, and Drysllthen made clear his plan to train her as an assassin, warning her that she might not like some of her guises. ..and then Mari decided to molest him. [rumoured]

  • Sorynn joined him while he was cooking a meal outside his tent, and the two once more spoke at length with Sorynn ending up resting in his embrace while Drysllthen decided that he would send her to Leugeilean and allow her to remain unmarried on his isolated estate there, continuing as her guardian.[rumoured, no details known]

  • A messenger interrupted Drysllthen's conversation with Sorynn, and General Alexston arrived to borrow some ale. After sending Sorynn out briefly, the two quarrelled over her fate, Drysllthen angered that William would suggest he break an oath. [rumoured]

  • General Alexston left, and flirting ensued between Drysllthen and Sorynn, a few kisses shared. [unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 3:29 pm

  • Drysllthen met Raegnold when he returned as per the agreement, killed Raegnold and had Sorynn placed under guard when she appeared to come at him with a knife. Those left in the castle closed the main gate, and General Alexston broke through the gate. Once this was done, Drysllthen joined the battle and took the throne with one lingering injury to his left leg. He also captured an assassin. At the end of the battle, Tyltin swore to him publicly as promised and all are united under the rule of Drysllthen Valenti. (For details, see The Price of Valwyn.) [Events generally known, some details may be rumoured]

  • Caoilfhionn tended to his injuries. [known-ish?]

  • A servant brought a summons to his tent where Drysllthen found Sorynn's vine-mangled body. He ordered Caoilfhionn to examine the body. (Details in Sorynn's Sculpture) [more rumoured than known]

  • Since taking the castle, Drysllthen has been exceedingly busy with affairs about the kingdom as well as planning the coronation and arranging his staff. [known]

  • Shortly after Valwyn was secured, Roselyn arrived unescorted which provoked some conflict between them because Drysllthen was displeased that she would do something so foolish, but it was resolved fairly quickly. [rumoured]

  • Conversations with both Garnett and Mereavus gave him a unique perspective on the victory, and Mereavus revealed her suspicions that Ros is pregnant. [conversation contents unknown]

  • Attended the welcoming party for those arriving from Sarmagh. [known]

  • He showed Maeryn the atrium, and they spoke of concerns over Garnett. Maeryn also explained to him some of the situation with Aerinne, and he gave his consent for Aerinne to stand up with her and Tyltin at the wedding. [Conversation contents unknown]

  • Intending to spend an evening with Saeryll, he arrived to late, but held her while she slept and spoke to Greer about her well-being. [known]

  • Taking a stroll in the garden, he met Quess Esdale, and the two got along comfortably despite his role in her family's downfall. He managed to embarass her with his teasing interest. [rumoured]

  • He had dinner with Saeryll, and Roselyn joined them. Further discussion after Saeryll left revealed that they both suspected that Roselyn was pregnant, and Drysllthen decided to send Caoilfhionn to check on her. [Conversation contents unknown]

  • Elysia von Pith petitioned for his protection which he gave with the condition of the oath that she harm none of his company. [known]

  • Accompanied by both Lady Alexston and Lady Direnni, he questioned the assassin. They discovered that he was under orders from one of the Captains that had remained in the castle to fight Drysllthen. Mari killed her first man. [rumoured]

  • He intervened in a conflict between Greer and Sgouros, helping his Master-at-arms escape her wrath and sending the woman to tend to Saeryll. [known]

  • He has had several conversations with Quess, and also met her sister Lark who seems to have no particular like for the King. Both he and William entertained Quess at length. [rumoured]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 1:29 pm

  • Met with Commander Marillion and discovered his association with the tradeguild. The Commander will remain in Valys in service of the King for the moment. [Meeting known]

  • Continues to meet with advisors and courtiers including Lord Somneri, Lord Eberhardt, and Lady Direnni.

  • Met with Quess in his study to discuss what happened to Sorynn and the future of Quess and her family. The discussion took a rather more intimate turn, and Quess was with him for quite a length of time. [Meeting known, time rumoured, contents unknown]

  • Discovered Maeryn and Quess in the hidden garden which he had ordered the gardeners to leave in disarray. [unknown]

  • Shared the hidden garden with Roselyn. [unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 1:43 pm

  • Requested troops from all the counties in Nharati to support a newly formed castle garrison as the men that remain are of questionable loyalty. Details discussed with Olyx. [generally known]

  • Officially crowned King of Nharati. [known]

  • Attended the masque as a jester. [known only by a few, possibly rumoured]

  • Informed by Morgance of an attempted poisoning during the feast. He has set men to investigate and is pursuing other avenues of information. [unknown]

  • Has met privately with Quess a couple more times, once in his study and once a chance meeting on the roof. [possibly rumoured, although meetings have been fairly discreet]

  • Took time from court to spend with Roselynne. Took her out to the private garden, discussed child. The rest is no one else's business! [Reason for absence known. Details not]

  • Got word that Maeryn and Quess had left the castle grounds without escort. He brough Mari with them and frightened them by having her grab Quess. He insisted on guards and that the girls be taught defensive skills by Mari. [departure known, rest possibly rumoured]

  • Attended and blessed the marriage between Tyltin and Maeryn. Only the King, Garnett, and Quess were in attendance, and Tyltin arranged it to take place hastily. [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeFri Oct 02, 2009 3:25 pm

  • Met with Zul and Aksel to discuss finding the poisoner and sale and distribution of incoming supplies from Pfoergarth and Ygriss. The incoming supplies will be sold directly as opposed to going through the tradeguild. Details were determined in the meeting as well as an agreement reached for Zul to find the poisoner. [Meeting known, details rumoured]

  • Met with Mari regarding the poisoner as well. [Meeting possibly rumoured, no details known]

  • Spent a rather long evening with Quess in his study, introducing her to .. erm... new experiences which likely left her struggling to move the next day. [Meeting possibly rumoured, no details known]

  • In the garden, Lady van Reinhardt asked that he listen to Lord Eagloc when he meets with him as the boon he had offered her for informing him of the poisoner. He agreed to this. [likely rumoured]

  • He was with William when he received word of Lord and Lady Alexston's death, both went to inform Roselynne. [Rumoured, likely will be known soon]

  • Spoke with Garnett on the matter, asked her about her own intentions. [Unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 1:51 pm

  • Refused to let Roselynne go to Sarmagh for her parents' funeral due to difficulties with the pregnancy which she was displeased about, but finally agreed so long as the estate in Aingarth was left just as it had been. [Known that Roselynne did not attend the funeral]

  • Spent much time out of his shared quarters with Roselynne to give her privacy for her grief and because she was having difficulty sleeping.[known]

  • Drunken chance meeting in the garden late at night with Quess which included much mocking and cuddling, as well as the discovery that Garnett had asked her to look after him. [possibly rumoured]

  • Spoke with Deorwulf regarding Nalani. Drysllthen informed him that there was no way he could marry the girl but encouraged him to spend time with her and ..amuse himself. They also spoke of more occupation for Deorwulf, Drysllthen allowing that he could assist his staff. [generally unknown, though doubtless Nalani knows about the former]

  • Fell asleep in the library, was woken by Quess. Ended up genuinely sleeping with her in a guest room though they took pains to make sure it was not known. [possibly rumoured]

  • Took to sleeping in guest rooms so as not to disturb Roselynne. [known]

  • Approved the proposed marriage between Lord Somneri and Lady Wintermore. [known]

  • Received Baltar to the castle and discussed his duties over lunch. Baltar is to begin mapping County Dulfwyn outward from the castle, and Deorwulf is to serve as his assistant. [Meeting known, general ideas known]

  • Gave Sir Eagloc permission to pursue a disturbance of the peace within the castle. Eventually received a report from him that it had been handled and he had slain the culprit in self-defence. Has been addressing concerns from Hasjkell(?) [generalities known]

  • Recieved a report from Marillion about Sgourous' run-in with the Collegia as well as information that the assassin was out of the city but Mars would be take her as soon as she returned. [unknown]

  • More private torments of Quess, this time in the hidden garden. [unknown]

  • Drunken blathering with William, Deorwulf, and Aksel in the yard. [likely known, at least rumoured]

  • Met with Tyltin regarding the Karmenys campaign. A rather heated discussion ensued as to whether or not Maeryn would accompany Tyltin. Drysllthen disapproves, but as she is Tyltin's wife, he would not order her not to. [rumoured]

  • His nightly observance of the sunset was disrupted by Tyltin and Maeryn who arrived seperately. She subsequently decorated them both with flowers, and Quess too when she arrived. After Tyltin left with a cryptic comment about business, Drysllthen explained about the Karmenys campaign and that Tyltin wished to take her. He and Quess both expressed reservations, him more heatedly, but Maeryn would not be dissuaded. [conversation unknown, but results known or at least rumoured]

  • Returned to Roselynne and was pleasantly received. Cuddling and bathing eventually one might expect. Left Roselynne with a number of bruises and aches. [return known, details not]

  • Received Derryk along with Maeryn, informed him of her intent to go to Karmenys. It was a rather light-hearted meeting in general though, not too many tensions coming to the surface. [meeting known, arrival known]

  • Spoke with Maeryn privately in his study. He bluntly asked her to reconsider and told her more of what she would be facing. Deeper conversation followed, and Drysllthen began to understand why she needed to go. She managed to embrace him some, and they spoke further of Tyltin's effect on her and the idea of her accepting pain. [unknown]

  • Has been heavily involved in preparations to depart for Karmenys, very little time presently spent socially. [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 3:21 am

  • Met with Lady Alexston to discuss a potential marriage between Derryk Wenfrith and Carrigan Alexston. [known by now]

  • Surprised Gisela by appearing in General Rohnghyl's quarters while he is in Karmenys. A bit of roughness followed, though the encounter was brief. [possibly rumoured]

  • Moved Saeryll into her new room on the same floor as himself and Roselynne. [known]

  • Met privately with Derryk to discuss returning Ygriss to the Wenfrith family. It turned out to be a surprisingly smooth discussion with no particular harsh words. Drysllthen also suggested the match of Derryk with Carrigan, which Derryk said he would consider. [Meeting known, details not]

  • Met with Lady van Reinhardt for an offical statement regarding the actions taken by Sir Eagloc against her brother. Lady van Reinhardt signed over her rights to land to the King, and his inquiries were answered suitably. The matter is now considered closed. [known]

  • Scenes with Quess and Ros still pending
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeFri Nov 06, 2009 1:55 am

  • Interrupted in a sparring match in the yard by Roselynne. They went for a walk, and Drysllthen went for a swim while they discussed family matters.

  • Ran into Quess outside the council room and spent the evening with her in his study though they took precautions not to arrive in the library together. [Quess seen in the throne room, the rest unknown]

  • Watched Carrigan at work, discussed marriage prospects and what precisely the arrangement will mean for her. [possibly rumoured]

  • Has begun research into why Hrvesgott was not rebuilt after his father's massacre over twenty-five years ago. So far, research has turned up no contact, not even tax records from the city, but given the political chaos of the intervening years, that proves little. [Inquiries known and possibly rumoured]

  • Approached by Lady Keigwin in the library who spoke with him regarding her wish to marry the younger Lord Wenfrith. His refusal of such a match remained steadfast though he did listen to her concerns. [conversation possibly rumoured?]

  • Met the newly arrived Lord Tsalklond briefly while in the library with Lady Keigwin. Lady Marescot joined them. [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 12:27 pm

  • He and his taster tested some of the drinks in the parlour where he ran into Quess, spoke for a while. Saeryll came to bid Papa good night. [likely known]

  • Drysllthen will be away for a couple days to inspect southern Dulfwyn, during which time he will check on what previously was van Reinhardt's estate. [known] It has been said that he received a note in a foreign tongue which prompted this departure. [rumoured] (Drysllthen should be back Sunday night)
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 1:44 pm

  • Drysllthen has returned to the castle. [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 3:09 pm

  • Discovered Mari in her disguise when she brought his meal to the council room. The two caught up on current happenings. [unknown]

  • Spoke with Quess on the roof. Received the drawing she did of him holding Saeryll. [unknown]

  • Had dinner with Lord Somneri and Lady Wintermore who he met for the first time. Brief, discussed wedding arrangements. [known]

  • Morgance ran into him before he departed the dining room. Alcohol consumption and mocking made for a merry time with quite a number of insults flying the King's way. Quess joined them and, made uncertain by all the teasing, was a little too plain in her affections for the King which irritated Drysllthen. [Some known, some rumoured]

  • Once Morgance left, he took Quess aside and made his displeasure known. [rumoured?]

  • Caoilfhionn wrote him to inform him she was leaving along with warnings about the forest spirts. [unknown]

  • Took to the roof to consider Caoilfhionn's letter where Roselynne joined him. Initially, he spoke honestly with her, but when she asked to have Quess as a companion while Maeryn was gone, his temper flared because he believed her to be manipulating him resulting in a rather heated discussion. [contents unknown, argument possibly rumoured]

  • Spoke with Cordelia regarding pursuing a friendship with Roselynne. [unknown]

  • Sent Quess a note to have her look at a particular book in the library and left his study door slightly open for her to slip in. He informed her that Roselynne wished to have her as a companion which greatly unsettled her. The rest of the evening was spent mostly in silence with him drinking heavily. [unknown]

  • Wrote Maeryn in their language to share his concerns and to request she ask Quess to join her once they had a base in Karmenys. [unknown]

  • Occupied with concerns over ensuring that the harvest is distributed as necessary. [known]

  • Roselynne interrupted his work in the evening to inform him that she would be visiting Alexston for a time. Conversation regarding her previous lies and mistrust ensued with Drysllthen assuring her no one would threaten his Queen, and he eventually escorted her safely to Alexston. [Conversation contents unknown, Departure known]

  • Received returned response from Maeryn assuring that she would invite Quess to join her. [unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2009 3:19 am

  • Visited by the ghost of Mereavus in his quarters. Discussion ranged from lighting his bath on fire if he ever touched Roselynne in anger again to what really had happened between Danele and Wyld to threats that faced Nharati. [unknown, bits rumoured]

  • Left the castle urged on by the conversation with Mereavus to find out what precisely threatened. [Departure known, reasons unknown]

  • With blood and whispers, he managed to draw Jenova's attention. Discovered that she and Lady Wintermore are different aspects of the same being. Reached a tentative agreement. [Unknown ..though forum posted!]

  • Returned to the castle the same night, unharmed and in a better state of mind. [known]

  • Allowed Quess to visit him while he was bathing. [unknown, scene not yet complete]

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 10:33 pm

  • Joined in the parlour by a number of people, including Nadya, Morgance, Nalani, and Christoph. While Nadya and Morgance were more social, Christoph asked for a position in the castle to which Drysllthen stressed that he must prove himself, and Nalani asked for permission to go to Hrvesgott which he gave. [known]

  • Had dinner with Saeryll who ended up falling asleep in his lap before Morgance came in to clear away the dishes. He eventually sent Saeryll off to bed, and he and Morgance went to the roof where the indulged in drinking games with a bit of serious conversation toward the end. [likely known]

  • Visited by the ghost of Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen in his study. Discussed the Jenova situation in general terms.[unknown]

  • Dined with Lord Cedric Fairholm, his old tutor, whom he's offered the position of Royal Librarian. Morgance joined them shortly before Fairholm had to depart due to news from home. Teasing and cake followed. [Dinner known, conversation not]

  • Stumbled upon Quess in the library who was upset about receiving the letter from Maeryn inviting her to visit once they'd taken the port in Karmenys. Spent time explaining that she may or may not need to go depending on whether or not Tyltin and Maeryn return for a time. Informed her that it would be a few months at most. Spent the rest of the evening in his study with her. [Unknown, Drysllthen had cleared the library for his own research, still in progress.]

  • He and Deorwulf came upon Lady Beorhtgott poking around in the council room. Though she wished to leave, he invited her to stay and have tea with the two of them. Conversation was mostly about Tsgerl and her journey. [Rumoured]

  • Received Lord Terrance Ronhghyl of Pfoergarth, brought Saeryll to see her grandfather. [Known]

  • Summoned Mari to the tower to discuss concerns about Lady Beorhtsgott. He's now assigned Mari to find out what she is up to. [Unknown]

  • Awoken unintentionally by Roselynne's return to the room, but was pleased by the surprise. Conversation eventually turned toward Mereavus' warning and his search and eventual meeting with Jenova. They also spoke of ghosts and additional warnings as well as decided against the name of Uhtred for the babe. Emergency plans to get the children out of the castle should more danger rise also were set out, both intending for Garnett to take them to Leugeilean if threats grew too great. [Unknown]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2009 4:34 pm

  • Ran into Carrigan in the parlour. She informed him of Sieghardt's presence in Valys and search for William, and he assured her that he would look into it. [Encounter known, conversation not]

  • Invited Sieghardt to the castle. [likely known]

  • Ordered Tyltin and William to return from Karmenys once Grenleach was secured. [known]

  • While returning to the castle from inspecting outlying areas, the King and his party ran across an old crazed woman that though Drysllthen was her son. Although the woman's rantings were easily dismissed as insanity, the King got the name of her and the boy with her and has left orders to keep a watch for her, concern brought about by her unsteady reaction to his family name. [known]

  • Attended the feast to welcome back some of the men from Karmenys, though Tyltin and Maeryn managed not to attend. When Maeryn snuck by, he slipped out to go speak with her in the tower. Their conversation wandered over her experiences in Karmenys and some of the happenings in the castle while she was away, including Drysllthen's concerns about Roselynne and Quess. Maeryn told him of her desire for an official place with the army, but he has yet to give her an answer. Quess joined them later to warm greetings, and the girls mentioned an adventure that had Drysllthen curious as well as discussed the Feast of Ghosts. [Departures to the tower likely known, content not]

  • Met with Sieghardt after Roselynne had welcomed him. Although the King noted a white lie, the conversation went smoothly and they were joined for a time by Morgance. In the end, Drysllthen asked Sieghardt to take a position in his employ and is currently having him train the garrison in dealing with unnatural threats. [known]

  • Organized the rescue of the girls from the undead. [you all know the story..not typing it again]

  • He was joined by Roselynne in the bath and discovered that she had not been told anything about what was happening. Her insistance in talking about it irritated him, as did her want to visit Naiia in the middle of the night when he was stressed over the events of the day and worried about her safety. Though tense, they managed to avoid an argument. [unknown]

  • Visited Maeryn in her quarters. She woke finally while he was there and spoke of meeting the ghost of Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen. According to the ghost, only those touched by the magician went to where he was thus warning Drysllthen regarding who was behind the attack. Maeryn realized that the younger Uhtred was not with Wyld and was convinced he did not die on the night in question despite Drysllthen's explanations. Once more, she requested her own contingent when they return to battle, but Drysllthen said he would not decide right now and that she had to show him she could handle responsibility as he was disappointed in her handling of the cave. He also informed her that Garnett would be returning soon.[Waking known, the rest not]

  • Unable to sleep, he visited Quess in the room Aethelwyn had arranged for her. They spoke briefly of the attack, but he told her he did not wish to speak of it. Both conversation and affection relaxed him a great deal, the King eventually joking with her while they cuddled in her bed. While things did grow more heated, injuries prevented much from happening. [unknown]

  • Spoke briefly with Maeryn to try to draw her out of a deep depression that had settled on her in her bedrest. He was interrupted before he could talk much about what was contained in the box she'd found in the cave. [unknown]

  • Supported Roselynne through the birth of their child for which he was present. [known]

  • Spent the evening with Roselynne and their new babe whom they eventually decided to name Alesandra Garnett Valenti. The realization that they are truly a family now sunk in, and the next morning he brought Saeryll to meet her new sister and breakfast with them. Saeryll was initially very jealous of and threatened by the new baby, saying that Papa would have no need for her. Such fears were quickly quenched, Drysllthen making certain Saeryll knew he still needed and loved her. [Generalities known, conversation not]

  • Generally has been showing off Alesandra to anyone he can find. [known]

  • Specifically, he showed her to Aksel, who cooed appropriately over her before they continued in a discussion of trade and policy. [known]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
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Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 2:32 am

  • Met with Fairholm to discuss several concerns including the threat of the undead and the strange woman he met on the road. [meeting known, contents not]

  • Roselynne joined him for his nightly story to Saeryll where he told her a tale of where snow came from. He was pleased to see Roselynne taking more interest in Saeryll and at her realization that she was her child too despite having a different mother. In the end, discussion after Saeryll had fallen asleep led to them deciding to ask if Saeryll simply wanted to call her Mama rather than Mama Roselynne the next day. [not generally known, but likely the change in address would be noticed]

  • Joined Roselynne and Saeryll outside following the usual meetings to see the snow castle they'd built. Even once Roselynne left, he stayed outside to play with Saeryll for a bit where they were joined by Quess. Saeryll showed off her snow castle, but eventually grew tired and they moved inside where Saeryll fell asleep on Drysllthen. Once he'd sent Saeryll with Greer, he scolded Quess for her part in the undead attack and confirmed her realization that she'd never share in having a family with him the way Roselynne does. Once his irritation had been spent, a touch of flirting ensued in the form of discussion about her room. [Likely known that she joined them in the yard, conversation contents once they moved inside are not]

  • Went to check on a very drunk William out in the yard where Drysllthen assured him that he was not worse than Mereavus. William also told him about the conversation that transpired between him and Sieg, about his indiscretion with Julian and how the discussion had gone from bad to worse when Sieg didn't let him leave. Drysllthen asserted that he couldn't expect Sieg to understand the situation he was in. The conversation changed direction to women with William informing Drysllthen he was getting rid of Merripen and committing more fully to Cordelia. Despite differing view on fidelity, both agreed that seeing wives as part of their family was crucial. Drysllthen spoke about changes between himself and Roselynne since Alesandra's birth and Saeryll changing to call her 'Mama' instead of 'Mama Roselynne'. [Contents unknown]

  • Had dinner with Derryk where they discussed the state of things in Ygriss and Maeryn although the conversation kept from being too deep. [dinner known, conversation not. Scene incomplete]
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeMon Jan 25, 2010 1:10 pm

  • Found Maeryn out in the private garden late in the evening. After joining her silently, he was stunned by her new choker however he refused to tell her why beyond his shock at something expressing her so perfectly. She was not deceived, but she let it go, confiding in Drysllthen her concerns about Tyltin. Quess and Aerinne too came up in conversation, Maeryn concerned about the former's inability to stand up for herself and the latter's likelihood to cross Maeryn herself. After quite a long wandering talk, Drysllthen pelted his sister in the face with a snowball, leading to a great deal of silliness before he finally escorted her inside. [unknown save for their slightly snow-covered return]

  • Found Nalani in the library and took her to his study to discuss her journey to Hrvesgott. He learned little beyond her great fear of the place and her terrible guilt over the guard in her company that died. [Conversation unknown, retreat to the study possibly rumoured]

  • Aerinne ran across him in the library where the two discussed her reasons for remaining around despite the tension between herself and Maeryn. Primarily, she is concerned with Naiia's hand which led Drysllthen to offer to speak to the Alexstons about her having a place on their estate rather than the castle. [possibly known/rumoured]

  • Invited William and Derryk to his study for an evening of ale. In the rather congenial atmosphere, the conversation wandered from family concerns to Derryk's upcoming wedding and, naturally, to women. The men are, apparently, worse gossips than the women in Valwyn. [Conversation utterly unknown]

  • Discussed the possiblitity of Aerinne being employed at Alexston with Cordelia who agreed to speak with the healer and take it under consideration. [possibly known]

  • Morgance discovered him in the parlour where he showed her Alesandra. Reluctantly, he allowed her to hold the babe. She presented him with her plan to own lands to supply the castle's needs, and he's agreed as her guardian to sign off on such a purchase with the van Reinhardt monies after a review of the contract. Such supplies will leave more coin available for Morgance to train apprentices. The conversation wandered from there to women who tended to cry on Drysllthen's shoulder, the King expressing some irritation with Nalani. [Some possibly rumoured]

  • Bade farewell to Roselynne and the girls who went to visit Sarmagh. [known]

  • Granted an audience with the new jeweller and received his gifts. [known]

  • Retreated to Quess' room for an evening that began with their usual impropriety only to be stopped with questions from Quess. He was rather displeased at being stopped in such a state, and the conversation grew tense. Eventually, it resolved somewhat, and they slept for a time. Upon waking, it seemed his words had sunk in, and the two shared a rather pleasant time crossing an irrevocable line. Sleep followed soon after, and when they woke, he left to begin his day. [His presence in her room possibly rumoured]

  • Formally welcomed his cousin, Princess Arela of Leugeilean, to Nharati. [widely known]

  • After the pomp was over, he introduced her to William then spoke with her more privately in the council room. Despite her torments of him as a child, they got along quite comfortably with mutual mocking leading to a great deal of laughter. [Contents unknown]

  • Introduced Princess Arela to Lords Ronhghyl and Dulchaointigh in the parlour while he was showing her around the castle. They discussed the possibility of a feast in honour of her. [known]
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Age : 45
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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

Drysllthen Valenti Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drysllthen Valenti   Drysllthen Valenti Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2010 8:59 pm

  • Received Roselynne and the girls home. [known]

  • Hosted a private family dinner to introduce Arela to Roselynne and the children. It unfortunately came to an abrupt end when Roselynne had to go tend to Alesandra and Mari arrived in disguise to pass a note to the King. He left Arela with Morgance and Saeryll with his apologies. [known]

  • Brought Iaon and Mari to his study to report about the old woman that had caused the disturbance at the gate. He was informed who she was and that Garnett had her arrested and confined to the South Tower (In Dulfwyn, outside the castle grounds). [details unknown]

  • Made a formal announcement of the apprehension of Synaria. [spread widely]

  • Sent Roselynne a note that he would be gone from the castle for the night on urgent business. [known only to Roselynne]

  • Left for the South Tower to speak with Synaria. He is presently there. [known]
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