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 (LOG) Garnett awakens

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett awakens Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Garnett awakens   (LOG) Garnett awakens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 12:17 pm

Danele Valenti swept into the infirmary, and for once, her serene expression was absent. Danele Valenti, the Queen of Nharati, wife of Wyldrigrenkledrysllthen had a mission, and God help any one of them who tried to stop her. One of her children was in peril, and she would be damned if she allowed that. With only a courtesy nod to everyone present, she marched right over and sat down on Garnett's bedside. Slender arms slid beneath the frail shoulders and gathered the small body close to her own. "Garnett Valenti, it is time to awaken," she spoke firmly, cradling the girl to her chest. "It is time to wake up."

Synaria felt utterly ill when the man moved to pray, her stomach forming knots, the acid rolling, growing. She swallowed a few times, trying to get the taste of the bile from her tongue. Fingers clung tighter to Ella as she slid from the chair to kneel as well, head hung low, to pretend she was praying as well. Her mind still churned with a thousand different thoughts, a million different scenerio's, and unsettling to her, they all ended in her erupting the whole bloody castle into flames, to rid herself of all these god damned problems. When he started uttering the words in the tongue she did not understand, she felt another wave of terror... her vicious dreams encroaching. Why couldn't she understand him!? Her heart raced, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Thank god for Garnett, providing her with this cover of sadness to hide the true terror she felt.

Garnett was, of course, pale and motionless as she'd been for the past few days, unaware of the movement and conversation around her. Prayer did nothing to warm her chilled form, and the poor servant that returned with tea for them nearly found herself knocked over by Her Majesty as she strode sternly over to the Princess. Quivering with head bowed, the servant distributed the tea, never even glancing at those she served and retreating to crouch against the wall trembling once they'd taken their tea, trying not to stare at the ill princess. As for Garnett herself, she was limp in the Queen's arms, not a flicker of an eyelash to indicate she'd even heard, though skin had at least since Uhtred's visit lost the gastly blue pallor.

Eilella bowed her head properly to the queen. As Danele cradled Garnett, Ella followed suit with Synaria, hugging the woman in reassurance she was loosing grip on. Al lthe hope was fading within her. "It will be ok, all of this will be ok, it has to be ok". Never mind Synaria was older than the young woman, the need to care had finally broken through all the normal pretences of courtly grace. A single tear escaped her lids, rolling softly down the woman cheek and follwing to the floor. Garnett showed no movement and hope was on the brink of being eternally lost.

Malcom Searlas rose to his feet, breaking off the chanting in the old language, letting the rosary fall to his side. Sighing slightly the priest would look at those gathered with a gentle look that seemed very misplaced on the cynical face "A fainting sickness? I was unaware that the healers had been unable to cure it as of yet. Do not worry, my children. God and faith will bring healing here. I will include requests for prayer in my missives to His Holiness. Soon all of the High Abbey will be praying for the recovery of this poor child. Do not dispair" It had been a very long time since the priest had had to be nice to anyone, and it showed. Atleast he was trying. It was curious though, the way his head turned from side to side, as if he was looking for something. Something such article of witchcraft that was causing a member of the family to fall ill?

Danele Valenti had not expected much response. She did not seem to care that she rolled her way like a bulldozer, razing over everyone in her way. Her main concern was the limp Princess, cradled in her arms. Poor Malcom was even disregarded. Though prayer was a grand thing, it was not what her daughter in law needed. Garnett was beyond such, hovering in that twilight world between life and death. Eilella's comforting words toward Synaria, along with Syn's tears, caused Danele to snap her gaze to the two. "There will be no more tears. Is that understood? If you care for her at all, then take her hands, each of you, and hold it. Rub it, send your energy, your love, into her." Her words might sound cruel to the group, yet, they were anything but. That emerald gaze turned to Malcom next. He would see that it could be every bit as daunting as her own husband's. "This is not a matter of prayer, or faith, dear Advisor. This is a matter of a woman who is bereft over the loss of her precious babe. She needs the surrounding arms of her husband, her family, and faith in herself that she did nothing to cause the loss." It seemed the Queen had a bit of experience in such a thing. Attention returned to the pale face of the lovely Garnett. Even in sickness, she was a true beauty. Both of her daughter in laws were. "Darling, you know I will not allow this, don't you?" Her tone had softened considerably. "If you decide to follow the path away from us, I shall torment Uhtred to no end. Countless glasses of brandy will tumble over his head. I shall keep him in perpetual argument. I shall subject him to nightly dinners with his Father." Though Father and Son had love for one another, they were so much alike that they often clashed over the simplest things. "In addition, I will have the greenhouse torn to shreds." Miraculously, the desperation Danele felt within stayed out of her words.

Eilella looked up to Danele. A first, a state of shock crossed her features, only briefly. But then, a sort of determination not seen since her arrival occupied. "Yes, m'lady" she nodded and helped Synaria up, if she would let her. "Let's help" she said softly. Taking on of Garnett's limp hands, she held it tightly. "M'lady, I have not known you long, but what I have seen if a woman who enjoys life and love so passionately. Do not give up yet, live to see more love and life, wonderful life. Don't let those that you love suffer" she urged quietly. They were own personal observations, not an attempt to make a rather cliche speech, thus she said them to the princess in an urgent whisper.

Synaria heard nothing more, she blocked the words of the priest, his incomprehesable language bringing her to the very brink of her sanity. The tea, was not taken up, leaving the servant to carry her's back to where he crouched. Syn was inside herself completely, fighting battles of thought, murdering that aweful man who brought a touch of her dreams into reality, painting the castle red, then sending every last one of them into her great inferno for putting her through so much stress, so much guilt. She was on the verge of standing up and screaming curses at the lot of them, but the Queen's firm words pulled her away from the raging storm of her mind. Syn could not find her voice around the bile that still laid in her throat, but her tears did stop, hand raising to grab Garnett's once again, wild gaze holding glued to her pale skin as she rubbed her cool flesh lightly, trying to force herself to numb completely.

Malcom Searlas arches an eyebrow at the obvious hysterics of the queen, inwardly chuckling over the delicacies of women. Quietly the priest would make his way to the door, hunting down the nearest servent. He would make a simple demand for a household this size. the priest wanted a small animal. A kitten, a puppy, something helpless and in need of care. The priest would make it very clear to whatever servent he happened to come across that this baby critter was absolutely critical to The High Father's plans, and had to be procured at once!

Garnett heard them down in the depths that gripped her tight, the blazing heart string surging at their care for her. The ghosts, however, did not fear them, the circle still locked around her, just shy of touching for the sword had enough of Uhtred in it to make them wary. How she wanted to scream at them that she wasn't trying to stay away. She was trying to get back! All she wanted was to get back. Frustration grew at the Queen's assumption that she wished to stay away, the words resounding through her. The surface though remained painfully undisturbed, that pale face serene and blank, red hair frightfully ordered, only the rise and fall of her chest and the faint beat of her heart acknowledging the life within.

Eilella clutched Garnett's wrist . "Princess Garnett, wherever you, come back to us!" she cried in a low voice. "How could you leave everyone? How could you abandon anyone?" Gaze went from the motionless body of Garnett to the Queen and Syn, back and forth. "Would it be like her to leave everyone behind?" brows furrowed together. "F-from what I saw, it couldn't be. Granted I do not know her well, she does not seem like that breed of person". Looking back down to Garnett, she whispered in a rush. "Come back now, break through your sorrow and revel in the love of others. They need you, we all need you" she shook Garnett's arm gently.

Danele Valenti was far from hysterical. She was determined, and very little stopped her when she was such. She smoothed the red hair from Garnett's forehead, then kissed it very gently. "Sweet Love, it is not your fault," she murmured softly. "Fight them, and come home. You have the power over them. You can defeat them." Such brave words to the unconcious Princess. Eil would definitely be thanked later, bless her sweet heart.

Isotep heard the screams of the fallen princess, on a realm no one could hear. He felt it prickle through him, stabbing deep. His meal, was left forgotten to slither through the castle, roaming to that place where the trapped woman's body lay. He gave no thought to the others in the room, not even his charge, Synaria. The eight foot long serpent had his target, and none would stop him. He slid through the feet of those in his way, winding his way up onto the bed. Deep black eyes penetrated Garnett's body, shifting his bulk to coil on her chest, his upper half lifting nearly a foot up into the air, so he hovered over her. She needed help. Long, forked tongue lashed out, and he expelled a wicked his, before stilling, much like a concrete statue. Big hypnotic eyes focusing down, forcing his very soul into that dark place her's rested, following her golden thread.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett awakens Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett awakens   (LOG) Garnett awakens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 12:20 pm

Malcom Searlas waited patitently for the servent came back...and then there was a giant snake. The priest would hold perfectly still in the hallway till the creature passed, then go bolting down to the chapel. He'd find whatever poor deacon or lower priest was on duty and sound the alarm, gathering up insense, crucifixes, salt, holy water and anyone ordained that he could find. Satan was loose in the castle, and there needed to be an exocrism!

Garnett found herself more angered by their pressure than motivated, wishing she could smack the lot of them upside the head with the vision of the sword she held. No, the real would hurt more. They were distracting her. Her dark glare focused once more on the beings surrounding her, a sudden strange lurch touching the connection that kept her from disappearing completely, and she felt fear..cold fear. Would they manage to break it without her consent? She hissed softly at them, peering through their shimmering see the strangest thing. Something gleaming, though she could not tell what, was following along that skein. For an instant, the sword faltered, ghosts pressing forward, but she drew it up again, holding her position as she tried to see if help came.

Eilella listened to the queen. Despite the atmosphere that nearly choked the very hope from the room, a smile crept on her face. Weren't they contagious? A positive atmosphere was needed. No blame, no guilt, not talk of Satan! Eyes watched the snake slither into the room. She had heard Synaria had a snake, yet she had never witnessed it. Generally, reptiles made her skin crawl but this one was different. However, as it headed to Garnett, she clutched the unconscious princess's arm tightly and sought Synaria's as well.

Danele Valenti wanted Garnett angry. Anger, at this point, had to be a positive thing. It would make her fight, right? The snake was regarded with careful awareness, but seeing as how it was doing no harm, it was left be. The Queen was growing desperate, and was about to try anything at this point. Emerald eyes rose to regard Eil and Syn. "You know, I do believe that I am going to have to find another for Uhtred. I wonder if I should go peasant, or still lean toward royalty?" She made sure her mouth was close to Garnett's ear. "I am sure one could warm his bed as well as the other."

Synaria stared blankly as Isotep came into the room. His strange appearance erasing all the burning thoughts in her mind. "Iso--" She stopped as he stilled, confusion obvious on her face. Brows furrowed at the snake and very gently she released Garnett's hand. Head whipped around toward the Priest as he went running to the chapel, eyes widening. Oh god damn it, no! Hand almost went out to clutch the snake and heave him out of the room, lock him away in the cage with the gimp pigeons she kept for him. But something in his stillness stopped her. "Leave him be." She warned. "He is a comfort to her. He will not hurt her." Hand squeezed Ella's in reassurance.

Isotep's shimmering form moved, following that thread until he pushed past the specters that loomed in front of his target. A deep warning hiss erupted from him, though it was not sounded from the body, but echoed all around them. He reached the girl, raising up until his upper body was several feet off the ground, able to strangely, look her in the eye, 'standing' like that until she recognised him. And the moment she did, that shimmering body seemed to melt and shift. The glittering patterns arranging themselves into the form of a man. The eyes though, were left lidless, the same black pools that were the serpent's in his physical form. He stared at her for a long while, trying to use his thoughts and shimmering form as a shield between her and the clawing spirits that plagued her. A warm image was projected, trying to block her vision of the ghosts, an image of her confiding in him, of the dark room where she whispered her thoughts and he laid coiled in her lap. See life, not this. He tried to command her. It was the first step.

Malcom Searlas was still in the chapel, gathering the local deacons and acolytes, giving them the verbal thrashing of a lifetime. Even now prayers were being said, candles were being lit, and holy water was being sprinkled about the foundations of the castle. The priest himself was blessing holy water and communion wafers, finally wrapping it all up in a sack to carry to the sick room. Chaos! It was raw chaos!

Garnett stared as the snake made his way easily through the gathered crowd, a slow smile of welcoming spreading over her face as she locked her gaze on him instinctively. His shift, somehow in this realm, seemed utterly natural to her, far less suprising than the fact that he had appeared. In the waking world, she suddenly drew a deeper breath, as if steeling herself for something. She felt the slow seep of his protection spreading, the ghosts around her hissing their disdain as they slipped from her, scrabbling against the barrier the guardian had thrown up. It wavered beneath the pressure of the angry beings, but..for the moment, held. Sword in her right, she reached out with her left to find his hand, Synaria's bedroom visualized in painstaking detail, Garnett trying to will herself to feel the soft pillows, the drapes, to smell the smoke of the fire.

Eilella looked closely as Garnett took a deep breath. As quickly as the flicer of hope went out, it lit back up. Turning to Synaria incrediously, she gave the woman a look as if to ask if she saw/heard that as well. Peering at the unconscious woman longer, she expected something else and took no notice as nothing happened, she was confident something would. Something had to! Copper locks fell across her face. From all the kneeling and bowing and curtsying and crying, it was all but unavoidable. At the time, however, appearance mattered not.

Malcom Searlas was making a rather large fuss outside. Any of the servents that knew of the princess' "pet" would probably be somewhere between amused and confused, but the deacons and any other religious staff were too busy to be either. Fragrant insense was being burned as men processed around the castle, now the walls were being splashed with holy water, and each of the doors was being dashed with salt. The din would, no doubt, be a bit of background noise, but there just the same

Synaria's head tilted when Garnett drew a deeper breath of air, eyes wide. Her former worries and breakdown were forgotten completely in this strange new occurance. What the bloody hell was going on? Gaze trailed back to the snake, who had yet to move an inch, nor even waiver. Those tight muscles leaving him perfectly erect. Worry leapt out from her then, hearing the commotion outside. What had the snake gotten them into? Memories flooded back, of times of old. Of a distant King... who threatened to kill the snake. How could she protect him a second time? Her heart pounded but she did not take her eyes off the strange pair, nor did she loosen her hold on Ella's hand.

Isotep could feel his barrier waivering. The spirits had grown much more fierce at his arrival. He knew it would be so, but still, he had not anticipated the reaction to occur so quickly. He thought they had time... but it proved now, they had much less than he was ready for. Still, he would not give up on this woman's spirit. Lidless gaze focused on her, hand clasped around hers just as surely as she was holding onto her sword. Long nearly transparent gray hair blew around him in the fictional breeze. He waited, until she was absorbed in the memory. Step foreward with me, child. Came the echo that had not passed his lips, and he took a step backward, into the crowd of spirits, clasping her hand tightly and trying to pull her along with him, following her golden thread. You must follow.

Eilella watched Garnett carefully, flicker of hope relighting as quickly as it had faded. She squeezed Synaria's hand in return. At the church meanwhile :"What is with all the noise goin' on?" a sleepy, possibly hungover guard questioned. The other, perhaps lacking in what others would call common sense looked at Malcom strangely. "Why's that man throwin' salt on the wall?" he cast a puzzled look to his comrades. The first guard spoke up. "Sir, mind comin' over here? None of our concern if yer drunk but no need to defile the church, now" he motioned for the Father to come over.

Garnett clutched at the hand, warmer than the claws of the ghosts, and she knew this was not a deception. It was Isotep, and he would help her through. The first step felt like forever as her spirit brushed against the gathered ones. Once again, their whispers started, telling her of pain, reminding her of her weariness, but the snake's shield spared her the brunt of them. They were unable to take hold. She brandished the sword at them, earning the pair a moment's opening as she nodded. Her heart pulsed through the thread, she could feel it, she could feel the worry of them hovering over the bed, taunts having died off. Silently, before them all, her lips twisted into a grimace. The ghosts were at their heels as she ran alongside the guardian, battering at the protection he'd offered.

Isotep griped her hand tighter as his barrier was nearly shattered, their cold hands gripping him. Physically the snake gave a violent shudder, as their hands raked across him, then was still once more. You must run with me, faster Child. He tugged on her, urging her foreward, flashing images of all that he had seen. Of the time he spent curled up at her neck to comfort her, of the food she had ordered for him, of the various people of the palace he had spied upon. Faces, places, all to get her to focus on her goal. Life. He could lead her to the end of her string, but it was up to her completely to make the leap, out of his harsh, cold, and dark place, and into herself.

Malcom Searlas barked out directions, spacing out those that knew the prayers between groups of those who did not. One could repeat after the other, of course. Giving a truely withering look at the guards the priest would then ignore them, being far below his level of concern and take his own place, praying with the rest of the church staff to try and banish the demons and ghosts that obviously plagued this castle. Priest was doing all that he could to be rid of the devil...who wasn't even there.

Danele Valenti heard the breath of the Princess, and hope sprang anew. She did not know what was going on in the other realm, of course, but she knew she had to bring Garnett back. "Come on, little love," she urged in a whisper. However, the commotion in the hall had her head flying toward the door. "What in the bloody hell is going on out there?"

Eilella took a sharp intake of breath. "Please, Garnett, please. Come back to your family" gaze went from Danele and to Synaria. "For their sake" she added gently. The guards who once occupied the church retreated, the priest wasn't paying them any heed and one recommended they head to the tavern. It was a unanimous agreement to go drink their sorrows and problems away.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett awakens Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett awakens   (LOG) Garnett awakens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2008 12:23 pm

Garnett tore along with a pace she didn't know she could, soul practically flying along with Isotep. How she wanted to turn and scream at them, to tell them to leave her be, to curse them to the four winds, the snake's forceful visions snapped her away from such thoughts. Focus. The sights of the castle loomed in front of her, but more fiercely, the heated images of Uhtred and herself that none of the others, not even Isotep were privy to, private moments stolen in their room the bath, in the sitting room. Sweet whispered words that she couldn't leave behind. Their mad dash took them up to the brink, a sudden stiffening of the prone body in the bed as she prepared to take that leap, eyes locking on the snake spirit. Now! Claws tore at her desperately, trying to get a hold with their last real chance, dead wails screaming in her ears.

Isotep felt the edge, where Garnett's thread left this world and returned to her. He pulled at her frantically, but they were overwhelmed with an army of dead. He felt their want, like frozen steel slicing through him. He suddenly stopped, in the middle of those sea of hands and wailing voices and wrapped his strong arms around Garnett's form tightly. Lips pressed to her ear to whisper, yet his voice fluttered around her like a gentle breeze You are here, it is time child. And with that, he gathered all his energy, and exploded into a white hot light around her, aiming for it to disorient them, confuse, and push them as far away from her as possible, to give her that one moment to push herself through. And he was gone from that world. His earthly body falling into a limp pile on her chest.

Danele Valenti felt Garnett's body stiffen and tightened her embrace. Lips found her forehead once more, and for the first time since arriving, the Queen seemed to look very unsure. In that moment, she wished for the presence of Uhtred, of her beloved husband. If Garnett perished, she would blame herself. She was supposed to protect her children, right?

Garnett needed no further urging, a wordless cry erupting from her spirit as she lept, using the force of the explosion to propel herself through that fragile fierce curtain. It screamed through her, that violent cold, blinding her, shuddering through her..and she almost tripped, scrambling the last tiny bit along the golden thread that held her tight. With a sudden painful lurch, she sucked in air as though she were drowning, her green eyes snapping open wide. The colours were painful, the light so jarring that her eyes watered, and she gasped again, limbs out of her control for one more instant before she felt herself slam home fully. Dizziness swept over her, but she hissed, clutching at whatever hands and arms were close to her, a single cold touch lingering deep within her womb though heat flooded her previously icy flesh, colour returning.

Danele Valenti gasped softly when sweet Garn came to 'life' in her arms. Then, a brilliant smile rose to her soft lips. "Welcome back, daughter." Whatever battle she had fought, had been won, and the Queen suspected that snake had something to do with it. For even as he collapsed, Garnett awoke.

Synaria gasped loudly when the snake fell into a heap. Hand released Ella's in favor of trying to pull the dead weight of the snake toward her, but he was too heavy, and she only managed to move his head toward her. "Isotep?" She called, fearfully, eyes rimming with tears. She thought the poor thing to be dead. But, in his forced slumber, he twitched slightly. Relief spilled over her and the tears fell unhindered. "Oh sweet serpent, what have you done?" She whispered, pressing her lips to his head before jumping as Garnett began to move violently. Syn clutched Garnett's hand tightly, feeling the warmth return. "Oh Garnett." She then let go. "I'll go find Uhtred." And Syn went tearing through the castle, screaming happily for the Prince.

Garnett slumped against the Queen, still panting for breath though it had not been her body in that race. Fingers curled strangely, wondering where the sword she'd held had been, her eyes focusing finally on the weight on her chest. Isotep...Tears clouded her vison as a shaking hand came to rest on the sleeping serpent, the girl stroking him gently as she nestled into Danele. "Mother.." She whispered, fingers tightening around Synaria's hand, her words drawing a bright smile to her exhausted face. Indeed, it was that wonderful transformative smile that even in her illness lit her brilliantly. "Uhtred..please.." She murmured, laughing when she heard Synaria's cries. Under her breath, she whispered to the Queen, "Don't be too hasty in finding him a new woman..." A breathy giggle slipped from her, delight at being in the world again filling the girl.

Danele Valenti grinned all the more when Synaria went tearing from the room to find Uhtred. She imagined he was going to be overjoyed to find his bride awake, finally. "Well, I will not now that you have returned to us." The medic was there, immeadiately checking her pulse and her reflexes. "You almost made me order you to wake up, you know." There was only gentle affection in her tone.

Uhtred Valenti, for all of his suspicions of Synaria, did not hesitate when she found him. Indeed, he didn't even listen to what she was saying. He knew. He knew it in his bones, and with a speed comparable to one's average racing horse he barreled through the castle. Hands did not hesitate to brutally shove anyone in his way, resulting in the rather unfortunate spill of a couple of servants, one of whom happened to be carrying a rather large dish that shattered to pieces. He also knocked over a priest, something that he had not expected to see. Strange... but forgivable. He had already begun to fall in the library, so his entrance into the infirmary came as a skidding hiss on his shoulder that stopped with him as a large lump on the floor.

Synaria ran after Uhtred, sidestepping and tripping over the falling servants and shattering pottery. She laughed all the while, happiness surging through her, devouring her sense of guilt and turmoil. Things would be good now! When he fell to the ground, she tripped over one of his legs, very nearly spilling into a pile on the floor herself. But she saved herself with a less than graceful flailing of her arms to find her balance. A sharp cry of surprise sounded before laughing all the harder. "Uhtred! On your feet brother!" She sang out, hand lowering to help him to his feet, though she very much doubted it would be taken, even in his joyous moment.

Garnett rolled her eyes at the medics, swatting at them. "I'm here, and I will be fine, but I am hungry." It seemed their eyes would bulge right out of their heads when she spoke so clearly, having grown used to her single word utterances over the past week. "Food, you know? I swear, you've starved me!" A sparkle lit her eyes for a moment before she turned serious. "I wanted to, Mother. Honestly, I did, but..." Tears threatened again, but she brushed them aside irritably, a protective hand resting on Isotep. "They-" With a squeal, she interrupted herself when Uhtred fell into the room. For an instant, she stared, then suddenly tried to lurch herself from the bed to crawl over to him, only to find herself held back by the restraining hands of the medics. "If you want me to stay in bed, then get him over here..and see that he's not hit his head too hard. I'm supposed to be the one that faints!" Wherever she'd been, she'd grown a sharper tongue, though the words disolved into laughter as she watched Synaria stumble over Uhtred, her head resting on the Queen's shoulder. "Both of you, come here!" She demanded, grinning at them, hands outstretched.

Danele Valenti's eyes widened when an Uhtred came sliding into the room. Bless his heart, he would have done any thrid baseman proud! Anyway, she could not help the laughter that spilled from her lips. For the first time in weeks, she felt things just might be alright now. Even as Garnett called for Syn and her love, the Queen was ordering broth, watered wine, and bread to be brought to the Princess. No matter how hungry she was, it had been far too long since her lips had touched solid food. She would have to go slowly.

Uhtred Valenti did not mind that he'd made a rather foolish display of himself. So much so that he didn't even complain when Synaria lodged her foot into him. And yes, he took her assistance, as well as that of the attendants that Garnett had viciously sicced on him. Yet he was not about to tolerate the latter's prodding for long, and a strong arm pushed each and every one aside so that he could approach his roused wife. A sigh drew all of the tension that had accumulated over the past few days right out of him, and he would have fallen into her outstretched embrace if he was certain that it wouldn't crush her. His lips searched her's outright, and then he would bury his face in the crook of her neck.

Synaria grinned as Uhtred allowed her to help him up, and she too helped him fend off the medic's, laughing as she flailed her arms at them while he pushed them out of his way. "Back you heathens! Back!" She giggled out, happiness flooding over her, washing away all other thought. Then she moved to Garnett, allowing his embraces of her before finding a small space opposite his affections and planted a kiss on her cheek. "My sister. I am so happy." She cooed before backing away. "I am going to go, let you have time with your love. But I will return to smother you in my affection." She winked then looked at the sleeping snake, a slight bit of worry creeping over her. "I will leave him with you tonight. If he becomes bothersome, have one of the braver servants move him to my room." She couldn't help herself, and leaned back down to place another kiss on her cheek before moving out of the room, to start spreading the news of the Princess' recovery.

Garnett met Uhtred's kiss eagerly, warmth surging over her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She scooted over on the thin bed to make room for him, her soft cheek pressed against his as her fingers glided through his hair. Eyes closed as tears crept up again, the feel of his locks through her fingers enough to cause her chest to tighten. There were so many things to say that she wasn't sure where to start, lips working wordlessly for a moment before she whispered against Uhtred's temple, voice thick with emotion, "I missed you, my love." Synaria stole her attention for the briefest moment, the kiss returned and a tender smile touching her lips. "You had better, sister!" Her fingers still toyed with Uhtred's hair as she shook her head . "He will stay, Synaria. I would not send him away. We all owe him a great debt." Warm eyes watched her leave before they slipped to the Prince practically collapsed against her, lips wandering his cheek.

Danele Valenti left Garnett to the loving arms of her husband as she, too, rose to stand. One hand brushed over the top of her head, while the other brushed Uhtred's cheek. A tender smile played over her lips. "Remember, nothing is stronger than the bonds of love; not even death." Strange thing for the Queen to say, but something to definitely reflect on. Wyld had, probably, already recieved the news, but she wanted to tell him, herself. Not to mention, a few needed moments in his arms was due. "If either of you need me, you need only send one of the servants."

Uhtred Valenti bit viciously on his own lip and brushed his hand over her face, clenching his eyes tightly shut to resist his own downpour of saline. His panting breath was not precisely comforting, for it was heavily steeped in what smelled like brandy... That would have to be done away with, he supposed. It was not fit for him to imbibe so. The touch of the Queen's hand was enough to stir him, but when he turned his head to her, he rewarded her with a rare, genuine smile. "Thank you," he said simply. But it covered a rather wide field of emotion. Garnett's whisper had not been addressed, but now he crushed his lips against her's yet again and murmured soft declarations of love, over and over again. The snake was carefully avoided lest he crush the poor thing, though he found it rather unseemly for the beast to be resting on top of his sick bride.
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