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 From Princess Garnett during her journey

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

From Princess Garnett during her journey Empty
PostSubject: From Princess Garnett during her journey   From Princess Garnett during her journey Icon_minitimeMon Jan 05, 2009 11:26 am

(Note: this thread will be added to with otther letters while Garnett and Uhtred are away. Responses should be posted here as well.)

Dearest Mother,

How kind you were to send us to Geldenland! Grandfather has been most welcoming, and was positively beaming with delight to meet Uhtred and myself. He's been beside himself since we got here, both him and his court showering us with countless gifts and feasts and parties! Even Uhtred found himself the brunt of gifts, although I did have to shoo away a few ladies who thought to coo over him. It seems a princess with a sword, so long as no one knows how useless she is with it, is formidable.

Grandfather sends his thanks for the gifts, and tells me to let you know how dearly he wishes he could be there with you for the birth of your babe. He worries, Mother, and loves you deeply. He's asked for so much news of you, and everyone at home, even the King. And..somehow,in the course talking of home, he drew out the story of our babe and the ghosts. I ..Oh Mother, it was strangely a relief to tell it all to someone who'd never heard the whole thing before, who wasn't there.

He held me while I wept, Mother, then told me stories of all sorts of women who've lost babes and then of the children they had after .. but what's more, there's a serving woman in the castle who lost a babe the same way I did! I got to meet her and some of her children. She's had eight of them, Mother! Eight! Can you imagine? She said she had a hard time conceiving right after, but once she had the first, she was fine. Uhtred assures me that he doesn't require eight children, but I could see the relief in his eyes at the sight of the serving woman's babes. I got to hold one, the youngest, and such a sweet child too..a little girl with brown ringlets and chubby arms and cheeks. Oh Mother, I wanted to take her with us when she kissed my cheek.

Alas, we shall be leaving Grandfather, and Rose..the little girl, and your Father's court soon, and I will be sad to go in all honesty. I have been happy here, and I do so hope I'll get to visit again, for the welcome was warmer than I could have expected and the hugs most enjoyable. No one gives such hugs as Grandfather! He's offered to escort us as far as the sea, and Uhtred has accepted, so it will be a jolly ride. Even Uhtred seems to be enjoying himself, and I know we are easier with one another..and delighting in so much time together, even if much of it is spent traveling.

I shall send word again once we reach Leugeilean and again before we leave Father's court. Once we are in Kelenth, I fear I shall become more scarce for Uhtred and I wish to not worry about the outside world for a brief time.

Give my love to everyone at home, and please write soon for I do so miss everyone. How is Synaria? And the babe? You are well, aren't you? Resting I hope, for if not when I come home I shall sit on your bed and make you stay there!

With love,



Dear Lady Mereavus,

I apologize for the brevity of this letter, but I'm sure Mother will share other relevant pieces from the rather long one I wrote her. I simply wanted to let you know that the individual you spoke of is indeed around, though lower placed than you had thought .. he is a secretary to one of the Lords though he looks rather too interested in the happenings around him.

I confess, I have other reason for writing too. I have heard about your visitor for she was to King Hekon's court shortly before we arrived. While I knew the Nyrthlonders were coming, I had not heard who had taken the throne. For the sake of my family, be wary of this one. She is treacherous and faithless. She has lead many a raid on Leugeilean and is known for her ability to turn on even her allies should they prove no longer useful. Be alert, and please, keep my family safe. I will send more of what I find out of her in my Father's court.



Dear sweet sister,

Oh, how I miss you! It would have been grand if you could have come with us, though I know it's a foolish thought, and I would be lying if I said I wanted to share my time with Uhtred with anyone else. Still, Geldenland is utterly gorgeous, such forests and a beautiful deep river with high cliffs such as I've never seen. I confess though, the saddle grew rather weary after the first day or so, but I have grown stronger, and it is a joy to ride at Uhtred's side ..rarely from his company.

The Queen's family has been so very welcoming, showering us with gifts and spoiling us until I thought I never would want to leave. They've given us a whole wing of the castle to ourselves which has been a delightful place to be with Uhtred after the trials of the road. Such privacy! And such baths!

Grandfather is a kind man, and he's made me tell of your wedding twice now for he feels terrible about missing ours. He says I must send you herbs to help your belly grow big with a child, but I'm sure you shan't need such help!

Oh goodness, dearest, I meant to write more but the messenger is growing restless and Uhtred says we must get ready to leave soon. I wrote more to Mother, so be sure to talk with her. I shall write more when we cross the narrow sea, I promise. I hope you are well. I worry for you!

With love,

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