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 Quess Esdale

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Posts : 69
Join date : 2009-08-28
Location : Wonderland

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PostSubject: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 11:01 pm

  • Youngest of former king of Naharati Raegnold Esdale's daughters, left into the care of King Drysllthen Valenti as part of the terms of surrender. [known, backstory]

  • Witnessed the horrific kidnapping of her eldest sister, Sorynn, by tree roots during the final siege. Has had nightmares ever since. [known]

  • Remained mostly in quarters, eventually taking walks in the garden with her sketchbook. On her third walk, she met King Drysllthen and had lengthy conversation. [both events known, contents of conversation unknown]

  • Increased strain on her relation with her mother, Rachelle, as the woman isn't completely in her right mind since her husband's death. [known]

  • Met with her sister, Lark, where Lark discussed options for Quess' future, suggesting her to court General William Alexston. A short time later, the King and the General arrived by chance where Quess was introduced and further talk ensued. Lark left hurriedly. The men got themselves tipsy. Drysllthen ordered a commission art piece from her while William kept one of her landscape sketches [mostly unknown, rumors at best]

  • Introduced to Maeryn Wenfrith and her tutor, Bryn Hwllbyrdson, by the King. [known]

  • Met with William Alexston in his quarters. Spoke greatly about art and was shown William's early painting made from Quess landscape sketch. Quess promised a new commissioned art piece for him. [meeting and commission known, conversation rumored]

  • Was requested to be seen by Mereavus Alexston. [known. Conversation rumored to be about her courting William]

  • Was requested by the King to speak on matters of Sorynn's murder, her family's fate, and her own removal off the list for General Alexston's courtiers. More than talk occurred, Quess admitting her affection for Drysllthen. His art commission was received. [meeting known, all else rumored]

  • Followed Maeryn to a secret garden on the grounds where they explored together before being joined by Drysllthen. The location has been kept a secret as promised. [unknown]

  • Rumor of Lark and William's tryst reaches her ears. She has not shared any words with her sister since. [unknown]

  • Chance meeting with Garnett Valenti and Elysia von Pith after a bath. Elysia didn't stay long, but both helped her dry her hair and discussed various subjects over tea. [reliable rumor]
    Shortly after, Garnett gifted Quess with a horse, Ilio, to care for and learn to ride. [known]

  • Was introduced by chance meeting to Cordelia Ysdale by General Alexston during an afternoon walk. Spoke of house plans. [known]
    Quess became emotional after Cordelia left during conversation. [reliable rumor, widely considered it was over Quess's dissatisfied with the General's wedding]

  • Discovered a heated scene between Maeryn and Drysllthen in the dining room. A bystander to the revelation of the damage done to Maeryn by Tyltin's markings. [known]
    Drysllthen and Quess disappeared shortly after for a brief time only to be seen with him carrying her, both rain-drenched and distressed. [rumored]

Last edited by Sykes on Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:00 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Quess update   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 2:46 pm

  • Private meeting between Quess and Drysllthen was interrupted by a frantic Maeryn. The two girls have been very close ever since. [unknown]

  • Continues to make daily visits to the stable to train with Ilio. [known]

  • Spent her goodbyes with her mother and Lark before their journey to Leugeilean. [known]

  • Diana Wintermore offered assistance on Quess' masquerade gown. She accepted. Met Saeryll and Greer for the first time as well. [known]

  • Attended and performed the crowning ceremony during the coronation of Drysllthen, Tyltin, Roselyn, and Saeryll. [well known]

  • Attended the masquerade after being delayed by Aksel Marillion and his concerns about her staying within Valys. Missed the dance with William who had left due to an ill father, but caught her dance with the secretive Drysllthen. [mostly known, Drysllthen's identity at the ball was mostly unknown and unconfirmed that he was even there]

  • Had a curious meeting with Maeryn, Ashelynn, Morgance, Olyx and Diana on the rooftop. She Was asked to do a sketch of the gathering but the group split before it was so far. [mostly known]

  • Evaded her escorts after being delivered a message from Maeryn that had them meeting at the edge of the castle ground's forested area where the two began exploring. Drysllthen and Mari found them and surprise ambushed them in punishment. Mari is requested to teach them both self-defense. Quess had a short breakdown. [reliable rumor]

  • Attended Tyltin and Maeryn's wedding to stand beside the bride, all at a spur of the moment. [known]

Last edited by Sykes on Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:02 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 12:18 am

  • Invited from days earlier, Quess spent prolonged time with the King. She returned to the women's wing in a Valenti servant's dress and a large fur cloak. [meeting rumored, contents of meeting unknown, garments on return reliably rumored]

  • Was visited by Nadezha while bedresting. A short but deep conversation occured. [rumored]

  • Met Cyndassa, Cordelia, and Nalani on her first outting since her rest began. Spoke about games and marriages over a late lunch. [reliably rumored]

  • Summoned to Garnett's quarters for conversation and farewells and a promise made. [rumored]

  • Met Drysllthen in the garden to comfort him with his dealing over Garnett's departure and Rosalynne's depression regarding the lost of the Alexston elders. [mostly known]

  • Had a second and much more detailed chat with Nadezha. Some of it was heated, but she also requested the jongleur to train her. [rumored]

  • Ran upon Ashelynne in the garden. Had a pleasant conversation. [mostly known]

  • Attended William and Cordelia's wedding. [known]

  • Bumped into Drysllthen, Tyltin and Maeryn on the roof. Tried to help Drysllthen talk Maeryn out of leaving with Tyltin for the war. [mostly known]

  • Early morning note had Quess meeting Maeryn for talk of adventuring on her return from Karmenys. [rumored]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 06, 2009 3:18 am

  • Was introduced to Naiia and Aelwyd as the two assisted Maeryn in getting riding clothes together for Maeryn's departure for Karmemys. The meeting ended poorly when Maeryn left in a panic. [reliable rumor]

  • Begins meetings with Nadezha off and on for regular discussions about talents, life and training. [rumor]

  • Searched for the King only to accidentally run into him in the throne room. They then spent the evening in secret with the King. She no longer questions her place at his side. [presence in the throne room known, the rest unknown]

  • Stumbled into an awkward moment where she were officially introduced to Roselynne and Carrigan by Cordelia in the Women's Room. [rumored]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:05 am

  • Speaks with Drysllthen before his leave to southern Dulfwyn where they are joined by a sleepy Saeryll after her good nights. The toddler falls asleep in his arms as Quess sketches the scene that she gives him days later. [unknown]

  • A quiet meeting with Drysllthen on the roof as they discuss matters of the trip he returned from and the need for her to better control her feelings around him. [rumor]

  • Interrupts the merriment of Morgance concocting crazy drinks for herself and Drysllthen. In her poor minded attempts to join in with conversation and joking, she sticks her foot in her mouth by saying too much about her familiarity with the King. He scolds her promptly afterward in private. [former reliable rumor, the latter is unknown]

  • Stumbled upon Drysllthen in the secret garden, fresh from his exercises. Asked to join him as he watched the color change of the leaves, continuing their conversation about the need for her confidentiality. [unknown]

  • Deep matters were disturbing the King and had called upon Quess to discuss some of them as they pertained to her. A new level of trust was reached but at the expense of troubled minds. [unknown, only Amanda knew about the letter that called on Quess and any of the events regarding Roselynne's request for Quess as her companion until Maeryn's return has yet to be played out]

  • A combination of factors produced a horrible scenario in her mind when she discovered the secretive and sudden leave of the King into the forest. This sent Quess into a frenzy, planning to gather a party (including Amanda and Orville) and ride out to bring him home. She were stopped before very far by Aksel who had a sedative prepared for her while they cooled her down in the parlor. [reliable rumor]

  • The same night, Quess's drugs hadn't taken the desired effect and on hearing the King's return, demanded that she be brought to him to see for herself. He allowed the visit despite in the middle of a bath. Quess has been docile and somewhat reclusive ever since. [unknown]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2009 2:38 pm

  • Received Maeryn's letter about joining her in the camp. Confused and concerned, she discusses the plans with Drysllthen. They also catch up on some private time together. [rumored at best, even the letter is not at all common knowledge]

  • Aethelwyn checked in on her and the affects of the sedatives as well as encourage her appetite and prescribed some light sleeping aids. [rumor, Quess' medications are likely known]

  • Had remained mostly to her own activities until the groups arrival that had returned from Karmenys where she walked surprisingly in on Maeryn and Drysllthen in conversation while looking for an unoccupied place to restfully sketch. The reunion was short, but Maeryn was plenty excited to begin the adventure planned before she'd even left. [unknown]

  • The morning after, they went to the cave in question, met by Naiia and her guard along the way who tagged along with them. Dark winding caves met with unpleasant conversations and feelings when the encountered Trylstrian's old lair. With little warning while they lit torches, the group came under attack by the undead guardians. Maeryn went different shades of crazy, Naiia tried to manage the chaos, and her guard sacrificed himself to try to hold the horde back while Quess had a panic attack but reacted to help Maeryn nonetheless. Violence ensued as their rescuers came from the opposite direction. Mari, the first to join the fray, also became injured in the defense. [known by those present]

  • Slashed, burnt, and clawed heavily, Quess was brought to the infirmary for treatment by Aethelwyn, Marianne, and the assistants. Signs of her shattered mental state are vague but present. [treatment known]

  • The same late evening (or rather very early the next morning), after visitations during her unconscious state by others and being watched by Amanda all day, Drysllthen came to check on her and enjoy a bit of restful relaxation from the tenseness of the day. [unknown]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 2:04 am

  • Was suprisingly visited by Aerinne who were checking in on her, joined by Aethelwyn who were doing the same. The two introduced each other in the process. Once Aerinne left, Aethelwyn offered the opportunity to keep the room for some time while also opening up about her past. [unknown]

  • An even more unexpected visitor made his appearance, Tyltin, who thanked her for her part in trying to keep his wife safe in the undead attack. An impression Quess has never forgotten. [unknown]

  • After some recovery time and a lot of willpower, Quess and Amanda journeyed upstairs to visit Maeryn for the first time since the event. It was a frightening experience to see in such a mental state, but Garnett's appearance did help matters greatly. [visit known, conversation not]

  • Had other visitors that included Nadya who promised more advanced training in the future, Aksel who spoke candidly with her about her situation, and Derryk who made her very leery of the man's intentions. [most visits are common knowledge but all conversations rumored at best]

  • Had an outing to see her horse and care for him a while, but upon hearing Drysllthen and Saeryll playing in the snow, was ushered out by Amanda to go spend time with them. Saeryll showed Quess her snow castle before they retired to the parlor for drinks and rest where the toddler fell asleep. The discussion that followed got a little tense as he raised his voice on her part in Maeryn's escapade but ultimately ended pleasantly. [known, converse rumored]

  • Returned from a night stroll to find Drysllthen lounging about in her room. Flirting fell to a deep and tense conversation about her role in his life and visa versa. A few hours' sleep cleared minds but opened the door to unprompted naughtiness. By the time all was said and done, including a few mores hours sleep, everything had changed. And nothing will be quite the same. [unknown]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2010 3:40 pm

  • Lulled down from her initial elation regarding Drysllthen, she spoke with Aethelwyn the following day about the consequences and her injuries. [unknown]

  • Wanderings outdoors with her escort lead her to under-dressed Maeryn sparring with a guard. After trying to warm the girl and get her calmed down, instead Maeryn taunted her and pressed buttons until Quess were cloak-less and joining in beating on wooden dummies. She is less than happy about current circumstances. [unknown]

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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 12:54 pm

  • Was secretly requested to Drysllthen's study where they spent time relaxing in each others company. She also requested a training dummy for her room, proving that she were taking her desire to be able to not only take care of herself but those she cared about seriously. [unknown]

  • Fell ill before and during the Feast of Ghosts from over exhaustion and cold. While there was no shared conversation nor sightings, she felt the familiar presence of another in the room. [illness known, presence unknown]

  • Shortly after recovery, word was sent that her mother, Rachelle Esdale, had fallen deathly ill after a medicine overdose. She, Orville, Sheridan, and Amanda along with other escorts traveled to Leugeilean so that she may be with her. [known]
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PostSubject: Re: Quess Esdale   Quess Esdale Icon_minitime

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