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 (LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!)

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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

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Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!) Empty
PostSubject: (LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!)   (LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:33 pm

Garnett dressed carefully in response to the less than desired summons. Through most of her stay, she had managed to avoid private meetings with her step-mother, Uhtred having no objection to her staying close to his side in a foreign land. The Princess was the very picture of a devoted wife, hand often touching his arm, the two sharing small knowing and adoring glances. The sapphire gown she chose was one of Danele's gifts, taken in after her loss. It was an exquisite piece of craftsmenship in Valenti colours, the slightly daring cut enough to make Garnett loook a woman rather than a child, and it gave her the comfort of the other woman she easily called Mother. Those stubborn red curls were plaited into an ornate crown braid, tiny jeweled accent ones looping whimsically. Of course, wisps still escaped, but she found herself almost daring the woman to comment. At her hip, as always, she wore her sword, the scabbard in the knotwork Uhtred had designed. The delicate paints and powders gave her face a gentle glow and smoothness, and once done, she almost felt prepared to face Queen Viridian. There was nothing left to do but take a deep breath, Garnett quietly making her way to the private alcove where they would dine. She managed a smooth curtsey for the woman, the type she found so easy when at Uhtred's side. "Thank you for asking me to dine with you, Mother." She greeted in a voice far calmer than she felt: she was learning from Uhtred.

Viridian Farquhar had dressed herself as per usual, extremely formal and perfect to the last detail. Of course, try as she might, no paints or powders could stop those signs of age. The little crows feet had only seemed to deepen around the corners of her eyes. And here and there, fine strands of silver salted those cinnamon locks. She sat, fingers curled around the stem of a wineglass, though she had yet to take a sip. Where is that blasted girl? She thought repeatedly to herself. How dare she keep her 'Mother' waiting! Eyes snapped to the doorway when the child finally showed herself. The smooth curtsey and the pleasant words did not draw a smile from the woman's lips. No, no, her eyes were pinned on the renegade whisps of hair that had broken free of the braided crown. She tsked in her barely-hidden disgusted fashion before gesturing to a chair. "Think nothing of it, dear. It was your father's idea. He thought you and I could use a bit of bonding time while you and your husband are here." Viridian Farquhar's fingertips rose and delicately gestured for a servant. "I will have a salad of mixed dark greens. A small bowl of stew, rolls and a glass of water." She said then shot Garnett a look "Order whatever you'd like, dear."

Garnett's brow arched slightly at the woman's usual critical appraisal, her smile pasted on her lips at her mother's answer. "Then I shall be certain to thank Father when he returns." She answered in an overly sweet tone. A glance back showed her guards waiting obediently outside the door, Garnett knowing they would taste and inspect her food before it was delivered to her. It had become the routine in their travels, both her own and Uhtred's fare tested first. "A salad as well, with roast fowl in a light sauce, whatever fresh bread you have prepared and vegetables. Tea to drink, if you please." Her address of the servant ended with a warm smile and a nod to dismiss the lad before she glided over to take a seat. Keeping that composed mask in place, she smoothed her gown and settled her sword before folding her hands neatly in her lap and allowing silence to reign. She had nothing to say, after all.

Viridian Farquhar's lips pursed at her order, and before the boy had been sent away, Vir added, rather loudly "A large helping of fowl. My daughter has grown painfully thin." Voice lowered a few degree's "Really darling. How can you expect to birth healthy children if you are but a twig." Brow arched high. Of course, she hadn't thought to be delicate over the matter. In Vir's eyes, Garnett's thinness had to be the sole cause of her inabillity to carry a child to term. Totally oblivious to any of the girl's feelings, green eyes settled, startled, on the sword. "What... is that?" She nearly growled out. A proper woman never carried such weaponry, not to mention carry it to a private dinner. Vir looked to her own men, one of them taking a step closer, glowering at the sword. "You dare bring a weapon to lunch with your Mother?" Her voice was soft, smooth, and incredibly icy as those dark eyes pinned on the girl.

Garnett's lips set into a thin line for an instant before she was able to hold Uhtred's face in her mind. This woman was nothing to her now, a mere annoyance, though there was nothing denying the pain at having not conceived again yet, nor the worry she felt over the lingering chill in her womb. "Really Mother, I have an appetite to rival Uhtred's in more ways than one, and he makes sure I eat well." The girl enunciated carefully, the smile on her lips nothing short of smug until the weapon came to the woman's attention. A protective curled around the pommel as sharp jade eyes snapped to the men. "If you touch my weapon or my person, my husband will consider it attack on his wife, and he will kill you when he returns. Not to mention his family's displeasure." She felt as though she was watching herself from the outside, the words almost soft as she delivered her threat, but there had been no hesitation. Garnett's deceptively cool glance slid to her mother, though she hoped the message of her words was clear. Yes, Mother, destroy the alliance Father worked so hard to obtain with me by behaving foolishly. Brilliant. "Osrik, Elghard! I've changed my mind. I wish you in here with me." She called sweetly to the Nharati guards who wasted no time entering the room. She flashed a charming smile toward them, eyes darting toward the glowering man. They stood, like brick walls, between the Princess and the man. "Now, Mother, you should know very well that it was Uhtred's wedding gift to me, and it pleases him that I wear it. It would not do to disappoint him, now would it?" The smile she'd offered the guards fell on her mother now. "I am so looking forward to the meal."

Viridian Farquhar glared hard as the girl saw fit to disrespect her in such an obvious and gaudy show of what little power she had earned. Earned from her father's efforts. Vir found it amusing that she would use those against his own house. "I'm sure you're Father will enjoy hearing about your tantrum darling. As if your own countrymen would harm you in any way. Really, have you gotten so paranoid child?" She offered the girl a cold smile. "And yes, I remember. Though to bring it to a dinner with your mother? That is very unladylike." She added it with a shrug of her shoulders. Let the Valenti's have their pathetic little barbarian. She thought to herself. "As am I." She said gently, regarding the meal before lifting the wineglass to her lips and taking a slow sip, as it had been tasted long before Garnett had shown up. "Perhaps then, if your appatite rivels your husband's... you are ill? You are looking awefully sallow, and your hair is more of a mess than usual. Looking rather brittle, I do say."

Garnett forced herself to chuckle, though she could already feel her mask wearing thin. Perhaps she should have pled illness. "And Uhtred of yours, Mother." I don't answer to Father any more, nor you, you wrinkled old witch. Discussion of the sword and the absolute necessity of it at her side, especially when Uhtred was not there, could only lead to revelations she care not to make, Garnett choosing to drop the subject as she nodded to her guards, the men standing at attention near the door. Her fingers glided affectionately over the sword's handle, nose wrinkling at the woman's insistant criticism. "I am recovering from illness, Mother, and you always have the sweetest things to say." She could not disguise the acid in her voice as she spoke, though she modulated it as she wandered on. "It's a shame that Queen Danele was away when you visited. I'm sure the two of you would have had pleasant conversation." The thought of the Queen settled her, remembering the woman having the temerity to call Viridian a bitch, vague amusement creeping through her.
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Posts : 848
Join date : 2008-08-30
Age : 45
Location : Eastern Canada

Character sheet
Full Name: Garnett Farquhar Valenti
Wed to: none - widowed

(LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!)   (LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:33 pm

Viridian Farquhar laughed lightly at the thought of Garnett tattling on her to her husband. Children, the both of them. Only smiled as she went on with that horrible tone to her voice "From what I've read, your illness was quite some time ago. You should be well by now. But we both know how dear little Garnett just pines for attention." She said sweetly. As Garnett went on, that smile only widened "Oh yes. It is quite a shame the dear Queen was not at your wedding. I would have liked to chat with her. Make sure she is keeping my sweet little girl happy and proper in my absence." It was then the servants arrived with her food, and she gestured to her man, to take a sample, all the while dark greens were locked on Garnett's face, trying hard to ignore the whisps she desperately wished to tuck into their proper places. "How was your trip?" She asked, then took another long sip from her glass.

Garnett considered her steaming tea for a long moment, wondering just how much trouble she would get for throwing it into her mother's face. Really, the woman was outrageous! "Not nearly so much as you, sweet mother." Her eyes flashed, her appetite however utterly gone. Attention latched on the Queen, finding gushing over her a rather pleasant thought. "Oh, she is quite wonderful, so easy to talk to and so caring. I adore her, and she is ever so nurturing." It was easy to smile when she was cooing over the Queen, the only uneasiness she felt with her due to her pregnancy, but even that..she was beginning to be happy for her. "The trip was quite pleasant. We visited with King Hekon in Geldenland for a spell, Queen Danele's father, you know. He was thrilled to see us, all hugs and gifts and demanded that we call him Grandfather." Smiles wreathed her face as she spoke, food left untouched for the moment. Their welcome here had been nearly as boisterious, her brothers teasing her about her massive husband who they found themselves liking easily, Father pleased with the success of the marriage. Only this old bat seemed to have a problem. "I scarcely wanted to leave it was so lovely there. Travel was frought with spring rains, but nothing too dire and plenty of time with Uhtred." His name, as always, was a caress..even when speaking to her.

Viridian Farquhar seemed not to even be listening as Garnett spoke. Spoon was dipped into her soup, slow, silent sip taken as it lifted to her lips. Dark eyes studied her bowl the whole time, nodding her head here and there in the midst of her daughter's speech. She had done her deed for her husband, but damned if she would tolerate the little welp throwing around her obvious fondness over another woman. All Vir had done was try to make the little brat into a proper lady, get her out of the mud and dirt and plants she seemed so in love with. Vir made Garnett into what she was, and all she got was loathing. It was terrible and insulting. "Mn, well darling. I am glad you are having a good time away from your home." She said lightly, finally glancing up "Do eat." Vir finally looked up at the little red-head for a long, long while. "You seem to be adjusting well to your new life, Garnett. Though, your Father and I wish you would write more. We are still very interested in you, afterall, we are your parents."

Garnett tore a small piece from her roll, nibbling on it slowly before she spoke again. "Oh, indeed I am, but we shall be returning before too long..after our visit to Kelenth." Home was Nharati now. Both her mother and father had made certain of that when they practically sold her so young for an alliance, the love she had developed for her husband the balm that eased the sting. A brow lofted underneath that long look, something of her old childish stubbornness settling in her jaw. It was under Uhtred's adoration and Danele's gentle warmth that she'd become the woman her mother had always wanted her to be, success where she had failed. "Uhtred has been most kind in helping me adjust. I'm sure I couldn't have done it without him, and I do write when I can, but life does tend to be quite busy at home." A pert smile curled her lips before she focused her attention on her meal, eating quite hungrily, though she kept herself to small lady-like bites.

Viridian Farquhar went back to her food as Garnett spoke, seeming not to hear anything the girl said, unless Vir could take it offensively or use it as ammo in her assult of the girl. "Yes, well I'm glad you are settling well." She said lightly, finishing off her soup. "A shame that you've never thanked your father for finding you such a lovely home to eventually rule, and a loving husband. He could have paired you up much worse you know." She looked at her daughter cooly for a moment "He could have very well tried to use you to patch up relations with Nyrthlond. But we didn't want that kind of life for you." Whether true or not, the thought surely had crossed the King's mind once or twice over the years as the raids devestated the shores and sea. "I do hope you both have a good time at Kenelth." She added, reminding the girl that the manor had been a gift from her and the King.

Garnett glanced up in surprise at the continued criticism, lips twitching slightly. "I have thanked Father often for such an arrangement, Mother. Did he not tell you?" Indeed, when it had turned out so fine, King Gregor had even laughed at his daughter's effusiveness over the arrangement. True, she had been angry as a child, but she knew when gratitude was due. "I'm certain he could have, Mother, but alliance with Nharati was a rather more fruitful one with my own high placement far more certain than it would be in such an arrangement with Nyrthlond." Such a thought by her Father was doubtless dropped quickly, alliances with Nharati by marriage far more common. She'd not even entertain the thought, knowing it was more to prick at her now than any truth. "I'm certain we shall have a lovely time there. It's so good that we finally will have a chance for a honeymoon. Uhtred looks forward to seeing it."

Viridian Farquhar nodded gently "Yes he has told me. But he's also told me that you're arrogance is becoming a strain to him. He misses you, dear." Of course, half of that was a lie. He had only talked adoringly of the girl, much to Vir's frustration and insistance that she was a little barbarian tomboy. Surely once he saw his little girl brandishing a weapon, he'd see it. "I'm certain you will as well. It is quite a lovely place." She uttered gently and plucked the napkin out of her lap. Vir had grown annoyed that she hadn't been able to intimidate the girl as easily as she had used to. Not even her jabs at pregnancy and heath had affected her. "If you'll excuse me love. I do have duties to attend to." She gave Garnett a moment to oppose, or bring up anything she wished too, giving her a long, level look.

Garnett pressed a hand to her lips to stifle laughter that wanted to bloom, hiding it in a small cough. That lie wasn't even a good one. Father had been warmer to her on this visit than he'd ever been in his life, beaming proudly, even amused by her explanations of Uhtred teaching her to wield a sword. Of course, had her husband not been the one behind such lesson, the good King would have objected..but such a warm affectionate bond between the two boded well for the alliance and Garnett's ability to sway things to Leugeilean's benefit. "Yes, I shall be certain to write him more often, Mother." She answered sweetly, still nibbling on her meal. It was impossible not to keep the small glint of triumph from her eyes as her mother excused herself, and Garnett simply rose from her seat politely to offer a small curtsey. "Of course, Mother. It was kind of you to take time to show your concern." Her head inclined graciously, those little wisps of red dancing around her neck.

Viridian Farquhar looked over Garnett for a long, long while. "I'm sure you think so." She said defeatedly. Was that... a tear in her eye? If it was it was sniffed away quickly as she tossed the napkin into her empty bowl. "Despite what you believe Garnett. I do love you as my own. I only want the best for you." She stood and straightened her dress, smoothing out the wrinkleless garment. "I wish you'd realize that." And without waiting for a response, she turned and whisked out of the room, her men following behind her with the clank of armor in their wake.

Garnett blinked at that rare show of emotion, the girl still suceptible to sympathy for the woman. Her lips set as she let the woman leave in silence, head hanging for a long moment as she stared at her dinner. Did she? Had Garnett overreacted to a percieved slight? But so many comments still rang in her ears, the guilt ebbing away as she murmured under her breath. "You have a strange way of showing it.." Silence gripped her as she continued her meal, only to find it disrupted by the warm interruption of her younger sisters, the girls clinging to her as they all ate and told secrets, guilt and sorrow long forgotten in their warm company...somehow their mother's dislike of Garnett not quite infecting them.
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(LOG) Garnett and Viridian (by special request!)
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